Transformations - Naughty vs. Nice Ch. 02


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"Transformed! You're already transformed." She stroked his cock. "Junior Whoremaster."

She pulled the sheet back over them.


On the walk back, Loretta mulled over what to do next.

Willy was quite frankly the most interesting man she had met in a long time.

He could have easily been a defensive lineman on any football team or a professional wrestler; however, he had none of the arrogance of most jocks. He seemed kind, even gentle.

He was obviously completely in love with Honey and yet Loretta was certain he was flirting with her as they walked, even stealing furtive glances at her when she thought he wasn't looking.

He and Honey had some sort of open relationship.

They were also, well... strange.

As they walked, Willy had kept her talking about herself - lots of men used that tactic to get you into bed.

But, Willy seemed to be genuinely interested in her.

And, despite the oddness of the situation, she was growing steadily more interested in him.

"What's your last name?" Loretta asked.

Willy laughed. "No... just, no."

"What?! You won't tell me your last name?"

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?"

"It's embarrassing."

Loretta smiled up at him. "Oh, now you have to tell me! What is it?"

"There is nothing on this earth that will make me tell you my last name," Willy said. His face was red.

"It's that bad?"

"It's worse than bad."

They were a hundred yards from cabin 159.


There was an orgy going on in cabin 159.

The elf girl bounced contentedly on a man's cock as she rode him on the floor.

His hands encircled her tiny waist and moved her up and down the length of his cock.

She felt like a sex toy, and she loved it.

The man's mind was gone.

He existed only to do the elves' bidding.

All his hair had fallen out and his ears were growing pointed.

The other humans in the cabin were suffering similar fates as the elves giggled.


"Hey, thanks again for helping me find Honey," Willy said as Loretta climbed the stairs to the porch of cabin 159.

She smiled down at him. "It was my pleasure. I'm glad you found her."

Loretta put her hand on the doorknob. She could hear the thump, thump, thump of the music inside and moans.

She turned to Willy. "Maybe I'll see you again tomorrow?"

Willy frowned. "No. Honey and I are leaving in the morning."

"Oh." She looked at the door again.

"Well, goodnight," Willy said.

Loretta bit her lower lip. "Willy? The restaurant at the lodge will be open in a few hours. Maybe we could talk until it opens? Have pancakes?"

Willy smiled at her. "I'd love pancakes."

Loretta stepped off the porch.

Willy took her hand and they walked up the slope.

Behind them, small eyes watched from the cabin windows.


Honey closed the door behind her as she left the teensy weensy girl's room.

She almost ran face first into Patricia who was dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Tricia!" Honey giggled as she looked her up and down. "You look beau..."

Patricia punched Honey in the left eye with a swift right hook.

Honey fell on the wooden floor, the silk kimono gapping open and revealing her naked curves.


Patricia looked at her fist in disbelief. "I... I've never hit..."

"It's okay," Drew said as he knelt by Honey.

"But... I really hit her hard..."

Honey rolled over and began to sob. "Why'd you do that?"

'Why did I do that? What the fuck did you do to me?!" Patricia said as she drew back to hit the girl again.

Honey whined and tried to pull away. "Tricia, I didn't do anything bad! I just made you prettier..."

"What did you do to Patricia?" Drew asked.

Honey stared up at her. "I... you're transformed. You're Tricia Tease, Whore Caste..."

"The words in my head, Drew? That's what they kept droning on about," Patricia said.

"Don't you love me?" Honey asked. Her voice was small and meek, utterly heartbroken.

"Love you? You turned me into a freak like you!" Patricia drew back to kick her.

"Patricia! Stop. She's no threat," Drew said.

"I'm not a freak," Honey whispered. "I'm a nice person. I make people happy."

"Drew, I'm telling you, she's a threat," Patricia said.

Drew was staring at Honey's breasts. "I..."

"No! Step back away from her! Her pheromones draw you in," Patricia said as she dragged Drew to his feet.

"How do you know that?" Drew asked.

"I... I'm not sure... somehow I know. She's a Street Whore, fully transformed. Her pheromones and ambrosia - breast milk - are aphrodisiacs."

Honey sniffled and pulled her robe closed. "That's from your programming. The video while you slept."

Patricia reached down and pulled Honey to her feet. "Drew, step back."

Patricia shook her head. "Why do I still feel funny around you?"

