The Healing Game


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Jenna lifted her bum as it was slightly stuck to the benchtop. She jumped down and looking back she could see that there was a very distinctive 'bum print' on there.

"Oh god Matt. We are going to have to clean the bench after we clean ourselves up." Jenna giggled.

"No way Jenna, I'm going to get a frame, put it around that and have it as a piece of art. 'Bum Print on Granite' is definitely the best piece of art I have ever seen. It will be a talking point when we have guests over, although I still prefer the original 'Jenna's Bum', as my favourite piece of art." Matt laughed, reaching around and squeezing her bum.

Jenna playfully smacked Matt's hand away.

"Hey 'Mr Sexy-all-over', you doing that was what started this in the first place."

"Sorry Gorgeous. It's just that I came in and saw the most beautiful woman in the world dancing in our house, looking absolutely knock out sexy, I just couldn't help myself."

"Am I really that sexy to you Matt?" Jenna asked shyly as she cuddled up to Matt.

"Jenna you are not only sexy, but beautiful. Since we have lived together I am seeing it more and more. Like just before, coming in and seeing you so happy, dancing around and singing to your favourite songs, wearing my shirt and those cute panties. You are so gorgeous when you are just being yourself at home. I still can't get over the fact that you love me."

"Thank you Matt. My love for you grows every day. I can't believe that the handsomest, sweetest, kindest man anywhere is my man. I love you Matt."

They kissed again, standing together still in the kitchen embracing. Jenna ran her hand down Matt's back and she could feel that Matt hadn't pulled his pants up. He was standing in the kitchen with his pants around his ankles. She smacked his bare bum.

"Come on Mr Sexy. Let's go and get cleaned up." Jenna said as she took hold of his penis, pulling him to follow her. "Maybe in the shower we can get all dirty again before we get clean."


At the beginning of October, Jenna's parents, Brian and Sue, came down to celebrate Jenna's birthday. They stayed with Matt and Jenna for a few days in their apartment. Jenna was bubbling with excitement, while Matt was understandably a little nervous.

Her parents were lovely and they enjoyed staying with the happy couple. Matt did undergo a grilling from Brian about his intentions towards Brian's little girl, but he could see Matt was genuinely in love with Jenna, and it didn't take long at all to warm to him.

Matt took on the role of tour guide while they were in Sydney. Brian and Sue hadn't been to Sydney very often, so while Jenna was at work or training, Matt took the chance to show them around some of the sights. They really enjoyed themselves and it gave them a chance to get to know Matt, and Matt them.

While Jenna was training with the Sydney Sixers one afternoon, at the Indoor complex at the Sydney Cricket Ground, Matt decided to take Brian for a look at the ground. Brian had never been to the ground before and he wanted to see Jenna training. After Matt took Brian around the ground and museum, they went into the Indoor complex. Walking through the complex a lot of the people knew Matt and all said hello. Many of the women in Jenna's team also said hello. Jenna gave them a wave too as she was busy at the time.

Brian and Matt sat together, watching the practice session, talking about what was happening as well as Jenna's cricket. While they were watching and chatting away, the head coach of the team came over and said hello. Christine Walford, or Chris as she was known, was an extremely highly regarded player and coach. She debuted for Australia at 23, playing until her retirement at 34. She then married and had two sons. She was now 46, and had successfully coached the Sydney Sixers women for the past 3 seasons.

She was one of the few women cricketers Matt actually knew reasonably well. When he made his debut for Australia, she had sent him messages of congratulations and even came and said hello at that game. She had seemed to follow his career a little, but as part of the very exclusive club of people who had played for Australia, this didn't seem strange to Matt.

After saying their hellos, Matt introduced Brian and they all chatted together for a few minutes. She asked about Matt's knee and he told her progress was good. If all kept going to plan he should be back at full training at the beginning of January, with the aim to play again by late January. She then mentioned that Jenna was playing really well this season. Chris thought that Jenna seemed quite content in her life at the moment. Brian chirped up and said that Matt must be a good influence on her.

As Chris said goodbye to head back to training, she place her hand on Matt's shoulder.

"It's nice to see you again Matthew. Don't be a stranger. Come down and see us whenever you want." She smiled at him, squeezed his shoulder and went back to her work.


