The Three Traditions of Pink


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"But honey? Abigail is going to be here any minute! What If I can't finish on time?"

"Trust me, you'll get there!"

Soon, she was lazily slumped on her couch, towel under her butt, eyes closed and with Jer between her legs happily lapping away. He had this amazing technique, this God send of a man. Aurelia's clit could handle quite well direct stimulation. Jeremy was a very perceptive guy and once he had discovered that, he would latch on her clit and create suction with his mouth. Then he would swirl his tongue around it driving her insane...Pretty much like what he was doing now and...

"Ohmygoddon'tyoufuckingstop don'tyoufucking stop" was all that came out of her mouth as violently pleasurable spasms originating from her clit radiated outwards engulfing her body in sexual bliss.

But alas she didn't have any time to luxuriate in that amazing post-orgasmic feeling; the buzzer from their intercom interrupted her nirvana. "Fuck, that was quick" said Aurelia as they both scrambled to get their clothes back on. Aurelia was left on her own as a laughing Jeremy retreated to their bedroom leaving her hopping on one leg trying to get her panties and leggings back on. She was pulling the last strands of stray hair out of her face when their doorbell rang.

As she hurriedly opened the door, she caught Abigail staring at her shoes. Apparently the sudden motion of the door must have startled her, because she nearly jumped to the ceiling when she heard the whoosh of the opening door. A quick scan revealed to Aurelia that her eyes were puffy and she looked a bit haggard.

"You alright honey?"

" just startled me, is all."

"Come on in and tell me all about it."

Once inside they headed for the living room. Taking her seat, Abigail noticed a peculiarly stained towel draped on the couch and for the first time this evening she managed a smile.

"What's that?"

"Oh...emmm...the towel...yes...I'm on my first day and I didn't want to stain the couch."

Just then Jeremy's deep resonating voice bellowed from the hallway. "Honeeyy? Don't forget to pick up the towel...we don't want Abigail to see all those cum stains and..."

Abigail snorted out a giggle completely forgetting her plight as Aurelia changed through various shades of red. Finally unable to contain herself she broke down in hysterics as an equally embarrassed Jeremy made his appearance into the living room.

"Oh...ummm...hi Abi! And I'm on my way out! Enjoy yourselves ladies!"

"Yeah and congratulations on the perfect timing awards Jer! Next time use a loudspeaker though. Why not let the neighbors know as well."

"But...don't they already know?" said Jeremy as he ducked before the incoming pillow.

"You ladies have a good time, I'll be out for the night."

"No more than five beers! And no shots!"

"Men" rattled Aurelia. "Can't live with them, can't live without them. So, you've had our story advertised, what's yours?"

Abigail's mood instantly sunk as she tried to find the words to express what had transpired only a few moments ago.

"Well...the short version of it is that my relationship with Alexa is, in all likelihood, over. What happened today was just the push which brought the whole tottering structure down."

"Oh dear...sorry to hear about that. I gather though that it's not entirely out of the blue, is it?"

"The writing was on the wall for some time now. We were growing more distant by the day. It felt that we stayed together out of sheer inertia. So today we had a stupid fight over a wine bottle and her being late for dinner. I was a bit drunk to be honest and I suspect that she was a bit touchier from work than usual, but I'm afraid this is curtains for us. The bottom line is that I have to find a place to stay...for a couple of days until I get myself reorganized. Could I...perhaps..."

"You can stay here for as long as you need honey, you don't even need to ask! And anything that you might need, we're here for you."

Abigail stayed silent for a moment desperately trying to fight down a choking feeling in her throat. Despite the best of her efforts she could feel the tears streaking down her cheeks. " wasn't supposed to happen...why?" was all she managed to say before the dam completely broke. In an instant, Aurelia was next to her giving her a hug and softly rubbing her back just like a mother does to sooth her child. "It's OK's OK...everything is going to be OK" was what she kept whispering to her grief stricken friend.

Just then Abigail's phone started ringing. The chirping sound of the device had a startling effect on her which somehow caused her crying to stop. "That...that's Alexa...probably calling to say she's sorry..." She went through the motions of picking up but Aurelia's hand on hers stopped her. "I don't think that's a very good idea sweetie...not in the state you're in anyways..."

