This is Home Now


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"It sounds like, that fiberglass is some bad stuff." stepping just inside the master bedroom door and stripping off her clothes right there and laying them on the living room floor, next to the bedroom door.

I decided to just strip off right here next to the laundry room door and put my clothes on in the washer and start the water to running into the washer, then went over and picked up Sue's clothes and put them in the washer with my clothes and put soap in the soap reservoir in the washer. With everything in and set I closed the washer lid, then went to the half bath in the living room and cleaned my hands and arms.

In a clean pair of jeans and a shirt I fixed a couple of glasses of ice tea then and headed out to the patio deck, "I'm taking your ice tea out with me to the patio sis." I called toward the master bedroom.

"Okay thank you. I'll be right out, in just a sec." Sue called back to me.

Sue and I sat making small talk while we drank our ice teas, then we decided to head off to see what kind of shape the pond looked to be in. It took us thirty three minutes to get there to see that it wasn't as grown up around it, as we expected it to be but it did have some growth around it, "Not much of a beach around it as I remember it having." Sue said, in a disappointed voice.

"That's because the pond is pretty full of water right now. As the weather heats up and the rains slowdown in coming, the water level will drop which in turn will make more beach area."

"Maybe that is why I remember more beach around it, than there is now. Did we used to go skinny-dipping here?"

"Yes, back before you started developing a chest like you have now."

"Oh yes I remember now. I thought I was deforming when I first started getting tits. Mom had to show me her's for me to believe her, about it being part of growing up into a woman." laughing at herself for thinking she was becoming deformed somehow.

Laughing with her, "Oh yea, I remember that too. Neither one of us really knew that mom had tits because of the baggy shirts she wore around us until then, and that is when it seemed to wake her up and start wearing clothes that reveled her better and, it even made me look at her more and getting a good views every so often of her tits, nipples, and all, when she had no bra on."

"I remember all of that too. You would get a hard-on when you would see mom's tits and nipples like that, which I made sure you couldn't see mine for a while there, till it started making me horny knowing what it would do to you, when you saw tits and nipples s, I started wearing clothes just so you would happen to see my tits and nipples, from time to time."

"Out of all those baggy clothes that mom would wear before she wore more reveling and better fitting clothes, I would have got better and more views, had she not tucked her shirt tails in the waist of her sweat pants and skirts, than I did after she changed the way she dressed."

"I know what you mean there because I would get the same views you did at times myself, if not more than you did, since I had started helping her more around the house, while you were out with dad helping him more by that time."

Sue and I continued to talk as we walked around the pond and checked the temp of the water by wading out into the water a little ways with my pants legs rolled up and my socks and boots off and Sue had took off her sandals. We found the water to be nether warm or cool really but just right, but we both also knew it could get very warm in the heat of the summer and stay pretty warm all through the night. It was tempting to just strip off and sit down in the water even now, as warm as the air temp is and the way we were sweating but we decided to wait another day or two, before we did that.

When we had made it around the pond we had to let our feet dry before I put my socks and boots back on and Sue put on her sandals on, then we walked back to the house and I got the smoker fired up. While I was getting the smoker fired up, Sue went in and put some potatoes and some other vegetables together and some baked beans, which I put in the smoker for a little bit after she had them mostly cooked.

With the steaks cooked tender the way we liked them and smokiness added to the baked beans, we sat down to supper at the picnic table and ate while making small talk. As we were finishing off our supper I looked up toward the west, "I hope that bank over in the west there isn't meaning it's going to be a real bad night for us."

"I hated it when a storm would blow through when we lived in the old house. I would be so scared that I would either end up in your bed to sleep with you the rest of the night, or with mom and dad."

"It seemed that you would end up in my bed most of the time rather than mom and dad's bed."

"That was because your bedroom was closer to my bedroom it seemed, plus dad was always sleeping in the nude and his dick, which I called pee-pee back then, would end up poking me in the back or my belly part way through the night if he went back to sleep and I, was afraid of it for some reason. I remember yours would get hard but I guess, with you sleeping in PJ's, it didn't scare me like dad's did, since he wasn't in PJ's like you were."

