To Be Loved By A Succubus


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"I'm sorry," he said.

"It's ok. It's hard to miss people you can't even remember."

"Right. Lucy, I'm not sure what you want from me. I'm confused about everything. How you feel, how I feel. What do you want?"

Lucy took in a deep breath and held it for a second then let it all out in a rush.

"I hoped you would let me talk and explain things to you. You're taking it so well now. Thank you so much. Even if you don't want to be with me, I really, truly appreciate letting me talk. I really value your friendship."

She took another deep breath and kept speaking.

"But I love you. I want to be with you. Not because I need you, but because I want you. I was just really scared to tell you everything. If I had allowed us to get into a relationship too soon there's no way I could have lied to you about myself. Sooner or later you would have figured things out. There are some pretty obvious tells if you think about last night."

Mason thought for a moment and a few things came rushing to the forefront of his mind.

"Did you drug me? Give me something to...stay hard all night? To...finish as many times as I did and to- ok, I'm just going to say cum, I'm already tired of dancing around it. How was I cumming so much? All those orgasms and the volume. Oh, and where did it all go!? It should have been all over the place. But I didn't see any anywhere at all."

Lucy blushed again. "I told you. Sem-...Cum sustains me. I don't just swallow it, Mason. I can, and I absolutely love to, but no matter where you cum, my body absorbs it. You could cum inside me, my pussy, or my ass, and I'd absorb it. You could cum on my face, my tits, my ass, back, thighs, wherever and I would absorb it completely. And no! Of course I didn't drug you...Did I, however, inject you with a succubus's natural aphrodisiac so that you'd stay hard and give me all of that cum? Yes. And I'm sorry. It was wrong to do that without your permission. You wouldn't have been able to cum that much without it. Once I had you in my hands my hunger and urges got the better of me. We tend to have poor judgment when we're sex and sustenance-starved. We do rash things and sometimes make bad choices. Even more so than humans, though that isn't an excuse and I apologize again."

Mason was reeling from all the mental images her words put in his head. His penis hardened again in his pants.

He glanced at Lucy and she was staring at his pants again, licking her lips. She didn't seem to realize she was doing it.

Well, that explains how he came so many times and the amount too. He wasn't upset, though. He'd had a great time because of it.

"So after last night, how do you feel?" He asked her.

Lucy dropped her shoulders and threw her head back. She closed her eyes.

"Ugh. Amazing. I haven't been that full or felt this much energy in ages. I felt so happy and satisfied. Like when you have your first hot meal in a week. It hit the spot like nothing else could have."

"How long will that last you?"

She looked back down at him. "Only a couple of days. After that, I'll start to feel how I did before. Tired. Depressed. Weak."

"That's why you risked telling me? You want to be with me for me, but you also want me to feed from me."

Lucy looked guilty. "Yes. I understand if that doesn't sit well with you. It's ok. You're not obligated to do this. I would just ask that you keep my secret. That's all I ask."

"And if I want to be with you too? What then?"

Lucy didn't look directly at him. She couldn't meet his eyes.

"There are a lot of benefits for you."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Mhmm. If I keep injecting you with my venom it'll change you. It's not actually poison, venom is just the easiest way to think of it. One dose won't have any permanent effects. But a few will. Your reproductive organs will change. All the little organs in you that produce seminal fluid will be rebuilt, in a way. They'll be more efficient, and make larger loads even without my venom. Though the venom will always make you produce more, even after the change. Your balls will grow. Even your cock. You have a very nice cock and balls as it is, but they'll change too. Your cock will become longer and thicker, to be better able to unload all that cum. Your balls will grow to help produce the amounts of cum I need. Your prostate will do the same, though it won't grow much. It's just become more efficient and it'll be more sensitive."

She winked at him.

Mason felt his face reddening.

Holy shit. I'll get bigger? Permanently? Insane. And I'll always produce that much cum and have that many orgasms too.

"How did you feel when you woke up this morning?"

Mason thought for a moment, rushing past the painful memories of finding Lucia gone. He'd woken up feeling good. Really good. Wide awake and rested. There was no grogginess that he usually felt. It usually took him half an hour to fully wake up.

