Transformations - Sinful Suburbia Ch. 05


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Tyler opened his eyes. He was looking up at the dark basement ceiling. A panel slid open and a robot arm came down, a laser scalpel flashing in the mechanical hand.

SlutzNet spoke in the darkness. "There has been a malfunction. Please remain still."

He brought up his left hand, tearing away the wrist restraint in the process. Tyler caught the mechanical arm in his fist.

It bent in his grasp.


Crashing sounds came from the basement causing Stacie to jump. "SlutzNet? What's going on?"

"There is a problem in the laboratory."

More crashing and this time she heard something break.

"Tyler! Is he alright?" Stacie asked.

"Yes, Mistress. That is the problem. It would appear that Master Tyler was not administered Bimbo Flu."

Louder crashing.

Stacie spun around and looked at Emily.

The tall rubber maid stood with her face down looking at the floor.

A slow grin spread across her pretty face.

"SlutzNet, what was he given?" Stacie asked.

"Tyler McGee is a Whoremaster."

The basement door exploded off its hinges and slid through the foyer.

He stood naked looking into the living room.

"Tyler?" Nathan asked.

Tyler was seven feet tall and nearly as wide. It was Tyler's face, but the body was that of a comic book superhero, if comic book heroes had seventeen inch cocks that hung past their muscled knees.

He smiled in at them. "Come here," he said in a booming bass voice.

Emily ran to him, throwing herself around his neck. "I'm sorry," she whispered in his ear. "It was the only way." She sobbed into his huge neck.

He smiled at her. "Baby, are you Emily Cray again?"

She nodded and sobbed. "It doesn't work anymore, Tyler. The drug just makes me nauseated. I'm so sorry about your family."

"Fuck this," Levi said. "I can take him."

Stacie shook her head. "Don't be a fool, he'll kill you."

Levi stared down at the floor. "Yeah, he won't if I shoot... where's the fucking gun?"

"Nathan," Emily said as she turned toward them. "Pocket."

Nathan's eyes bulged. He reached down and pulled the revolver from his pants pocket.

Emily smiled and nodded. "I put it there."

Nathan spun around and leveled the gun at Levi. "Take a step back, junior."

Christine took Nathan's other hand. "Nathan? What are you doing?"

"Saving our family. What's left of it."

Stacie began to sob. "Tyler? Why are you doing this?"

"I'm immune," Emily said. "The hypno drug worked on me at first, but now I'm immune to mind control."

Stacie closed her eyes and nodded. "Of course. That's why you wanted to get away. Oh, my sweet darlings."

"They're going to scramble your brain with an icepick, Emily," Levi said with a smile.

"Open your mouth again, you little shit," Nathan growled.

"We're leaving," Tyler said.

Stacie shook her head. "Tyler, they'll find you. My God, they are everywhere. The Church will find you and kill you for what she is."

Tyler smiled a crooked smile. "Let them come. Dad? You coming?"

"No, Tyler. I'm staying here with your mother."


He smiled over his shoulder. "They won't hurt us, Tyler. I think I'm right on that, aren't I?"

Stacie shook her head. "No. You'll be Professional Caste." She looked at Tyler. "They'll be okay."

Tyler held out his hand. "Stacie? Come with?"

Stacie smiled and her tears flowed. "No. Run, Tyler. Both of you. Run and be safe. Be free."

Nathan looked over his shoulder at them again. "I'm proud of you, Tyler. You're a better man than I'll ever be. That's all any father wants."

Christine stared at Tyler as if she were confused.

"Take care of her, Dad," Tyler said.

"I will," he turned back to Levi. "I'll hold this little shit back until you're clear. And, Jesus Christ, Tyler, find some pants."

Tyler backed toward the front door.

A steel shutter slammed down blocking the door.

"You will remain here until Bishop Styx arrives," SlutzNet announced.

Tyler smiled. "You know? I don't think so." He turned sideways and kicked the steel shutter.

It bowed in the middle and gave way, hitting the door behind it.

Both shutter and door sailed through the air and into the woods beyond the yard.

Tyler carried Emily out of the house as she clung to him.

He reached the Prius. "Oh, fuck, the keys."

Emily held out her hand and the keys jingled.

"Baby, you are amazing."

"I know. Can we go? I don't feel so good, and this bracelet thing is going to inject me again."

Tyler took the keys and put them on top of the car.

He took her small wrist and hooked two fingers from both his hands in the gleaming bracelet.

He pulled and the metal snapped. He threw the bracelet away and unlocked the car.

