The Healing Game


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"When we met up Nick outlined what I would be doing; my own Physio centre, full gym, hydro pool, at Chatswood. I had been saving my contract money from the Heat looking to buy my own house, but I used this money to buy into the practice and move down here."

"That was a huge step Jenna. It must have been scary to make such a big change to your life?" Matt asked.

"Yes, but exciting at the same time." Jenna smiled at Matt. "So I moved down here in April last year, not even thinking about playing cricket. I notified Queensland Cricket that I was coming down here for work and that I would not be playing for them the following season, and they let Cricket Australia know that I was a free agent.

"I didn't really expect to be playing again. I was concentrating on my work and really getting my teeth into the new job. It was then that I got invited to train with NSW, and this led to a contract with them and a WBBL contract with the Sixers. Thankfully as I'm the boss I can adjust my schedule to fit training and playing in. I have a great team at the Centre and they run the place so well when I'm not there."

"Yes Jenna, your team at work are brilliant." Matt chipped in.

Jenna smiled at him. "Anyway at the beginning of last season I had a photoshoot and press conference for the Sixers, where I was being announced as one of their new signings. It was with some of the men's team too, but I obviously didn't make much of an impression..."

Jenna was laughing and Matt was shaking my head.

"I am so sorry Jenna. I wish I had remembered you when I first met you at the Centre... But in my defence, you had your hair out for the press conference, and it is always tied back at work." Matt replied, vainly clutching at straws, trying to explain himself.

Jenna was giggling at Matt's feeble attempts to get out of the hole he had dug when they first met.

"So do I look that different with my hair out; do I?" She asked.

Matt looked straight into her eyes.

"You look beautiful with your hair out... Actually you look beautiful all the time." He said, his voice trailing away slightly.

Jenna had stopped laughing and began to blush. She played with her hair a little, bit her bottom lip and then said quietly "Thank you Matt." She looked into his eyes as she said this.

The waiter then arrived and brought their entrees, breaking the spell between them.

As they ate, Jenna asked "So how come you aren't going out with that actress anymore Matt?"

He sighed and shook his head. "I shouldn't have gone out with her in the first place. We met at the premiere of a movie. I don't like those events and things, press, photographers, people just making small talk... I get really ... Umm ... Anxious in those circumstances. I only went because I wanted to see the movie, and my manager thought it would be good to raise my profile, as I had a couple of endorsement contracts up for renewal.

"I found myself sitting in the theatre next to Alannah. She started to talk to me before the movie started as she recognised me. We continued chatting at the party afterwards, went out a few times and before I knew it we were 'a couple'. It seemed pretty genuine to start with, but as I was away playing during the season we didn't see each other all that much. She seemed to appear though when I was playing at the big games; Boxing Day Test, New Year's Test, wherever she could be 'seen'.

"It all went to shit after I injured my knee. She wanted me to go out to parties and events with her, but I was struggling, as you well know." He smiled at Jenna and she sympathetically smiled back. "It all came to a head when she mocked my injury one evening. I had realised by then that she was just using me to keep her profile up in front of the press and she didn't have feelings for me. To be honest I didn't really have feelings for her either. I broke up with her when this happened. She is now going out with another very dubious actor. They will Instagram each other to death. Ha ha ha."

Jenna laughed too. "She isn't a very good actress Matt... I do recall seeing some of your pictures together, and you always looked ... ummm expressionless."

"That's because I was usually very anxious. I hate those situations. You know photoshoots, big parties where you have to meet and talk with lots of people. Makes me very uncomfortable..." He took a deep breath. "I have difficulty talking with people I meet straight away. I am actually quite introverted and making small talk is just horrible for me."

Looking at Jenna, her expression was the epitome of kindness. She wasn't judging him, she was accepting him. Matt was opening up to her and she could see even more about Matt that she liked. Jenna then asked "What about when you have to sign autographs, or go to Team functions for sponsors?"

