There Must Be a Mistake Ch. 08


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As she passed her mother's grave she said, "I'll stop by later mom. I have to find my future."

She ran the entire perimeter of the fenced in property and never saw him. She decided it must have happened when she ran in front of the granite monolith by her mother's grave and decided to do it one more time. Without slowing down a step she continued her quest to find Gray, and apologize.

She passed the house again and didn't see him. She decided he must have seen her coming and he decided to hide from her. She started her third trip around the property looking more closely at the bushes that lined the fenced in area.

The only part of the property she did not run through was the rocky area by the Hot Spring. As Gray was exiting that area he saw her running. Her style was awful. She ran like a mix master on steroids. She was all knees, arm, elbows, and heels. He fell in behind her by 20 yards so she could not hear him; or at least he thought so.

"Dr. Grayson Thyme if you try to scare me again, I will cut your heart out while you're sleeping."

"You can't cut my heart out any more than you already did. I'm leaving for Houston tonight remember?"

"I will drive you to the airport as soon as you get out of the hospital."

"Why would I be in the hospital?" He ran up alongside her, but stayed far to her left.

"Because I will break both your legs to keep you from leaving me. I told you this was the first time I have ever been in love. I told you I did not know how to be with a man, and not be afraid of him. You scared me, and I reverted to who I was, not who I want to be. You have to give me time to grow up, or you might as well leave before I hurt you anymore then I have already."

"Do you want to come to Houston with me?"

"Never, I have work to do here. They will never let me work on what I want to do. They will tell me what to do, and I won't do it."

"I'm sorry, I have to go back next week after the test. I'm going to miss you."

"Why didn't you tell me this before? Why did you let me fall in love with you if you weren't going to stay?"

"It is all a matter of priorities. I have worked on Orion for three years. My life's work is in that capsule. I was hoping I could convince you to come with me so I could turn in my paperwork to leave the agency."

"You son of a bitch. I thought you were leaving me."

She started chasing after him.

Gray tormented her by running faster than she was 'BACKWARD'. All the while he was telling her how to change her running style.

"Run on your toes, not on your heels. Lean forward, it will give you less wind resistance. Bring your knees in, it looks like you're getting ready to get laid."

"Fuck you Gray."

"Not until we are married."

"You may not live that long."

"You are in better shape than I thought you were. I thought you were powder puff on the inside. Is this your first time around?"

" Asshole, this is my third time around."

"That's wonderful, we can start at two miles instead of one. I will get you out of bed at 5 o'clock in the morning."

I am going to tie your balls with a string. If you dare wake me up at that hour of the morning, I will hear you scream, and smile as I fall back to sleep."

"I will pinch your nipples until you cry out in anguish. You will get up, and we will start running at 5:30 in the morning."

"Why can't we start at 7 o'clock in the morning."

"We start at 5:30 to get used to the time. As we get used to the short miles, and increase them in length we will be getting back here by 8 o'clock in the morning. You will shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and go to work at 9 AM. Whenever we finish, we will go for another run, eat dinner, shower, fall into bed feeling wonderful."

"You are a sadist."

"Yes, I know, and you will love it, just as I do." He stopped and let her run into his arms.

He kissed her. "You owe the pretzel jar $30 for the use of foul language Delicious. You must learn to control your mouth. There are a many very intelligent people you are going to work with, and they do not accept that type of language used around them. I am not going to spank you, tickle you, or make you put money in the pretzel jar. I just want you to try harder to keep your mouth under control."

All 5'7" of Delicious Luck jumped up into the arms of 6'3" of Dr. Grayson Thyme. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and legs around his waist, and kissed him until they were both out of breath.

"I've been to Austin Texas, but never to Houston Texas. Are we driving or flying?"

"I'm going to rent an airplane and fly back."

"Remember what happened to my father when he was in an airplane the last time?"

"Do you know how many deaths are caused by automobile accidents every day?"

"I stand corrected. Single engine, multi-engine, propeller, or jet aircraft?"

"Which one would you prefer; I can fly them all."

"I hate you Gray I bet if they promised you a seat on Orion to Mars, you would stay with NASA."

