This is Home Now


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"I know just what you mean. Hopefully we can watch the sunset tomorrow evening. That is one reason I had been thinking about moving back out in the country some place or maybe even moving back here and buying some property and building a house on it to live in."

"Why didn't you just move back here with mom and dad to help dad out around here, and maybe build a nice little house on some of this property?"

"Dad didn't want me around as far as living right here close. I would have to buy some property on the other side of town that's north of here or on the other side of the city to the south here. He really didn't want my help here for as long as he had needed it last year, when I was here to help him out."

"Why was that?"

"He said I interfered with his love life. From the way mom talked though, she had no love life with him."

"That's what she told me too, over the phone before you even got here."

"That makes one wonder who he had a love life with or what he called a love life."

"I know mom really wished one of us were here. Especially after you left here she told me she wished you would've stayed here or moved back here with them. You payed more attention to her than dad has in a very long time and hopes, that when you get married to the woman you fall in love with, that you never get like dad had gotten toward her, after being married for so long."

"I noticed he didn't pay a whole lot of attention to mom when I was here and thinking back before I left here the first time to live on my own, that he was showing less attention to her as time passed by. He didn't compliment her or tell her how beautiful she was or anything like that last year when I was here."

"Mom told me he had stopped all together. She told me it was pretty bad that you complimented her and told her how sexy she was, whereas dad hadn't told her she was sexy in a very long time and she told dad about you telling her how sexy she was and he didn't anymore and dad tried telling her, because you wanted something from her. I think she was about ready to leave him over that one but she didn't want to burden you or me, by asking us if she could come live with us so she stuck it out with him."

"I would've told her she would've been no burden on me at all. After all look how long she did help take care of us, by making sure we had clothes on our backs, food in our bellies, and a roof over our heads."

"Dad helped her with that too."

"Yes he did. For those reasons I would help either one of them out by letting them move in with me, had there been a cause for them to not be together or, one needing help caring for the other one."

"I would've done the same and I did tell mom that she was welcome no matter what and that she'd be no burden on me at all."

"I don't know about you sis but I think I want another cup myself."

"I was thinking the same thing. I get it for us if you hand me your cup bro."

"Okay thank you." as I sat back in the chair again and passing my cup over to Sue as she stood up.

When Sue returned with our coffees and handed me my coffee cup, "Thank you sis. By the way, I must say you look really sexy yourself."

"Thank you. You're not bad looking yourself you know. You're really quite handsome just like mom said you were. She told me she would have jumped your bones had you not been her son. I told her maybe she should jump your bones but like she said, it would have scared you so bad that you'd never say any more about how sexy she was."

"Little does she know or knew now that she's not with us anymore." I whispered more to myself than any one.

"Did I hear you right? You would have loved to have had sex with our mom?"

"Okay I confess. I would have been trying to get into her panties had she not been our mom but if she had been willing or had gave me some kind of idea as to have been willing to have sex with me, I would have jumped at the chance. Mom or no mom, she was sexy hot and I told her so."

"Mom was pretty for sure. I even bet she would have let you get into her panties if she knew that you wanted to."

"Looking at it now, I guess it's too bad we didn't talk to each other more and let each other know how we felt about each other."

Sue and I talked about other things her and mom had talked about and the few things, her and dad had talked about, and I reveled things mom and I had talked about as well as what dad and I had talked about, while Sue and I drank our coffee.

When Sue took her last drink from her cup and swallowed it, "I think I'm going in to change and I'll be right back out and have some beer before turning in. I'm not really sleepy right now and maybe a beer will help, once I'm changed into something more comfortable." standing up with her cup then.

"I was thinking about getting into something more comfortable myself." standing up myself with my cup and taking Sue's cup from her, since the kitchen is more in the direction I'm going than the way she'll be going.

"Thank you but I can take it in myself."

"I know but I can just head up the stairs from there, where you would be taking a detour route."