Matt smiled "Autographs and selfies are ok. It's always just a quick hello and thank you. Signing for the kids is great as they always seem happy to meet you. At team sponsor functions I always make sure I am with one of the more outgoing players. Usually people are talking about cricket at those functions and that sometimes makes it a little bit easier. I still don't like doing it. In all honesty Jenna that's probably why I didn't remember meeting you. Not at all because of you, but because I don't like those situations and I was doing my best just to get through it."

Jenna reached across the table and took his hand. "You seem comfortable with me now?"

Feeling her soft hand in his Matt ran his thumb over her fingers.

"Yes I am. Because I have gotten to know you and ... I like you." Matt said quietly not wanting to frighten Jenna away.

"I like you too Matt. I wouldn't be here if I didn't." Jenna said with a smile, still holding his hand across the table.

They looked at each other for a few seconds before Matt wondered about something.

"But I remember when you gave me the kick up the arse I needed, you said how arrogant I was." He said.

Jenna squeezed his hand and looked very contrite.

"I am so sorry for saying that. You aren't arrogant Matt. I now realise you are just quiet in new situations. I misjudged you completely."

Matt smiled at her. "So what made you change your opinion of me?"

"As you spent more time at the centre I could see the real you coming out. I could see you were actually trying to get your knee better, really trying. I also remember seeing you help some of the other people in the gym. You even helped June up the ramp into the centre one day."

Matt smiled remembering that.

"Yes she was struggling. But so was I, so we helped each other."

Jenna looked into Matt's eyes.

"Matt when I helped you while Adam was away I got to see the real you, the nice, genuine guy you are. The longer I have known you the more I like you. Nice guys have been hard to find for me." The look on Jenna's face changed and she looked a little sadder.

This really surprised Matt.

"Surely Jenna, a woman who is as attractive, talented and intelligent as you would be beating blokes away with a stick."

Jenna laughed heartily.

"Oh Matt far from it... It seems when you play Women's sport at a professional level, the prevailing sentiment is that you must be a lesbian. And yes, while we do have a high proportion of lesbians on the team, some of us aren't gay."

"Of course you're not. And I know some of your teammates. Brooke is married to my teammate Lucas, and Amber Parry is engaged to that Rugby player." Matt replied.

"Yes that's true, but the stigma is still there. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay. It's just that I'm not." Jenna said, with some measure of frustration in her voice.

"Phew. That's good news. This date might have been a bit awkward then if you were." Matt said laughing, breaking the tension.

Jenna laughed too.

"I did have a boyfriend while at Uni doing my degree. But that relationship just fizzled out over time. I have been single for... Probably 3 years now."

"Have you been dating much since you have been here in Sydney?"

"No I haven't Matt. I have been too busy with work and cricket. The guys that have asked me out have usually been the 'meathead' footballers I see through work. And I definitely wouldn't go out with them."

With everything Jenna had said it became clear to Matt that she wanted a relationship, not just a fling. That was great because that was what Matt wanted too. They both seemed to want to find that special someone to share their lives.

Matt picked up his glass and toasted "Well here is to what is hopefully the start of a great friendship and relationship."

They clinked glasses and had a sip of their drinks. Jenna reached out and held Matt's hand again, giving a gentle squeeze.

The rest of the evening was great as they conversed, finding out so much more about each other. Matt thought Jenna was so funny and cheeky, but sweet at the same time. She has strong ideas and opinions and he liked that very much. It was even better that she listened to his stories and enjoyed what he was saying.

Jenna found Matt to be so much more than she thought he was. He was quietly spoken, thoughtful and charming. He listened to her speak and he told the most interesting stories. And he was so, so handsome. She had to keep pinching herself just to remind her that this was real and not just a dream.

After they finished the sumptuous dinner, they headed out to take in the views over Sydney Harbour. Jenna wrapped her arm around Matt's waist and snuggled into him. He had his arm around her shoulders.

"Well Matt you sure know how to impress a girl on a first date. Tonight has been wonderful." Jenna said beaming happily at him.

"I'm glad you're having a good time. I'm having a great time too. And it is all due to the person I'm with." Matt replied as he cuddled Jenna a little closer. Being out with such a gorgeous woman was the best feeling in the world.

