Those Days of...Ch. 51-55


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Over the next four weeks we must have done it to each other in every way and in every place you could imagine, which we both found actually added to the excitement of our get togethers. I forget all the places we used now, but the changing rooms of the gym was one, back-stage in the auditorium was another and on more than one occasion we did it in an unused lecture room.

There were a couple of really memorable times when she just took care of me. The first was when we couldn't find anywhere at all, each of our favourite places was unavailable and neither of us was able to think of an alternative. I remember that I was feeling incredibly horny - I don't remember why, maybe we hadn't seen each other for a couple of days. Anyway, having gone from one place to another Kim must have seen I was getting more and more wound-up and decided that even if I couldn't reciprocate, she was going to relieve my tension. She found us a relatively quiet spot at the corner of two adjoining buildings and pulled me into it. Thinking we were just going to have to settle for a bit of a kiss and cuddle I put my arms around her - but instead of feeling her arms slipping around me, I felt her hands fumbling with my zip, then reaching inside and after a bit of a struggle, getting out my already fully erect cock. As I had my back to the nearby path the occasionally passing student couldn't actually see what was going on when she then proceeded to masturbate me, collecting what she pumped out of me a few minutes later in a couple of tissues.

At the time I think I was simply very grateful for the relief, but she must have found something about that situation especially stimulating because a few days later, even before we'd checked out any of our usual places, she shyly asked if I'd like to repeat it - and became very excited when I said I would. Having got my agreement, she told me how aroused she'd got, doing it while people were walking past. She said she hadn't been able to stop thinking about it since then, even the previous evening, when we'd taken full advantage of having the flat to ourselves and I'd licked and sucked her to several dramatically powerful orgasms.

We had at least half an hour before our next lectures began but she hurried me back to the place and as I felt her fingers gripping my hand more and more tightly I couldn't help imagining the sensations they would soon be giving me. So by the time we got there I already had an almost full erection, which she found immediately we'd taken up our previous position.

That time, having got my trousers undone she somehow managed to pull my underpants down far enough that she could get out not only my cock but also my balls. The previous time, no doubt because of the combination of the strangeness of the situation and because she'd known just how wound-up I was, she had simply got me off as quickly as possible. That second time was quite different, I could sense that in her own way she was getting almost as much pleasure from what she was doing for me as I was receiving - and that she had no intention of rushing things.

As she ran her fingers slowly back and forth along the shaft I could feel it getting harder, then I moaned with rising pleasure as I felt her other hand touch my tightly swollen balls, gently stroking them with the soft tips of her fingers, then curling, fondling and rolling them. At the same time her other hand was rhythmically squeezing my cock, as though trying to make it even bigger by forcing even more blood up into it. Then, in spite of the thrills I was already feeling, my entire body shuddered when she relaxed her grip and slid her hand up to the head and I felt her finger-tips skimming up and down over it.

She'd been wearing a long, very fine scarf round her neck and after a few minutes of unhurried, absolutely delightful manipulation, when she was sure she'd got my cock up to maximum size and hardness, she pulled one end down, then wrapped several folds around it. 'I thought this might make what you're feeling even more exciting. Does it?' she whispered as her fingers loosely enclosed it and I felt the silky material slipping backwards and forwards as she slowly stroked up and down the shaft.

It certainly did, so much so that I think I only managed a few sharp grunts in reply as a series of what felt like mild electric shocks shot up through me.

But in one sense using the scarf was defeating her own purpose. She was intent on increasing her own enjoyment by delaying my climax for as long as possible, so she was deliberately using very light, leisurely caresses. But of course the very slowness of her movements gave my brain that much more time to register the incredibly intense sensations being triggered by the material brushing over my skin - particularly when it slipped up and down over the rim of the already super-sensitive head.

So it wasn't long before the pressure inside me became almost unbearable and obviously she could tell from my reactions that I was getting close to climaxing. 'Not already?' she whispered, the tone in her voice registering her disappointment.

