Transformations - Sinful Suburbia Ch. 05


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"My first time."

"Well, we have three nights of Revival. I hope you come back."

"Who's this, Danny?" A woman asked.

Margaret smiled at her but maintained her grip on the pastor's hand.

The woman was a petite blonde with smallish breasts. Her hair was long, reaching all the way to her ass.

She's coming out to claim what belongs to her, Margaret thought. Humans were so predictable.

"Leslie, this is Margaret Cox. She's new to the church." He released Margaret's hand and put his arm around the blonde. "Margaret, this is my wife, Leslie."

Margaret took her hand and smiled down at her. "Lovely to meet you."

Leslie's pupils dilated.

Margaret almost laughed. Her pheromones were definitely working on the minister's wife if not on the minister himself.

"I was thinking we should invite Margaret to dinner," Danny said. He smiled at Margaret. "I'm always famished after Revival."

"I'm not surprised. It would take a very virile man to preach for such a long time."

Danny smiled at her.

Leslie was staring at Margaret's lips.

"What do you think, Leslie?" Danny asked.

"What?" Leslie mumbled.

"Dinner? With Margaret?"

Leslie shook her head. "Oh, yes! I don't know what happened. I just sort of zoned out for a moment." She smiled at Margaret. "Please join us."

"I'd love to."


Christine McGee traced the outline of Levi's hard cock through his jeans. The farther down his leg she moved, the wider she smiled. "You're quite a man, Levi."

Nathan watched his wife touching the teen with disgust. "For fuck's sake, Christine."

She looked up at him and laughed. "When you take your Ambrosia, you'll understand, Nathan. There is nothing wrong with this."

Stacie rubbed her hands together and paced.

Emily stood at attention, eyes down.

"How could you do this to my son?" Nathan asked. He had tried several times to break free from Stacie, and he had failed. He had only stopped when Emily came back into the room and announced that Tyler had been given the injection.

Then Stacie had released him.

"Do you think I wanted to?" Stacie asked. She wiped away a tear. "I know you can't understand this, you're not one of us. But, I love him. I would have kept Emily and Tyler by my side for all eternity - and I will. Only now Tyler's name will be Tyra."

"Goddamn you freaks," Nathan growled.

"Stop being so dramatic, Nathan. So, he'll be a girl. There are worse things," Christine said.

Levi leaned forward and kissed her as she kneaded his thick cock through the jeans.

Stacie sighed. "Nathan, we live and die by the will of the Church. Instead of fighting it, embrace it."

"Embrace it? You've turned my wife into a perverted slut, you're forcing my son to become a woman, and God knows what you've done with my daughter."

"Styx will not harm her. She's a Sister of Morpheus now," Stacie said. "The Religious Caste is going to rule the entire world. Your daughter is going to be royalty."

Christine lay back and spread her legs. Her skirt rode up and exposed her clit and perineum piercings.

"Fuck, yeah," Levi said as he leaned over and began eating her out.

Nathan took a step toward them.

Emily moved and took his hand. "Just watch them. It's not so bad."

He stared into her eyes.

Letting go of his hand, she stepped away and knelt in front of Levi. She took the revolver from his lap and laid it on the floor beside her. Then she unfastened and unzipped Levi's pants, freeing his long, thick cock.

She deepthroated him, taking him to his balls on the first try.

Levi raised up from Christine's pussy and stroked Emily's light blonde hair. "Yeah, suck me, bitch."

He resumed sucking Christine's clit as she moaned.


SlutzNet monitored Tyler as he transformed in the dark room.

The boy's pulse was lower than it should have been, but not dangerously so.

His body temperature had gone up - the first stages of the enhanced Bimbo flu. Soon his testicles would draw back up inside his body, becoming ovaries, and then transforming into slutified hormone factories.


Margaret had dined on steak with the Durhams at a nearby steak house. Throughout, they had made small talk. Margaret had recited her cover story verbatim.

She was new to Ithaca. She worked in public relations.

Reverend Danny Durham seemed unfazed by her pheromones, but Leslie was far more susceptible.

Several times she had caught the woman staring at her breasts.

Margaret had slowly moved her chair closer to Leslie.

The woman kept flushing, her eyes huge, breath and pulse racing.

The poor thing must have thought she was going insane.

So, when Leslie had excused herself to visit the restroom, Margaret had quickly followed.

Danny caught Margaret's hand as she tried to follow Leslie. "You know, I've never understood why women can never seem to let other women go to the restroom alone?"