"True." then she stepped into the house just ahead of me.

I put our cups in the dishwasher after rinsing them out and then turning to head up the stairs, I glance over toward the master bedroom door to see that Sue left it cracked open quite a ways. I should have just kept going but I ended up stopping and Sue laid down, what looked to be a night shirt on the bed, then she unzipped her dress most of the way down the front. When the dress was opened enough she let it drop off her shoulders, then she stepped out of it and when the waist of the dress cleared her butt, I saw that she didn't have on a pair of panties. The little bit of her ass cheeks that wasn't tanned was pretty white looking, which told me why I couldn't tell if she had panties on or not, with the quick flash I'd gotten earlier.

Before she could turn around to see me watching her, I shot off up the stairs and into my bedroom as quietly as possible. I pushed the door to but I knew it didn't close all the way but I didn't figure Sue would be up, and if she did, why not let her get a little bit of the same view of me, as I had of her. I had my shirt unbuttoned by the time I made it up to the bedroom and almost off by that time as well.

Getting my pants off and between having a hard-on from seeing my sister nude, from the back side any way, and having to pee, due to all the coffee I had drank, I headed toward the bathroom without a stich of clothing on, except for my boxers in my hand. Just as I pulled the door open and stepped out into the hallway Sue was right at the bathroom door coming toward my bedroom and we both froze in our tracks. It took me a couple of seconds but I hurriedly put my boxers on instead of backing up into my bedroom to put them on, "I guess we're more than even now aren't we bro?" with a giggle in her voice.

"U-uh-uh... Sorry but fuck, you're so damn sexy hot sis, that I just had to admire your beauty." just letting it all out there, as to why I was watching her undress.

"Why thank you bro. I thought you were just perving on me."

"A-a... I guess I was perving some. I can't help it but you're so damn sexy and it's been a while since Jill left me all because she thinks sex was so damn dirty and disgusting, that she thought more than once a week was too much filth."

"That sounds like her and Sam, my last boyfriend, should've been the two to get together instead of them with us."

"I've got to get in the bathroom before I flood us out here." then stepped over in front of Sue and then turned into the bathroom and over to the toilet, not taking time to shut the door since she had done seen me without a stich of clothing on. While I stood there peeing I happen to notice that the gown Sue had on was like a silk type material and I could just make out her areolas and her nipples were trying to poke through the nightgown. Just before I finished peeing, I happen to notice that she was still standing at the door watching me, "By the way sis, what was the reason you came up here for?"

"Oh, sorry." with a giggle in her voice, "I came up here to see what this floor looked like and how it is laid out. I hadn't been up here since we showed up today so, I thought I'd come up and see it while you were up here to guide me around some."

"Well as you can see this is the restroom with a shower tub in one and the door behind you, that way, on this side is a bedroom and when I was here last year, mom had me stay in that bedroom I just stepped out of and as you can see, that side looks out over the back yard."

"That puts the living room under that bedroom right?"

"Yes and the bedroom I'm sleeping in sits over the pantry and the same with the bathroom here. The hallway there is over part of the kitchen and that roof, is over the other part of the kitchen as well."

As I turned toward the door Sue backed up a step and turned toward the bedroom I was staying in, then stepped over and looked around the room for a little bit, then she turned back and walked to the other bedroom and looked in for a moment, then she looked up at me, "You know David, I could come up with something here, but I want you to think about what you thing we should do with the house and property, between now and tomorrow morning first. I want to think about my thoughts on the house some more, before I suggest something to you about the house and property too." then she turned to head back down stairs, with me watching her ass swish back and forth a bit more than she usually has it swing, when she walks.

As I followed Sue toward the stairs, the other thing that caught my eyes was with the way she was swishing her ass back and forth and the hem of her nightgown just barely covering her butt, I got to see an ass cheeks with swish that caused her gown tail to do a little flip. The other thing I noticed is, I could see the crack of her ass through the nightgown too.