Abigail hesitated and finally the ringing stopped. Only to be followed a few seconds later by the pipping sound of a text arriving. "It's her...I should probably read it..."

She picked up her phone and swiped the screen. True enough, the text was from her girlfriend. It read: "Abi I'm sorry for what I said. Can we try again? Please come back and we can talk it through."

"She says she's sorry and she wants me to go back and talk it through" said Abi in a hollow voice.

"I don't think that's a very good idea honey, not for today at least. I think it's still very raw on you and you're not really thinking straight. You yourself told me only minutes ago that your fight today was just the tip of the iceberg. My advice would be stay here tonight, we can watch a movie and eat all manners of unhealthy comfort food, have a good night's sleep and then, if you're up for it, go and have a chat with her. What says you?"

Abigail let out a long sigh of relief. "What would I ever do without you" she finally offered. "Yes...that's what I'll do...better this'll help to clear my head...I owe you big time you know..."

"Oh shut it! It may sound cliché but that's what friends are for! Listen, I'll tell you what: Why don't you give yourself a warm shower...I'll lay some pee-jays on the spare room bed, mine should fit...we're about the same number I reckon. Then we can order some pizza and there's ice-cream in the fridge and we can have it all to ourselves!"

Abigail managed a warm smile; yes what Aurelia was suggesting sounded just like what the doctor would have ordered. She'd forget about everything for now and deal with the fallout tomorrow. Despite the fact that she was always a do-er and never one to slide problems beneath the carpet, in this particular instance she just wanted to forget about everything for a change and stop worrying.

Chapter 5 (Emma)

Emma lay sprawled on her bed, her day clothes still on, shoes kicked off on top of piles of clothing strewn on her part of the floor. Her personal space actually mirrored a part of her character. Emma was quite a rebel when it came to structure and that applied to a wide array of situations. Those could range from simple notions such as the tidiness of one's room and could include, for example, the ability to keep a steady relationship. Emma was a spur-of-the-moment type of person who tended to think with her red hat on. A red hat person usually shoots from the hip, examining issues and problems with a strong sentimental focus. This type of behavior, coupled with her occasional volcanic temper eruptions tended to get her into trouble. However, her intellectual brilliance and perception usually managed to, not only salvage the situation, but most of the times bring her on top.

In this particular evening Emma was feeling itchy in all manners of ways. She was still horny and irritated after her troubled encounter with Ana a few hours ago. She was vexed and somewhat annoyed with the interaction she was having with her teacher. Why was she having such a strange effect on her? Why was she behaving like some love-sick child when she was in her presence? This was so unlike her usual modus operandi. She was extremely fickle when it came to dating and relationships. Her amorous trysts rarely ventured beyond the second date and when they did, usually a month was the absolute limit before she got bored and disinterested.

But boredom had another peculiar effect on Emma. As they say, idleness is the mother of all evil and right now the redhead felt bored, horny and irritable, a quite volatile and potentially disastrous mix. Her mind kept rerunning the chat she had with Abigail only a few moments ago. What really stung her was its abrupt termination. No one ever did that to her, usually it was others who were on the receiving end of her volatility and it really itched her in the worst kind of way to be dumped like that. What she needed was some drama-free fun for tonight to clear her mind. It was Friday evening after all and she was shut in her room brooding over Ana and Abigail for crying out loud.

Nope! This attitude isn't going to fly. We are going to remedy things fast. Let's see now...what was the name of that dude who kept badgering me? Donald? No...hmmm...Ah yes...Donovan...Let's check him out to see what his story is.

Donovan Sherman was a soccer player on the university team. He was a striker and a damned good one at that. Rumor had it that if he kept scoring like he did he was bound to go professional sooner or later. If you were into dirty blonde muscular athletic jocks then he really took the cake in that department. He had made several passes towards Emma in the past along the lines of "you're super lucky I laid my eyes upon you girl" but she had shot him down with just as much eloquence. As a matter of fact once she didn't even have to speak to him to rub his nose; she simply showed him the logo on her T-shirt: "Break necks - Kill Egos".