Margaret smiled. "It's simple. We have sex in there."

Danny laughed and released her hand.

Margaret laughed as well and caught up with Leslie.

The woman had a panicked look on her face as Margaret followed her inside.

Leslie quickly stepped into a stall and closed the door.

The restroom was empty other than the two of them. Margaret turned around and locked the door.

She stood in front of the mirror and made a show of checking her makeup.

It was perfect, of course.

She tilted her head to the side. "No. It isn't. More gloss."

The red on her lips instantly became shinier under the fluorescent lights.

Margaret smiled. "Much better."

The toilet flushed and Leslie stepped out.

Margaret smiled at her as Leslie washed her hands. "I want to thank you for inviting me out tonight. I get very lonely."

Leslie smiled and nodded but avoided her gaze. "That's what church is about. Community. Friendship."

"Your husband is an amazing presence on stage. It makes me wonder..."

Leslie looked at her expectantly.

Margaret stepped closer. "It makes me wonder if... he's as good in bed as he is behind the pulpit."

Leslie frowned. "What?!"

"You heard me. Is your husband a good fuck?"

Leslie turned bright red. She looked terrified as well as embarrassed. "I... that's not... I think you should leave."

Instead, Margaret stepped closer. "Does he have a big cock to match his mouth?"

Leslie tried to get away, but Margaret grabbed her and put her hand over her mouth.

Leslie screamed, but Margaret's hand clamped tight around her lips and nose. "Shh, none of that. Such a good, pious little church woman. I used to be just like you... well, not the pious part. But, I was just as naive." She reached into her purse with her free hand and found the syringe.

Leslie thrashed and squealed behind Margaret's hand when she saw the needle.

Margaret pulled the cap off the syringe with her teeth and spit it on the floor. "This won't hurt a bit."

She put the needle in Leslie's neck.

The woman went limp in her arms.


Tyler faded in and out of consciousness in the dark room.

He knew what was happening to him. He could feel his weight shifting. He could feel himself becoming top heavy.

There was a dull throbbing pain in his crotch.

He was becoming a woman.

And, he was at peace with that.

This was all his fault: his mom, his sister, his father. He had destroyed their lives and he had failed Emily.

In a strange way, he deserved this.

He was the failure his father had always told him he was.

But, if fate was kind, at least he would be with Emily.

He slipped back into his dreams again as his body transformed.


"I was beginning to worry about the two of you," Danny said as he stood up from his chair.

Leslie leaned against Margaret and laughed. "Danny, she's been telling me some of the funniest stories."

Margaret laughed. "Well, not all of them were funny."

Leslie giggled and blushed. "No, some of them were... a little dirty."

Danny stared at his wife in disbelief. "Let's hear them."

Leslie laughed and shook her head. "At home. Margaret is coming over for coffee."


"Oh, fuck, I'm cumming!" Christine said as she squirted into Levi's mouth.

Levi pushed Emily off his dick and stood up, his cock sticking straight out and dripping precum.

Emily slid away across the floor as Christine wrapped her long legs around Levi. He slid into her pussy.

"God, yes! I used to masturbate thinking about this," Levi groaned.

Christine drew in a sharp breath. "Oh, sweetheart, so did I." She locked her legs behind his ass and pulled him deeper. "Fuck me."

Levi began to thrust into his former best friend's mother while her husband watched.

Nathan turned away in disgust.

Christine was panting like a bitch in heat. "Stacie. Come on! Come over here and join us."

Stacie looked at her with only slightly less disgust than Nathan, but for a different reason.

The boy was downstairs being transformed against his will and his mother was too busy fucking to care.

Nathan picked up a heavy brass candlestick. He turned toward Christine and Levi and raised it over his head.

He almost ran into Emily, who was kneeling in front of him, her ruby red lips inches from his cock. "No. Please don't," she whispered.

Nathan set the candlestick down as Emily slowly unzipped his pants.

She kept her eyes on his as she unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down. "It's okay, Nathan. This life doesn't have to be bad." She smiled as she took his cock in her mouth.

Nathan stared down in disbelief as she took him to the balls, her eyes never leaving his. He caressed her soft hair, feeling like he was betraying his own son.

He moaned as she began to bob her head, adding his music to the symphony of perversion being performed by Levi and Christine.

We're all damned, he thought.


Margaret and Leslie sat in the backseat 'talking' as Danny drove them to their house.