"I felt really good. Instantly wide awake and energized. I felt better too. Healthier. Little aches and pains were absent."

"That's how I feel when I'm well-fed. Just great all around. That was after just one dose. In a few days, you'll go back to how you were. The long-term effects are even better. You'll be healthier overall. I'm immune to all diseases as far as I know. I've never gotten sick. Never needed surgery. I don't even need to eat. My sole sustenance is sex and cum. I eat because I enjoy it, but all the food is absorbed directly into my body. It doesn't go through my digestive tract. It's part of my magic. If we were together my magic would become your magic as well, in a way. You'd reap almost all the benefits. You'd live longer. A lot longer. You'd always be healthy. You wouldn't even have to eat. As long as you're proving for me, my magic will provide for you. You wouldn't even get cavities."

"Oh, shit! No cavities? Sign me up!" He had a serious sweet tooth. He flossed religiously. He'd actually never had any cavities but it was a serious worry of his.

She gave him a look that said, "Really? That's the one that does it for you?"

"That all sounds incredible. Like, completely unrealistic. Why does it work like that?"

"I remember being taught that it's sort of like a survival mechanism. If a succubus can find true love, a partner, our magic makes it so that our partner can adapt to us. Ensuring a long, healthy life so that we will always have our supply. It's a mutually beneficial relationship."


"I guess you could call it that, yeah."

"So you're telling me that if we're together I'll live hundreds of years, get a bigger cock, have mind-blowing sex, and I'll have magic to a limited degree?"

"Yes? Also, with impeccable health comes its own benefits. You'll be fitter. Stronger. Any deficiencies you had growing up will be corrected. You may even grow taller. As far as I can tell, the magic tries to make you as close to an incubus as possible without actually going so far as to turn you into one."


"A male version of the succubus."

"Wouldn't an incubus be the natural mate of a succubus?"

"Our species is pretty unique. It's not uncommon at all for an incubus and a succubus to become partners, but our abilities and magic allow us to pick a partner from pretty much any race or species on my home world."

"Whoa. That's insane."

Lucy shrugged.

"Ok. That's a lot to take in. I'm having a hard time thinking of any reason why I shouldn't do it."

"To be honest...It's a huge commitment. We'd be together for hundreds of years, maybe. Of course, we could separate, but I'd return to my current state eventually. Some of the gifts my magic gives you would revert eventually, I suppose."

"How do you know I won't agree to be with you just for those benefits?" Mason asked.

"Honestly, I wouldn't blame you if you did. I have my own motives, right? Aside from loving you. I want to live. I want to thrive and be my old self again. But I know you. I know your emotions and your thoughts, remember? I know what you felt and thought whenever you looked at me this last year. The longing. The love. The lust. If we're together neither of us would ever have to be lonely again."

"Ok, ok. You already know what I decided. Oh, stop gloating!"

Lucy had started smiling and wiggling her shoulders back and forth.

"You know I love you. I've loved you since that first month I met you."

"Same," she said. "I was just so scared to tell you." She scooted over to him, their hips touching.

"So does this mean you want to be together?" She asked.

"Yeah. I want to be with you. I wanted to be with you before I knew I'd get superpowers."

Lucy squealed in delight. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

Mason suddenly felt something moving under his thigh. Before he could react, something wrapped itself around his upper leg, just under his balls. Several coils of pencil-thin tail, he realized.

"Whoa, what's that all about?" He asked, not quite worried but very curious.

"Oh! Sorry. I was just so excited. This is kind of like hand-holding, though it's a bit deeper. It's much more intimate and also conveys a level of mutual ownership," she explained, blushing again.

"Ownership, huh? I don't have my own tail to wrap around your leg. That's a drag. Is that something all succubuses- succubeses? Succubis? Succubeeses? Is that something all succubeeses do?" Her tail was a lot more prehensile than he expected. It wasn't like a dog's or even a cat's tail. It seemed she could manipulate it with quite a bit of dexterity. The last six or so inches of her tail were thicker. It looked almost like a cattail plant but shaped exactly like it. And it didn't have the long skinny bit after the thick part. Her tail ended in a narrow point.

