The Resort Pt. 01


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Rachel was now unconsciously letting out soft moans with every exhale, and this did not escape Rob's attention.

"You like?" he questioned, but already certain of her answer.

"Oh yes, this feels wonderful." Rachel responded in a low draw out voice.

Without asking Rob flatly stated "Ok, let's take these off so I can do a deep tissue massage." He began to tug at the elastic waist band of the silk panties, in preparation for dragging them down her legs by their elastic wrap without waiting for Rachel's ok to do so.

Rachel paused for a moment with slight hesitation, then offering a barely audible "Sure."

Rob then slowly slid the flimsy material over her round curves; purposely pressing the fabric into her skin causing it to tug at her pale milky buns. This caused the garment to stretch out over her round ass, causing it to quiver momentarily when it released its grip.

Rachel slightly lifted her pelvis up to allow Rob to pull the panties out from under her, until he tossed them on the floor.

Rob then looked down at the beautiful Rachel that was sprawled out before him. Not wasting any time he eagerly returned to her beautiful full buttocks, and began to knead both her pale fleshy cheeks. He spread his fingers wide over her roundness, as he applied deep pressure pushing her gorgeous bums together in back and forth motions. This movement had her pink vaginal folds rubbing against each other, causing her already damp pussy to begin flow with its slippery wetness. The continued back and forth motion was mixing her succulent juices up nicely, and she feared that he could hear her wetness building; which without her knowledge was his intention all along.

Rob continued to let his expert hands wander over Rachel's voluptuous bottom; while lightly letting each of his thumbs gently brush up against her tight anal opening. He watched intently as she was responding to his expert touch, with no protest evident.

Rob again reached for his small container, and squeezed another drop of oil onto his thumb, and then let another drip directly onto each cheek and on Rachel's tightly closed bud. He generously applied the tainted oil over both of her cheeks and down each leg as not to be to overt. He slid his hands up the entire length of both her legs and then over her plump round ass, and back down again. On his next pass he stopped and kneaded her cheeks some more, letting his thumb touch her anus more directly, applying light pressure to her tight sphincter using his thumb in small circular motions. This allowed the pooled oil just previously deposited to slowly disappear inside her sphincter.

Rachel cleared her head for a moment and began to think that this might be going too far. With all of her logic she wanted to tell Rob to stop. But it was if her body and mind were disconnected somehow. She felt as though she was in a trance and lacked the willpower to protest; even though she knew she should. She felt her ass seemingly on its own raise father off the cushion as if to invite more of the perverted stimulation she was now receiving, and admittedly enjoying.

"You should stop this Rach. Tell him this isnt" her mind trailed off before she finished her thought due to the delightful stimulation she was now receiving.

Rachel found herself internally wishing he would push his thumb deep into her ass. She had never experienced anal sex stimulation of any kind, and always thought it would be gross. But here she was wishing that he would penetrate her tight ass deeply with his fat thumb.

Rob then pushed more oil directly onto the slippery vice like entrance; and pressed the tip of his thumb slightly forward breaking her tight opening. He then paused for a moment before deliberately driving the tip of his thick lubricated appendage into her tight space.

"Oooooh," Rachel lightly moaned, offering no obvious protest as she got what she had been longing for.

Rob pulled back out slowly while at the same time applying more pressure in a circular motions to Rachel's now stretched opening. He felt her sphincter involuntarily squeeze his thumb as he pulled out, making his cock jerk to attention. He again pushed his thumb further inside her still using a pressured circular motion, purposely stretching the oily perimeter of her tight butt hole.

Rachel unconsciously raised her hips off the cushion farther, as if trying to take more of Rob's strong thumb deeper into virgin ass.

"Mmmmmmm, you better stop" she sexily whispered to Rob.

Rob ignored Rachel's faint hearted plea, and with steady pressure dragged his thumb up and then back down into her tight forbidden space.

"Mmmmmmm" what are you doing to meeee? Rachel cooed. "Oh my god, that is so niceeee...," she stated with her voice trailing off.

