There Must Be A Mistake Ch. 32


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"No sir. However, if I concentrate on a particular item, like the crack in the frame of Thomas Jefferson's picture, I will remember it."

"There is no crack in that frame. I look at that picture every day, while I am thinking."

"Mr. President, you are looking at the picture not the frame. The crack is on the left side, 6 inches from the bottom, moving from back to front. If it is not repaired within the next 18 months the picture will become irreparable."

The President hit a button on his desk and said, "Bring me a magnifying glass."

In less than one minute, a young man stepped into the room, handed the President a magnifying glass, and left the room, without saying a word.

"Show me the crack please, Anna."

Anna walked to the picture of Jefferson and pointed.

"Are you talking about that tiny thing? It will never destroy this painting."

"May I borrow your pen sir?"

The President handed her a ballpoint pen.

Anna drew a tiny line ¾ of an inch above the crack, and handed the pen to the President.

"I do not want you to think I am pressing too hard, or intentional trying to hurt the frame. If you would place the tip of the pen where I drew the line and begin to write your name lightly, you will see what I mean."

The President took the challenge, and began writing his name in script. He finished the first letter, when one inch of the side of the frame flaked off. He stood there amazed.

"How did you know?"

"There was wood dust on your immaculate blue carpet. Something is in there eating away at the frame. The picture will be next. I love T.J. As far as I am concerned, he was the best president we have ever had, for his time, in this country's history. FDR was very good. LBJ was adequate. Eisenhower warned us of our impending love of the Military/Industrial Complex. I wish he had lived longer to keep ringing the warning bell.

Nixon, Ford, and Carter were busts.

David Steadman said of his boss, 'Reagan nearly bankrupted us, but he did bankrupt the Soviet Union.'

Kennedy didn't have enough time. Then we had the warmonger, George H. W. Bush, who went after the wrong country, and his intelligence people told him so. He didn't want to hear it."

William Jefferson Clinton stopped that nonsense and left us with a blowjob, and surplus in our budget.

Enter 'W' BUSH, and instead of going after Pakistan, who he was told was the real culprit, and the real home of al Qaida, he got us mired down in Iraq, to finish 'Daddy's' war, by going after Saddam Hussein. Then he attacked Afghanistan, which no one has ever conquered, not even Alexander the Great. The Russians tried and they failed. No one can beat a country that doesn't have an organized army. They fight like the Vietcong did, and we lost there too.

"Is that the truth Michael?"

"It is the truth. However, I thought they were eight years old at the time. Now that you've heard his story. You must forget it, and never repeat it, not even to a White House Chief of Staff. Information like that has been known to leak, and it could be very damaging to your parents, and to this nation. You wouldn't want your father to be thrown off the bench because of a scandal like that would you?"

The four young women said no instantly. With that in mind, their lips were sealed permanently.

Robert smiled at Michael's play of the Ace of Trump. He knew this information could not tarnish Justice Hastings. It could tarnish his parents, his grandparents, Harold Chase and his family, and onward down the line. Michael was no one's fool, and he was a skillful adversary. He, also, did not have the Ace of Trump in his hand."


Zoey asked, "Robert have you spoken with anyone in your family since last Saturday?"

"I haven't, but I have a feeling I should have. What is happening in my inner circle?"

"Several women have become pregnant."

"I know it is not my mother. Who is going to pop first?

"You don't want to guess? You are willing to lose $5000.00, without trying?"

"Five Grand, this must be a very interesting guess." He went through every member of his family, and remembered that his and the Luck's were joined as families. Zoey was going to marry Gordon Luck soon, and that made her eligible. He looked at Zoey, and she blushed under his scrutiny. He turned away from her, and turned quickly back.

"It's you Zoey, you are pregnant, aren't you. You tried to sneak this one by me."

Payne said, "She is not, are you?"

"You are correct mother; I am definitely not pregnant. I am taking those little pills every morning to remain human, remember."

"Oh yes, I remember."

"Robert, Jemma is expecting her third child, in late June or early July.

"Please tell me you're kidding me. My grandfather's eighty-nine years old. That makes Jemma sixty-four. I didn't know women could get pregnant at that age."

