The Healing Game


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She looked into his eyes, before looking out of his gaze.

"That sounds like something I want too..." Jenna said quietly.

Her emotions were so raw. She returned her gaze to Matt's eyes and he was smiling at her.

They kissed again, a little longer this time. Their cards were out on the table and they both wanted the same thing.

Breaking apart from their kiss Matt could see the all her feelings on Jenna's face. He kissed her again.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving." He said releasing the tension a little between them.

Jenna giggled "Yes me too."

With that he took her hand and they got up to go out to have some breakfast. As they reached the front door Matt turned and hugged Jenna.

"Thank you Jenna, for listening." he said.

"No Matt. Thank you for feeling close enough to share this with me. I'm so glad you feel like you can talk to me, because you can. Even though we have only been out a few times I feel really close to you too."

They kissed again before going out to breakfast.

Over breakfast and through the course of the day Matt told Jenna more about his life. How he had his own flat when he came back from England and had to support himself for a couple of years, before he claimed his inheritance when he turned 21. He had lived by myself since then and had become quite insular in his social life because of this.

Matt thought Jenna should be a Psychologist as well as a Physio as she listened and supported him. She now understood why he was socially anxious. She also said that he wasn't anywhere nearly as bad in social situations as he thought he was.

They spent the whole day together and had an amazing time. The chemistry between them was growing and Matt was truly falling for Jenna. Back in his apartment late in the afternoon they were cuddling and kissing, looking out the windows, watching the setting sun bathe the city in an orange glow.

Jenna looked at her watch and jumped a little.

"Oh Matt I have to go."

"Why Jenna? Can't you stay a little longer?"

She kissed him. "Oh Matt I really want to stay longer, but I have to go home and pack."

"You're going away?" Matt asked, sounding both surprised and sad at the same time.

"I've got a conference in Brisbane starting tomorrow. I will be back on Friday." Jenna replied sadly, realising they would be apart for a few days. "I have had such an amazing weekend that I completely forgot about it."

As they kissed and cuddled near the front door, there were a lot of "I'll miss you's" and "Can't wait to see you's" being said. Jenna promised Matt that she would ring him whenever she could and she made Matt promise that he would work hard with his exercises while she was away. The lift arrived and Jenna finally had to leave. They kissed again and held hands until the last possible moment.

Matt went inside and on the security monitor he could see her get into her car. He felt sad watching her car drive away. She truly meant so much to him and he was already missing Jenna.


The week Jenna was away went surprisingly quickly for Matt. He knuckled down and dedicated himself to his exercise and worked out as diligently as he ever had. Adam was really pleased with his progress and how hard he was working. Matt also took the opportunity to catch up with his oldest friend Ben, who he hadn't spoken to in a month or so. Ben was very pleased that Matt was going out again, and not with an actress.

Jenna was always in Matt's thoughts. He already knew a lot about her, and he truly wanted to know more. Matt was also wondering how a relationship between the two of them would work, both playing sport professionally. With that in mind he decided to ring his teammate Lucas, as he was married to Brooke, a teammate of Jenna's.

After their initial hellos and enquiry as to how Matt's knee was going, Matt asked him about two sportspeople together in a relationship. Lucas said it was tough at times when they were apart, but brilliant at other times as they had good periods of time together. It was also good as they could understand each other's frustrations, difficulties and successes as they both knew about the game and could understand what the other was going through.

Matt told him he had been out with Jenna and great a girl she was. Lucas had met Jenna a few times and thought she was great too. Lucas then handed the phone to Brooke and Matt chatted with her for a little while. She told Matt how great Jenna was, how much fun she is, but also how determined and driven she is. Brooke also said Jenna doesn't gossip, nor does she play games.

Just then she started to laugh.

"What's so funny Brooke?" Matt asked.

"Jenna rang us up last week to ask about you." She giggled.

"Really? When?"

"Last Wednesday. She said she was going out with you and she wanted to know from Lucas what you were like too."

"I'll have to thank Lucas. He must have put in a good word for me." Matt laughed.

They wrapped up our conversation not long after this. This chat confirmed to Matt that he and Jenna were really on the same page.


Jenna and Matt spoke every night that she was away and they messaged each other constantly. Jenna found the conference to be very productive and colleagues that knew her all mentioned that she seemed to be happy.