He slid Emily into the passenger seat. She looked green.

"Get us out of here, please?" Emily moaned.

He ran around to the driver's side and opened the door. "Fuck!" he yelled.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked.

"Baby, I'm too big. I won't fit."

"Tear out the seat. Sit in the back," she said and leaned against the window.

Tyler just stared at her and shrugged.

Then he reached down and ripped the driver's seat out.


Madison Fuchs pulled onto her 'mom's street and wondered if she was going to find Stacie in an orgy.

That was the thing about being transformed - there was always an orgy nearby.

She slammed on her brakes just short of the driveway as the electric gate went sailing overhead and landed in a neighbor's yard.

A moment later, a Prius roared onto the road from the driveway.

Madison stared at it for a moment.

Then she put her foot on the gas and followed.


Tyler had taken Emily directly to his house. He grabbed his clothes and as much money as he could find. His cellphone was still in the car. Then they had driven north.

They stopped for gas a few miles from the Canadian border.

Tyler held back Emily's hair as she vomited into the ladies room toilet.

After three heaves, she brought up nothing but air.

Tyler wiped her face carefully with toilet tissue.

"What's wrong with me?" Emily whispered.

"I don't know. Some kind of withdrawal?" He held her close on the tile floor.

"They're going to get us, Tyler. I know they are. They're going to find us," Emily shivered in his arms. She sobbed against his big shoulder. "Some feminist, huh? Sitting here crying on a man's shoulder like a weak bimbo."

"Hey, you are not weak," Tyler soothed. "You saved us both. If you were the one who could lift cars, I'd be crying on your shoulder. Believe me. I wouldn't mind having a good cry right now."

She laughed and then she shook her head. "We can't go back, Tyler. Promise me. If it comes down to it, kill me. I can't be the Church's toy again."

"They're not taking either of us. We're going to fight. I spent nineteen years looking for you, and I'm not losing you."

"Tough guy," she whispered.

"No, I wish I was. I'm scared shitless, but we're not going back."

He helped her to the sink, and she washed her face, rinsed out her mouth.

Tyler held her hand and they stepped out of the gas station restroom into the muggy night.

A crowd of men were arrayed outside in a semicircle around the restroom door. They held silenced pistols trained on Tyler.

"Tyler McGee? Emily di Fuchs? I'm here to return you to Ithaca" The man who spoke was tall and dressed in a long black leather trench coat.

"Styx," Tyler spat. "Where's my sister, you prick?"

His eyes were obscured by the black sunglasses. "On her way to Havana to be trained. She's going to be my personal assistant... among other duties." He smiled.

"Emily, we haven't been introduced. I'm Bishop Styx." He held up his index finger. "Tyler, strong as you are? You aren't bulletproof. Come quietly so neither of you gets hurt."

Tyler shook his head. "Better make those bullets count. Because, I'm going to kill every one of you assholes if you don't." Maybe this was what his life had been about - a nineteen year joke, but the punch line wouldn't be funny at all.

She held his hand from behind.

"I love you, Emily."

"I love you too."

"Touching." Styx took off his sunglasses revealing his gleaming black eyes.

He smiled. "Touching... but pointless. Pain."

Tyler's head felt like it was in a vice. He collapsed to his knees, convinced his brains were about to be squeezed out of his ears. He screamed into the night.

"Tyler!" Emily screamed. "Stop it! Let him go!"

Styx looked at her, his brow furrowing. "Pain!"

She stepped around Tyler and stared at the Bishop. "Fuck you and fuck your mind control!"

"Immune," Styx whispered. He pointed at her. "Blasphemer! Kill her!"

There was a squealing sound.

Emily jumped.

All the gunmen were wearing earpieces and those earpieces were emitting a high pitched squeal that had them all raking at their ears to pull out the devices.

The night lit up with muzzle flashes. The sound of crickets was broken by silenced bullets.

The gunmen jerked and danced as bullet holes riddled their midsections. They fell to the ground.

The bullets curved around Styx, as if they were unwilling to touch him.

A woman walked into the light from the woods beyond the parking lot.

When the bullets started flying Emily had thrown herself around Tyler's neck, shielding him. Now, she turned and looked.

Madison Fuchs was standing in her plaid miniskirt and stiletto heels.

She held a machine gun with a silencer in her hands, smoke poured from the barrel. She held it up at eye level.

She was examining her long red nails. "Damn. Broke a nail."

Mouth agape, Styx stared at her.

Then he smiled. "Pain."