"Apparently, neither did your grandparents. However Jemma is pregnant. I found out from Gordon this morning. This has been a very interesting day dad. A lot has happened since this morning."

"Yes Zoey, a lot has happened today, and I for one am very happy about it, aren't you darling?"

"Yes I am Dycke. I am feeling much better now than I was this morning."

"Very good, can I get you anything?"

"No I am Fine."

There was a knock at the front door.

Dycke called security to see who they let by.

"Steve is here with your luggage."

Zoey opened the door and let him in. He was using a luggage cart, and it was packed to the gills.

Zoey looked at Cindi and shrugged her shoulders.

Cindi said, "They are for appearances sake."

"I understand."

Dycke stood up. "We have had a long and interesting day; so have you. I am going to take my wife upstairs, and see that she gets some rest. I have business matters to attend to, and a young man in Temple Texas is expecting a phone call from his fiancée. There are cars at your disposal, just tell your security team where you want to go, get in the back, and you will get there. You will go in two vehicles. If you want to go out to dinner, our agents can tell you all the places we go to, or you can call us, and we will tell you. Enjoy your stay. One more thing; call your parents, and let them know you are alive. It's the humane thing to do."

As they were entering their apartment, and agent called out, "Mrs. Schneider, there is a package here you have to sign for. There is also one here for Zoey to sign."

Dycke said, "Go inside dear I will sign them."

"I'm sorry sir, Mrs. Schneider has to sign for hers, and Zoey for hers."

Payne returned to the door and signed for her package. It was very heavy. Zoey said the same thing about her package after she signed.

"They look like twins mom, why don't you open yours first?"

"Would you get me something to open this with dear?"


It took time to get through all the wrappings, but when she did, Payne gasped. In a beautiful leather bound book, more than 8 inches in depth, written in gold leaf it simply said, "Mother


"Go away Dick, this is for Zoey and me."

"I'll be in my office."

Payne's hands were shaking as she lifted the book from its case. A note fell from it.

"I have photographed handsome men, and gorgeous women all over this planet. For one reason or another their pictures had to retouch in one area of their body or another to make them picture-perfect. All of the pictures you are about to look at are the way they came from my cameras. They are natural, they are pure. No airbrushing was done, no skin tone added. This is the way the camera saw you. This is the way Madame saw you, and this is the way I saw you through my lens. I thank you for the privilege of taking these pictures. If one day you decide to show the world how beautiful you both truly are, I will release the negatives to you through my successors.


"Come on mom, I want to see what we look like."

"You are young, I'm afraid to see what I look like."

"This is what the whole thing is all about, you're afraid of getting old. You're not old mom. You are beautiful, and you are letting a number drag you down. Open your eyes and let a mirror tell you what you look like, not a number. Open the damn book, and let's see what we look like standing next to one another."

Payne cringed as she opened to the first page of the book. She was facing forward, tall and lean, with both breast and her right leg visible. Her right hand was on her hip, and her left hand was on Zoey's right shoulder.

Zoey was facing her mother. Her back completely bare, with her left leg and hip between her mother's legs. Her left arm went through the area left by her mother's right arm, and around her back, seemingly pulling her them towards each other. Payne had a hint of a smile on her face, while looking down at her daughter, while Zoey was in full smile, almost laughing at her mother.

The more you looked at the picture, you forgot everything, except the two women looking at each other. You get lost in their happiness, and the glow of their eyes, and the youthfulness of their skin tone.

Payne broke her silence. "This is a beautiful picture, isn't it?"

"What do you think about the 18-year-old on the left mom? I love her tits."

"They are very nice, aren't they?"

"Look at the muscles in those long legs mom. She runs a lot, or spends a lot of time on the stair climber."

"She does look very good."

"Mom look at me. Why aren't you happy? The two women in that picture are us. Raquel Welch took those pictures of us four months ago remember. That beautiful woman staring at me, is you. Miss Welch said so in her note. These pictures are not retouched. This is the way we are. Come with me, I'm going to prove it to you."

Zoey pulled Payne into her bedroom, closed and locked her door. She began to undress, and asked her mother to do the same."

"Why should I undress?"