Again, as I felt the first unbelievably powerful surge welling up, I could only grunt a reply. But although she'd obviously hoped to make it last longer, once she realised what was happening she tightened her grip, increasing the strength of her strokes - her other hand intensifying the pressure by firmly squeezing my achingly swollen balls. So, it wasn't really surprising that when I came it was with absolutely enormous force. I grunted and heaved forwards as the first load jetted out then felt her hands working together to pump the rest out of me.'

'I guess that ruined her scarf.' Barbara said with a chuckle. Then added in a more serious tone. 'It sounds as though she had a complete transformation Roger.'

'Yes it was. And even though what we could do was limited and many people would imagine it would have been rather frustrating, in actual fact it was a more than satisfying few weeks. I suppose in a way, the fact that neither of us had come straight from a more usual sexual relationship meant our needs were in some ways more basic, we were able to get maximum pleasure from any sort of activity.'

'I liked the idea of her taking care of you whenever she saw you needed it. As you were talking I was remembering what I did a little while ago, the feel your hot cock in my hand, its hardness, then the strength of the pulsations as it pumped out your semen. I've always liked that too. Gives a girl a sense of power, controlling the man like that I mean. But arousing, exciting too.' she added.

'Bur we've never done anything like that outdoors. Have you and Mum?'

'Yes, a couple of times anyway.' I answered, particularly remembering the night Helen and I had gone to see the film with Barbara's look-alike in it - and what Helen had done for me towards the end of it.

'It's nice when it's so spontaneous, when the need is so strong you just have to do something about it, isn't it.

Don't get me wrong, I love the times when we know we're going to do it sometime soon, enjoy building up to it slowly, savouring the anticipation of what's going to come. But there's something incredibly powerful about the quick, almost frantic times, when the urge is totally overwhelming I mean.'

'Yes, I know exactly what you mean Barbara. And that's certainly how it was during those first few weeks with Kim - whenever we met we literally couldn't keep our hands off each other.'

'So what happened once she was safe, I mean once the pill was effective?'

'We added fucking to our repertoire of activities.'

'Just that?'

'Essentially, yes. Actually, looking back at it now, it was all quite odd really.

The first few times were special of course, apart from anything else there was a sense of achievement involved for both of us, that we were finally able to do the thing we'd said so many, many times we really wished we could do.

But I suppose in a way the fact that we had been so active meant that once that first rush had passed, sex itself became just an extension of the things we'd already been doing. And of course as it wasn't possible to have full sex every time we met, there were many times when we simply continued to do the things we'd done for each other during those first few weeks. I think we both found those times even more exciting - I know I did.'

'It sounds as though you'd become almost addicted to having it done to you, being masturbated?'

'In a funny sort of a way that's probably true. But then she was very good at it. And there were just as many times when we were having sex, fucking I mean, when I got a sneaking feeling that she didn't enjoy that as much as she did when I was licking her.

Part of it was the fact that neither of us was actually in love with the other - oh don't get me wrong, we were quite emotionally involved, but neither of us ever said the word 'love'. The relationship was on a completely different plane to the one I'd had with Sheila - far more physical, to be honest, it was almost purely physical.'

'Like the one between you and I?'

Without even thinking I answered - 'No!' - immediately. 'That's a completely different thing Barbara.'

'Is it, how?'

I saw the trap I'd set up for myself. Obviously I couldn't say it was different because I actually did love Barbara. I couldn't do that, for one thing because it was her mother, Helen that I loved - for another, because in that sense of the word, it wasn't true.

But if I admitted that at least as far as I was concerned, it was a purely physical relationship, I could risk undoing all the good Helen and I had thought we'd done for Barbara.

As I struggled to find some words that fitted between those two positions I saw a smile creep slowly over Barbara's face.

'Damned if you do - and damned if you don't. Is that what you're thinking?' she asked quietly.