"No I wouldn't. The people at NASA lie through both sides of their mouth. They will do anything to keep people there. They don't want to lose their brain trust. The reason scientists stay with them is the science, not what they get paid. They could get triple what they are paid on the outside, but the funding is always short. As I told you and your father, Orion is three years behind schedule, and we have no way to get it into Mars orbit. The agency doesn't care. They just keep throwing money at us so we can keep building it. They promise that the rocket will be here. The contracts haven't been let out yet, and that is a six or seven year project. Orion will be finished and sitting in a clean room waiting for this new technology, hoping that it works."

"I could give them the technology but that would ruin everything we have planned for the StarCraft. Maybe I will donate it to the University of Chicago with a provision every penny NASA saves be used for education and research."

"Why the University of Chicago?"

"They had the answer and they didn't realize it. I did. They believed Newton could not be wrong. They did not believe gravity could be reversed. They went in the wrong direction. How many scientists have taken the easy way out, instead of the hard way, and come out with the wrong answer in the end. In the 1890s everyone thought Thomas Edison was the most brilliant scientist on the face of the earth. Compared to Nicholas Telsa, Edison was an idiot. It was the men around Edison who were the true geniuses, not him. Thomas Edison's claim to fame on his light bulb was the screw-in bottom. That's the only part he came up with himself. The filament was the hard part, and he had no hand in making it. Edison said, "Direct Current was the only way to keep electricity safe. He was full of shit and his backers lost tons of money because Telsa proved him wrong.

Telsa rewrote the entire book from alternating current to the tilt rotor aircraft, which was not even believed possible until the late 20th century. He was first to experiment with high-frequency radio waves to detect submarines, and radar to detect aircraft. His list of patents are like reading the future. He was absolutely unbelievable for his time."

"Someone has been reading history books."

"Science books dummy, science; if you want to know about the future, you have to know about the past. Read H.G. Wells, and you see the future."

"I think I'll keep you for a little while longer."

"How little is a little while?"

"The rest of my life if you let me."

"10 years, and then we will renegotiate."

"Since I am letting you write the first contract, I get to write the second one."

"Only if I get to approve it."

"Do I get to approve the first one?"

"Absolutely not, the first one is as is."

"So is the second one."

"I hope I am in stasis by then."

"The contract only is in force while we are awake. I will put that in writing also."

"I should have kept my mouth shut."

"I will buy you new sneakers Friday, so they taste better."

"Let's go inside, I have to start writing our contract. It may take me a month to finish it."

"That's a wonderful idea. As soon as you finish yours, it will give me 10 years to write mine in response. Your contract will be quick and evil. My contract will be long, thoughtful, and responsive to every word in yours."

"I've already told you that you are a sadist. I have also told you many times that I don't like you. You're only saving grace is that I love you too much to let you go. Are there any foods you don't like to eat, because if there are I will serve them to you every day."

"As long as they are on your plate also, I will eat anything you put in front of me. Calves brains, Rocky Mountain oysters, the lining of the cows stomach, liver, haggis, goat's eyes, you name it, and I will eat it."

"You are disgusting Gray. I haven't heard of half of those things, and I don't think I want to know what they are."

"In that case I will make them for you."

"I will run away from home first."

"If you remember, you came running after me, because you did not want to lose me."

"You really know how to hurt a girl don't."

"I also know how to love a girl with all my heart."

"I wonder if they can put us in the same stasis chamber?"

"How do you know it's going to be a chamber?"

"I see it in the movies all the time."

"If I am on the inside, watch out; I'm going to be throwing up green stuff all over you."

"How do you know it's green?"

"I see that the movies all the time."

"Do you believe everything you see in the movies?"

"Do you?"

"It's 1:30 PM, our guests are supposed to arrive a little after 3 PM. Do you want to go home and fool around a little bit?"

"I'll give you a 10 second head start. You better move your ass baby."

"That will be $10 please." She was off, sprinting towards the house.

Gray counted down from 10 to zero, and took off after her.

Delicious was less than 5 yards from the front steps when Gray passed her running at full speed. He jumped up onto the porch and did his 'Rocky' imitation.

