Those Days of...Ch. 51-55


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'Let's wait a little longer, finish the story about Julia and I first. O.K.?'

'Of course, though I have to tell you that the way you're telling it has got me really hot too, very, very itchy.' she admitted, again shifting her position a little, slipping her hands down between her thighs and holding herself tightly. 'If there's much more like what you just told me, I may have to take care of myself.' she added with a slightly tense smile.

'I'd rather do any scratching you need, myself - so I'll make the story less graphic. Now, where was I?'

'You'd fallen asleep.'

'Right, I remember.'

Chapter 55

Working and Playing Together

'I woke sometime during the night, shivering a little from the cold, at first confused as to where I was but when I rolled over and saw Julia still asleep beside me the events of the previous evening came flooding back and as my eyes drifted over the naked curves of her body I found myself becoming aroused again, my cock immediately stiffening in readiness.

She had her back to me, curled up in an almost foetal position - I reached out and touched her, tentatively at first, her skin was cooler than it had been a few hours earlier but just as silky soft beneath my finger-tips and then as I lightly ran them down over her, she stirred a little and sighed - but slept on. Becoming more adventurous I gently caressed her bottom then slipped my fingers down between her arse-cheeks and ran them up and down the length of that warm furrow. Although it was obvious she was still sleeping, she began to sigh more deeply - and then her body suddenly shifted, unfolding, her legs spreading further apart, giving me freer access to what lay between them.

Wanting to see how far I could get before I woke her, I took care not to be too direct, too forceful, lightly caressing her neck and shoulders, her back, her flanks, her bottom - before eventually allowing my hand to work its way down and back between her legs. Her sighs and soft mewling sounds of dreamy pleasure steadily increased as I slowly caressed her still sleeping body but, by the time my hand finally eased its way between her thighs, encouraging her to sleepily lift her upper leg so it was easier for it to reach her and my fingers then gently moved around, over and finally between her pussy-lips, I found that what I'd been doing had, at least subconsciously, aroused her, that her sex was quite wet.

Of course feeling and watching her unconscious responses to my touch had further aroused me and by that time my cock was not just fully erect but throbbing almost painfully from the pressure that had built up inside - and with one of her legs raised the way it was, its entry back into her merely required a guiding hand and a gentle nudge of my hips.

So that's exactly what I provided.

I've no idea how her dreams coped with the sudden intrusion of a genuine, probing, pulsating cock - but her body seemed to have no problems at all, in fact it apparently welcomed it - opening up and providing entrance to the sleek, tight tunnel as my cock-head pushed purposefully forwards. And as the previously relaxed lining of her cunt tightened in response to my forward drive the effect was like a series of tiny electric shocks being transmitted along the length of the shaft and then up through the rest of my body.

Of course in that position I could get nowhere near is deep as I had earlier but the sensations were no less powerful and as I was still keen to see how far I could get without actually waking her, it took all my self-control to maintain a slow steady rhythm.

What was happening to her was obviously registering in some part of her brain because as well as responding physically she started making more intelligible sounds of her growing pleasure, interspersed with the sighs and moans were occasional, muffled words like - 'more', deeper', 'fuck me harder'.

I'm not sure exactly when she woke and the transition between dream and reality was probably even less clear for Julia, one minute I was sure her responses were purely subconscious, another I wasn't sure and another I knew for certain she was awake - and soon after that we were climaxing, together. Not a super-spectacular climax like the ones we'd each had earlier - but certainly no less satisfying and in an odd sort of a way, probably because my actions had been completely spontaneous, somehow much more intimate.

Once the shuddering peak had passed she rolled over towards me, pulled my head down to her lips and kissed me hard, a long, searching kiss that left me quite breathless.

'That was lovely Roger - a beautiful way to be woken up. A woman could easily become quite addicted to that sort of treatment.' Then added in a more familiar voice. 'But I have to get you home, so you can get a couple of hours sleep and change for work, so - delightful though this is, we'd better get ourselves up.'

Naturally I was a bit disappointed, I don't know what I'd expected, or at least hoped for - maybe a day off, a day spent in bed together. But Julia wouldn't do something like that, work was work and play was play, the two weren't to be mixed. So we scrambled back into our clothes and she drove me back to my flat, then after a brief but tender parting kiss, drove off again, leaving me standing there watching the tail-lights of her car disappearing down the street.

It wasn't easy rousing myself that morning but I did and in spite of the dreams that had filled the few hours of sleep - dreams mainly of Julia and I fucking, in all sorts of strange places and positions, I got myself to work on time, to find Julia was already there of course.

If I had been hoping for some sign of what had happened between us just those few short hours before I would have been disappointed - but on my way to work I had remembered what she said as we left the restaurant - 'Whatever happens between now and when we meet in the office tomorrow morning, is absolutely nothing to do with the people that work there - O.K.?' - and that I had squeezed her hand as I 'd answered - 'Understood and agreed.' So the greeting we gave each other was no different to the one on any other day.