'Not really.' I lied.

'Oh come on Roger, I'm not quite as fragile as you and Mum seem to think I am. What happened with Mike didn't do me any good - but I don't suppose there are that many people that would have enjoyed what he did, or at least not the way he went about it. But that doesn't mean I'm back where I was before you came along and helped me out of the mess I'd got myself in to before.

I'm not in love with you - and I don't imagine for one minute that you are with me. We're both very strongly attracted to each other, physically - and love what we can do with and for each other when the opportunity arises. But that doesn't mean we are 'in love', does it.'

I breathed a quite audible sigh of relief and felt the tension flowing out of my tensed muscles. It was as though a weight had suddenly been removed - a weight I hadn't realised I'd been carrying.

Barbara saw the effects her words had on me. 'Is that what you've been worrying about?'

'Sort of.' I admitted.

'And Mum too?'

'I'm not quite sure about that - but maybe at the back of her mind. If you go back to the very beginning, even before we actually met I mean, that first day in the park. Helen said you'd been talking about this man you saw some days, how attractive he was, she said you got quite excited when you spoke about me.'

'That's true, I did. I told you, I thought you were extremely attractive - I still do.' she added with a meaningful smile.

'I think - and as I said, I'm not really sure about this but I think Helen's always kept that at the back of her mind, thinks there's a degree of competition between you for me.'

'So why did she persuade you to help me, physically I mean? That doesn't make sense.'

'I know it seems odd, it took me a while to accept it. I think she thinks that encouraging the physical side of things might prove enough - doing that will stop the underlying need from getting too strong, turning into something else, obsession or something like that. As I said, we've never talked about it in this way - so I'm guessing really.'

'And you thought that too?'

'In a way, yes I suppose I did.'

'Neither of you gave me too much credit for being able to sort out my own problems did you.'

'I was happy enough to go along with Helen, she'd been through what had happened before, I hadn't.'

'Yes I suppose that's fair, it had been difficult for her, there must have been times when she was at her wits end about me.'

'And added to all that, from my purely selfish point of view - having both of you - well what man would turn that down?'

I saw the smile return to her face. 'O.K. - so you're both not guilty, just muddled. I must have a heart to heart talk with Mum about it all when she gets home.'

'I think that's a good idea, it'll probably resolve a few things for her Barbara.'

'So - how about some fresh coffee, or would you rather have a drink? Then let's get back to where we were.'

We agreed on a drink and while Barbara gathered up the dirty coffee cups and took them out to the kitchen I fixed one for each of us, unable to resist looking up as she walked across the room, watching the sensuous sway of her hips beneath the light house-coat she was wearing and what delights were still to come.

Chapter 54

Meeting Julia

'So, how long were you and Kim, involved with each other?' Barbara asked when we had re-settled ourselves.

'Sorry, what did you say?' I asked as the sound of her voice penetrated my thoughts. When she'd curled up on the settee previously her house-coat had effectively covered her, now it didn't. I'd been trying to work out whether it was just my over-active imagination or that while she'd been out in the kitchen she'd undone a couple of buttons at both top and bottom. Deciding that as I could now see a very tempting amount of cleavage and a fair slice of one thigh, it must be the latter.

'I asked how long were you and Kim, involved with each other.' she replied with a half smile as my eyes shifted back up to her face.

'Oh, the rest of our time at university - on and off a bit towards the end. We'd got used to each other, could usually rely on each other when other things didn't work out.'

'Other conquests you mean?'


'So she experimented with other men too.'

'From time to time she did - though I think they were purely spur of the moment things, I don't think she developed a really strong emotional attachment to anyone.'

'And you weren't jealous when she did that?'

'No, as I said, we weren't in love - and anyway remember that I was meeting other girls too.'

'Tell me about them.'

'Oh there's not much to tell really. A few spectacular sessions here and there, more usually a less than satisfying grope or two followed by a knock back and an ache in the groin.'