Honey looked down and her lip quivered. "On account of you haven't had finishing ambrosia yet. You're still mostly human." A tear rolled down her cheek. "But you still hit really hard."

Patricia shoved her toward the stairs. "Downstairs. Now. And, what were you doing in Brenda's room?"

"I... transformed her. The boy was already transformed," Honey said as she descended the stairs.

"Jesus," Patricia groaned. "Wait. What boy?"

"The boy in bed with her. The tall handsome boy. He's a junior Whore Master."

"Carter? What's a junior Whore Master?" Drew asked as he followed them down the stairs.

"Protectors. I made the chubby boy a full Whore Master," Honey said.

"Kitchen. Go," Patricia said as they reached the foot of the stairs. "Drew? There's some rope in the mud room."

"Patricia? Do you think that's necessary?" Drew asked as they entered the kitchen.

"Yes," Patricia said. She pushed Honey into a high-backed kitchen chair. "How do we undo this?"

"Do I have a black eye?" Honey whimpered.

"I'll give you a matching one if you don't answer me," Patricia said.

Honey shrugged. "You can't undo it. Why would you want to?"

Drew brought yellow nylon rope from the mudroom. He started to kneel beside Honey's chair.

"No, let me," Patricia said. "It's not safe to be close to her."

Patricia took the rope and began binding Honey's ankles and then her wrists to the legs of the chair.

"I would have played this game with you if you'd just asked," Honey mumbled.

"You think this is some kind of game?" Patricia asked.

Honey shrugged.

Patricia shook her head. "I'm not buying this innocent act. What are you? Some kind of terrorist?"

"No. I'm from the Church of Morpheus, Whore Caste. We're trying to save the world."

"Church of Morpheus?" Drew asked. "That's the group who took control of the downtown urban areas. The ones who have the vaccine for the bimbo flu and the futa virus."

Honey nodded.

Patricia stared at her. "Rumors about you people are all over the internet. Why are you here?"

"It's an experiment. The Church wants to see if Street Whores can transform a whole lot of people at once with the little bug thingies. You see, it usually takes putting people in a transformation tube to transform them."

"Why me? Why did you do this to me, Honey?"

Honey looked into Patricia's eyes. "Because I like you. You're nice."

Patricia looked at Drew and started to cry.

"Honey, I need you to explain this to me. All of it. From the beginning," Drew said.


Richie opened his eyes in his dark bedroom. Light was just beginning to brighten the window.

"Rock Hard Richie, Whore Caste, Designation Whore Master," he said. Then he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. Weird dream.

First he had sex with the beautiful girl who had almost frozen to death and then she put some kind of bug on him and...

His feet were hanging off the end of the bed.

Which was weird because his head was touching the headboard.

His mind returned to the vivid dream of the blonde with huge breasts.

He reached under the covers and wrapped his hand around his...

His eyes snapped open.

This... wasn't him.

He tossed the blankets back.

His cock rose like an obelisk from his groin. It projected out far beyond his meaty fist.

"Jesus! Jesus! What the fuck?" He whispered in the gloom.

He tore his eyes away from his thick meat and saw that his forearm now looked like that of a bodybuilder.

His entire body was huge.

He sat up in the bed and the springs creaked under his weight.

"The fuck? What the fuck?!" He was huge. He stood up on the cold, wood floor and looked at himself in the dresser mirror.

His stomach was flat against his backbone and more muscled than any abs he'd ever seen.

"Dreaming. I have to be dreaming," Richie said.

The bedroom door opened. "Richie?"

He quickly tried to cover himself and then realized his hands would be woefully inadequate to hide the meat that now stood proudly from his crotch.

When he saw her, all thought of covering himself left him.

Gina stood naked in the doorway.

She was nearly a foot taller than she had been last night. Her body was muscled, not the bulky, Mr. Universe muscles Richie now had, but long, lithe muscles - the muscles of a gymnast or speed skater.

With every breath, her cinched in waist expanded and contracted.

Her hair had always been thick and black but now it fell in onyx cascades down her shoulders. Her lips were red and full.

Her breasts were huge - too large for her body but completely breathtaking.

"What happened to me, Richie? What... happened to us?" Gina asked. Her voice was slightly higher than before but with a smokey, sultry quality. She walked toward him, her curves moving with each step.

He took her into his arms without a word and nothing in his life ever felt so right. "I don't know what happened."