Jenna stopped walking and turned to face Matt. She looked deep into his eyes, her arms going around to draw him close. The chemistry between them was palpable. They were going to kiss. Matt stepped forward slightly with his right foot.

As he stepped forward, Matt's foot slipped off the edge of the path, and he lost his balance. He started falling sideways. Thankfully he had the presence of mind to let go of Jenna so he didn't drag her down with him. Matt was lucky that it was just a stumble and he got his footing back after a couple of very awkward steps.

Jenna initially showed concern, worried that Matt's injured knee had given way. But when she realised it was just because he was clumsy, she started laughing heartily.

"Smooth move Casanova. Some athlete you are. Literally trying to sweep me off my feet huh?" she laughed.

Matt was laughing too. He managed to get his balance back and returned the few paces to where Jenna was still laughing. Putting his arms around her shoulders again he said "Damn, I thought my plan to sweep you away would work." He laughed.

Jenna leant into him, wrapping her arms around him again. They kissed, gently, tenderly, finding their way. Breaking apart a little, Jenna's eyes opened and a broad grin went across her face. Matt too was smiling and they kissed again. Passion began to flow as their lips locked and tongues duelled gently. Making out for a few moments, all their initial hesitation slipping away as they both knew this was what they wanted.

When they moved apart Jenna breathed "Oooohhh Matt. I don't think you have to try too hard to sweep me away."

Matt touched her face and she leant her head into his hand.

"Point noted... But I'm not going to stop trying." He said before kissing her again.

They made out again on returning to Jenna's apartment. She didn't invite him in and Matt didn't expect to be invited in as he was more than willing to wait. As he was leaving they did make plans to go out again the following night. They kissed again before saying goodnight. Matt left Jenna's walking on a cloud. Jenna's heart was pounding and she was as excited as she had ever been.


That next morning Matt was working out in the gym at his apartment when he got a text message from Jenna. She had been so happy when she woke up that morning and she wanted Matt to know how good a night she had.

'Had an amazing night Matt. Missing you already. Can't wait to see you tonight.'

'Can't wait to see you either!! ;)' Matt replied, so happy to hear from her.

That night they went out for a bite to eat and to catch a movie. This date was much more casual than their previous night out which suited them. Matt thought Jenna looked amazing again, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Jenna was impressed that Matt wore a nice shirt, jeans and a jacket, which he offered to her as there was a cool breeze that evening.

They ate at a little noodle place near the cinemas before seeing the movie. During their conversation that night, Matt and Jenna discovered a lot of similarities in what they liked and disliked.

They both preferred quiet nights, seeing a movie or going out to dinner rather than going out night clubbing. They both hated electronic dance type music. Jenna liked more pop and country (Matt blamed that on her being a Queensland country girl) where as he liked rock. She likes rom-coms and dramas, he liked comedy and thrillers. Most importantly of all was that they liked each other.

Sunday came around and Jenna wanted to train in the morning. She had a training program that she stuck to, working out reasonably early in the morning at a nearby sports field. Matt asked if she wanted some company and she agreed. Jenna could not believe that Matt wanted to be with her while she worked out.

Matt did his stretches and gentle walking, while Jenna did her laps of the ground, stretches and sprints. To watch the intensity with which she worked out impressed Matt greatly. Jenna was so driven and she gave her all every time she exercised. She was red faced and very sweaty when she finished.

Matt commented on how hard she worked. Jenna smiled and cuddled him.

"It was easier with an appreciative audience." She giggled before kissing him.

"Are you doing anything else today?" he asked.

"No not really."

"Well why don't we go out and have some breakfast and spend the day together?"

"Mmmmm, that sounds perfect Matt." Jenna purred. "But I can't go out looking like this."

"Ok. We both should change really. Why don't you go home and get changed and then come to my apartment. There is a great little spot right near my place where we can have a nice breakfast and great coffee."

"I'd really like that and I get to see your place too. That sounds wonderful Matt."

Matt gave Jenna directions and a pass card to get into the garage of the apartments to park her car. She could then come up in the lift to his place.

They kissed again before heading to their own homes.

