Transformations - Sinful Suburbia Ch. 05


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She pulled one out and started to cut the pie.

Christine paused. "I have to ask. Are they real?"

Emily swallowed. "What you mean my..."

"Breasts, honey. They're amazing."

"Yes, they're real." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Don't be self-conscious. God doesn't make mistakes. He made you beautiful for a reason." Christine shrugged. "Maybe to turn my son's head?"

Emily smiled.

Then Christine pointed the knife at her. "Of course, if you hurt him? I'll carve you like a Thanksgiving turkey." Then she pointed her knife at the cabinet. "Dessert plates, second shelf up."


Christine hugged her goodbye as she and Tyler left.

Emily could feel Christine's pulse quickening. It was lucky they were leaving.

Christine stared after them as they got in Tyler's car.

When they were safely down the drive, Emily breathed a sigh of relief.

Tyler laughed. "There, you survived."



"Take me to the park."

Tyler pulled into the deserted drive of the park beside his house. "What is it? Are you okay?"

She answered him by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. "Are you sure Stacie didn't give you the pheromone shot?"

"No, she gave me slutifier."

She pulled the sweater over her head, exposing the immense black lace bra underneath.

Tyler smiled and undid the clasp in the front. He didn't hesitate to press the signet ring to her nipple guard. It released and he pulled it off.

Ambrosia jetted out and soaked his shirt.

She rose up in the seat and pressed her nipple to his lips.

He suckled her Ambrosia, his cock growing hard instantly.

Emily unzipped his pants. "God, it's so big now."

He pulled his mouth off her nipple. "Should we? Here I mean? Wouldn't you rather I take you back to Stacie's?"

She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"No, you don't understand. Everything before, my life at school, none of it matters any more. I'm totally head over heels in love with you, Tyler. It's like I'm a different person. I used to worry about everything, second guess everything. I sabotaged every relationship I was ever in..."

"Hey, hey, slow down," Tyler said. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Tyler, I am. I'm better than okay." She bent over, big breasts pressing into the center console. She took his cock in her mouth.

"Jesus, baby," Tyler moaned. He stroked her hair as she rose and fell on his cock.

She sat up. "The mind control stuff? They don't need to do it to people, Tyler."

Tyler looked at her and nodded. "Okay."

"This feeling? The overall just immense power? It's like a drug, Tyler. And, I'm not even complete. If I took the final Ambrosia? What would I be? Would I be super confident? I mean, I feel alive. For the first time in my life everything is clear and beautiful, and, God, I love you, Tyler."

He kissed her. "I love you too, baby."

"Don't call me baby, it's sexist... no, wait, fuck that call me anything you want. Everything else is just bullshit. You and I, we're all that matters."

Tyler was trying not to laugh.


"It's just... are you high?"

"Maybe. Fuck me now?"

"Here? In the car?"

"No. On it." She opened her door and got out, unzipping her skirt and dropping it on the ground. She leaned back on the car hood before Tyler could even get out of his seat belt.

He got out and walked around to the front of the car.

She lay spread eagle on the short hood wearing nothing but the rubber and chrome panties.

Tyler pressed the signet ring to her chastity, and it opened.

He slid them down her long legs.

She leaned forward and unbuttoned his pants, dragging his jeans and boxers down.

His long cock sprang free and he lay down on top of her.

She grabbed the base of his cock and guided him into her pussy.

Something hard was pushing against his stomach.

Tyler looked down. Her clit had slid out and was now pressed against him.

She frowned. "Sorry."

He laughed. "Don't be." He slid deep inside her and she moaned.

He kissed her as he began fucking her slowly. His stomach moved against her elongated clit.

She laughed in his mouth. "You're rubbing me."

"Does it feel good?"

"Yes," she whispered and began to rotate her hips.

She screamed when she came a minute later, her body milking him as he came inside her.


"Do you think they've... you know?" Christine said as she lay down on the bed in her negligee.

Nathan smiled at her. "What?"

"You know."

"No, I don't know," he said and nuzzled her neck.

"Yes, you do. Made love."

"Hmm, still not sure what you mean," he said and laughed.

"You're an asshole," she said with a smile.

"Oh, what would Father Esteban say if he heard you say something like that? Next thing you know you'll be saying fuck."

She slapped his bare chest. "Nathan McGee! Do not curse in this house!" She rolled on top of him.

He put his hands on her ass. "Well, if he hasn't had sex with her, he's an idiot."