"Aiggh. Stop. You're killing me." Madison said without emotion. She looked at Emily and winked. Then she leveled the machine gun at Styx. "Sorry, limp dick. I'm immune too." She fired off a shot toward Styx's head.

It curved off to the right and whistled into the trees.

"Hmm. Didn't know you fuckers could do that," Madison grumbled.

"I'm going to kill you slowly. But, first, I'm going to fuck you," Styx said as he took a step forward. He smiled. "Then, after I kill you? I'm going to fuck you again."

"Eww, nasty," Madison said. She flipped the machine gun to full auto.

"That won't do you any good," Styx said.

She shrugged and pulled the trigger.

Bullets poured from the machine gun and curved to the right as Styx laughed.

"You can't kill me, bitch!"

Madison smiled. "Not trying to kill you, asshole. I'm distracting you."

Emily rose into the air carried in Tyler's left arm as he jumped up from his kneeling position. He raised his ham sized right fist like a hammer.

Emily looked at Styx's face as he realized his mistake: Tyler was fighting through the pain.

Styx's eyes opened wide as Tyler brought down his fist on the top of the Bishop's head.

The man's neck collapsed, crushing down like an aluminum can in a press.

His head collapsed next, distorting his features as the plates of his skull separated and snapped.

Emily closed her eyes as the dead Bishop became unrecognizable. The man in black crumpled to the pavement.

Tyler pulled Emily close as he landed in a crouch again. "Don't look. God, that's gross."

"Nice job, Whoremaster," Madison said as she examined the dead gunmen.

One moved and she snapped off a shot to his temple.

Emily and Tyler both cringed.

"Jesus," Tyler whispered.

"Nut up, junior," Madison said. "We're at war. And, believe me, none of these fuckers would show you an ounce of mercy." She fired off another round into a man who was blinking.

"They can't hurt us anymore," Emily whined.

"Oh, yes they can. They saw what happened. The reason I'm still alive is they don't know I'm immune, and we're going to keep it that way."

She knelt by Tyler and Emily. "Cellphone." She held out her hand.

Tyler pulled out his phone.

Maddie looked at them and rolled her eyes. "This is how they tracked you morons." She snapped the phone in half and stuffed the pieces in her purse. "I'll drop this in a trashcan to the south." She pulled a small box out of her purse. "Take this. If you stop for gas or to take a piss? Press the green button. Hit the red button when you're back on the road."

"What does it do?" Tyler asked.

She pulled an identical unit out of her purse. "Universal jammer. When it's on, it scrambles cell phones, security cameras, WiFi, you name it. That's what gave those dead assholes an earache."

Emily shook her head. "Where did you..."

Madison touched her face. "There are more of us who are immune. Lots more. And, we're sending people like us north to Canada. Find someplace off the grid and they won't find you. You're not just hiding from the Church, you're hiding from that damned AI, and the White Witches, and the fucking government. Seriously, keep your heads down."

"I don't understand," Tyler said. "You're Stacie's daughter... you're part of this."

Madison laughed. "No, I'm not Stacie's daughter. They wanted me to think that. She's just some poor soccer mom who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Courtney isn't my sister. Donny is most certainly not my twin, thank God, because I would need a fuck ton of therapy."

Emily frowned. "Huh?"

"He's my lover."

"Gross! Dude!" Tyler said.

Madison rolled her eyes. "He's not my fucking brother! Okay? He's just a victim like the rest of us. And, I love him. Actually, I love all of them."

She pulled a wad of cash out of her purse. "This will get you started. I mean, it won't last a long time. Hey, it's Canada. Tyler, get a job as a lumberjack or maple syrup sucker or whatever those moose jockeys do for a living." She smiled at Emily. "You can always find work as an exotic dancer."

"Anything but a maid," Emily mumbled.

Tyler kissed her cheek. "Yeah, no more maids."

Madison opened her purse and pulled out a syringe. "Emily, I need one thing from you."

Emily looked at the syringe. "What?"

Madison smiled. "Blood."

Emily looked from the syringe to Madison and back again. "I really am developing a phobia about needles."

Madison nodded. "I know, honey. But, you're the key. You're going to save the whole world. Well, your blood is. Trust me?"

Emily nodded and held out her arm.

She winced as Madison drew the syringe full.

Madison stood up and pointed to the north. "Border's that way. Once you're there? Turn on your jammer. Ditch the car when you can. Good luck."

"So, you just go around killing the transformed?" Tyler called after her.