As I got a couple of beers to drink for us, Sue checked out the television to see if anything was on worth watching for a week night. As I stepped over with the two open beers I was kind of watching what Sue was looking at, as she was going through the guide, that turned out nothing caught my eye, "There is nothing on the blue tube tonight that I want to watch so, I guess I'll just go back out and sit and watch the moon, and stars, and listen to the night sounds, that one doesn't hear in the big city." as she stood up from the couch, taking the beer I held out to her.

"I'll join you there if you don't mind me doing so."

"I don't mind one little bit. It will be nice to share something with someone, for a change and not, sit all alone." turning toward the sliding glass door, that is in the dining room.

Stepping out behind Sue, I followed a step behind her with my cock getting hard all over again, although it didn't totally go soft to begin with, from when I saw her take her dress off in the bedroom. Sue took a seat at the table, and then took a drink of her beer before saying, "Mm, nothing like a cold beer, and a nice night to spend with someone you love, and see the moon and stars shining brightly, across the sky."

As Sue and I sat just looking out and up at the sky and listening to the night sounds we heard what sounded like a woman screaming out some place, "That is a back chilling and hair curdling chill sending sound. Even though what we just heard is a big cat. In the big city it is a woman needing help if you do ever hear it, and it would be just as chilling to hear I bet if she cried out like that cat just did. I've never heard a woman in the big city cry out like that for help and thankfully, I never did."

"I've never heard a woman cry out for help like that either."

Sue and I sat there making small talk while we drank a couple of beers before we headed off to bed. Sleep didn't come so easy for me till I jacked off a couple of times thinking about Sue and how hot she looked from the back in the nude. I kept seeing her in my mind unzipping her dress, then letting it slide down toward the floor, then stepping out of it, and then bending over to lay the dress down on the bed.

The thing that killed our mom and dad was a real bad thirty cars pileup on the interstate covered in ice and they got sandwiched between two big tractor trailer rigs. Mom and dad were on their way home from one of our cousin's wedding up north of here some place, which Sue and I didn't get an invite to for some unknown reason.

I woke up early the next morning to see that it was still dark out but it was like five in the morning, when I usually got up to start getting ready for work before coming here to my folks house, to figure out what Sue and I may want to do with this place. Not thinking anything about what I was really doing, I went to the restroom and relieved myself, then I headed down to the kitchen and started putting the coffee makings together in the maker, and then turned it on when I had the water in the maker's reservoir. I then opened the cupboard door just to the left and got two cups out and sat them next to the maker, then turned toward the sliding glass door, "Coffees making sis. I'm going to just check to see if I want to sit out there and drink my coffee or drink it in here when it's done." I had heard Sue walk up to the counter/snack bar, which divides the dining room and living room from the kitchen.

"Did you hear me walk up or did you happen to see me walk up?"

"I heard your bare feet first, and then I saw you just as you got within two steps from the counter there, which is when I turned." then I slid the glass door open and stepped out and over to the deck's edge. Stopping to the edge of the deck I took a deep breath of the fresh air and felt just how good it felt on my bare skin, realizing right then, that I am as necked as the day I was born, just the way I like to be when I'm out like this, and it feels so good after being cooped up in the city for so long. I noticed that Sue had her nightgown on when she stepped up to the counter, just before I stepped outside here.

I turned back around and stepped into the house to see Sue stepping over to a stool on the kitchen side of the counter, "How does the weather feel out there bro?"

"Oh it feels so freaking good out there, that as soon as the coffee is done making, I'm going to drink it out there on the deck. I guess in the mean time, I should go up and throw something on though."

"Why not just stay the way you are right now. I've done seen it all now as I know that you've seen it all yourself." then taking her nightgown off, then lay the gown down on the stool next to her, "You have now if you hadn't already seen it all."

"You do have a point there and I hadn't but I have now, for the fact I'm seeing it for the first time now rather than looking at through the fabric. I must say you are more than just hot."

