Those Days of...Ch. 51-55


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For a few seconds I thought I had made a mistake, she just stood there, staring right through me. But the moment passed and she looked down, her eyes widening as they focussed on my angrily quivering cock. Then using one hand to press it down level with my thighs and the other to lift her skirt up to her waist, she did as I'd instructed.

She only took a second or two to settle herself and as I felt the soft swell of her stomach squashing down on my throbbing cock I used my left hand to cup and fondle her breasts, lightly pinching their already stiffened tips. The feelings I was getting were so good I let her lie there for a minute, savouring them and giving Barbara time to think about what was to come. She knew that what I was going to do would sting, perhaps even hurt - did she know, or at least hope it might also be sexually arousing?

Spanking had never been something I had fantasised about doing and I had been genuinely horrified by Barbara's description of what Mike had done to her. But as I took that first swing - felt the palm of my hand connect with the firmness of her cheek, heard the loud smack, her suddenly indrawn breath, and felt my cock surge - I found myself looking forward to a repeat.

As spankings go, what I gave Barbara probably rates pretty low on the list but even so the rounded cheeks quickly turned pink, then a deeper, blush-red colour. While my right hand was slapping, my left continued to fondle her breasts, squeezing each in turn, feeling the already swollen flesh firming and their nipples spiking. At first she gave no more than a small gasp each time my hand landed but those soon turned to sharper cries, her body wriggling and writhing in response. The sensations caused by her belly squirming down against my cock accelerated my own rising level of excitement and as I continued smacking I felt it jerking powerfully, as though trying to prod its way into that soft flesh.

It wasn't long before I sensed that her level of arousal was increasing even faster than my own so I slowed down a bit, taking longer pauses between each smack, using those to take some of the sting out of her skin by stroking it. But even if the soothing strokes lessened the smarting they did nothing to reduce her excitement.

As I ran my hand up and down over her the curve of her bottom my finger-tips naturally slipped into the cleft between her tightly clenched arse-cheeks and when I felt the muscles relax slightly I pushed deeper, into the swampy heat between her legs. At first I couldn't believe she'd got so wet in such a short space of time - but then realised she must have started getting aroused when I told her my story, then more so as she recalled the events at school - the physical punishment had merely been the final straw.

Pushing my hand down between her thighs I slid my fingers up through the juices oozing from her pussy, feeling the throbbing in my cock intensifying as their powerful scent filled my nostrils. Realising just how wound up she was I said. 'I think that's enough punishment for being a wicked girl. Now for the reward, for being a very, very sexy one. Get up, then sit down on me.'

I had been right in thinking she was more than ready and she quickly pushed herself up off my lap. As the pressure that had been restraining it was removed my cock immediately sprang upright, the speed and force of its movement taking us both by surprise. 'That's just how I need it.' she muttered as she took a long hard look at its quivering rigidity. Then, turning her back to me she straddled my legs, reached down and held the shaft steady as she pushed herself down on to it.

The feel of her hungry pussy engulfing me was incredible, I gave a low sigh as her pussy-lips slipped down over the bloated head, then groaned as she bore steadily down, it felt as though my entire cock had been tightly wrapped in warm, liquid velvet.

She was even more keyed up than I'd thought and started to come almost immediately, I heard her whimpering as she wriggled her bottom down against my thighs then, as I felt the rhythmic contractions gripping my cock, her sharper, breathy grunts. But though she paused for a few moments, allowing herself a little time to enjoy the waves of pleasure, she needed much more than that brief climax and gripping her knees for balance, she began in earnest.

It was only then that I fully appreciated the real force of what I'd stirred up, unlike every other time, she completely ignored my needs, simply using my cock as a tool, a tool designed for just one purpose, the relief of the enormous pressure inside herself. She put so much energy into bouncing up and down that as her movements became wilder, less controlled I was glad I'd jammed the back of the chair against the table, without that extra support we could have both ended up on the floor.