Matt showered and made himself presentable. His apartment was clean, as he was a bit of a neat freak, so he wasn't worried about that. He hadn't told Jenna anything about his place and he was looking forward to seeing her reaction when she saw it.

Jenna went home and showered. She wanted to look good for Matt, so she wore tight jeans, slightly ripped at both knees and a white t-shirt as it was a warm day. Her dark hair was out around her shoulders, as she noted Matt seemed to like it when she had her hair out. The sun was shining as she drove the short distance to Matt's apartment. Arriving at the building Jenna used the card and went into the carpark.

The security system in Matt's apartment beeped when Jenna arrived in the carpark. Looking on the monitor he could see Jenna getting out of her car and go into the lift. By swiping her pass card in the lift, it automatically took her to Matt's floor. He went and opened his front door and waited for her. She came out of the lift and Matt thought she looked gorgeous. The look on her face was one of surprise.

Jenna came across and gave him a big kiss and a hug.

"You never told me that you lived in such a flashy apartment building."

"Welcome to my home." Matt said as he held her hand and guided her into his apartment.

They walked down the hallway to the open plan living, dining and kitchen area. From here the floor to ceiling windows opened out onto a balcony, with expansive views across the Harbour Bridge and the City.

"Oh Matt... What a stunning view... Looking across the city... the Bridge and Harbour... All the boats..." Jenna was babbling as she tried to take it all in. She could not believe that this was where Matt lived, in such an amazing apartment.

They headed out onto the balcony and she was gobsmacked by the view. Even though Matt lived here and saw it every day, he still loved the view. Jenna wrapped her arm around him and held him close as she took it all in.

Matt then guided her back into the apartment so he could show her the rest. Jenna just tried to take it all in, really liking Matt's place. He showed her his bedroom, the guest room, and the office, where he kept all of his playing memorabilia. As they came back into the living room, Jenna noticed some of the pictures he had around.

She picked one up, an older photo of Matt.

"Is this when you were young?" she asked.

Matt smiled "Yes that's me with my Dad, Alan, and Mum, Christie. I would have been about 4 in that picture... It is the last picture I have with my Dad and Mum together."

"Oh Matt. Did they split up?"

"No. Dad died not long after that in a plane crash."

Jenna came over and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Matt. I didn't know." She was genuinely upset that she had brought this up.

Matt held her close. "It's ok Jenna. It was a long time ago. Dad was a financial advisor and investor. He was travelling out on a light plane to see a new mining investment opportunity when the plane went down and there were no survivors."

As they embraced Matt thought it was time to tell Jenna the whole story of his family. They sat down on the lounge together and Matt continued.

"Mum raised me herself until she passed away from cancer when I was 17, overseas playing in England. I didn't even know she had passed away until I returned home... Apparently she didn't want me to know until I returned home as she didn't want me distracted while I was playing over there... She always believed I was going to be a good cricketer and she wanted me to have the best chance I could."

Jenna was cuddled close to Matt and had tears in her eyes as he told his story.

"Oh Matt that is terrible. I'm so sorry for you." She sniffled as they held each other close. They cuddled for a few moments before Jenna asked "Do you have any siblings? I have never heard you mention them."

"I do have a sister, Tina, but she is 18 years older than me and was already out of home when I was born. I haven't seen her since I was little."

"You haven't tried to contact her?"

"I did try when I made the Australian team, but I could not find her. I have no idea at all where she would be. To be honest, at this stage I don't really care. I have been independent since I was 17."

Matt was beginning to rant a little. The resentment he felt at his difficult family life was coming to the surface. He paused, looking at Jenna. She had the saddest look on her face, her blue eyes sparkling with unshed tears in sympathy for him. He could see that Jenna was there for him and that she deeply cared about him.

"I was going to say that I am used to being by myself, but I am realising that I want to have someone, someone special in my life." he said quietly, looking into Jenna's eyes. Matt was opening his heart like he had never done in the past.

Jenna smiled and blinked away her tears as he said this, her heart melting a little more for this gorgeous man. They embraced on the lounge as Jenna buried her face in Matt's neck. She moved back and kissed him, looking much happier than when he was talking before.