The guy was none too pleased with that rebuke but then again his reputation wasn't that of an angel. Rumor had it that he had taken advantage of quite a few groupies who in any case were willing to crawl on all fours for a chance to get inside his briefs. Emma usually avoided his type because more often than not, their egos were bigger than their brains. This Donovan guy was in some of her classes and he didn't exactly have all of his cornflakes in one box. But brains wasn't what Emma was after tonight. As a matter of fact she wouldn't mind it if this Donovan fellow fucked her senseless. You don't need much of a brain to do that do you?

There was a big party supposed to take place in one frat house or the other, Emma had never bothered with these before. The word "party" was a euphemism when applied to such events; what they most likely implied was a hard liquor fueled orgy. Usually that translated into terrible sack-time because booze overdose and sex make very bad bed fellows. Emma wasn't after the liquor, she was after Donovan tonight. She'd better get a move on then if she was to have any chance of catching him semi-sober.

Having decided upon a plan she immediately sprang out of her bed into action. Emma wasn't one for pomp and circumstance; she rarely bothered with the usual female beautification routine and never wore any makeup. If you spend too much time about your appearance then it isn't worth it, was her moto. Emma was supremely confident in her naturally stunning looks; she was the predator not the pray. A quick shower later and a change of underwear and she was ready to leave the pit lane.

The party venue was not very far from her dormitory. Emma was led to the place by the dull thumping sound of music being played way too loud. Then of course she spotted various party-goers who had already spilled on the sidewalks and were milling about. With a stride in her step she pushed the door open and ventured inside.

Once within she held her poise whilst scanning the premises and trying to get her bearings. The frat house was essentially a residential house converted for the needs of the fraternity. There was your usual living room, a kitchen and a modest few stairs which probably led to the rooms upstairs. The kitchen was a hive of action and it was most likely the source from where all the hooch was flowing. Emma decided that her best bet was to head there, if only to grab something to drink.

As she was making her way through the crowd she felt a hand landing on her shoulder and turned. Right in front of her stood Donovan with a beer can in one hand. He looked like he might have had a few safely tucked away but other than that everything seemed normal.

"So you came after all!"

"Yeah, it was a slow Friday evening so I decided to give it a go."

"This place is way too loud. Why don't you grab a beer and we can go someplace else to talk."

As if talking is what's on our minds...

Emma smiled sweetly back at him. Sure she could do the dumb groupie thing if she tried.

"Sure, a beer would be fine."

Donovan or "Don" as his chums called him rushed to the kitchen and quickly re-emerged with two fresh cans of Bud Lite. Handing one to Emma he beamed happily at her as if he had handed her the most expensive champagne.

"Hey I know! How about we chug it?"

Christ! Why, oh why did I come here in the first place? Doofus over here thinks he's being cute...

" thanks...I'll just drink from the can...but you can go ahead if you like."


Don's voice boomed over the music. After thoroughly shaking the can he took a knife, slashed the can in the middle and quickly brought the can to his mouth. The content spewed and foamed and spilled all over his chin and shirt as he was gurgling it down. After five or six seconds he ceremoniously tossed the spent can on the floor and finished his antic with a loud belching sound. His palls and groupies clapped and laughed as Don took a mock bow in front of them. Turning towards Emma once more he had that lopsided laugh on his face that people who've consumed one too many usually have.

"Wasn't that great?"

Ah romantic...especially that belching thing you did in the end...yeah that had me wet in like, instantly...Why did I think this was a good idea again?

"Super. Listen, you mentioned something about a quieter place where we could talk. Where do you reckon that is?"

"Sorry, didn't hear you, what did you say?"

"I SAID..."

Oh forget's a dirty job and someone has to do it...

Emma grabbed him and forcefully planted a kiss on his lips hungrily biting the lower half as she receded.

"Uhhh...that wasn't half as bad..."

" up for it champ?"

Don looked a bit confused.

Now repeat after me Emma. You have to let THEM make the first move. Otherwise their machismo short-circuits and they're scared that I'll rape them or something. Better to take baby steps here.

"I was wondering whether we could go someplace else...the two of us...upstairs perhaps?" said Emma, pointing with her eyes towards the staircase incase Mr. Genius in front of her hadn't already gotten the hint.