Even so, my concern about that happening took the edge off my enjoyment and as Barbara was totally ignoring my needs, my climax, unlike hers, was suppressed.

The word climax doesn't really describe what Barbara had and although I couldn't know exactly what went on inside her it was obvious she was experiencing some of the most powerful sensations I had ever witnessed. She gave a series of short, staccato grunts as she rammed herself down faster and faster, forcing my cock harder and deeper up inside herself. Then finally, as it felt as though every muscle in her body began to spasm, she gave the most incredible wailing sound and I felt the rippling contractions surging up through her in a seemingly never-ending motion.

Chapter 52

Some Explanations

When it was finally all over for her, she remained sitting there, my unspent cock still hard up inside her as she waited for the tremors wracking her body to subside and her heart and breathing to return to something closer to normal. I couldn't see the expression on her face, and she had difficulty getting the words out, but I could hear the tone of bewildered surprise in her voice when she panted.

'You knew! Even though I didn't know it myself - you knew that smacking me would turn me on that much. You knew - but how?'

'I wouldn't say I knew - but I had a pretty fair idea.'


'To begin with, I thought you knew, thought that was what you wanted.'

'Wanted yes - but I certainly didn't know I did. I don't understand. What made you think that, was it something I said?'

'A number of little things, adding them all together - it seemed to fit.'

'What things?'

'It may take a while to explain, so, even though the way you're sitting feels very nice, it makes it a bit difficult to hold a long conversation. Why don't we forget me for a bit, you get up and I'll talk. So long as you promise to do something about the condition I'm still in after we've finished talking.' I added with a wry grin.

As she lifted herself off me and turned around she stared down at my cock, it was sticking straight up, glossy from end to end with a coating made up of a mixture of my pre-cum and the results of her orgasms.

'Are you sure you don't want me to do something about that first?' she asked as she reached down, her fingers closing gently around the still throbbing shaft.

'It'll keep Barbara - let's sort out one thing at a time.' I said as I pulled a chair round for her.

'Now, from the beginning. There have been a lot of clues really, none of them significant in themselves - but added all together, well!

I mean, go back to the day we first met Mike, down by the river. I had the idea of blind-folding and tying you and your mother up, not because I was into bondage or anything like that but as a way of getting him there without you knowing it wasn't me making love to you, but a stranger. Remember?'

'I'm not very likely to forget - that was a marvellous day. If only he'd stayed the way he was that day it would have been great.'

'O.K. I understand that - but I'm talking about the reaction I saw from you when I tied you up. Even as I was beckoning to him to take over your whole body was shuddering from what you were already feeling.

Then, more significantly, there was the day your mother and I followed the two of you, the day he told us about Margaret. I remember how excited you got when he described what happened between them, you even made the comment at one stage that you thought you'd make a good subject. And since then you've showed very keen interest in what your mother and I got up to during our own sessions.'

'But all of that's about being tied-up, I don't see how that explains why you should think I'd like - and why I reacted the way I did - to being smacked.'

'There is a link between the two things Barbara, believe me there is - and I think part of that link is some remaining guilt, guilt from your childhood and perhaps some from what happened between you and Luke too.

It was when you told us about that terrible night with Mike - that was when I started thinking more deeply about your reactions to it all. You have to remember just what you said to us, about the way you felt at the time.

Should I go on - or would you rather forget the whole thing?'

'No, please go on Roger, I want to try to understand, I really do.'

'O.K. - but stop me if the memories get too painful.

Let's go back to when you had Mike tied-up in the doorway. You said that oiling him and watching his reactions got you so excited that after you'd got him off you could hardly wait for him to do something similar to you - and said you got quite cross when he seemed reluctant. There was some part of you that was absolutely determined to experience a degree of humiliation - because however we like to dress it up, that's what's basically involved in being tied-up.

