This is Home Now


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"I had talked to both mom and dad about wanting to keep this place in the family as well. When their lawyer read the will and said you got half of the money and I got the other half of the money they had saved and said, it was to go toward keeping the place in the family and then the rest would be up to us if the money ran out, I was a happy woman but then it was like, do I have to live here or do I want to live here even."

"I felt the same way in one way but yet, I knew I was glad to have the choice to live here or elsewhere." I took a hold of one quart jar from each of the shelves, then got my glass that is now empty, "I got a jar each of the canned goods to take up to the house to put with supper this evening. The jelly we can put on buttered bread or toast, and have it as a dessert like when grandma was alive, and then mom and dad did after grandma dyed."

"Cool. I got a list of stuff to get from the store that we may need in here." Sue said as she followed me up the steps to the door. Once we stepped out the door, "Do you think we need to leave the door open to air out some or just go ahead and close it for now?"

"Close it for now with us going to town to get the list of supplies you have there, and if there is time when we get back we can open it then to air out. We may need to wait till tomorrow to open it up to air out some, unless we have to go back into town for anything." then Sue closed the cellar door, and then we walked side by side toward the back of the house again.

Sue opened the glass door for us to enter the house, which I put the three jars on the counter by the sink, and then I set my glass down with Sue's empty glass, which we then went and got ready to head to town again for more supplies, since we decided to just stay here to live.

Sue had dressed in short shorts that showed her ass cheeks at the leg holes and as she climbed up into my pickup, on the passenger side, she seemed to stick her butt up on purpose for me to see that she has no panties on under the shorts, and I could see a damp spot in the crotch of them starting to form. The other thing I had noticed when she dressed was, she didn't put on a bra and as soon as the cool air in the cellar had engulfed her when she entered the cellar, her nipples got hard and they looked to be rock hard and went to trying to make a hole in the T-shirt she had put on. When Sue got seated in the seat of the pickup, I saw that her nipples were still trying to poke a hole in the T-shirt still yet.

When Sue and I were in the cellar we did rub against each other off and on while we were going through the canned goods on the shelves and looking to see what all we may need, in case of being trapped in there, for whatever reason. We even sat next to each other as we talked and kept looking around and drinking our drinks, and while sitting really close to each other, I could feel her tits and nipples press into my arm and ribcage. As I drove on the driveway toward the dirt road, Sue moved over to sit next to me making a comment, "I hope you don't mind me sitting so close to you but, I feel like I need to feel you next to me, so that I don't get lost for some reason." driving into town Sue sat right next to me and stayed by my side, while we shopped and still on the drive back home even.

With everything out of the pickup and on the dining room table, we started sorting things out to go to the cellar and the other stuff, we had gotten since we made the decision to stay here together. Once everything was sorted out we, re-sacked the stuff for the cellar for easier carrying and put the other stuff away, where it would be easy to find, when it would be used or cooked up to eat.

With everything put away in the cellar as it is in the house, Sue called out to me as I came out of the cellar, "Come in for dinner David, I have it made and ready for you babe."

I went to the house to find that Sue had dinner sitting on the stump that dad had made into a picnic table, "I see you decided to check out the picnic table for a change."

"Yes I saw it is in the shade so why not try it out for a change of scenery."

"I think I'll check out the barn right after we finish eating dinner." taking the glass of ice tea from Sue, that she had just poured up for me.

Just as I took my first bite of food I heard a vehicle come to a stop in front of the house, then a car door shut sounded shortly after, which I stood up and walked out toward the barn a little ways to see a pickup sitting behind my pickup, "WE'RE AROUND BACK." I yelled out to whoever it is that drove the pickup.

A second after I yelled out an older slender man in overalls, boots, and a western style hat, came from around the corner of the house, "David is that you?" asked the closest neighbor to this place, that lives a mile on up the road.

"Yes Sam it's me and Sue is around here with me. We're just sitting down to dinner, so come on back and join us and tell us, how it's been around here since the folks died."