"I am going to prove to you that that woman in the picture is the same woman who posed for it in Paris, and is in this bedroom today. She is my mother, and she is beautiful. I don't care if she's 44 or 84, she is still a beautiful woman, and she has to understand that age doesn't matter. It's only a number in your head. You have to think young to live young. If you want to be old all you have to do is act old. Buy yourself a rocking chair, and a blanket, sit by the corner and feed pigeons. Now get undressed please, or do I have to strip you."

Zoey was naked, tapping her foot waiting for her mother to finish undressing. When she was naked Zoey said, "You should shave, you look cuter that way."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes I do. Now come over here and stand by me. Look at the picture and strike the same pose with me. Instead of looking down, look into the mirror as I turn on the lights and tell me what you see."

Zoey hit the remote button, and every light in the room came on.

Payne marveled, "It's us, it's you and me. It can't be I'm much older than you are."

"What does the mirror tell your mom? Are you an old woman, or are you a young, vibrant looking woman?"

"I look young and happy."

"That's because on that day you were young and happy."

"Your mother is 65 years old. Does she look old to you?"

"No, my mother still looks young."

"If your mother still looks young, why should you be old? Look at the picture mom, think of your mother standing naked getting fitted for her dress. Think of her preparing for your wedding.

Then look at me. Your mom looks young, you are young, and you have two young sons. I still a child. Look at you mom, no one could ever tell you had three children. You have no stretch marks, and no pouch that women normally have after the carry a child. You carried three, and your body doesn't show it. Mom, you are not old. Dad is the one that is supposed to go through a midlife crisis not you. Can we look at the second page now?"

"We are already naked, why not?"

An hour and a half later Zoey snuck out of the bedroom, turned and bumped into her father's chest.

"Hi dad."

"Hello daughter, would you care to tell me what went on in there, before I beat it out of you?"

"Mom and I looked at some pictures and then we went to sleep."

"For nearly 2 hours you and your mother looked at pictures, and then you went to sleep. There was no talking between you two or anything?"

"We may have said a few words to one another, but it was mostly looking at the pictures, and commenting on them."

"What kind of pictures when you commenting on?"

"Portraits mostly, yes portraits."

"Neoclassical, Baroque, English tradition, Flemish, or current works of art?"

"According to my English literature teacher, I would say current works of art."

"Zoey open your package."

"It's my package, I'll open it when I want to."

"When did you say you wanted to see Gordon?"

"Dad could you help me open my package please."

"I would be delighted to help you."

After Dycke read the same note from Raquel Welch he turned to see the first picture in the volume. His eyes opened wide, but not a sound came out of his mouth. Tears rolled down his face as his hand touched his wife's face. He remembered what it was like when they met, and how she suffered because of it. Now he looked at it 26 years later, and she was still as beautiful as the day they took the bandages off.

Arms enfolded his neck, and lips kissed his head. "What do you think of the rest of me Dycke?"

"There was never a more beautiful woman born."

Zoey asked, "Who are you talking about dad, mom or me?"

"Are you in the pictures Zoey, I hadn't noticed."

"Dycke according to our daughter I have to shave a certain area of my body because I look cuter that way. Then I'm going to get dressed, and you are going to take me to the Country Club for dinner. I have to apologize to one of my sons, and then apologize to both of our parents. I'm going to listen to Dr. Russell, and not overload myself. I'm going to ask our parents to help Zoey plan her wedding. I will remind my mother whose wedding it is, and Zoey has the final word. What day would you like your wedding baby?"

"December 14 has a nice ring to it. It's a Saturday, and I believe 3 PM would be a great time for Bishop Vincent to marry us."

Dycke put his hands on his head, and began to pound it. "How did you find out he is a bishop?"

"You are not the only one that can steal private emails dad."

"When you and Gordon have a baby, a computer is going to pop out."

"You say the most wonderful things dad. What should I name it? A Big Payne or a Little..."

"If you finish that sentence the way I think you are, you are going to be the first test subject of my new paddle. It's made of birch. It's supposed to be strong and flexible. When it strikes something, or someone, not only does it hurt, but it also stings because the wood vibrates upon contact. I will order one for Gordon if you like."

"Thank you for the warning dad, can we talk about my wedding now?"