Matt couldn't wait to see her again and when they talked it sounded to him like she felt the same. She had invited him over to her place for dinner on Friday. Jenna wasn't coming into work on Friday, so Matt wouldn't see her until he went to her place.

He arrived at her place for dinner with a dozen long stem red roses and excitement in his heart. He couldn't believe how much he had missed her. Hearing her voice when she buzzed him into her building made his heart pound.

As the lift opened Matt could see Jenna standing at her door waiting for him, with a huge grin on her face. She was wearing a tight black t-shirt and blue jeans, looking casually gorgeous. Jenna raced over as soon as she saw Matt and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her and returned her kisses. Oh it felt so good to have her in his arms again.

The kiss broke apart, and they were still embracing. With his right hand Matt swept some hair from her face and gently ran his hand down her cheek. "Hello" was all he could say, as he was so swept up being in her presence again.

"Hello you." Jenna giggled back, before taking his hand and guiding him to her apartment.

Jenna was so happy to see Matt and she loved that he had brought her roses. Her apartment was filled with beautiful aroma of the dinner she had prepared. Happily they sat together on her lounge and caught up with everything that had been happening in her week away.

They talked for hours, on the lounge and then over dinner. Jenna so happy to share with Matt what she had been up to and Matt loved listening to Jenna. She enthused about the conference as she had picked up a few new treatment techniques and protocols to use.

After their delicious dinner they returned to her lounge with some red wine. Their conversation continued on unabated. By then they were getting down towards the end of the bottle.

Jenna took a deep breath. "And on the last night up there I caught up with my Mum." She said looking at Matt with her blue eyes sparkling.

"That must have been good. You wouldn't get to see her all that often I imagine?"

She was cuddled right up close to him, her hand gently playing on his shirt. Matt's arm wrapped around her side, moving slowly, feeling her curves.

"No I don't see her much. I wanted to see her to tell her all my news."

"All about the conference and stuff?"

"Umm yes... And also about ... The amazing guy I'm going out with." Jenna gushed. She was biting her lip which Matt had noticed she did when she was nervous.

Matt was very pleased that Jenna told her family about him. He thought to himself 'She must like me as much as I like her.'

"That's great Jenna. Who is he?" Matt asked in mock curiosity.

Jenna propped herself up and playfully whacked him on the chest, trying to look angry but giggling at the same time. Matt immediately wrapped his arms around her and held her close to me.

"What did your Mum say about your news?" he asked quietly.

"She is so happy for me. She could tell that I was happy as soon as she saw me... She wanted to know all about you Matt and I just had to tell her."

"So she doesn't mind you going out with a fellow athlete?"

Jenna moved a little closer, her face right near Matt's. "No she doesn't, because she can see I'm happy and that you are an amazing man."

"I don't think I'm amazing... I'm just me." he replied bashfully.

"You are amazing to me." Jenna said before kissing him.

Their kisses were immediately passionate, as they fed off each other's feelings. Tongues duelled, tasted and explored. Matt got lost in Jenna's perfume, kissing and nibbling her neck to her great excitement. Jenna nibbled his earlobes which he hadn't realised was a 'spot' for him, and he groaned in pleasure.

Hands began to wander as Matt caressed her beautiful body, until he was holding her gorgeous bum in his hands. Jenna too ran her hands all over him, then inside Matt's shirt, feeling his chest. Her moans told Matt she liked what he was doing and she liked what she had found.

Jenna's hand slithered down between them as they made out. She had felt Matt's excitement growing as it pressed against her. She couldn't stop herself as she nestled her hand between them, right on top of his rock hard, throbbing erection that was trapped in his pants.

"Ohhh Matt... You are so hard for me." Jenna groaned in Matt's ear.

"Jenna, Honey I'm always hard for you... You are so gorgeous, so beautiful."

They had somehow manoeuvred themselves so that Jenna was almost on top of him. She was still holding his excitement as he caressed her gorgeous bum. She slipped her hand out from between them and she slowly began to grind her hips, rolling her own excitement against his.

Their make out session continued for a while, both getting into it more and more. Matt moved his hands over Jenna's lovely breasts, feeling her erect nipples through her t-shirt in the palm of his hand. Jenna then sat up a little and took Matt's hand. She guided it between them, placing his hand right between her legs. The heat emanating from her excited nether regions was intense.