As Sam kept walking towards me and me, turning back toward Sue and slowly stepping back toward her, "I don't want to intrude. I can come back in, say an hour from now, to give you time to eat and relax some from a good meal."

"Nonsense Mr. Slim, we have plenty of food here so we can sit and visit while we eat. Just because we have time yet, I know you don't have all the time in the world to get done what you may need to get done."

"I'll stay and eat if you don't call me Mr. Slim and just call me Sam."

"Okay Sam it is then." Sue said as she stood up from the table, "I'll go in and get you a plate and glass for tea unless you want something else to drink with your meal."

"Tea sounds real good right now thank you." taking a seat on the seat across from me, "I take it that Sue fixed all of this food and the tea here?" looking the table over that Sue had fixed for dinner.

"Yes she did and fine job she did if you ask me. The only part she didn't cook up really, but she did warm it up, was the black-eyed peas that mom had canned in the cellar, and then the pickled beets she just opened up and dumped into the bowl there."

"I know it looks and smells good to me, which makes me agree with you there on the fine job. I know your mom was a pro like your grandma was, at canning black eyed peas and making pickled beets."

Sue returned with a plate and a glass of ice and sat the plate down in front of Sam, then filled the glass up with tea and set it down in front of him, "Now just help yourself to the food and drink. This is the least we can do since you kept an eye on things around here, while mom and dad were gone and then killed in the pileup and again, as we went through all the legalities we had to go through, to be able to move in or whatever we decide to do, with the place here."

"Actually I owe you two money that I was to pay to your folks, which your dad wouldn't let me pay him, since he asked me to keep an eye on things till they got back but, I didn't plan on keeping my cattle here longer than was planned, which I did end up doing, that is the reason for owing you the money due to your folks."

"Had there not been a pileup on the interstate highway like there was, you would owe it but since there was a pileup, you don't owe us anything, but we owe you if anything, from the way I figured it out. I knew about the deal you and dad made with the looking after things around here and you keeping your cattle on some of the land here. With the figures in my head, Sue and I cannot pay what we owe you till we're able to find work in town and make payments to you till all the money is paid in full to you, so I want to offer you a way to get what is due to you and it will help us out too." I made the offer to let him run cattle on the land, for a length of time without paying Sue and me anything, till after that time is up. Any longer than that, he would owe the going rate from that point on, which Sam took the deal.

After Sam left, Sue and I cleaned up the picnic table and put things away and the plates and glasses in the dishwasher, then we went out to the barn and checked it out to see that there was hay up in the loft to be used if we got any livestock, in the way of horses to pen up in the stalls. We found the usual stuff in the tack room along with a few oats in a bin that looked like needed dumped out, plus tools that I didn't expect to find in there. Once we finished checking out the barn, we went out to the hog pen and chicken pen and checked those two places out and saw that repairs needed to be done to both pens, before putting any pigs and chickens in either of the two pens.

As Sue and I left the chicken pen to head toward the house, "Let's check out the shed to see if there is anything in there to fix either of the pens up."

"Okay. I don't know about you but I wonder what all we'll find in the garage besides dad's pickup."

"I'm not sure really but I figured we would check it out after, we check out the shed here." as we got to the shed and I reached up to open it with the handle. With the door open to the shed I stepped in with Sue following behind me. I saw some material to work with and looking through it, I didn't see much to work with to fix the hog pen but I did see stuff to fix the chicken pen with and the house if it needs siding put on, and then tools to work with to fix what ever there is that needs repaired, "The chicken pen I should be able to fix it up with what all is here but, I'll have to go in and get supplies to fix the hog pen. I guess I can or we both can go into town, after I fix the chicken pen, in case I'm not able to repair it due to not having everything needed to fix it."

"Now what do we look at to see if there is anything to work with?"

"I guess the garage is the only other thing to look into." as Sue stepped out with me following her out the door.