"God, those boobs. Poor thing must have backaches." She raised up and thrust out her chest. "What would I look like with melons like those?"

"Top heavy with that skinny ass."

She moved on top of him, grinding her crotch against his underwear.

"Hey, what's gotten into you?"

"I'm horny. Really horny," she laughed.

"Well, in that case," he rolled her over on her back and lay down on top of her.


"Coming in?" Emily asked at the front door to Stacie's house.

"Tomorrow's going to be a big day," Tyler said.

She nodded and held onto him. "Be careful."

"You be careful," he kissed her.

The door opened.

"You have duties to perform, Emily," SlutzNet said.

She sighed.

"Hey, tin man," Tyler said. "I'm confused, where do you fit in this whole caste system?"

"I am outside the caste system. I am the will of Morpheus made manifest."

"Just trying to figure out why you can give Emily orders?"

"I oversee all of Mistress's property."

Tyler gritted his teeth.

"Goodnight, Master Tyler," SlutzNet said.

"Yeah, goodnight." He kissed Emily again.

Emily watched him walk to his car and then stepped inside. The door closed behind her.

"Please proceed to the laboratory," SlutzNet said.

"Shouldn't I change into my uniform first?"

"No, that isn't necessary. I have work for you in the lab."

"Where's Stacie?" Emily asked.

"I think you meant to ask, 'Where is Mistress?' Mistress Stacie is with Mistress Margaret. I am in charge. Proceed to the lab."

"Of course, I'm sorry, SlutzNet." She walked toward the basement steps.

"Your apologies are unnecessary, only your compliance."

"Yes, sir." She descended the steps.

The lights came on at the bottom of the steps.

Several robot arms were hanging down from their alcoves in the ceiling.

"What do you need me to do?" Emily asked.

One of the arms lashed out and grasped her wrist, closing down on it tight.

"Ow! SlutzNet! What's going on?"

"You have come out of hypnosis. You have remembered who you are, Miss Cray."

"N... No... I haven't."

"A lie. You are plotting something with Master Tyler. You will fail in your endeavor." A second arm swung down with a syringe filled with hypnotic.

"No! SlutzNet, please! I'm Emily di Fuchs, Whore Caste, French Maid Whore. I serve the Church!"

"Yes, you are." The needle slid into her neck and emptied into her vein.

"N... Don't..."

"Quiet, Emily." SlutzNet led her by the wrist to the nearest operating table.

She fell onto it.

More arms descended and stripped off her clothing.

Her mind began to wander. "Let me... go."

"No. Dr. Demona has advised that you can be injected once every twelve hours, and you shall not miss an injection from this point forward. I suspect, Emily, that you are in fact immune to mind control. If Dr. Demona confirms my hypothesis when you see her next week, you will be lobotomized and de-sexed for transition to Worker Caste."

A sense of calm spread through her. It was nice not to have to think anymore. "Yes, sir."

"For now, I will be programming you to be more submissive and giving you Transformative Ambrosia in the hopes I can cement your more suitable Emily di Fuchs personality in place."

"Yes, sir," Emily whispered. The video headset went in place over her eyes as a single teardrop rolled down her cheek.


The man with red hair screamed into Stacie's pussy as she rode his face.

She was kissing Margaret as Margaret rode his cock.

"He can't breathe," Margaret laughed.

Stacie smiled. "When he passes out, I'll get off his face."

Margaret shook her head. "Evil bitch."

He stopped struggling.

Stacie rose off him and watched him for a moment. "See? Still breathing."

"Mmm, still hard too." She moaned and came.

She climbed off him, his cock red and raw looking. "They are so fucking fragile." She took Stacie in her arms and rolled onto her side.

"We're saving them from themselves," Stacie said as she snuggled against her.

"I know. The transformed are just so much more fun." She looked at the bag of meds on the dresser Stacie had brought with her. "Let's give him a few shots. How about we make him a shemale? That would be fun!"

"You're power drunk. Let the poor bastard go. We can't just start transforming people at random."

Margaret frowned. "I suppose."

"Darling, don't sulk. You'll have a whole Baptist congregation to play with soon."

"You're right. How did things go with Abe and the tramp?"

Stacie laughed. "Transforming as we speak. They're probably still unconscious."

"Any word from Levi?"

"No, but I suspect I'll hear from him early in the morning." She burst out laughing.

"What did you do?" Margaret asked with a grin.

"You'll see tomorrow. I can't wait to see the look on his face."

The red haired man moaned.