In some ways it was lucky that we were as busy as we were that morning - the new business that had been the reason for the celebration the previous evening now had to be cranked-up and the organisation of that task fell mainly on Julia and I - and done in a hurry. So the phones and facsimile machines ran hot as we called on a variety of people to attend to different things and there was so much to do that neither of us had time to stop even for lunch, we had some sandwiches brought in for us but only got around to eating about half of those.

It was about four o'clock before the pace slackened a bit and I took the opportunity to head for the tea-room and a quiet smoke. At that time of day there was nobody else in there and when Julia followed me a few minutes later and saw that we were alone for the first time she closed the door behind her and said.

'Thanks for handling today so well, I know it's been difficult - but it's the way is has to be I'm afraid Roger.' Then gave me a warm smile and added. 'Anyway, you might be interested to know that I'm still sore from last night's activity - but even so, if you're not too tired, I could handle a repeat performance later on this evening. After a decent meal that is.'

And that's what we did - it was about seven o'clock before we finally decided to call it a day, by which time we were the only two left in the office so we went down to the car-park together and drove straight to the same restaurant as she'd taken me to the night before, we ate, far less leisurely than we had that time, then headed for her bed, where we had an equally satisfying session together before she again drove me home.

On the way she said she was sorry but she already had commitments for the rest of the week and the week-end too and had to visit our inter-state people for most of the following week - but, if I didn't have other plans, the week-end after that was entirely free and maybe we could spend some of it together. At that moment, after a couple of hours of blissful sex, ten days seemed an impossibly long time to wait - but there wasn't a thing I could do about it, so I sounded as cheerful as I could, adding that from here on, if we were going to see each other fairly regularly, I was going to at least pay my way.

The next few days were hard, being in the office together, seeing her moving around, knowing the naked delights that lay just beneath her formal clothes - flashes of how she'd looked at different times returning every now and then, pictures of her beside me, beneath me, above me - and those images were nearly always linked by the fact that in virtually all of them, no matter what else we were doing, she was still wearing her stockings.

That week-end was a complete waste, I mooched around my flat, miserable and frustrated - turned the TV on, then off again, tried unsuccessfully to read, went for a walk, cooked only because I finally had to, somehow managing to resist the urge to ring her, to at least hear her voice, masturbated several times, just to relieve the pressure that grew from remembering the bliss her body had given me. And in a way was relieved when Monday morning finally came around and I could fill in the remaining days by working.

She called from the inter-state offices a few times, to check on things at our end or to have us send information on to her and each time I hoped that even though there were probably other people around her as she spoke, she would somehow at least drop a hint that she was looking forward to the coming week-end - but she didn't, she was just her usual business-like self.

Luckily we were still going flat-out and as I wanted to be sure that there was nothing outstanding when she returned I had to work late each day, which shortened the lonely evenings and was so tired by the time I eventually fell into bed that it was only in my dreams that I was really bothered by the returning images of Julia's sexy body.

I knew she was flying back from inter-state on the Thursday evening, coming in to the office on Friday, to finalise and sign several papers that needed to go out that day - and as I was determined to have everything ready for her, I was alone there, still tidying up the last few details at around eight o'clock. Apart from the hum of the air-conditioning there wasn't a sound, and although I heard the lift operating I didn't pay it any attention, assuming another workaholic, on one of the upper floors was finally quitting for the day.

So Julia was able to walk into the office before I had the faintest idea she was there.

She had obviously checked that the place was deserted except for me and must have been just as physically frustrated during the days away as I had been because when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and looked up, she was standing in the door-way - calmly and methodically undoing the buttons down the front of her blouse.

'I thought you might still be here.' she said quietly. 'Such dedication deserves reward.' adding, as she slipped the blouse off her shoulders, unzipped and took off her skirt and then stood there for my enjoyment, in just her bra, panties, shoes - and stockings. 'I don't have any medals or plaques with me - but I thought you might be able to find a use for what I have got to offer.

Was I right?. - Or are you too tired Roger?' she asked as she unclipped her bra and let it drop to the floor beside her.

'No way!' I answered, pushing the papers aside as I stood up - and as my eyes feasted on her, my cock rising with me.

I didn't even bother to undress, merely pushed my trousers and briefs down over my hips and we fucked right there in the little office, Julia sitting on the edge of the desk, her stockinged legs wrapped around my waist, her arms behind her, supporting herself as my eager cock pounded away at her.

That was the first time we had sex in the office - but it certainly wasn't the last. As she grew more confident of my ability to keep the affair secret she seemed to grow more provocative, it became something of a game for her - she not only enjoyed watching my discomfort and rising temperature as she teased me in various ways, at first discretely but later, as she grew even more certain, so blatantly that there were times when I thought she was determined to tempt fate, have someone find out what was going on between us.

Having discovered my weakness for stockings she used that as her main weapon, wearing slightly different clothes, with shorter or split skirts, so she could more easily flash a length of thigh. And, every now and then she'd leave off her panties - sometimes, during a meeting leaning side-ways and quietly telling me that she had, other times letting me find out for myself, usually when I was alone with her in her office, by leaning back in her chair, spreading her knees apart and giving me time to take a really good look at what nestled up there between her thighs.