Jenna's parents left a few days later having thoroughly enjoyed their visit. Matt had really enjoyed having them around. Jenna was really pleased that her parents liked Matt and that they had all gotten along so well.

Over the following few days Matt found that he was missing having family of his own. With the anger and sadness he felt at not being told his Mum had passed away, he hadn't even visited where his parents were interred. That night when Jenna came home Matt told her his thoughts. He said how he thought now was the right time for him to go and see their final resting place. Jenna was so supportive. She organised to have the day off from work to come with him, as she wanted to be there to support Matt.

The next day, Friday, Matt contacted his family solicitor/ trustee and he told Matt where his parents were interred. Jenna and Matt then made the 25 minute trip out to see the Memorial Park. It was a beautiful garden setting, with lots of lawn and raised gardens. After a little searching Jenna and Matt came across his parent's plaque in one of the gardens.

Matt was emotionally on edge, actually seeing his parents final resting place. He took his time and read the plaque.

'Here lies Alan John Larkham 17 December 1946 -12 March 1994 and Krystal Monique Larkham 18 April 1947- 20 August 2007, Beloved Parents of Christine.'

He couldn't believe his eyes. He wasn't even mentioned on the plaque. Jenna had her arm around Matt and was gently rubbing his back.

"I... I can't believe it... I am not even mentioned on the... Wait, I thought Mum's name was Christine, not Krystal... I'm sure my birth certificate says Christine not Krystal... Every one called her Christie... It must have been Kristie with a 'K'... What ... Maybe they are not..." Tears were rolling down Matt's face at this stage. All of his life, all the foundations were crumbling before his eyes. Who was he? Where was he actually from?

Jenna was holding him close, feeling upset herself, as she could see how confused and upset Matt was. She gradually calmed him down.

"Who am I Jenna? What if Mum and Dad aren't my parents?" Matt babbled.

"Matt, Darling it will be ok. There will be a simple explanation for this I'm sure. Who did you call to find out where we had to come today? I'm sure they will know all the answers." she said consoling him.

Jenna rang Matt's family's solicitor, as Matt wasn't in a talking mood. They were told to come right over, so Jenna drove them over to the offices in North Sydney. Matt managed to gather himself up a little on the trip over, but his mind was a maelstrom of thoughts and doubts.

Arriving at the office, they were shown straight in to see Patrick, who handled all of Matt's family's affairs.

Once in his office, Patrick said "When you called wanting to know where your family is interred, I knew you'd be back here looking for answers."

Matt was about to speak when Patrick pulled an envelope out of a file on his desk.

"Kristie gave me this letter just before she passed away, with very strict instructions to only give it to you if the circumstances of today arose."

As Matt received the envelope, he immediately recognised his Mum's handwriting. Jenna had her hand on Matt's leg as he opened the sealed envelope.

"Dearest Matthew,

If you are reading this you must have visited our plot at the Memorial Gardens. I imagine you must be confused and angry right now. Please don't be.

As you have probably worked out I was not your birth mother, but Christine, your sister 'Tina' is your actual mother. I am your Grandmother.

Christine was so young when she had you and was suffering from depression terribly after you were born. She was in no fit state to raise you at that time. So Alan and I raised you.

We loved you like our son Matthew and we gave you everything we could for you to have the best childhood possible. In our eyes you were our son and we always loved you.

Your mother, our daughter, Christine kept in touch with your life as you grew and loves you very much.

Now that you know all of this you may want to contact her. Her married name is Christine Walford, and, like you Matthew, she plays cricket.

Please Matthew, don't be upset. I love you and your mother loves you too. None of this changes who you are, the strong young man I raised, who is kind and considerate to others. I have always been proud of you Matthew and always will be proud of you.

Love forever

Mum Kristie xxx'

Matt's head dropped as tears streamed down his face. He handed the letter to Jenna and she too started to cry as she read it. She got to the second last paragraph and said aloud "Oh my God Matt, Chris is your Mum!!"

They just looked at each other, struggling to comprehend what they had found out.

After a short while they left the office, but not before making sure there were no more family secrets Matt needed to know about. Jenna and Matt headed home in relative silence. Matt was in shock. The whole bedrock on which he believed his life had been built was a sham.