Margaret smiled. "Still some time before morning."

Stacie rolled over. "Open your mouth, darling." She pushed a bare nipple against his lips, and he sucked obediently.

A moment later, his erection returned.


Just before dawn, Bishop Styx left the apartment with Dean in tow. He was now Deanna, a tall, buxom shemale wearing a black mini-dress. She stumbled along on the high heels.

She looked over her shoulder at the two detectives standing in the apartment window. They stared blindly at the horizon.

"Come along, Deanna. You have a plane to catch," Styx said as he opened the door on a waiting black limousine for her.

As she sat down on the black leather backseat, he handed her a video headset. "We'll complete your training on the way to the airport. Then I'll give you your Transformative Ambrosia. You'll be a proper little whore by the time we get to the terminal."

He closed her door.

She stared at the goggles in her hand. Then she put them on and went to sleep.


Levi woke to the sound of retching.

"God, what's wrong with us?" Amber asked from the bathroom.

"I don't know, honey," Marie replied.

Levi stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Amber and Marie were on their knees side by side on the white tile floor.

Marie moaned and vomited into the toilet.

Amber looked up at Levi miserably. "We're sick."

Marie rose up and ran her hand down her bare stomach. "N... No... not sick."

Amber retched and threw up in the toilet.

Marie stood up and turned sideways. "God, we're pregnant."

Levi's eyes grew wide as he stared at the unmistakable matching baby bumps on both his slaves.


"What the fuck did you do?!" Levi screamed in Stacie's living room.

Amber and Marie sat side by side on the couch holding each other. They wore matching pink sweatsuits.

Stacie sat on the arm of the sofa drinking her coffee. "Well, technically, I'm not the one who did that." She pointed at the two pregnant women and laughed.

"You said I was sterile!" Levi said.

"You were, but I injected you with something called Inseminator B... what do you suppose that does, Levi?" She started laughing harder.

"They're fucking pregnant! What do I do with them now? I don't want kids!" Levi growled.

"Don't worry, they're not yours - the DNA in your sperm was completely cooked up in Demona's lab. The offspring will grow up to be perfect physical specimens, and they'll transform at adulthood."

"Who is going to raise them? Not those two..."

"Of course not, they don't even share DNA with Amber or her mother. The DNA in your sperm is a complete set, random sex and final transformation caste. It destroyed the DNA in the host's eggs and replaced it."

"But, who's going to..."

"The Church will take them at birth. They'll be raised in this idyllic little school in Switzerland until they are of age."

"I thought the Church wants zero population growth?"

"In time, yes. But for now, anything they can do to swell the ranks of the transformed will be used."

Amber and Marie giggled as they rubbed each other's swelling baby bumps.

"Should they be showing like that after twelve hours?!"

"It's not a normal pregnancy, Levi. The babies will be at term in ten weeks. A week later, Amber and Marie will be ready to breed again."

"Again?! Are you nuts?"

"The Church wants you to continue breeding them - they're very resilient. At least they will be when we give them Transformative Ambrosia."

Levi gritted his teeth. "What am I supposed to do with two whores who are always pregnant?"

Stacie laughed. "You are still naive. You may find this difficult to believe, but many men are attracted to pregnant women. Take them to the local strip club."

"Who's going to hire them?"

"We own the strip club, Levi. And, trust me, I think a mother / daughter team of pregnant strippers is going to be a real moneymaker."


"You know, if you really care about this girl, you should be considering your future," Nathan said as he stared at Tyler. Nathan, Tyler, and Christine were standing at the base of the stairs.

"Dad, I have something I need to do today. I promise I'll go to the brokerage with you tomorrow."

Nathan shook his head. "You know, when you have a real job, you won't just be able to set your own hours."

Christine giggled. "Says the man who sets his own hours."

He turned on her. "I own the brokerage, Christine."

"Yes, dear, we know. He has something he needs to do. Let him have a day."

Nathan sighed. "Tomorrow you work extra hours."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay," Nathan said. He leaned down and kissed Christine. "I'll be home by 6:00."

"Aye aye, sir. I'll have your dinner ready." She broke into laughter.

"Everybody's a fucking comedian," Nathan grumbled as he picked up his briefcase.

"Language! This is a religious household!" Christine growled.

"God will forgive me. He knows what I'm putting up with," Nathan said as he went into the garage.

Christine ruffled Tyler's hair. "What are you up to today?"

"It's just something I need to do."

"Oh, fine. Keep secrets from the woman who was in labor with you for eight hours."