"Oh...oh that...yeah...right...Yes...we can do that!"

Finally! We're getting through...this had better be worth it!

Don headed upstairs with Emma close behind. After a couple of closed doors they finally found a room which was unoccupied. He closed the room and locked the door. Turning around he saw that Emma had already taken her hoodie off and was proceeding to unclasp her bra.

"Uhhh...shouldn't I be doing that?"

"Just...focus on getting your clothes off."

Emma who was of course sober and with fully functional motor skills was already stark naked as Don nearly stumbled trying to get his pants off. Emma looked on with amusement as he continued to disrobe.

Mmmm...well what he lacks in brains he certainly makes up for in muscle, I'll give you that. Nice six pack there...and look at those legs...oooh what is that? I see we're limp Mr. Champion...I'll have to remedy that if we're to get anything out of this...I do hope he's a grower instead of a shower though otherwise we're not in much luck tonight. That's probably why he shaves himself there...and I'll bet you money that he spends more time waxing than many of my friends...But...focus Emma! Focus! Let's go give him a hand shall we?

Emma sauntered over to where he was standing and started fondling his soft dick. It managed to harden somewhat to a semi-erection but nothing too spectacular. Its head had barely made its emergence from beneath the protective hood.

I guess we'll have to do this the hard way...Well...if you want to get some you got to give some...We ain't gonna see any miracles though in the size department that's for sure.

She sunk to her knees and proceeded suckling on the sensitive tip whilst her hand made jerking motions on his shaft. Gradually he started to respond but it was clearly not the most rigid of erections that Emma had witnessed. Don was breathing hard but that probably had to do with him feeling dizzy from all the alcohol he had consumed.

Well next time you might want to remember that alcohol overdose and sex don't mix.

"Any chance that you might want to reciprocate?" said Emma and she pointed towards her rust colored bush.

Don looked positively squeamish as his glance lingered over her pube-covered mound and pussy lips. "But...there's so there!"

"Relax big guy it won't bite you. Not all of us keep it juvenile down there."

Sheesh! Another one who believes women are like Barbie dolls...

Don genuinely seemed queasy at the thought so Emma decided to take matters into her own hands. She pushed him down on the bed and fished a condom from her purse.

"What? You're going to use a rubber on me? I'm clean!"

That's why you're gonna end up with an STD by the time you're twenty-three wise guy...but that's not going to be me!

"It's either the rubber or my hand, take your pick!"

Don was certainly not accustomed to being bossed about by girls and his alcohol impaired brain was in no condition to offer resistance in any case so he stayed silent as Emma rolled the latex on his shaft. Standing with her legs open above him she proceeded to lower herself towards her object of desire. With one hand she steadied his cock as she tried to sink it in.

Emma steadied herself as she luxuriated in the feeling of having her vaginal walls slowly stretched as she descended.

Oh yes...finally...that feels nice...Could have been bigger...could have been harder...could have been thicker...but hey...we work with what we have here.

Placing her palms on his chest she begun to rhythmically pump her ass up and down his dick. It felt okay but Don really seemed out of it. He wasn't even using his hands to grab her ass and help her with the upward motion. Soon she was starting to perspire and her legs were beginning to burn. He sat there motionless and there was no clue he was anywhere near to cum.

"Are we...are we getting there?"

" feels're really good!"

But after five minutes of this Emma was thoroughly fed up. She dismounted and turning around she positioned herself in a sixty-nine position.

Perhaps he might get a hint that way...hope dies last as they say.

After removing the condom she proceeded to suck on his cock, hoping against hope that he'd reciprocate. And although the view of his muscular legs in front of her was quite pleasing to the eye, his completely inanimate posture was beginning to get on her nerves.

Uuuhhh...ahhhh...yaaaaawnnnn...this room could certainly use some redecoration...I mean look at these walls...these yearbook photos with all these frat members...sooooo boring...Speaking of arm is starting to get all sore. I wonder if he'll ever cum at this rate. Let's start taking bets ladies and gentlemen. 2 to 1 says that he's never going to cum, anyone wants to place a bet?