Matt slowly moved his hand and Jenna moved her hips so she was grinding herself against his hand. Kissing Matt she moaned with pleasure. She whispered in his ear "Ohhh fuck Matt... I want you. I want you now."

"I want you so much Jenna."

She took him by the hand and they went into her bedroom. As they sat down together on the bed their knees bumped together and Matt grimaced in pain. His left knee was still sore and Jenna noticed his pain.

She ran her hand inside his shirt and felt his chest.

"Oh I'm sorry Babe. I didn't mean to bump your knee." They kissed again before Jenna said in a very coquettish voice "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

Matt's hand slithered up inside her t-shirt as he caressed her breasts through her bra. He whispered in her ear "I'm sure we can come up with something to make us both feel better."

With that they tumbled back on the bed, lying together. Their kisses became more lustful as their passions grew. Matt could feel Jenna against all of him, but it wasn't enough. He wanted more of her. She slipped her hands down to the bottom of Matt's shirt and lifted it awkwardly over his head. Jenna purred as she placed her hands on his bare chest and kept kissing him.

He slid his hands off her beautiful bum and lifted her t-shirt off too. Jenna was wearing a black bra that was giving her 'girls' a bit of a boost. After kissing her again, Matt kissed his way down her neck, with Jenna moaning her approval. He continued down tasting her soft, silky cleavage.

"Mmmmm Matt, ohh that's good. Your lips feel amazing on my boobs." Jenna groaned in pleasure.

He ran his teeth gently over her breasts, with Jenna quivering in excitement. Matt then kissed his way down her flat stomach. Her stomach was toned and tight, gorgeous to kiss.

His explorations had brought him to the top of her jeans. Matt moved off the bed, stood up and undid her jeans. Jenna was looking at him, very flushed in the face as her excitement was building. Undoing the button and slowly moving the zip down, Matt held onto the jeans and took them off her. Jenna was wearing very sexy black panties that matched her bra. Matt paused for just a second to take in the beautiful sight before him. Jenna saw him looking and bit her bottom lip, feeling a little self-conscious.

Unbuckling his jeans, Matt took them off with a little difficulty, due to the knee brace he wore, and his erection getting in the way. He returned to the bed just wearing his now tented boxer shorts. In seconds he and Jenna were entwined again, sharing their passion. Now it felt even more amazing, with Jenna's soft, warm body against his. Jenna could hardly believe that this gorgeous man was so into her and was in her bed.

Matt worked his hands around behind her and unhooked her bra. Jenna shrugged her shoulders and slipped out of it, exposing her breasts to him. Jenna wasn't hugely endowed, but her 'b' cups were a perfect shape. Her nipples were quite dark compared to her pale skin, and they became very erect when she was excited. Matt kissed his way down, tasting and teasing her nipples with his tongue, while his hand played with her other breast.

Jenna groaned into Matt's ear, and moved her chest, almost forcing more of her breast into his salivating mouth. Her hand had found his erection and moved inside his boxers. She proceeded to stroke Matt, smearing the dribbling pre-cum all over his excitement. She gripped the waistband of his boxers and slid down to remove them from him.

His penis bounced out of its confinement, standing to attention. Jenna's eyes went wide and her hands moved to take her panties off. Matt didn't feel he that was overly endowed but Jenna couldn't take her eyes off him. Matt watched as Jenna dropped her panties and he noticed her very neatly trimmed 'landing strip' disappearing between her legs.

As Jenna climbed back on the bed, she wrapped her hand around his erection. Curling on the bed beside Matt, with her feet dangling off the edge of the bed, she poked her tongue out and lapped at his excitement. Looking up at Matt with a wicked look in her eye, Jenna opened her mouth and lowered it down onto him. Her lips wrapped around his shaft as she proceeded to tease him deliciously with her tongue.

"Ohh...Ohh... Ohhhhh Jenna. Ohhh wow. That's amazing Honey. Mmmmm."

Matt reached out and ran his hand ever so slowly between her legs. When his fingers finally reached her womanhood he found Jenna was sopping wet. Her silken folds opened up under his touch, as he proceeded to pleasure her as she was pleasuring him. Finding her excited clit, Jenna began to moan while still sucking Matt, creating an amazing sensation for Matt.