Lucy looked at him, eyes half closed and mouth slightly open as if to say, "Succubeeses? Really?"

"It's Succubi. And for the most part. It's like a cultural thing. Or a species thing. I don't know."

"What about Incubeeses? They do the same thing, I supposed?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Well, no, actually. They would wrap their tails around their partner's neck. Like a leash."

"Oohh. Hot."

"But it wasn't like a true slavery thing or anything. My people were very open and unabashed about sex and kinks and sexual dynamics between partners. Not like people are here."

That reminded him. "So...What exactly are you into?" He asked, delicately.

Lucy squeezed her hands between her thighs, and looked down, embarrassed, despite what she'd just said about her people not being embarrassed about sex.

"Well, you experienced some of it for yourself already. I really like to be dominant in some ways and dominated in others. I'm not into hard-core femdom or maledom. I'm very much into a more gentle kind of femdom. Obviously I like what I like to do..." she gave a deliberate look at his crotch. "But I like to do it in a more loving manner. And I like to let that come through in the words I say, how I do things. But I like to submit, too. I like being dominated. I like being overpowered and shown who is in charge. I like to fight back and tease, but once I've been showing 'my place' I will submit to whatever you want. I like the idea of one of us seizing control at the beginning of an encounter and being in charge the entire time. I also like the idea of switching back and forth."

"I' to a lot of that. But you know I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely turned on by the thought of those things."

"Oh, I know. That's why it was so important for me to make sure we would be compatible."

"I understand. I have a question regarding that." He paused a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"Do you change personalities when you change into someone else?"

"I'm just changing my body to look like theirs with any additions, changes, or enhancements I want. I know that doesn't sound like much of a difference, but to me, there is one. I don't act any different from how I would normally act. Unless I do it deliberately. My magic helps me with the voice and accents. It even helps me speak their language. It makes it easier to find a mate."

"So you're still you, you just look different?"

"Yep. Why do you ask?"

"I fell a little in love with Lucia last night, Lucy. But it was just you and I was already in love with you. I thought of you several times last night too. I felt guilty. That must sound pathetic, falling in love with someone in one night."

"Not at all, Mason." Her tail tightened around his thigh in what he thought was a reassuring manner.

"That was kind of my whole goal. I didn't act any different than how I usually do. It was just the looks and accent that made a difference. I'm sure if you think about last night you'll see that I was Lucy the whole time."

She took his hand in hers. She leaned in and kissed him delicately on the lips, her tongue just barely brushing his lips.

Mason cleared his throat.

"Ahem. Ok. So how do we do this? Is there some sort of uber-sex ritual? Do we have to slaughter a goat and draw some bullshit in its blood or something?"

"Ew, gross. What for?"

"To like, bond, or whatever. We're supposed to be partners now, right? I assume there's some sort of ritual."

Lucy laughed. "No, Mason! We just need to have regular sex. Having sex with you will automatically cause my magic to attach itself to you. We'd be tethered magically. Not in any way you'd be able to tell by looking at us. We wouldn't be physically bound to be near one another or anything, either.

"Uber-sex ritual it is, then! Nice."

She swatted his arm.

Mason settled back into the corner of the couch. He pulled her into the crook of his arm and they rested there in silence for some time. He felt her tail adjusting and shifting pressure around his leg, almost pulsing. That was going to take some getting used to.

After a few moments, he realized Lucy was crying again.

"Lucy? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm happy. I'm happy and a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. A weight I hadn't known settled there a long time ago. It was heavy and exhausting and I finally feel it gone."

She wiped her eyes with the tissue she still held.

Mason just held her. He kissed the top of her head, trying not to lose an eye on her horns.

"Oh. You said you injected me with your venom? I never felt anything. You just squirt it into a syringe or something?"

"I did inject you, but I didn't use a syringe. And you did feel it. Remember when I was giving you head the first time right here on the couch?"


"Remember when I was sucking you and you felt that sting in your balls?"

"Oh, you absolute evil woman. That was you? What, did you bite me? Is your saliva the venom?"