Jenna was so kind, looking after Matt, allowing him to vent, to be angry and to cry when he needed to. She hated seeing the love of her life in so much pain, so she looked after Matt as best she could. At 2 pm Jenna said that she was calling to say she couldn't go to training with the Sixers that afternoon. Matt however insisted that she go and that he would be ok until she came home.

When Jenna left and Matt was by himself, the questions kept racing through his mind. The one prevailing question that kept coming up was 'Why?' He decided he needed to ask Chris about everything. Matt knew she would be at Jenna's training, so he drove across to see her there.

Getting to the ground at 5pm, the girls were having fielding practice on the main field. Matt took a seat in front of the main Pavilion and watched them run through their drills. Chris was in charge, barking instructions and encouragement to her players. Matt could see Jenna running around, catching and throwing. She was trying her hardest as always and just seeing Jenna brought some happiness to his tortured soul.

The training wrapped up at about 5:30, and the girls headed off the ground to go to the dressing rooms to get changed and head home. Matt stood up and moved over towards the outfield fence and the girls walked past. They all said hello and asked how he was going.

Jenna was one of the last to leave the field. Seeing Matt there, Jenna knew he was going to confront her coach about their past and this worried her. Matt could tell by the expression on Jenna's face that she was worried for him.

"Are you ok Matt?" Jenna asked.

"Yes Jenna I am... I ... I just have to know. I have to talk to her."

"Ok Honey. I'm here for you."

He kissed Jenna.

"I know. Thank you Jenna."

She held Matt's hand as his focus turned to seeing Chris and her assistant coach packing up the equipment from the session.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Jenna asked.

Matt kissed her again.

"Thank you Babe. But no, I have to do this myself." He said as he squeezed her hand.

"I love you Matt."

"I love you too Jenna."

They kissed before Matt headed out onto the ground. The assistant coach passed him loaded with equipment and said hello. Matt said hello back.

Chris turned around and saw Matt heading out there.

"Hi Matthew. How are you today?" she asked brightly.

Matt took a deep breath.

"Feeling very confused actually Chris... Or is it Tina? Or Mum today?"

Chris's face dropped.

"I... I thought you must have already known."

"No. I just found out today actually. And I'm pretty confused and angry right now... Why Chris? Why?" Matt said with tears forming in his eyes.

"Come on Matthew. Let's go and sit down and I'll tell you what happened."

As they walked off the field, Chris organised with her assistant to take the rest of the equipment. They went and sat down in front of the Pavilion and Matt started to talk.

"After having Jenna's family visit I was feeling sad about not having my own family to share things with. So I went to visit Mum and Dad's plaque in the cemetery... But I'm not on the plaque, Mum has a different name and I'm all confused. We go and see Patrick and he gives me a letter from Mum, who is not my Mum, but my GRANDMOTHER and I find out you are my MOTHER."

"It must have been a shock for you Matthew."

"YOU THINK!! Having your whole life's urrrgh history changed in a few minutes is a bit shocking."

"Sorry. That was a stupid thing to say. I thought you must have already known."

"I hadn't visited the cemetery until today... I was so ... Angry and upset when Mum... urrgh Grandmoth... Kristie died ... That I couldn't visit there."

Looking at Chris was difficult, but Matt could see that she was trying to be understanding.

"Well Matthew I should tell you what happened back then." She said.

As Matt looked at her she could see the desperation for information written all over his face.

"I fell pregnant with you when I was 17 towards the end of my last year at school. My boyfriend of six months Craig was your father. When he found out I was pregnant he ... disappeared. Leaving me on my own to go through it all ..." Matt was about to ask a question and Chris spoke up again.

"Before you ask he is no longer with us. He died before you were born. He joined the army when he left me, and was killed in a training accident with live ammunition. He never even knew you were born." She said before turning her head away briefly.

"I was starting to make representative teams with my cricket, and the news that I was pregnant would have spread throughout the cricket world really quickly. I probably would have been shunned out of the game, at least at a higher level. My world was collapsing, all from a stupid, drunken night at a party...

"Mum, Dad and I talked and we worked out that I should 'get an injury' and be out of the game for 12 months. So with some help from some of Dad's contacts, I had a knee ligament injury and a medical certificate to prove it, and was out of the game."