I wondered why. In every other respect you come across as the initiator, you like being in charge, being the one that controls what happens. Yet, every now and then the other side of you breaks through to the surface. I wondered whether part of the trigger for that might be some deeply buried guilt. Although it would be quite unjustified, feeling some guilt about what happened with Luke would be understandable. But as I think your mother and I have helped you overcome much of that, I wondered if there were other things in your life you might feel guilty about, even if only at the subconscious level - maybe from when you were very young.

As an adopted child it would be understandable that your parents would tend to spoil you a bit, being the only child would mean there would be even more affection lavished on you - and I remembered your mother telling me very early on just how much they both loved you and fussed over you. Maybe, deep down inside, you somehow felt that because you were adopted you didn't really deserve - or hadn't earned - all that care and attention. After all, who knows what goes on in those dark recesses of our minds, especially when we are young.

Do you see what I mean?'

'Sort of Roger. It's all a bit deep though isn't it? I mean, all we're talking about is why I got turned-on when you smacked my bottom.'

'But I'm sure that part of the reason why you got turned-on was because I acted in an authoritarian way, made you remember times when you yourself said you had been deserving of punishment - and escaped it. Remember what I said about there having been times when you deliberately set out to stir the unnatural passions of one or two of the masters. Do you remember what you answered?'

'Yes, I said I did.'

'That's right - even without any real prompting you were immediately able to recall times when you did something you thought you should have been punished for. That's without me knowing anything about what happened and without me having to ask any really probing questions. Doesn't a person who can instantly remember such things strike you as someone who might still be feeling a bit guilty about them?'

'Now I can see what your getting at Roger. You might have something.'

'O.K. - let's not get into too much detail. Let's go back to what happened with Mike. We'd got to the point where you seemed determined to experience what it felt like to be tied-up, humiliated that is.

Then he took you through to the kitchen shackled you to the table, you tried to tell him it was hurting but either he ignored you, or perhaps he thought that was part of what you wanted. But even though you told us you were getting a bit scared I remember exactly what you said when you described what happened next. You said - 'Then he slapped me. Quite lightly at first - and if that's all he'd wanted to do it would have been all right - in fact it might even have been sexy.' I remember the words so well because of the expression on your face when you looked across at me, it was as though you were trying to tell me that's what you wanted me to do for your one day.

I guess the final clue was that day you barged in on us when your mother and I were going flat out, over this table. It seems kitchen's play as important a part in our sex lives as bed-rooms do.' I added with a grin.

'You got so aroused you had to relieve yourself right there and then. Maybe it was because what we were doing was raw, almost violent, it triggered the thought - 'This is how it should have been, for me.' The fact that it was happening in the kitchen made the comparison with your own, ultimately unhappy experience with Mike even stronger.

'You're certainly right about that. At that moment, when I opened the door and saw you both, I was really, really jealous of Mum - I wanted it to be me on the receiving end of what you were doing for her.'

'How long were you there?'

'Not that long really - it was all very quick, dramatically quick in fact. You already had your cock up her arse and I remember seeing how Mum's hands were sort of clawing at the table-top, trying to get a grip of something, anything.

I don't remember ever reacting quite as quickly as I did that time, I was instantly wet, my pussy itching uncontrollably, demanding attention of some sort. And as I watched you powering in and out of her and heard the noises you were both making I just had to relieve that itch somehow.'

'I understand that feeling, I've experienced it myself.' I replied, still vividly remembering the day, many months earlier, when I'd returned home to find Barbara and Julia in bed together - and had to do exactly the same thing as Barbara had done. 'I suppose it was the mix of all those clues that made me think that under the right circumstances you would probably react very strongly.'

'Well you were certainly right, again. And apart from having the most amazing series of orgasms, I've learned something about myself.

Now - what about you? Your balls must be giving you absolute agony - I think we should get rid of some of that pressure for you, don't you?'