Rob then gently slid his thumb out from inside her depths; removing his hands from her now receptive body. He quietly walked around the back of the table without speaking; again picking up the bottle of oil for his next application of his homemade love potion.

Rob placed another drop of the tainted oil on the back of each one of Rachel's thighs about the size of a quarter. Using both hands he evenly spread the tainted liquid deeply into her soft skin. He began to push his hands forward toward her beautiful ass; that was still slightly tilted upward. He sensed she was hoping for more of his invading thumb to penetrate her, but purposely stopped short just before touching the still oily entrance. He repeated this action on her other leg, again knowing he was leaving her frustrated by stopping just short of her now puckered sphincter beckoning for more attention.

Rob began to firmly pull his strong hands downward over the back of Rachel's knees, stopping for a moment to ease up the pressure and gently let his fingertips glide lightly over the soft space. He then shifted himself to the end of the table and dragged his hands down both calves to her feet and then over the heal. He looked up over the contours of her long legs which were now tightly pushed together, along with her round ass still slightly raised and felt his cock growing larger by the moment.

Rob had a vision of his large frame pounding Rachel's virgin ass with his thick rigid cock, and then switching to plunder that beautiful wet pussy. His manhood swelled to its fullness while the thought rested in his mind for a moment. He now began to work his hands up the inside of her legs. Starting at one calf, he gently, pushed upward spreading his fingers wide while applying more of the tainted liquid. He ever so slightly applied pressure to her inner thigh as to slightly separate her legs giving him better access. She unconsciously cooperated and parted her shapely legs a bit to grant him more direct passage. He then used firm but delicate pressure and slowly dragged both hands up one leg, starting from her calf he slid his hands upward over her inner and outer thighs with even pressure. He purposely stopped just short of making and direct contact with her beautiful pussy. He took special care to be sure that his fingers only lightly brushed her very wet and pink flowering folds in a way that was not overtly intentional before the journey back down her leg..

Sliding both hands to the bottom of her leg and over her foot. He then began his path back up by intertwining his fingers between Rachel's toes, going straight up her toned calf and thigh, while using more even pressure and fanning his fingers out to feel more of her shapely leg.

Traveling back up Rachel's inner thigh, this time he became more bolder, and did not stop until his stiff fingers pushed slightly inside the exquisite inner folds of her silky slit.

Rachel immediately responded with a "yes" that involuntarily left her lips. She then instinctively raised her hand to cover her mouth, as if this late reaction could somehow put back her erotic utterance.

"Oh god, what's this guy doing to me?" She thought to herself. "This isn't really right. What's happening to me;" while slowly moving her ass around in a sensual motion.

"You know, you have a beautiful body Rachel" Rob stated on his next pass up to her inner thighs after making more direct contact with her now dripping wet pussy.

"Continue to relax, and don't be afraid. A woman as lovely as you deserves to be pampered like this. You have a body made to be touched, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself baby." Rob confidently stated.

"Wow," Rachel thought to herself "Did I just hear him straight?" "Did he call me baby?"

There was something about his tone that was soothing, Rachel thought. It was both confident and strong, but at the same time reassuring and professional.

"Trust me baby, I am here solely for your pleasure" Rob said while expertly applying the same attention to Rachel's other leg. Again letting fingers slide deeper into her wet folds with every pass.

"This is a true full body massage," he said as if trying to convince her this was all par for the course.

"Do you like?" he asked confidently, sure of the answer he was about to receive.

"Yes this is great" Rachel stated in a tone slightly above a whisper.

Rob suddenly moved up toward the top of the table by Rachel's head. He then placing his hands on both of her arms as he began to coax her to turn over on her back.

"Please turn over; we need to do your front side." Rob commanded in a professional tone as if what had gone on to this point was completely normal.

Rachel began to turn on her back doing what she was asked.

Rob then hit a button on the table that made the heightened pillow flatten out as to not make her uncomfortable. Rachel couldn't help but noticing how great she felt; but at the same time she was having confusing feelings as if she had lost control or was betraying Tim to some extent. But she also noticed her thoughts were moving slower. She felt as if her body was so relaxed it was riding on a soft wave a pleasure. She would seamlessly drift from a guilty thought about Tim, to a lustful thought of having her body felt up by this skilled man.