She laughed. 'That sounds like the average young man's experience.'

'If it hadn't been for having Kim in the background it would have been a very average story Barbara. I've never professed to having been a real stud.'

'Well you've more than made up for that in recent months, haven't you.'

'That's another reason why it's been such an unbelievable time. If I'd had a more varied sex life previously I might have taken some of what's happened a little more calmly - but it's all been so totally unexpected.'

'I know how you're feeling Roger. Now, tell me about Julia, where and how did you meet her?' she asked, shifting herself to a more comfortable position and, in the process giving me a brief but still tempting glimpse of even more bare flesh.

'Ah Julia, I guessed you'd want to hear about her. That was after I'd left university, when I'd started work. She was actually my boss for a short while, before she left the company to start up in business on her own. In fact I had a fair bit to do with her deciding to do that, encouraging her to give it a go I mean.'

'She was your boss?'

'Yes, it wasn't exactly a reversal of the boss and his secretary thing - but not too far off that.'

'How did it start?'

'Oh I don't think there was a particular moment or event that I could say was the actual start. I can tell you when we first had sex - but I'm pretty sure the attraction, chemistry, whatever you like to call it, had actually started quite some time before that, even if we weren't conscious of it at the time.

You'd understand the relationships that develop in a work place - it doesn't matter whether it's a factory, an office, a big store - whatever sort of organisation it is, if you put a large enough number of people together in one place, some of them will end up having affairs of one sort or another.

I joined the company after I'd been out of university for a couple of years - Kim and I had split up virtually the day we both graduated and in the year or two between I'd met a few girls, been to bed with a couple, was rather like most guys at that time - forever talking about sex - but getting very little.

It was a good job, good pay to start with and good prospects for promotion, so I knuckled down and started making my way up the ladder, slowly at first of course - but getting a start.

Julia was three years older than me and managed a small group of the company's consultants, a sort of sales force for the company really, they took care of negotiations with companies and government departments we did business with. Even though she was relatively young it was obvious that she was very good at her job and that the senior managers all held her in very high regard, so when I was given an opportunity to work in her section, I grabbed it.

I knew she had a reputation for being a demanding boss, worked her people hard but that didn't worry me, I thought I'd learn a lot from her - and I did, in more areas than I'd expected.

Initially my job was the preparation of reports, compiling them mainly from those that the individual consultants wrote, it doesn't sound very interesting but to be able to do them well instead of just reading what they'd written I made a point of meeting each of the consultants, talking to them, getting the background to what they had been doing. Of course by doing that I quickly got a very good idea of the overall business, was able to link things together and it wasn't long before I was attaching suggestions to my formal reports, ideas as to how extra business might be achieved by combining what some of the consultants were doing separately.

The first time I did that I was frankly a bit nervous about it, wondered how Julia would react, whether she'd tell me to mind my own business. But she made no comment at all, I didn't even know if she'd read it. And I was a bit disappointed about that. Still I continued doing it, if not for hers, then at least for my own satisfaction.

As you can imagine, she was a very good looking and always immaculately groomed woman when she was young - she still is of course - but although she was a tough, demanding boss, there was still a - I'm not sure what the right word is, a vulnerability, about her that's just not there any more. So apart from enjoying the actual work I was doing, there was also the pleasure of working closely with a physically attractive woman.

It must have been about three months after I'd started working for her, in the course of preparing one of the reports I'd spotted what I thought was a quite significant business opportunity and as usual had attached one of my notes to the report itself, wondering whether or not this time Julia would actually say something. That evening, as I was about to leave work, she called me in to her office and unlike her usual practice, closed the door.

Her overall attitude was so cold, so formal that I felt sure I was about to get chewed out for something and in her usual way, she didn't beat around the bush, came straight to the point, asking me why I kept attaching little notes to the reports - when I hadn't been asked to do that.