"Why thank you David." going over to the coffee maker and filling both cups up with coffee.

"You're welcome." then watching Sue pour the coffee into our cups and bring them back over with her and taking the cup she held out to me, "Thank you sis."

"You're welcome." then we headed out the glass door to the patio.

After having about three cups of coffee each and making small talk as we drank those three cups of coffee each, we went in and got dressed then met again out on the patio with a cold drink of choice, which mine was a glass of ice tea. As I drank my tea I happen to think of the root cellar, as grandpa called it, which now it is made of cement and not of logs and dirt as it once was made from, "I'm going to go check out the storm cellar." Dad started calling it a storm cellar after having it remade with cement.

"May I go with you? I want to check to see if there is anything we may need to get to put in there, just in case we may need it sometime in the near future."

"Good idea. That is why I figured I would go check it out, is just in case of a tornado since it is really the season for them right now." then stepping off the patio deck with Sue following me as we stepped over and around the corner of the house where the cellar door is.

The cellar wasn't next to the house but off the corner of the house, where it was more central to the front and back doors of the house, and about half way between the barn and the house. The idea to have it located there is for the idea of making it as close as possible for any one that happen to be in front of the house, or in back of the house, and or in the barn, when a tornado comes through.

I opened the door when I pulled up on the handle and the cement block used as a counterweight, working like the pulley has been well oiled as the pulley did its job. Once Sue and I were inside I lit the oil lantern with a matchstick, "It is cool down here compared to what it is outside right now. It all ways got me as to how it would be warmer down here in the winter time but cooler in the summer time. Dad explained it to me as to how that works. I asked him why we never had a house underground which would make the heating and cooling bills to be more affordable for us and he said it just wasn't logical for some reason."

"I asked him why it wouldn't be logical but he couldn't answer that for me. It would make commonsense but for some reason people don't all ways use their commonsense."

"Can you see all of the canned goods there on the shelves David?"

"This is beets, that mom canned on the second shelf, and then this is plum jelly here on the top shelf." Then bending over and picking up a jar from the bottom shelf and bringing it into the light, "Oh yes my favorite pea, black-eyed peas. That is pretty much all that there is in the way of food or canned goods, as mom and dad called them."

"I like them too but we may get tired of them if this is all we have to eat for a week or so, if no one comes out here to look for us and we happen to be trapped in here."

"You do have a point there. I don't see anything to put in these buckets in case of being trapped in here for any length of time, to keep them from stinking. No matter what we eat or don't eat we'll need to use these if we're trapped in here for any length of time."

"True. I guess we better make a trip to town if we're going to keep this place but why bother if, we decide to sell it and split the money. Which brings me to what I said yesterday, about thinking about what you thing we should do with the place and the house."

"I thought about it and I guess we could go several different ways with everything here. One thing is to keep it and both of us move in here and live here till one or both of us decide to marry, and then figure out which of us has enough money to buy the other out, to be soul owner of the lot. The other is, one live here to maybe make sure everything stays in good shape, by having repairs done as needed and the other one can have it as a getaway to come to so we can visit each other at those times but, the one not living here should send money to help with the repairs. The other thing is to sell everything off and split the money down the middle. The second way mentioned, I'm thinking one of us would end up with a raw deal, unless we can make sure it is an even-steven deal so that, we don't end up with one or the other getting the raw end of the stick, so to speak."

"I can see what you're saying about one or the other getting a raw deal with your second idea. I must say though, I love your first idea the best for me. It was what I was thinking when I was up last night looking at the second story and saw the bedrooms and bathroom lay out."

"I really like that idea the best myself because this place has been in the family for several generations from what grandpa has said about the place. Grandpa and grandma both went through a lot to make sure none of the other, of dad's siblings, got their paws on this place. Dad didn't go through any of those pains to keep either you or me away because I told him I didn't want anyone outside of the family to get this place and I hoped, I could hold up to that throughout my life."