"What is happening to me?" Rachel thought to herself, not realizing she was now fully engulfed in the ecstasy high Rob had unknowingly giving her throughout this experience.

"Am I being paranoid? Is this what is meant by a full body massage?" as confusing thoughts filled her clouded mind.

Laying on her back, Rachel was now getting a good look at the man who had been expertly giving her pleasure. She couldn't help be feel transfixed by him but said nothing as she tried to get a handle on the situation. The mix of his strong hands roaming all over her tender body; the island breeze still blowing through the room; and the now native style music with its rhythmic beat, all seemed to make for a perfect storm of lust which she was now feeling. Adding to it this giant of a man specimen standing over her and touching her in ways Tim had never done, and this was getting to be too much for her senses to handle.

Rachel could not deny that she was actively participating in letting this stranger do as he pleased with her body. But she did not understand her total lack of self control and having little regard for Tim. All she seem to care about was feeling good. She compared her feeling of having too much to drink and letting her guard down when she was younger.

"Its not that?... I didn't have anything to drink, so it's definitely not that?" Rachel questioned herself seemingly twice, as if a small amount of her instinct was kicking in. She tried to retrace her steps in her mind. However, the Ecstasy was too powerful for her: causing her mind to continually trail off.

Rob slowly circled the table like a lion stalking his prey. He eyed Rachel intently, taking in her beautiful outstretched body laid out before him. Rachel was flat on her back with her legs together with one knee slightly raised. One of her arms was at her side, with the other arm gently resting on her forehead. She appeared slightly tired with her full chest gently heaving up and down as if she had just finished going for a run.

"Let's get started again" Rob stated a bit more professional, like his blatant violation of her body did not just take place. He took the small container of oil from the shelf with one hand and walked over to the head of the table standing over her. He put his free hand just below middle of her halter rap that was straining to contain her luscious mounds. He then dragged his hand upward pulling the garment up slightly.

Rob looked down into Rachel's eyes with a seriousness to his expression. Then in one quick motion he pulled upward at the stretchy fabric, easily breaking it open as if it were tissue paper by using only a tilt of his strong wrist. Her full breasts came spilling out from the flimsy garment, settling nicely into place. The sudden feeling of the soft ocean breeze now caressing her big tits caused her nipples to suddenly stand fully erect.

Without a moment passing to allow for protest, Rob squirted the oily liquid on and between Rachel's ample cleavage, and then started to expertly massage her fleshy mounds. He took both breasts in each hand and cupped them from the underneath, then sliding his large hands under and over her soft tits, slightly pinching her fully erect nipples.

Rob firmly stretched each hard nub upward while elongating them fully between his forefinger and thumb, then back down again offering a slight pinch before letting them spring from his grasp. He continued to rub and squeeze both breasts while simultaneously working her nipples for a while, repeating this movement several times.

Rachel's eyes were closed and she was now both scared and excited. She was gently purring and letting out small whimpers as Rob expertly massaged her large breasts with his oversized hands. She felt sensations that she never had before, as if both of her tits had small electric charges coursing through them that lead directly to her flowering pussy. She was totally unaware that this was partly a direct effect of his laced concoction; as she unconsciously ran her pink tongue across her full moist lips letting out another soft moan.

Rob then took both of his hands that were still coated with his potion, and dragged them down the center of Rachel's chest and over her stomach. He let one finger deeply penetrate her exposed bellybutton as he steadily slide his hands past; this instantly caused Rachel's body to jerk slightly.

Rob continued further downward over her cleanly shaved mound to the top of her now swelling clit. He barely brushed against it with his fingers before taking the journey back up to her breasts. He then dragged his hands upward back over her stomach and round tits; grabbing onto her hardened nipples and squeezing them firmly between his finger and thumb before letting them gently spring back into place.