She was quite right, my balls were aching, that inwardly bruised feeling they get when their contents have been left to bubble away. But though I was certainly no masochist I felt that if I put up with the discomfort until we were both ready for another bout the climax I'd have would be absolutely stupendous. So I had been going to say I was O.K., would prefer to wait until a bit later.

But Barbara had other ideas, before I had a chance to say anything she leaned forward, closing one hand around the still rigid shaft and I gave a low grunt as her touch sent a powerful surge through it.

Feeling the strength of my automatic response, she looked up, gave me a knowing smile and as she got down and knelt between my legs, said. 'Yes, as I thought - this is definitely in need of attention.' Then as though speaking to herself, as the fingers of her other hand began to lightly stroke my tightly swollen balls, added. 'But I'll have to be very gentle with these.'

Although her fingers' feather-light touch seemed to be reducing the bruising ache in my balls, the way she was handling my cock was increasing the strength of its reactions. Instead of curling her hand right around the shaft she was using the tips of her fingers, holding it just below the head, her thumb resting against the sensitive ridge of skin beneath it. As her finger-tips skimmed up and down over the rim her thumb flicked back and forth, the combination producing positively electrifying sensations.

The thrills her hands were generating were so powerful that it wasn't long before I felt my stomach and thigh muscles tightening, my body arching, pushing my hips and straining cock upwards. Her eyes had been flicking up and down, from my face to my cock, checking my responses and although she could see how my body was crying out for release she continued with those tantalising caresses, keeping them just too light to bring on my actual climax. I realised she was determined to make mine as intense as those she had just had herself - and that she was in no rush to get me there.

So, with my brain swamped by the pleasure-shocks she was creating, I closed my eyes, surrendering myself to whatever she had planned for me.

Sometime later, through the haze of pleasure I felt a change in what she was doing and looked down again. By then my cock looked almost grotesque - the rock-hard shaft knotted with bulging veins, the massively bloated head a dark, glossy purple - and oozing drops of pre-cum. As they welled up out of the tip she was using the smooth centre of her palm to spread them down over the tautly polished surface. The lubricant made my cock-head even more sensitive and when her fingers and thumb then returned to what they had been doing before I gasped as a series of even more thrilling jolts exploded inside my head

Although my brain seemed to have become hooked on the constant thrill-surges, my body's physical need became increasingly urgent and I finally managed to growl. 'No more! Do it! Do it now!'

She recognised from the note of desperation in my voice that she had finally worked me up to absolute fever pitch and gave me a brief tight smile then, curling her fingers right around the shaft she moistened her lips and slid them down over the head. I groaned as the sensations became even more intense when both her hand and head began to move in unison, her fingers stroking up and down the shaft, her mouth taking in more and more of my cock.

I glanced down in time to see the entire length disappearing between her lips and when she'd swallowed it all she gave a muffled murmuring sound that sent tremors resonating through the length of the shaft. Then, as her lips and mouth began to bob and suck, she used both hands, one firmly pumping my cock, the other gently rolling and squeezing my balls and I heard myself making a series of rasping hisses as the pressure inside me rose higher and higher.

Even though one part of my brain wished I could somehow continue experiencing the electrifying sensations, I was too far gone - one moment I was being inundated with thrills - the next, I was thrusting up into her voracious mouth - and the next, exploding.

It was unbelievably sudden, unbelievably powerful, my entire body heaving upwards as great scalding gouts of semen pumped out. It felt as though every single drop of fluid in my body was being drained down into my balls, filling them to overflowing, then blasting up through my cock - the process repeating again and again, each time generating waves of excruciating pleasure.

Both the explosive force and the sheer volume of semen obviously took Barbara by surprise too. Although the first loads must have jetted straight down her throat and she was swallowing as fast as she could, from the sound of her choking gurgles it seemed that there was more than even she could manage. But she continued sucking until she was sure there was no more, then, with semen dribbling from the corners of her mouth, grinned up at me and said. 'You really were in a bad way.'