On those days I knew she needed me physically, if necessary, forcefully, hurriedly - wherever we could find somewhere to do it and over the next few months, we probably used just about every place it was possible to do so. Empty offices, the stationery room, the tea-room, a couple of conference rooms and on one very special day, the room the company's Board met in, furiously fucking each other right there on the Board Table - and left a stain on it as proof!

But of course what had started out as a purely physical relationship gradually changed and I found her becoming an integral part of my life, that it wasn't just the sex I missed when Julia was away or too busy with other things to spend time with me and I was left alone, sometimes for days at a time. I realised that without even being really aware of it - I had fallen in love with her.

It was about six months after the affair began that things changed dramatically. The new business contract that had really been the trigger for everything between us was going extremely well and the senior managers were naturally very pleased with Julia and her team. The company and especially Julia had also received a fair bit of publicity in the business press as a result of what we were doing. One evening, when we were lying in bed together after we had made love, we got to talking about the business, how well it was going and what other possibilities we could create using the same approach. I'm not honestly sure which of us made the first comment - but as we talked around the subject it became clear that a separate company would have even more opportunities of success than we could, as part of a larger organisation. It was then that I voiced my opinion, that Julia was in the perfect position to form such a company.

She didn't make the decision there and then, she thought about it carefully and we talked about it frequently, sorting out all the angles we could think of - but a few months later, when she was convinced it was the right thing to do, she did just that, resigned and set up on her own - and she's done very well. I was given her job and although I'm not in the same league as Julia when it comes to dedication to work, I haven't done too badly out of it either.

We continued seeing each other, although because of the pressures involved in starting a new business the times we could be together were even less frequent than before - but that meant that our meetings were more passionate, even more heated than they had been. After a few months of that we decided it was silly not to live together and a year or so later, thought we might as well marry.'

'So after such a good start, what happened? What went wrong with the marriage?'

'It's hard to say really Barbara. There was no one single moment when you could say we both realised it was over between us.

I guess we only remember our own side of the story - and of course there are always two sides - but I can remember the first time I made a comment about the fact that she no longer wore stockings. We'd been married for a couple of years at the time - as happens with most couples, our sex life had tailed off a bit - but during the previous months I'd noticed she had begun to wear pantyhose from time to time - and been especially disappointed to notice that in recent weeks she seemed to have stopped wearing stockings at all. I didn't say anything about it until one evening when we were getting dressed to go out for dinner with some friends and, thinking that it was a perfect night for a bit of an upturn in our sex life, put my arms around her and said something to the effect that it would be a good time to resuscitate one of her pairs of black stockings.

She laughed! I just couldn't believe her reaction and even when she saw how it had hurt me she made no attempt to ease it in any way - instead she made some comment about not believing I was still hung-up on something so childish.

I let it pass, I was too stunned I suppose - and the moment passed - but I never forgot it and it probably sharpened my senses as to how she was starting to feel about me in general. I noticed the times she stayed away and didn't tell me what the reason was, the many, many times she was unusually late home and said nothing as to why when she did eventually arrive. As many people do I suppose, I buried myself in work.'

'You didn't have any children, any particular reason for that?' Barbara asked.

'We couldn't, something just a little bit wrong with both of us, we could have gone through the fertility drug business but it wasn't really important enough for either of us - and given the way things turned out it was probably just as well, for the sake of the kids that might have been, I mean.'

'Did the fact that you couldn't upset Julia?'

'I didn't think so at the time, she was too busy with her business. But I understand what you're saying - maybe things would have been different if there had been children. Who knows.'

'Had she started seeing other women at that stage?'

'Again, I've really no idea Barbara. It certainly never occurred to me that she might be, I had no idea about that aspect of her until you and your mother came on the scene. I was stunned when I found you together that day, not just because it was you in particular, though that was surprise enough - but because it was a woman. As I said, that possibility had never even crossed my mind. Maybe I was a bit insensitive, should have noticed things, though I don't really think she ever gave me any clues. We had drifted a long, long way apart by that stage, hardly ever talked about personal things - and I doubt that would have been something she'd want to share with me anyway.

So I've no idea when or how that aspect of her sexuality cropped up - maybe it had always been there, maybe right from the start, when she wasn't with me it was a woman she was seeing.'

'So, that brings me up to date - or does it? If you and Julia were having such a quiet sex-life there must have been other women from time to time.'

'Not really Barbara - I'm not saying I was a complete saint, there was a brief fling with a girl from the office, that never amounted to anything, we went out for dinner three or four times and ended up back at her place afterwards. And there's a woman in one of our inter-state offices that I saw maybe once, sometimes twice a year for about three years. But never anything serious, that is until your mother came on the scene.'

'And how often were you and Julia actually having sex?'

'That's hard to say, it sort of tailed off gradually - in the year before I met you both, maybe half a dozen times, usually when we we'd had a bit to drink at a function of some sort.'

'Well you've certainly made up for it since.' she said with a laugh as she got up. 'I need to go to the bath-room, then I think we should think about how we're going to take care of you tonight, do something about my itchiness. Maybe give each other a bit of a scratch?'