She laid her head on his shoulder and leaned against him. "We're supposed to be together. I can feel it."

"Forever," Richie said. He kissed her and, confused or not, he'd never been happier in his life.


Down the hall, Brenda opened her eyes even though she was still asleep. "Boobalicious Brenda, Whore Caste, designation Specialty Whore."

The sound of her own voice almost woke her, but the feeling of Carter's arms around her and being pressed against his warm body kept her snoozing.

She began to wake but kept her eyes closed.

She smiled - he had stayed with her through the night. Carter had not crept back to his room.

Somehow, he had put a pillow in front of her and had her in a 'Brenda sandwich'.

The warmth of his body was somehow keeping the pain in her hips at bay. She woke up every morning to joint and bone pain but not this morning. This morning was pain free and she was unwilling to move, afraid that once the pain was awakened she would need to make a grab for the pain pills.

The sex had been transcendent. And, it wasn't just because Carter was basically a god physically.

They had connected emotionally, spiritually.

Not that the physical connection hadn't been amazing, it had been. But, the feeling of 'more' was intoxicating.

So she kept her eyes closed and didn't move because if this was all just an illusion? She wanted it to last.

There was, however, a problem. Two actually.

One, she needed to pee.

And, two? She could not stop thinking about sex.

She could feel his steady breathing behind her and knew he was asleep.

But, dammit, she needed to cum - maybe more than she had ever needed in her entire life.

Brenda eased her right hand down under her body. Had she lost weight? Her sides and hips felt smaller.

She touched the inside of her thighs and felt an electric tingle.

She frowned a little. Her legs felt thinner as well.

Trailing her fingers up, she felt her lower abs.

They were hard - she could actually feel the muscles beneath her skin.

How can this be? She thought. Then she moved her fingers between her legs.

Her clit was throbbing and, when she touched it, she gasped from the sensation.

She was incredibly sensitive.

One night with Carter and I'm a sex fiend, Brenda thought as she slowly began to circle her clit with two fingers.

She was wet. No, she was actually soaked.

Brenda was breathing hard, and she was afraid she might wake Carter.

Would that be such a bad thing? That thought made her smile.

He would wake up and push that god cock back inside her. She knew she could take more of him now. Maybe all of him.

She rubbed harder.

That was a fantasy, she knew. She would have to have been transformed and her cervix dilated, opening her womb for complete penetration by a junior Whore Master's cock...

Brenda paused in her masturbations.

What did that mean? The words had just come to her, but she didn't understand them.

She rubbed slowly again, smiling as she felt her orgasm growing.

Her mind drifted back to thoughts of Carter taking her deep, the feeling of his heavy balls slapping against her as he took her. She pushed two fingers in and out wishing she could push deep inside herself the way Carter could.

And then she thought about Hanna. Poor Hanna alone in her room.

Hanna had a crush on Carter as well, Brenda knew it.

They could share him.

Brenda gasped as she thought about that. What made her imagine that? What was making her imagine tiptoeing down the hall with Carter and surprising Hanna in her room, waking her up with a proposition?

She imagined sitting with Hanna between them, holding her hands, talking to her gently and lovingly - seducing her.

Brenda came thinking that thought, her cunt muscles squeezing her fingers as she gritted her teeth trying not to cry out.

She must have made some noise because Carter groaned and rolled on his back.

Brenda rolled with him onto her back.

That's when she felt the weight on her chest.

She opened her eyes in the dim light filtering in through the curtains.

Her breasts were small and somewhat flat - at least they had been when she fell asleep in Carter's arms.

Now they were the size of grapefruits - firm grapefruits with nipples the size of her little fingertip.

A single drop of milk leaked down her left nipple as she watched in terror.

"What's happened to me?!" She whispered in the dark.


"That's insane," Drew said. "It's totally insane."

Honey smiled sweetly and shrugged as she finished her explanation of who and what she was and why she had been sent to Greek Peak Resort.

"They're human traffickers," Patricia said as she paced back and forth.

It was hard for Drew to concentrate when she walked past him. He couldn't take his eyes off her new, ample curves. He shook his head. "Why is the Church of Morpheus doing this, Honey?"

"I told you, Drew. They're going to save the world," Honey said.

"Save it from what?"

Honey shrugged. "I don't know but I believe them."

"Why? Why would you believe them?"