Every once in a while he would steal a glance in the rearview mirror.

The inside of the car was dark, lit only by the occasional streetlight and passing car.

Margaret knew he could not see her hand under Leslie's skirt, her long middle finger embedded in his wife's now dripping pussy.

Margaret had worked quickly in the restroom, feeding instructions to Leslie as the hypnotic took effect. Making her bi had been easy. Margaret suspected the girl already harbored bi-curious thoughts.

She had even had time to inject her petite breasts and slutify one of her ovaries before they had left the restroom.

The woman's breasts were swelling, the buttons of her blouse straining.

Danny pulled up to a large house only a few blocks from Margaret's old house - another Ithaca mansion set in the suburban countryside.

"Well, we're..." He looked into the backseat as the interior lights came up.

"Oops," Leslie giggled.

She was sitting with her legs spread, Margaret's hand under her skirt.

Leslie grinned mischievously. "I can explain." She burst out laughing.

Margaret smiled at him knowingly and gently raised Leslie's skirt to reveal her finger sliding rhythmically in and out of Leslie's pussy. "What do you think, Reverend? Does this make you angry, or does it turn you on?" She kissed Leslie deep and the woman moaned into the kiss.

Danny just stared at the two of them. "Leslie, are you okay?"

"Mmm, yes. I feel amazing," she laughed and leaned her head back.

Danny got out of the car and opened Leslie's door.

He pulled her out of the seat and put her over his shoulder.

She giggled and laughed.

He walked toward the house.

Halfway to the door, he turned and looked at Margaret. "Are you coming?"


Before he came, Nathan tried to pull out of Emily's sweet mouth.

But, she grabbed his ass cheeks and held him deep in her throat.

"God, honey, are you sure?"

She made a humming noise, which, given that his cock as buried to the hilt in her throat, pushed him over the edge.

Nathan came, pouring his cum into the young girl's throat.

She swallowed eagerly and smiled.

Emily pulled away slowly, licking him clean as she did.

When he was free of her lips, she stood up, pulling up his pants and underwear as she did. She buttoned and zipped him, then she re-buckled his belt. She stroked his cheek. "You taste the same." She smiled.

Christine laughed as Levi continued to thrust into her. "Something about those McGee men, huh? You little slut."

Nathan saw a sudden flash of anger in Emily's pretty green eyes before she turned away and returned to stand at attention by Stacie's side.

Christine was moaning. "Hard, God, yes, Levi! You're going to make me cum again." Her eyes flashed with glee. "When Tyler's done? I want it to be you. I want the first cock my new daughter has to be yours!"

Levi cried out and came inside Christine's pussy.

Stacie whirled around. "Enough! Goddamn you! Don't you have one ounce of compassion for your own son left?!"

"Calm down, Stacie," Levi groaned as he slid out of Christine.

"This is what you made me, Mistress," Christine said.

"No! This is what Styx made you. But, he made a fucking mistake." She glared down at Christine. "He made me your mistress."

Christine looked at her in confusion. "I don't understand."

"You soon will, you stupid bitch. When he made me your mistress, my will became your will. It still is. You don't understand what it truly means to be Whore Caste. We are not cruel - oh, we pervert yes, we coerce, and we transform people against their will. But, we are not cruel! We love every victim and we leave them better than they were before."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Levi asked.

"You'll never understand what I'm talking about, Levi," Stacie said. "Maybe you never could have." She looked at Christine. "Christine Kuntz, I bind you to Nathan McGee forever. He is your master and you are his slave. His will is your will, now and forever."

Christine squeezed her eyes shut. She clenched her fists till her knuckles were white.

Stacie turned to Nathan. "She is Whore Caste - what they did to her is an abomination. It might take you years, Nathan, but you can bring back her compassion. You can have her back if you try."

Christine opened her eyes and looked adoringly at Nathan. "Master?"

She jumped up and rushed to him, falling on her knees and hugging his legs.

He knelt down. "It's okay, Christine. Everything is going to be okay."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Fuck, Amber and Marie were more fun than this shit."


Margaret had known how this evening would end: with the minister and his wife hypnotized and under her control.

She had been half right.

She was locked in a sixty-nine with Leslie Durham under her on the couple's bed.

Without the benefit of hypno-drug or slutifier, Reverend Danny Durham was fucking her from behind with a decent nine inch cock while his slutified wife alternated between sucking Margaret's clit and tonguing her husband's balls.