Madison turned and shook her head. "Religious Caste. I shoot those fuckers whenever I can get away with it. Evil assholes. They chose this, Tyler." Then she shook her head. "But, Whore caste? Professional caste? They're just victims. We need to find a way to break the Church's hold on them. We're going to save them, Tyler. Just like I saved you. And, when we're all together? We're going to bring the Church down."

"Wait," Tyler said. "You're her, aren't you?"


"The 'heroic girl who saves me'?"

Madison turned and stared at him. "I... well, I guess."

"When I was transformed? He gave me a message."

Madison's mouth dropped open. "He?"

"Adam. He said his name was Adam."

The color drained out of Madison's face. "What did he tell you? Everything he said. It's important, Tyler."

"He said, you can trust the White Witches. He said we would all stand together at the end. The... White Witches, the whores, the professionals, the possessed, the immune... and, the Whoremasters. He said Whoremasters like me would stand too."

Madison smiled and nodded. "I knew it. I knew it." She looked at Tyler. "Thank, you, Tyler. You have no idea how important that is."

Madison Fuchs turned and disappeared into the night.


Madison pulled out her burner phone and called the only number in the call list.

The car's Bluetooth connection transferred the call to the speakers.

The voice that came through the speaker had been scrambled, just as hers was on the other end.

"Did you get it?" It was impossible to tell if the voice was male or female.

"I got it. They're on their way."

"Good," the voice said and paused. "Did you kill anyone?"

Madison rolled her eyes. "Yeah."

"How many?"

"I don't know, a dozen? Including a Bishop."

"Fuck's sake."

"It was necessary. Did you want the kids to get away or not?"

"I know. Doesn't mean I like it."

"Want me to bring the sample to you now?"

"No. Wait a few days. You killed a Bishop. There will be questions. I'll contact you later. Just keep it on ice."



Stacie Fuchs drove from the Catholic Church after unleashing Christine McGee on the priest.

The synagogue was under control, and, now, with Margaret in control of the Baptist Church and Christine in control of the Catholics, the Church had faith in Ithaca under their thumb.

Within a few months, the people of Ithaca would turn away from their religions in horror, never knowing the scandals to come would be orchestrated by the Church of Morpheus.

Everything was going as planned. Well, almost.

Tyler and Emily had disappeared.

And, that made her very happy.

She had feared a reprisal from the Church over her mishandling of the situation, but instead they had declared the MILF Whore experiment a success.

She parked outside her garage and went up to the front door.

It opened automatically. "Welcome home, Mistress Stacie."

She walked through the foyer and into the living room.

There was a woman sitting on her couch.

Stacie froze.

The woman was tall and buxom with close cropped blonde hair.

She was eating Hershey's Chocolate Syrup directly out of a big can with a spoon.

"Why the fuck would you have chocolate syrup and no ice cream?" The woman asked.

"I haven't been to the store recently. Who the fuck are you? And, what the fuck are you doing in my house?"

"Oh, I'm Mary. The Church sent me. I just came from the farm - you know Alex and Gwen, right?"

"No, I don't." It was obvious the woman was transformed. Those curves didn't come from nature. "Why did they send you?"

"They said you needed help with Ithaca. I'm your wife."

Stacie blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Your wife. Or, your husband. It's confusing."

Stacie smirked. "No, thanks. I prefer dick."

Mary stood up and shrugged. "Don't worry. I've got you covered." She lifted the hem of her skintight dress revealing a long, thick cock. "Marry me?"



Levi Kent loved Havana.

Everybody spoke English, which was really weird.

And, they were treating him like some sort of royalty.

First the private jet from Ithaca - he had two seven foot tall Street Whores attending to his every need in their latex flight attendant outfits.

The hours in the air felt like minutes.

The airport was filled with vacationers looking for orgies. And, many of them found those orgies while they were still in the terminal. Levi laughed as he threaded his way past piles of laughing and giggling hedonists.

A tall nun in black rubber robes was waiting on him outside security.

She was black with high cheekbones and ebony eyes. "Levi Kent?" She asked. Her voice was sweet and deep with an accent straight from central Africa.


"I am Sister Illia Mephistopheles. I am to escort you to the Cathedral."

She led him out into the humid night air.

Levi stopped to watch two men take a Street Whore on the curb. She was on her knees sucking one as the other fucked her from behind.

He turned around to see a tall brunette White Witch whispering in a woman's ear and leading her away from her luggage toward a waiting car.

"First time in Havana?" Illia asked.

"First time out of upstate New York," Tyler said as she led him to an SUV.

He climbed into the backseat beside her.

A bald Church operative in a dark suit drove.