"When you got older you would come in during a little storm in just a nightgown and no panties or pajama bottoms on and I would be in boxers only, and I woke up a few times with a boner and it was making its way out of the fly in my boxers."

"I do remember that too. I would wake up and rub my butt up against you and I believe, a few times your dick head did make it out through the fly of your boxers and get caught between my butt cheeks."

"Yes I believe so too. I remember you would end up turning over after I did, and then I would feel your hand on my dick, causing me to cum all in my bed."

"Yes and the first time you cum, it got on my hand, which it did every time after that too, but I thought it was pee at first but I kept feeling how thick it felt and slimy and it didn't go away, like pee does and in the light of a lightning flash, I saw it was white not yellow like pee, so I knew then, it was what they call cum. I must admit though that I liked the warmth and feel of your cum, and when I heard a girl at school talk about liking the taste of her boyfriend's cum, I had to see what your cum tasted like too, so I did put some in my mouth, and I did like the taste of your cum as well."

We started putting things away that was left over and putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and then with everything cleaned up and put away Sue, and I, just kicked back to relax some, drinking a beer each and making small talk.

As it got darker with the sun going down and the cloud cover that moved in and the wind picking up, "I do not like the looks of those clouds sis." I turned to go into the house, "I'm going to make a couple of pots of coffee for us to drink."

"Why two pots?"

"I'm going to fill up a thermos in case we lose electric."

"That's right; the electric was all ways bad about going out around here it seems, back then."

"And still did last year too." then I stepped into the house and went to the kitchen and started the first pot of coffee to making.

Just as the first pot of coffee got made and I had it in a thermos, I started a second pot and got two beers out of the fridge and stepped out onto the patio deck, "You ready for another beer sis?"

"Yes I am. How is the coffee making doing?"

"First one is in the thermos and the second one making."

"Good because I think I'll be ready for some coffee when I finish this beer."

"We're not going to be able to sit out here for very long from the look of things out here."

"I was just thinking the same thing too."

Sue and I made small talk while we drank our beer, then we started drinking the second pot of coffee I had made, while we still continued to make small talk, then before we had a third cup of coffee each, the lightning started coming toward us, so we decided to move into the house before it did get here. When we went into the house Sue went to her bedroom and changed into her nightgown, then sat on the couch next to me and cuddled into me, Then it went to raining and in watching the weather report, when time for the local news and weather, we watched it and it told us that a couple of tornados were spotted and one of them had touched down and did quite a bit of damage in the area, that is southwest of us. In watching the weather it soon reported a tornado on the ground headed toward us, then as soon as it finished reporting about the tornado heading toward Sue ,and me, the electric quit working, "David can we just go on to the cellar now, instead of waiting to see if the tornado does come or not?"

Hearing the fear in Sue's voice and with the electric being out now, leaving us without a way to keep an eye and an ear on the weather report, I decided to humor her, "Yes let's get our things together, that we'll need if anything."

"I don't need anything that I can think of."

I got the thermos I had filled with coffee while I still had my cup in my hand and Sue with her cup in hand, we left the house and ran to the cellar and just as we got in and I got the cellar door closed behind us, the hail started pelting down on everything outside. I then hooked a chain on a hook at the bottom of the stairs, that is just around the corner, just as Sue was able to light a match and then get the glob off the lamp and get the lamp lit, "That was close." Sue said, as she got the glob back on the lamp.

"Yes it was." Sue and I then sat down on the bed, that is almost the size of a full size bed but yet bigger than a twin bed, by a little bit.

Sue and I sat there making small talk while listening to the noises that was being made outside, and then we heard the hail stop but there was another sound like one we've never heard before, then a loud bang where something had hit the door. Whatever it was that hit the door made the door sound like it cracked but, with all the other sounds we still heard, I decided to wait before checking on the door. Sue had cuddled up next to me and had asked me to hold her, which I did, from the time we sat on the bed till all the noises stopped outside.