"It will be close, but if anyone can do it, our parents, Jennifer, and Patti can do it. You, young lady, can call for a pizza. A young man is waiting for your phone call. Don't tell him about the pictures, show them to him when he gets here."

Dycke took Payne by the arm and kissed her lovingly. "Darling do you remember the time we were in the hotel, and you put that goop all over my body except for my lower leg and all the hair came off my body except that area."

"Yes, I remember, it was one of the funniest things I ever did to you."

"Do you remember I had to shave that all by myself?"

"Yes, and you didn't cut yourself anywhere."

"I believe it's time to get even with you for that transgression."

Payne looked into his smiling eyes and realized what he was saying.

"Oh no you're not. You are not shaving me."

Zoey yelled, "Go for a Dad!"

"Be quiet Zoey, or I will throw you over the railing."

"No you won't, you love me too much."


"Dad can I watch you shave mom?"

"Only if I can shave you next."

"I think I'll order a pizza, and call Gordon."

"I think that's an excellent decision on your part, because my straight razor might slip and cut off your clitoris."

"Okay, I'm leaving, please remember I love you both, and I have the most beautiful mother in the world."

"You're damn right you do, and I have the pictures to prove it."

154. Earth 2

I was watching Gordon pace up and down the aisle behind his station waiting for Zoey to call, when I called him.

"Yes dad?"

"Is what you're doing going to make the phone ring any sooner?"

"No it's not going to make it ring any sooner. I know that and you know that."

"Then sit down and do some work."

"My work is done."

"Can you tell me exactly where every star on your star charts is, and the possibility of life sustaining properties of each of them?"

"You know I can't do that, because it's impossible. There are hundreds of millions of galaxies, and hundreds of millions of stars in each galaxy."

"Gordon until you can tell me the name of every star in every galaxy and the possibility of life-sustaining functions on each of them, your work is not done. Now sit down and get to work or I'll take your cell phone away from you."

"If you do that to me, I'm going to put two dozen turkeys on the Good Luck."

"You can't get an extra hair by Monty, with the security protocols she has for getting on to the spacecraft. I'll have her strip search you if necessary."

"That sounds like fun."

"Give me your cell phone and get to work. I'll call you when she gets in touch with you."

"I hope you have twin girls. It would serve you right."

"Your mother would be in heaven."

"I agree, but you would be in hell."

"Get to work Gordon or I'll smash this thing to pieces."

Much to my surprise he didn't grudgingly walk back to his station, he did cartwheels instead. He turned, looked at me, and started walking like a turkey. I walked into my office and called Monty. She laughed.

"Doctor Luck, since we put the new security protocols in, hairpins are detected. How does he expect two dozen eggs to slip by unnoticed?"

"I don't know, but you know Gordon, if there's a way to do it, he'll find it, or he'll damn well try to find it."

"I think I'm going to upgrade his training and focus on his hands."

"You can't do that Monty. He needs his hands to work on the computer and the nuclear engine."

"I will just beat the shit out of him in that case."

"You have no idea how he looks forward to those battles between you two."

"Does he realize how much fun he's taking out of my life?"

"Exactly; if you're not having fun, guess who is?"

"You tell me I can't kill him, you tell me I can go after his hands, and you tell me I can't neuter him. What's left for me to do?"

"You can wait until you have him enclosed in the spacecraft, and he has nowhere to run."

"Yes, Doctor Luck, in a little more than three weeks he will be mine."

"Yes Monty, he will be all yours."


Hours passed and I got an email from Gordon: "Did she call?"


"Something's wrong, call her father and find out what it is. I'm not joking. DO IT NOW!"


I called Dycke, and he sounded out of breath.

"Doing push-ups?"

"You have no idea what's going on here. A jet aircraft just landed on the roof of Zoey's SUV."

"Very funny Dycke, was Zoey driving down the middle of a runway?"

"Even, she was on Route 171, and a jet made an emergency landing behind her. It had a broken nose gear and used the back of Zoey's SUV to keep from crashing. Do you want to know who is on board?"

"This tale is too good to end now, why not enhance it."

"Robert Valentino, Sandi Hastings and her three sisters."