"Not one word Gray, if you say anything I will shove my fist up your ass."

"Delicious what did I say about your mouth?"

"I am going to have to wrap my head around it. I am going to try very hard to stop that; I promise Gray, I really do."

"Let's go upstairs, and fool around. I will take it out in trade."

"I bet you will try."

Gray grabbed Delicious' hand and pulled her into the house. As they started up the stairs she yelled, "Hi everyone, goodbye everyone, we will be down later."

I said, "It looks like everything is okay in paradise now. I think you are going to be very useful in this house Jen. She listens to a woman much more easily than she does to a man."

"That's because all men are idiots when it comes to a woman's heart. If men weren't taught the difference between breasts, assholes, mouths' and pussy's, there would never be any children born."

Rod said, "You do not have a very high opinion of men, do you."

"Even said you were the brightest lawyer he ever knew. You have just proved him correct."

"I think you should go home and talk to Rosalynn about your use of language Rod. I believe my wife may be more than your equal in it. If those two get together, you and I are going to need a safe room to hide in."

"Maybe we were all better off before you got married?"

"No, I have never been happier since the day I met Jennifer."

"Do you see what I mean Rod. Sometimes a very good husband comes up with an excellent, pre-recorded answer to a very delicate question."

"Wife it was not a pre-recorded answer. It was a truthful answer. I love you as much as I love my science, but there is one thing my science cannot give me. I have grown to love your pussy, your breasts, your firm and delicate ass, your loving thighs, your neck, ears, and lips. My computer cannot give me the children we desire to have together, all 10 of them. Quadruplets, triplets, twins, and finally a single birth. We will hit for the baseball cycle. We will have more children than my friend Rod before we leave the earth's atmosphere on our way to the stars. These are the things my computer cannot give me, and only a loving and devoted wife can. It is not science, and it is not technology. It is pure unadulterated SEX."

"In a pig's ear Even. We will do this one at a time, or we won't do it at all."

"My darling wife, love of my life, future mother of my children, since when do we mere mortals have a choice in this matter? Only God can dictate how many children we will have at one time, or if we will have any children at all."

"Nice save Even, hiding behind God's skirts was a good move."

Rod said, "God is a man, he doesn't wear skirts."

"Look at all the pictures they make of him. Either he's a cross-dresser, or he's wearing a dress all the time."

"Be quiet Rod, before you get in over your head. If Jen talks to Roz you may never have sex, in any form, ever again."

"I think I'll go home and get Gordon, before I wind up on the table as part of dinner."

"Take the NDA's with you, make up 200 copies in binders, and keep them in sealed boxes. We are going to need a notary for Wednesday. Get two of them locally, not from Denver."

Rod almost ran out of the house, fearing for his sex life.


By 3:30 PM all my colleagues were seated in my living room discussing everything but the topic they wanted to discuss most, which was what Delicious would brief them on at 7:30 this evening. These men, women, and I had crossed paths many times over the years, at conferences, and society functions, but never had anything like this. Most scientists are a homely bunch. When they leave work, they go home to their families, and then retire to their home offices and start to work again. Their minds never turn off. It is an occupational hazard.

At 4:15 PM, my four-year-old dynamo charged into the house.

"Mom, dad, I'm home."

Jennifer greeted him in the kitchen with a kiss. "What did you fall into Gordon? You smell awful."

"I fell into the compost pile. I think I need a bath."

"Get in here Even, you have a job to perform."

"Ladies, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me I think my son requires my special attention. If you need anything, Delicious or Jennifer will be happy to assist you."

I walked into the kitchen and looked at my son. "Oh goodness my handsome son has returned."

"Mommy says I stink, because I fell in the compost pile."

"Yes my son that would do it. Let's get you into the shower and clean clothes. There are people here that want to meet you, and I want you to meet."

"Piggyback ride?"

"Come on mommy hoist him up."

"I would have to touch him."

"Use towels Jen."

"Here we go Gordon, it looks like a shower for the both of us."

"Dad did you ever find out where mommy's mole was?"

"Don't you answer that question."