When the noises stopped sounding off outside and we couldn't hear the wind through the air vents, which were in the ceiling of the cellar, I could just make out the sound of rain hitting the air vent caps and the cellar door. The air vents had more noise to them with the rain hitting the caps on the vents, than the door made and there is a sheet of aluminum covering the door.

After a few minutes of quiet, other than the sound of the rain coming from the air vents, "Do you think it is over with or is there more to come?" Sue asked me looking into my eyes.

"I have no idea babe." then I stood up and went to the door and unhooked the chain from the hook and went up the steps to open the door, to look around outside to see what I may see as far as the weather goes, but when I tried to push the door open, I couldn't get the door to open.

Sue had stepped over so she could watch me step out of the door but when I pushed on it and it didn't open, she came up the steps, "Is there any way I can maybe help open the door?"

"I'm not sure but maybe you can get here between me and the last two steps here and together we can try to open the door." I had to take a couple of steps down for Sue to get around me, then I got one step back up toward the door, after she got between me and the last two steps and when we pushed, I didn't feel like I was able to put as much pressure against the door as I could when I tried by myself because, I was standing up a little bit straighter, than I was when I tried alone, "It feels like the door is cracked right here, where I'm at now."

"It's so dark up here I can't see anything without any light over here." Sue said as I started down the steps to get the lamp, to see if I can see what it is I was feeling.

With the lamp I was able to see that the door did have a small break in the wood right about the middle of the door. Sue's night gown did nothing to hide the fact she was nude under it, with it being so short and her being bent over, like she is to help me try and get the door open. Getting my mind back on the task at hand and off of Sue and setting the lamp down on the floor, "We'll try this one more time but, we may want to spend the night down here and try to open it in the morning and hope, the storms have blown over." then getting into position to push and try to open the door again. I felt the part that was broke some give, and then something sliding down on the top side of the door, then the door opened about an inch if that, but it was enough, to see it was raining pretty good and a flash of lightning struck, then the thunder sound off two seconds after I saw the flash, which caused Sue to scream and lose her hold on the door, causing us to close the door, "We'll just sleep down here tonight. It's raining so hard out there right now and with the lightning, it is too dangerous to try and make a break for the house."

"Oh thank you David. I'm sorry but it scared me when I heard the thunder and my back and side, got a little bit wet too." as she still hugged tight to me.

"I can feel where my back got a little bit wet too. Let me get the lamp a minute." guiding Sue down the steps with her hugging me from being so scared. Having my arm around her to help calm her down some, from her scare, I could feel where part of her back and side are wet a little bit. Picking up the lamp and holding it up to where I could see the door better, I saw a small stream of water trickling down toward the bottom of the door, which is what caused our backs to get a little bit wet. Stepping back up on the steps with Sue watching me with the look of fear on her face, I saw that most of the water was running to the outside of the lip around the door, made from angle iron, "We should be okay for tonight, no more than there is leaking through." then heading back down the steps toward Sue.

"Shall we just go to bed then for the night and see how things are in the morning?"

"That's the only thing I can think of to do." getting a flashlight and putting it on the bench next to the bed, "I think we can find the flashlight here if we happen to need it to get to the right bucket in the night."

"Speaking of which, I better go now." Sue said, going over to a bucket and carefully sitting down with her nightgown pulled up around her waist.

When Sue finished peeing into the bucket, which then I had to pee, "Hearing you pee, made me have to go too."

When I finished peeing into the same bucket as Sue did I blew out the lamp, "I'm going to take my gown off since it is wet. I do hope you don't mind and can maybe stay on your side of the bed."

"I'll do my best and hope you don't mind but, I've got to get my jeans off as well or I will not sleep very good tonight." slipping my jeans off as I heard Sue taking her gown off, and then I took off my shirt as well.

With the lamp blown out it was pitch black in the cellar so I couldn't see Sue and she couldn't see me then, as I sat on the edge of the bed I felt it move as I heard Sue crawl over to the back side, "Oh, the wall is cold back here!"