Rachel's eyes were now slightly rolling up behind her head. She gently squirmed under Rob's expert touch, with her head slowly moving from side to side. Beautiful feminine sounds and gentle squeals were now continuously leaving her red full lips.

"oohhhhh...ahhhhh... oohhhh" Rachel very quietly moaned as Rob continued his delightful assault on her body.

Rob repeated his slow and steady motion two or three more times, while still positioned directly over Rachel's head. He easily used his outstretched muscular inked hands and arms to feel up the beautiful woman's body stretched out before him.

Suddenly Rachel opened her eyes when she heard Rob shifting about. His hands were no longer roaming her body and for a second she seemed to snap out of the trance she was in. To her surprise he was now standing over her shirtless. He looked at her and simply stated "listen baby, it's getting hot in here." as if answering her question about why he was shirtless, but one she never asked.

Rob returned to his original perch leaning directly over Rachel's head; reaching out his long arms over her stomach. He allowed the fabric that contained his huge bulge to brush against the top of her head as he again slid his hands over her tits and down her stomach as he leaned forward.

Rachel looked with amazement at the size of Rob's manhood barley contained by the soft garb. She also realized that his huge organ was now perilously hanging over her face as she sheepishly turned her head to one side to avoid directly looking at it.

Rob guided his hands back over Rachel's round tits, again moving straight down her stomach. He again sensually slid his finger into her bellybutton, and then slid down to her now swollen nub.

Rob ran his cupped hand directly over Rachel's wet pink folds. He pressed his hand around the mound that surrounded her dripping wet pussy in a grabbing motion. He ending with his fingers searching out and finding her swollen clit, and then stimulating her with long circular motions.

"Mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm, you better stop." Rachel said in a half hearted, but a bit more direct tone then she had done before.

Rob completely ignored Rachel's comment, and continued his assault on her hardening treat. He let one of his long digits move off her clit, brushing lightly over her dripping pink folds before steadily sliding it into her sweet slit. She was so wet that you could clearly hear her juices flooding his hand. Her body was naturally protecting her pussy, and continued to produce its natural lubricant.

Rob then stood up straight and walked around and repositioned himself on the right side of the table. He looked up into Rachel's foggy eyes, and without saying a word he reached his muscular arm between her legs and pushed them apart. He slowly ran his right hand from Rachel's ankle up past her inner thigh to her pink snatch, cupping his entire hand over her tender muff. He angled his two middle fingers upward, and in a slow and steady motion pushed them deep inside her sopping wet slit.

Rachel felt like a sudden electric charge went cascading through her entire body. She instinctively put both hands on Rob's massive chest sheepishly trying to push him away as he leaned his body into her. Her protest was sincere, but half hearted. She thought it best to try and put a stop to this, before she lacked the strength to say no. Her passive and futile protests did nothing to stop his expert assault on her vagina, but she continued pushing back at him in mild protest. She was incapable of offering a verbal protest through her sensual sounding gasps for air. She finally realized his size and strength were too much for her, and gave in to his advances by moving her arms down from his chest and stretching them both way over her head; elongating her body completely for this man.

Rob then leaned his head into Rachel's full breasts, taking one of her engorged nipples into his mouth. He began to gently suck at the long protruding treat; alternating from lightly licking, to aggressively chewing on the hardened nub. He continued shifting his advances back and forth to each creamy globe, savoring the fullness of her swollen areola in his mouth; probing it firmly with his strong tongue. He squeezed the enlarged orb by using his tongue to press it against the roof of his mouth as he sucked at it more aggressively.

Rob continued his assault with his mouth on her magnificent fleshy tits, while slowly picking up his pace with his fingers. Rachel's outstretched body was now turning him on even more. He rightfully took her now lack of resistance as an open invitation to do as he wanted. He began to rub her spongy g-spot with long steady strokes using his thick fingers. This was causing her to let out long sexy moans. He raised his head to take a deep breath in, and then aggressively dived back into her soft flesh for some more of the tasty treat she was offering.

Rachel's body now squirming erratically while sprawled out before him. She now wanted this experience to happen, and needed more of Rob's dominant treatment.