Stepping into the garage we saw dad's pickup sitting there and looking in the cab of it, we saw the keys were in the ignition switch, "I'll open the garage door there if you want to see if the pickup will start."

"Okay. The garage needs airing out anyway and the pickup too really. I think I'll back it out for right now and open the windows to air it out some."

I rolled the windows down on the pickup and as soon as Sue had the garage door open, I went to start it up but stopped just before I did start it and checked the oil level in it, which turned out to be good, then I started the pickup up, which it started pretty easy for it to be sitting for a spell like it has. With the pickup started, I then backed it out and stopped in front of my pickup.

Stepping back into the garage, "The pickup sounded good to me when you got it started."

"Yes I can say dad kept it in good running order."

"David, look what I just found over here. I knew a television all ways sat in the tack room on a shelf with a drawer under it, like this one is here, while we grew up but, I never remembered it ever being turned on, that I know of, the whole time it sat there." reaching over and turning it on.

I noticed that Sue had opened a drawer under the workbench where the television set, "Like you I don't recall ever seeing it turned on either." then the screen on this television light up and when I saw what was on the screen, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"That looks like the barn and over here looks to be the hog pen and here looks to be the chicken pen." Sue said pointing out each place on the television screen.

"You are right sis. Let me have a look in that drawer there." as I stepped toward Sue. Looking in the drawer I saw the tape player, which I stopped and backed it up some, then stopped it and pushed play to see Sue and me on the screen, first in the barn, then at the hog pen, and then the chicken pen, "That answers the question we have asked mom and dad so many times, as we were growing up."

"I wonder if there are cameras in our bedrooms upstairs."

"Good question, let's see what this switch does." flipping the switch to see the stairwell and the bedrooms and the hallway. Flipping a couple of switches the master bedroom and bathroom came into view on the screen, "Talk about invasion of privacy this is it for sure. The only room not in this set up is the bathroom upstairs, which surprises me really. I say that because I have flipped all of these switches and it doesn't show up on the screen here."

"How come we never saw the cameras? I never saw the cameras then or when we were out there this time, and I never saw them in the bedroom or the bathroom while setting on the toilet. I wonder where they had the cameras in the old house before dad had it tore down? How and when did they install the cameras?"

"Them are very good questions. I just have no answer to either." then I went to looking around the garage.

"What are you looking for bro?"

"I'm looking to see, where we may find boxes, with tapes in them... like this cabinet here." I then stepped over to an upright cabinet built-in, back in the corner of the garage. Opening the cabinet doors I then saw the wires coming down from the attic and down behind some boxes and tapes and what looks to be blank DVDs with a new player still in its box, "Let's have a look at these old tapes here and see if any of them do have us in them as kids, or up to right before the two of us moved out of the old house."

"This is really pretty easy to figure out I think. There are a couple of dates on the boxes and looking at the dates on the tapes, they're within the dates on the box. Like the dates on this tape is close to the time I moved out." as Sue held the tape out towards me. I took it and put it in the player and just before I put it in the player, I saw it was marked as to what rooms are recorded on the tape. I started the player to see both Sue and me getting out of our beds and getting dressed, since both of us were nude while we slept.

I paused the tape, "That tells me right where the cameras were in our rooms and in the hallway and stairwell."

"Can you please tell me where they were?"

"Do you remember having a hole in the ceiling in your bedroom?" as I switched things back to live time on the television.

"Yes I... Oh crap! The cameras were looking through those holes in the ceiling that were in each of the rooms!?"

"You got it. The hole in the ceiling in my bedroom was perfect in the roundness of it and I kept wondering, what made the hole perfectly round, never thinking about a drill bit drilling that hole." I then went over to the trap door leading up into the attic, over where mom's car would normally sit in the garage, reached up and got a hold of the rope and pulled down and opened the door, and then unfolded the steps leading up into the attic, "Judging by the angle of the view in the master bedroom, it will be over by the living room wall and the bathroom camera will be, right about this wall here." I pointed to the wall next to us and took the first step up on the steps, then climbed the rest of the steps up into the attic, with Sue following me up.