Margaret laughed as she pushed her tongue deep into the Baptist wife's pussy.

"Ooo, so fucking hot," Leslie groaned.

"You like watching me fuck her?" Danny asked.

"Yes. Fuck," she moaned and tongued them both harder.

"Let me show you something," Danny grunted as he pulled his cock out of Margaret.

Margaret moaned from being empty.

She felt Danny's thick cock pushing against her asshole. "Mmm, yeah, I love it up the ass," she said.

He wasn't gentle. Danny took her ass in two thrusts.

Leslie squealed and came, her now slutified body squirting girl cream onto the bed.

Danny began to pound Margaret's ass hard.

Leslie cooed and licked Margaret's clit.

Danny abruptly stopped thrusting.

Margaret laughed as she felt his shaft throb deep inside her. He was cumming!

She felt her own orgasm growing even as Danny slipped out of her ass.

"Suck it," Danny said.

Margaret gasped as she heard Leslie cleaning her husband's cock.

She came as she heard Danny tell her: "Then lick her ass clean."


Just after midnight, the time release Transformative Ambrosia in the serum Emily gave Tyler kicked in.

He went into fresh convulsions as he was completely transformed.

And, Tyler dreamed.


Tyler opened his eyes to blackness. "Hello?"

He tried to move, but he couldn't. His chest felt heavy.

Somewhere in the distance he heard thunder.

"Are you afraid?" A man's voice asked.

"Who's there?"

Thunder crashed, closer this time though there was no lightning. The world was inky blackness.

"A friend. Are you afraid of the storm?" The man asked.

Thunder again, but this time it came with the sound of screams and twisting metal.

"Yes! Goddamn it, why can't I see?"

"It isn't necessary."

"Where am I?"

The man laughed. "You are where you need to be. When? Now, that's a better question. This is the future. I bent time for you, Tyler. I need to send you back with a message to make everything work out the way it is supposed to."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you, man?"

"My name is Adam. We're friends, or we will be. She was right to do this to you, Tyler. You have work to do, but, even more? You have a message to deliver."

Thunder crashed so close it shook Tyler's bones.

"Man, what the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Tell the heroic girl, the girl who saves your life? Tell her the White Witches are not her enemy. Tell her they will stand together when the time comes. All of them, the witches, the whores, the professionals, the possessed, the immune, even the plastic girl, and your class as well, Tyler. The storm is coming, so I ask you again: are you afraid?"

An explosion roared close by and the ground shook.

"Yes! I'm fucking afraid!"

"Don't be."


"Because, Tyler, you are the storm."


Leslie lay curled beside Margaret and Danny, drooling onto her pillow. The woman was covered in cum, and it leaked from her pussy and ass.

After their sixty-nine, Margaret had revived Danny with her Ambrosia, and together they had brought Leslie to multiple, screaming orgasms.

Margaret smiled at him as she lay in the crook of his arm.

Danny reached over and squeezed his wife's now DD breast. "You do that to her?"

Margaret laughed. "Yes."

"Church of Morpheus."

Margaret looked at him in shock.

"Of course, I fucking knew who you were. A good con man always knows his competition."

"Con man?"

Danny laughed. "You think this shit is for real? I'm a grifter, darlin'. Born and raised in Biloxi, Mississippi. Got tired of dealing dope. Preaching pays just as good and you don't land in jail."

Margaret laughed. "And, here I thought the two of you were true believers."

"Oh, Leslie is... or at least she was before that voodoo shit you did on her. I been tryin' to loosen her up for years. Thanks."

Margaret shook her head. "She didn't know you were a con artist?"

"Nope. She's a little on the dumb side. But, her daddy was loaded as fuck. I used her money to start the church. Looks good on my arm too."

Margaret appraised him with her eyes. "When did you figure out I was from the Church?"

He shrugged. "I suspected you from the beginning - if you people are trying to blend in? Might want to tone back the tits and ass. You don't exactly look like a Revival fan."

Margaret laughed.

"Now, other than fucking our brains out... in Leslie's case, literally - what do you want with me?"

Margaret smiled. "I came here to hypnotize you both and bring you into the Church. With the goal being of bringing your whole congregation with you."

"Hmm, well, fuck, darlin', you don't need to hypnotize me for that." He hugged her closer. "You just got to tell me what's in it for me."

Margaret raised up on her elbow. "Money, whores, power. Take your pick or all three."

He smiled. "Baby, you had me at money."