"I knew it will be cool but I didn't think it is what you call cold." as I then slid in under the covers facing toward Sue.

Once I was settled in and ready to go to sleep, I had trouble going to sleep thinking about Sue laying here in the same bed with me and both of us nude and me, with a dick getting hard by the second it seemed. After just a minute of lying there, "I take back what I said about staying on your side of the bed David. I want to cuddle in with you so that you can keep me safe and warm."

"I'm laying here nude as you are and you may..." Sue slid toward me to spoon into me letting my cock slipped right in between her legs up against her butt, and then the head of my dick got wet from sliding along Sue's pussy lips, "Oh... Ah-uh..."

"Mm, someone must be thinking about me. Am I right or are you just thinking about the fact, I have a pussy that hard cock would feel real good in?" Sue then gave her butt a back and forth motion, rubbing her pussy lips along the length of my dick a little bit.

"I was thinking about you and your assets that you have there..." Sue then took my hand and pulled it over her and when she placed my hand on the front side of her, it was on one of her tits, which I gave it a little bit of a squeeze, without thinking about it.

"Mm, good answer babe." pushing her back into my chest and raising a leg and then using a hand, to guide my dick into her pussy, "For that we might as well make love to each other now and try to make a better night for us to remember, besides it being a stormy night."

I pushed into Sue's to slide my dick into her pussy and had to stop and back out some, then push back in some and get a little bit more of my cock into her pussy, "Oh baby please go slow. You are so much bigger than any boy or man... I've ever been with... Oh fuck, I didn't realize that you are so big... I knew you were thick and long but damn... I didn't think you were that thick and long." she would pause with each instroke I made and I was taking short strokes in and out, until I had all seven inches in her pussy, at which time I stopped and just held it there till she got adjusted to my size.

"Fuck sis, you are so fucking tight. Had I known you were this tight, I would've tried sweet talking you a long time ago."

Laughing at what I had said, "What do you mean, sweet talking me a long time ago? You've been sweet talking me way back when we lived here as kids."

"Oh yea that's right. I guess I should've just popped my cock out a long time ago then." joining Sue in the laugh she was having.

"Now that... may have worked. Had I known then you were so fucking big and thick, I would have jumped on this big boy a long time ago."

After feeling how wet, tight, and hot, Sue's pussy is and not thinking any more about it, I started with a final push in, and then easing outward, then back inward, causing a moan to come from Sue's mouth, "Mm, mm, mm, oh, ohh, it feels so fucking good. I've needed your big cock in me ever since I saw it last night babe. You better be willing to give me this big boy every day of the week baby. Are you willing or do I just take it?"

"You can just take it because I'm just going to give it to you, as I just take your pussy every day."

"I didn't say you could just take my pussy every day."

"Then how else are you going to just take my dick if I don't just take your pussy. Without your pussy you can take my dick."

"You are so right, now just fuck me."

When Sue said that I just flipped her over on to her belly and laid her flat on the bed and started pumping in and out, after I shifted up toward her butt some, while straddling her thighs, "Oh fuck, you just got deeper babe."

"Oh fuck babe I am not going to be able to last as long as I normally can. You are so fucking tight and it has been a while since I've had sex..."

"its okay bro, just let it go. We have the rest of our lives to fuck and suck each other and, we should have all night to go as well. No one to stop us like we would've, when we were kids living here."


"Cum with me... I'm cumming babe..."

"Oh shit there it is... rrrrrrrr" Sue's pussy muscles tightened up on my cock as she started cumming that, that was all I could take and started shooting my cum into her pussy. I shoved my cock into her pussy as far as I could, to shoot my cum as deep as possible into her pussy.

While my cum shot into Sue's pussy, I knew that I would never be able to just look at her and think that she is just my sister. I will be looking at her and thinking, this is my sister the love of my life and she is mine, as I am her's and no one can have her but me. I also know I'll want to tell people that, especially men that want to date her or just fuck her, for the notch on their headboard, but I also know it has to be a secret between sis and I, that we belong to each other only.