"Because Willy believes them, and I believe Willy. We're soulmates like you and Tricia Tease."

"Fuck's sake! Stop calling me that!" Patricia said.

Honey cowered in her bonds. "I'm sorry," she said shyly.

The bound girl looked up at him. "Can I transform you now, Drew?"

Patricia clenched her fists and moved toward her. "You're not doing anything to my husband, you psycho!"

Honey looked confused. "But, I gotta make Drew into a Whore Master so he can make love to you and bind you to him forever. Don't you want to be a coven?"

"He doesn't want to be a freak like you!" Patricia said. Then she sobbed. "Or like me..."

Drew put his hand on Patricia's shoulder and squeezed it. "It's going to be okay."

Patricia turned toward him and began to cry. "Jesus, Drew, no it isn't! It's not just the fucking tits and the rest of this freak body! I... need sex. It's like I'm ravenous." She put her arms around Drew's neck. "I can smell you. I can hear your heartbeat," Patricia whispered. "God, Drew, I want her too."

Drew held her close and fought the urge to pull her onto the floor. "I... think whatever they did to you increased your sex hormone production. It's caused you to produce powerful pheromones as well."

"It gets easier to control your urges," Honey said in a small voice. "You shoulda seen me when Willy first bought me at the auction. We spent a solid week in bed."

"He bought you?" Patricia whispered. "Oh, my God."

"It wasn't like that!" Honey said. "He fell in love with me when he first saw me. He chose me."

"He bought you! You're his slave."

Honey began giggling. "No, I'm not! Sometimes we play games, and we pretend but not for real. I told you, we're soulmates."

She looked deep in thought for a moment. "But... I guess we're all slaves to the Church. You are too now. You have to do what they say, or they'll send a bishop or mother superior to see you. They scare me. Like when they sent us here? Willy said, 'Nope, we aren't going.' But, I said, 'Willy we gotta go 'cause they'll send somebody to hurt us and then we'll have to go anyway.'"

"Hurt you how, Honey?" Drew asked.

"With their mind. They just look at you and say, 'Pain'. Then it's like somebody is pulling your stomach out through your belly button and you just do whatever they want. Willy says they could kill us if they did it long enough."

"Jesus Christ," Patricia said.

"But don't be scared. They usually just want us to make people happy like... well, like I tried to make you happy."

"Drew, there has to be a way to undo this," Patricia said.

"There isn't," Honey said.

"You be quiet," Patricia said and glared at her.

Drew picked up Honey's handbag. "I need to take a look at one of these centipedes and see if I can figure out how it works." He opened the handbag and took out the rolled fabric.

"No! Don't open it," Honey said.

"Why?" Drew said.

"The capsules? You're still human. If you touch one of the capsules, it'll stick to your skin and then the robot thingy will come out and transform you," Honey said and looked up at Patricia. "But you gotta be careful because the pink capsules are for girls and the blue capsules are for boys." She looked at Drew. "If you touch a pink capsule I don't think you'd like it."

Patricia took the rolled fabric pouch from Drew. "But I can touch it, right?"

"Yeah, you're transformed. It won't activate from your touch," Honey said. "You should take out one of the blue ones and put it on Drew. Then we can make him a Whore Master and you two can live happily ever after like in a story book."

Patricia made a fist again.

Drew put his hand on her arm. "Don't, please, Patricia? Come here for a minute." He led Patricia away from Honey. "Darling, she isn't responsible for any of this."

"It's an act, Drew!"

"Patricia, it really isn't. Not only has her body been transformed but her mind has been as well. She truly believes she's given you a wonderful gift. She chose you to be first because she likes you. She can't understand why you're angry at her - to her, the two of you are best friends."

"But... she made me a freak."

Drew smiled and ran his fingers through her long, dark hair. "Patricia, you're not a freak. You're breathtaking. And, if she's right? You're immortal."

"An immortal sex slave. Drew, I don't want this!"

"I know and I promise I will do everything I can to find out how to reverse it. We'll take these capsules to the university - I'll have the entire engineering department take these things apart. We'll call in the feds..."

"I wouldn't do that," Honey said. "Your government knows a lot about us. If you call them in? They'll just dissect us... well, I think the word is vivisect - that's where they cut you up while you're alive to figure out what makes you tick. They really, really want to know how we work. Anyway, Willy said I shouldn't let the government take me. He said I might have to hurt them to get away."