As Chris said this Matt looked down and flexed his injured knee.

Chris sighed "Matthew you don't understand the scandal that the news I was pregnant, with no father, would have caused back then... We were living down in Victoria, near Brighton, at the time, but sold up and we moved up here to our house at Mosman. Up here we were totally unknown and this made it easier. Dad moved his business up to Sydney and started to build a life up here for us.

"I had you just after I turned 18. At the hospital I wanted to contact Craig to let him know..." Chris started to tear up. "I hadn't had any contact from him for ages... They told me he had died..."

She was now visibly upset.

"I was a wreck Matthew. I was depressed and had suicidal thoughts... Mum took you home as you were a constant reminder to me of Craig and that he was gone."

Chris dried her eyes a little before continuing. "I was in no state to come home; or to raise you properly. I spoke with counsellors and doctors. I ended up being 'institutionalised' for nearly 12 months."

The look of shock on Matt's face was so visible. Chris looked at him and wanted to reassure him.

"It was a very nice place, but it was felt that I needed time to get my life back... After nearly a year I was in a much better mental state, close to being me, and they decided I could go back to real life. It had been decided, by the doctors, that my raising you was not in your best interest in the near future, and that Mum and Dad would raise you."

Matt was stunned hearing all this. His mind, already in a whirl, was jumbled even further.

She continued. "My marks from school had got me accepted into University in Melbourne, so Mum and Dad organised to have this all transferred up to Sydney. I went and lived on campus at Sydney University, did my degree in Sports Science, and played for the Sydney Uni cricket team. I quickly went to play for NSW and Australia after that. When I saw Mum and Dad, for all intents and purposes, it appeared as though I was your much older sister. So that is how we lived life to the outside world."

Chris looked at Matt, seeing the confusion on his face.

"Matthew even though Mum raised you, I never stopped loving you. I kept in touch as much as I could with what you were doing. I knew all about your schooling and how you were growing up. While I did move away and move on with my life, not a day went by when I didn't think of you.

"It is the biggest regret of my life not being there for you Matthew, and keeping this all a secret from you for so long. I should have found you when you came back from England after Mum died. I should have told you then. I didn't and I'm so sorry."

They were both now in tears. Matt could see Chris was sad and very remorseful about the past, but he was still confused and hurt by all that had happened.

"Do your husband and family know about me?" Matt asked quietly.

"Yes James knows about you. My other sons, Jack and Samuel don't know about you... But they do enjoy watching you play." Chris said with a half-smile.

It was all getting too much for Matt. He didn't want to be there anymore.

"I'm sorry Chris but I have to go." he said getting up and starting to leave.

"Matthew...Matthew are you ok? Come back and I'll..."

"No Chris I have to go." Matt said as he hurried away.

He went and jumped in his car, driving out of there as quick as he could. All of his anxieties had kicked in and he felt trapped, scared and afraid. He drove into the peak hour traffic, headed into the Tunnel northbound towards home. His mind was a blur.

'My 'sister' is my mother! My 'mother' was my grandmother, Dad was my Grandfather. My mother is a sportsperson and coach.' Matt thought.

He was trying to process everything Chris had told him. All the while he just kept driving and driving.

Before Matt knew it he was on the freeway heading north out of Sydney. Looking at the clock on the dash it said it was just about 8pm. He was nearly half way to Newcastle, almost an hour from home. What was he doing? Matt was near an exit so he pulled off the freeway. As he parked the car he burst into tears. He was so emotionally overwhelmed and didn't know what to do.

Just then his phone rang. Looking down he could see it was Jenna. His beautiful Jenna.

"Hi Jenna," Matt answered, sniffling back his tears.

"Matt are you ok? It's getting late and I was wondering where you are?"

Matt sniffled "I'm about halfway to Newcastle and I don't even remember driving here."

"Oh my poor Darling. Are you alright?" Jenna asked with great concern.

Matt paused before answering. He could hear Jenna was worried about him and this made him feel a little better.

"Yes Sweetheart I'm ... I'm ok, especially now that I can hear your voice." Matt said quietly, but with a little note of optimism in his voice.