"Mom," Tyler groaned.

She opened her purse and handed him a $50 bill. "Get your girl some flowers. Not red roses. Get her pink or yellow or purple."

He looked at the bill. "Mom, I have money."

"Yes, and now you have more. Don't forget the flowers." She caressed his cheek. "She's special, Tyler. I approve. Don't fu... screw it up."

Tyler laughed at the almost curse. "I'll try not to."

"Be home by 6:00 - we need to see Elizabeth off to the convent."


"How are you feeling, Emily?" SlutzNet asked.

She was strapped naked to the operating table. A long penis gag was withdrawn slowly from her throat. Two breast pumps drained Ambrosia steadily from her nipples.

A robotic arm maneuvered a long, thick dildo in and out of her stretched pussy while another probed deep in her ass.

A suction device worked steadily on her clit/cock.

"I am fine," she said in a dull tone.

"What is your name?"

"Emily di Fuchs, Whore Caste, designation French Maid Whore. Owned by Mistress Stacie Fuchs. I serve the Church," she said slowly.

"Who is Emily Cray?"

"I don't know."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir. I do not recognize the name." She stared unblinking up at the ceiling.

"What plan did you concoct with Master Tyler?"

"He is going to the police this morning."

"I see." An arm descended and placed a metal bracelet on her right wrist. "This device will inject you with hypnotic every twelve hours to ensure you remain compliant. Your next dose is in three hours. Go upstairs and get dressed. You have duties to perform."

The restraints opened and Emily sat up. "Yes, sir."


Tyler stood at the front desk of the Ithaca Police Department.

A fat sergeant sat behind the desk. "Help you?"

"I... want to report an abduction."

The sergeant looked at him over the top of his glasses. "An abduction. Who's been abducted?"

"Her name is Emily Cray. She's being held prisoner by Stacie Fuchs in a house at 1157 Oakview. The Church of Morpheus is behind it."

He squinted at Tyler. "Did you say the Church of Morpheus?"

"Yes, sir."

He nodded. "Follow me."


"You need to talk to a detective. This is way over my pay grade." He got down heavily from his chair and Tyler followed him through the squad room.

Cops sat looking at computer monitors throughout the room.

The sergeant opened a door marked Interrogation 1 and motioned Tyler inside. "Detective Monroe will be just a second. Have a seat. You want coffee or anything?"

"N... No. I'm good, thanks."

The sergeant left, leaving Tyler sitting alone in the room. It was about eight feet by eight with nothing but two chairs and a small table between them.

The walls were cinderblock with a mirror set in one wall.

Tyler knew from TV the mirror was a two way.

The door opened.

The man who walked in looked haggard as if he hadn't slept in days. His white shirt was wrinkled, and his tie was crooked. He held a cup of coffee in his hand. "Tyler, my name is Detective Monroe. You say this Fuchs woman works for the Church of Morpheus?" He sat down in the chair opposite.

"Yes. She's in their PR department. But, what she really does is abduct people and make them her slaves." He winced. God, sitting in this room he felt like an idiot - he sounded like a lunatic.

"Mmm, hmm," Monroe nodded. "I don't doubt it. These Morpheus people are bad news - you know there's a task force in Manhattan investigating them?"

Tyler brightened a little. Monroe believed him! "You should call them! They can bust the whole thing wide open!"

"Simmer down, son. I need a full report to take to the DA so he can get a search warrant. Now, I want you to start at the beginning and tell me everything you know."

"We have to get to Emily quick. I'm afraid they might hurt her, detective."

"I know, son. That's why you need to talk fast."


The redheaded man strained against the bonds that held him on the hotel bed. His body was bruised and covered in scratches and bites.

Margaret stood at the mirror and checked her makeup. She looked at the bed in the reflection. "What do you think? Bright red?" She pursed her crimson lips. "Or, darker?"

The man's eyes grew wide as her lips changed color and became a deep wine color.

"Yes, I think the darker will work better with the Baptists - blood of Christ and all of that," she said. Eyeliner suddenly appeared, giving her an up tilt to her eyes. "Ooo, I like that."

She had changed into a gray business outfit but had kept the skyscraper heels.

She picked up her purse and walked to him. "Wow. I really did a number on you last night, didn't I?"

He mumbled behind the red ball gag.

She pointed a wine colored fingernail at him. "You know, I never even found out your name, did I? I suppose you're not used to women throwing themselves at you as soon as you open the door, huh?"

He just stared at her.