"Aww, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. And yes. I bit you. My saliva isn't the venom, however. The venom is injected through a tiny hole in my canine teeth. I'm sure you noticed my saliva has other properties, though?" She smiled wide and for the first time, Mason noticed that her canine teeth were sharper. They were just barely longer than her other teeth, but they were noticeably sharper.

"You absolutely had to bite my balls?"

"If I wanted it to take effect right away, yes. It needed to get to all of the little organs that help make semen quickly. Did it hurt a lot?"

"No. There was a sharp prick of pain but it was gone almost immediately."

"Yeah, the venom helps with the pain as well. It's going to be happening a lot," she said, unable to hide her excitement. "Now that you know what it is, I know you like the idea of it too."

"Get out of my head! Anyway, your saliva. I note sure I noticed anything out of the ordinary?"

"My saliva is like a lube. I can choose for it to be regular saliva or I can secrete another chemical into it to turn it into a kind of lubricant. And it doesn't have to be just from my mouth. I can secrete it from basically anywhere. My mouth, hands, pussy, ass. It makes spontaneous sex very easy."

"Wow. You're literally built for sex, aren't you?" He asked, just now realizing the scope of her abilities as a succubus.

"Yep! And you will be too. It's great! By the way, since I'm going to be injecting you with my venom, you should know that since your balls, prostate, seminal vesicles, and other organs will be working overtime from now on, I'll need to milk you several times a day. Not only to feed me but so that it doesn't become uncomfortable for you. If you go too long without cumming it'll be like super blue balls. Very unpleasant. So that means lots of sex and blowjobs. Lots.

"Oh, nooo," Mason said, unenthusiastically. "Not more of the most incredible, mind-blowing, erotic blowjobs I've ever had in my life! Shiiiiit!" He raised his arms and lazily shook his fists at the ceiling.

Lucy chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Why do you refer to it as milking?" He'd never heard of that term before.

"It's kind of a thing in the BDSM/Femdom community. They like to tease and deny their men and then force them to ejaculate, oftentimes overstimulating them and ruining their orgasms. But I like it for the context of forcing you to cum to get what I need. I think it also has to do with milking tables. It's a table the man lays face down on, his erect penis and balls fit through a hole. A woman sits under the table and sucks or jerks him off until he cums. The scene makes it look like they're milking a cow's udder. Like it's a thing to be used simply because it contains what they need. I've always found that to be super hot.

Super hot indeed. I wouldn't mind being milked daily.

"Is it weird that I say that? Does it bother you?"

"Not at all. It's just new to me. I think I like the idea of being milked regularly. I hope I have the energy for that!"

"Trust me. You will."

They sat in silence for a time. Both lost in thought, trying to sort out their emotions.

He was exhausted. He'd been through so much emotional turmoil today that he felt wrung out. He didn't think he'd be able to stand and walk to his bedroom.

I'll just close my eyes for a moment.

Mason woke to a very pleasant sensation in his groin. His eyes fluttered open, trying to focus. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked down.

Lucy was kneeling between his legs, still in her succubus form. She'd gotten his pants and boxers all the way off without waking him. She was sucking on his cock while starting up at him.

When she saw that he was awake, she took him from her mouth and kissed the underside of his cock.

"Is this ok? I'm hungry. Now that I've gotten a taste of you I'm craving more and I couldn't wait." she continued to kiss him as she spoke.

Mason's breath caught in his throat. Despite all that happened, the last thing he was expecting to wake up to was a red skinned, black haired, demon woman with glowing green eyes giving him head. Unreal.

They're glowing now?

Mason couldn't stop staring at her, couldn't stop thinking about how incredibly sexy she looked, made even more sexy that she was sucking his dick. On purpose!

He forgot to answer her, but Lucy must have read his mind or emotions because she didn't stop. She went back to sucking and licking him.

He realized her tail was still curled around his thigh. She had to have removed it to take his pants off and then out it right back. The tip was flicking lazily back and forth.

This woman is literally built for sex and she's capable of so many things. And she wants to be with me!

"Mhmmmm!" She said enthusiastically around his cock.

Damn it. I keep forgetting she can read my mind.

After that thought, he was immediately bombarded with thoughts of being unable to satisfy her. Of being unable to keep up with her, to keep her happy and satisfied.