Jenna popped her mouth off him and Matt removed his hand from between her legs. He licked her juices from his fingers, tasting his girlfriend. Jenna slid up the bed and climbed on top of Matt, moving him so she was fully on top of him, squashing his erection between them. They kissed passionately again, before Jenna moved her head.

"I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you Matt." Jenna whispered into Matt's ear.

Her face was now above his and she was looking directly into his eyes.

"You are all I can think about Jenna. I want you so much." he said before kissing her again.

As the kiss finished Jenna reached between them and held Matt's hard on. She manoeuvred him until he was nestled against where they both wanted him to be. She slowly edged herself down onto him, but her gaze never shifted from Matt eyes. As her slippery confines opened to accept him, her blue eyes buried their way into Matt's soul.

Jenna moved down so slowly, until Matt was fully inside her. At this point her eyes narrowed and rolled slightly.

"Ohhh fuck Matt. You fill me perfectly. Mmmunnnghh." Jenna moaned.

Matt kissed Jenna as he had lost the power of speech. He began to move his hips, wanting to fill her even more. They started to move together, not only joined as one, but moving as one too. Their passionate kisses were even more intense if that was possible. Kissing lips, kissing and nibbling ears and necks, their bodies were in tune with each other. Every movement Matt made was countered by a movement from Jenna that only seemed to make it an even more exquisite experience for both of them.

This wasn't fucking. It wasn't even sex between two people who were going out and having feelings for each other. This was more, so much more.

Jenna sat up on Matt and rode him, grinding her hips to feel Matt everywhere. She had never felt pleasure like this with her previous boyfriend. This was off the scale.

"Yes Matt...Yes...Yes, yes. So good ooohhh muungh."

Matt tried to take in everything he could about this beautiful creature. Jenna's hair was all over the place, her breasts bouncing in time to their motion together, nipples still puckered up and rock hard. Jenna moved her hips even more, taking Matt as deep as she possibly could. Matt raised his hands and held her breasts, tweaking her nipples slightly.

Jenna's eyes opened wide as he did this and her mouth formed an 'o' shape, but no sound came out. Matt was on the verge and was moving quicker when Jenna began to speak.

"Ohh Matt... I'm cumming... Oh baby... Yes... Ooooooo"

Jenna's orgasm set Matt off too. "Cumming Jenna ... muunghhh... ohhhh ...urgh...urgh"

"Ohhhhhh ... Matt I can feel you... Yes babe...fill me" Jenna cried. Their eyes locked as they came together. The experience they shared was mind blowing. They were being joined together on more than just a physical level.

The strength of Matt's orgasm left him seeing stars, as he filled Jenna with his essence. He had never had an orgasm that big in his life. Jenna rode her orgasm out before collapsing down onto Matt, both of them physically and emotionally spent. She was puffing and panting, her body and his clammy with sweat.

Lying down on top of Matt as she got her breath back, Jenna raised her head and looked into Matt's eyes again before kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He didn't want to let Jenna go. Not now. Not ever.

"I want to stay here Matt. Here on you being held so close." Jenna mewed contentedly.

"I don't want you to go anywhere either." He replied, before moving some of her sweaty hair off her forehead and gently kissing her again.

"Oh Matt. If you keep doing that I will never move." She grinned at him.

Sharing their bliss was wonderful as they both came down from their orgasm induced high. Jenna did roll off Matt to lie down beside him on the bed. She rolled onto her side and Matt did the same, looking at each other.

"Well that was all kinds of amazing." Matt said breathlessly. Jenna giggled girlishly, dropping her eyes from Matt's gaze.

"Are you ok Jenna?" he asked quietly.

Her face turned back to him and she had an impish grin.

"Oh yes Matt, more than ok... I'm just a little ... Coy, and shy, and overtaken really. That was incredible... It is going to take me quite a while to come down from that."

Matt leant across and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are?" he asked.

"I think you might have said it once or twice before." She said quietly.

Reaching across he again moved her hair from her face. Jenna squished herself against his hand as he did this and Matt kissed her again.

"You are so beautiful Jenna. Not just physically beautiful, but a beautiful person too."