When Sue got high enough to see over to the wall close to us, she stopped and waited, "Are you going to need anything to disconnect the wires from the camera?"

I took a look at the camera and the wires, "No. All I have to do is cut the electrical tape off then disconnect the wires and I have a pocket knife here to cut the tape with." Once I had the tape cut off and the wires disconnected, "Can you see the bathroom on the screen now?"

"It's a black corner on the screen."

"Good." I then went to the next camera and disconnected it, then moved on to the other cameras with Sue watching me for a little bit, then she followed me, "Make sure you stay on these joists or you'll fall through the ceiling. I got a feeling I'm going to need a flashlight to see the next one here and those upstairs."

"What about this light switch here?"

"Try it and see what happens." the click and then light instantly came on, "Okay... that is better than a flashlight. I'm glad you saw that switch because I sure didn't see it, when I stepped by it."

"I happen to put my hand on it, is how I found it."

"It is on the wrong side of the support there if you ask me, which is why I didn't see it as I stepped past it."

With all the cameras disconnected on the first level of the house, we found a latter on a wall that took us up to the second level, where I got all the cameras disconnected up there. Once Sue and I were back in the garage, "Now for the cameras in the barn and at the two pens." Sue commented as I closed up the trapdoor to the attic.

"I believe I'm going to leave them for now. They may help in finding an unwanted late night visitor, once we have chickens and pigs and whatever other livestock we end up putting out there."

"I didn't think of that. Now will we be able to watch the tapes that are recorded, even though the cameras are disconnected now?"

"Yes we can. Why or, do I dare ask?"

"Even though they are dead I want to see if we can see them the way they saw us in our state of dressing and undressing. It may explain a few things I was wondering about, that I've heard mom and dad say, back before you or I moved out, even though I have the answer now that we found all of this stuff here, set up like it is."

"For that matter we can come out here and take a tape in and watch it in the house instead of standing around out here to watch them. It would give us something to do on the evenings that there is nothing on the television to watch or anything we don't want to watch. However you want to put it."

"Good. Now we can close all of this up and shut off the television there and go back to what we were doing to begin with."

"At least close the cabinet there and the drawer. As far as the television goes, it can stay on for now or be shut off, either one." Sue closed the drawer under the television, then shut it off as I put everything back in the boxes as marked and closed the cabinet up, then checked out other drawers and cabinet doors, that is under the bench and above the bench to find tools and oils for the different machines and the tractors sitting out in the pole barn, that is next to the main barn, "I sure don't see any material in here to work with. Maybe a few tools to work with if there's not any, I may need in the tack room or the shed."

"How about we have something cold to drink, and a short break, before we do anything else?" Sue asked, as we stepped out the door leading to the back of the house.

"That sounds like a good idea to me."

"Man, I am itching now." as Sue started to scratch herself.

"Don't scratch babe! You'll make it worse if you scratch. The best thing to do is go in and take a shower because what is making you itch is the fiberglass that the insulation is made with. Go take a bath and I'll fix us something cold to drink and lay out some steaks, for smoking out on the grill this evening."

"Okay. Are you going to take a shower?"

"I'm good to go for now. I just need to wash up good so that I don't spread the fiberglass to other parts of my body that is covered up. I may change into different clothes to keep from getting the fiberglass on where I clean it off from. Leave your clothes just outside of your bathroom door and when I am changed out of these clothes; I'll put both yours and my clothes in the washer to be washed, and then run the washer afterwards to clean out the washer."

"Why not put another load of clothes in to the washer to clean them, as you clean the washer out?"

"Then you're taking a chance of fiberglass getting into the clothes then. You want to wash the washer out without any clothes in it but if you want to, you can put cleaning rags in but then, there is that chance of the fiberglass getting into it, and then on your hands when you use the rag to clean something."