"Aren't mommy's funny Gordon?"

"I think so. So what if she has a mole on her behind."

"I couldn't agree with you more Gordon, but women are funny that way. They like to keep secrets from men, and we have to humor them."


"Keep the towel wrapped around you tight so you don't get cold. I'll take some clean clothes out of your suitcase."

"Can I jump on the bed while I wait?"

"Are you going to fall off the side and hurt yourself?"


"Throw me the towel, and have fun."

There was my son, in the middle of the king size bed jumping up and down, squealing with joy, and his mother walks in the door.

"Gordon stop that, you're going to kill yourself."

Gordon stopped, sat in the center of the bed with an unhappy look on his face.

"Jennifer do you remember me, Even, your husband, Gordon's father. The man who was sitting at the edge of the bed, watching him, and his every move, to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Do I have any say so at all as to what he can and cannot do?"

"He's been all I've ever had for the last four years Even. I would die if anything happened to him."

"Do you want me to wrap him in bubble wrap, until he is 18 years old. Then I will send him off to college so he can get every girl there pregnant, and not know why or how he did it?"

"It sounds like a very familiar story doesn't it?"

"I may have heard it before. I don't believe anyone wants to revisit it, do you?"

"Gordon would you please jump up and down again so I can see how you do it."

"Really mommy, do you mean it?"

"Yes baby, just don't fall off the edge of the bed please."

"That's the same thing dad said."

"That's because your father is a very smart man. I think I'll keep him."

"The three of us are going shopping tomorrow. Gordon needs new clothes."

"Gordon's clothes are basically brand-new. I brought them before we left for Alaska."

"Gordon stop jumping for a moment, I have to show you something and ask if you would like to wear it tonight."

"Okay dad, what is it."

I picked up an outfit from the suitcase and showed it to him. Gordon's reaction was exactly what I expected.

"No, not plaid again."

"Do you understand now why we are going shopping tomorrow?"

"Come to mommy Gordon."

"You are not going to cry again, are you mommy?"

"No Gordon, I am not going to cry. We are going to give all your plaid clothing to people in need. Tomorrow we are going to go shopping to buy you all new clothes. If you like them we will buy them, if you do not like them we will not buy them. How does that sound."

"Can dad help me? He has cool taste in clothes."

"I've seen how your father dressed before, and I doubt he has any taste in clothes. However, he can help you if you want him to, as long as I am with you."

"That's great, mom.

"We also have to pick up your new suits Gordon. They are ready."

"Can I wear my jacket and pants tonight?"


"Yes you can; my colleagues are wearing a jackets and dresses, why can't my son?"

"Why do I have the feeling you two men are ganging up on me?"

"It's very simple my dear, we are. We are going to smother you with kisses to prove it. Right Gordon?"

"Right dad."

We attacked. I pushed Jennifer down onto the bed. Gordon attacked from one side, while I nibbled at and kissed her ear on the other.

Jen pulled Gordon on top of her, and pinched his bottom.

"Young man it's time for you to put underwear on. We have guests downstairs and they wish to meet you."

"In my underwear?"

"No, but it is the first thing you have to put on before you get dressed."

"Dad why do scientists like us always say what we mean, and other people never say what they mean?"

"It's called improper use of language my son. Do you notice when you are at Rosalynn's house she always says exactly what she means. It's because she was an English major in college. She taught English in a very fine university after she graduated college. Most people are not like Rosalynn, and they don't use our language properly."

"Should we send mommy to Rosalynn to take classes in English?"

"That will be quite enough young man; you are looking for a spanking if you continue that line of questioning."

"What did I say wrong this time dad?"

I whispered, "We will discuss it later; let's get you dressed now."

Jennifer said, "Both of you are going to get a spanking if you keep this up."

"Gordon I think we're in trouble."

"Me to dad, me to."


Dinner was an amiable affair which Shelby basically ruled over. He reminded everyone at the table at least a dozen times, maybe two dozen times that what they were hearing tonight was classified above top secret. If they mentioned it to anyone, or used it in any of their own work, they would be in a federal penitentiary for violating the National Secrecy Act as amended after 9/11/2001.