Transformations - Sinful Suburbia Ch. 05


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"I'm never going to see you again, but I am curious." She took his pants from where they were folded over the desk chair. "Oh. That sounded callous, didn't it? Your cock is too small. I need a lot of dick." She leaned over him. "You see, I'm different inside now... there are these places deep inside me, and I just can't be satisfied unless they're getting bumped during sex. They made us to be the property of Whoremasters." She held up her forearm and made a fist. "They're literally this big. I guess size does matter now." She smiled. "Listen, thanks for letting me use you, though. Right after we're transformed, we're horny as fuck."

He nodded slowly.

She pulled his wallet out of his pants and frowned. She opened it.

A gold wedding ring fell out and she caught it in her hand. "Naughty boy! Ooo, you're going to be in deep shit, huh? Guess you were expecting a quickie in a hotel? Yikes." She traced one of her bite marks on his hip with her finger. "Yeah, I think you are fucked."

She pulled out his license. "Clarence? I fucked a Clarence? Wow. First field trial as a transformed and I fucked a Clarence." She winked at him. "Have a good life, Clarence." She stood up, gathered her overnight bag and purse, and turned to leave.

"Mmmph! MMMPH!" He groaned straining at the bonds.

"Oh," she giggled. "Don't worry. Housekeeping should be in any second. She'll let you loose... or, maybe not - you are cute for a human."


Tyler sat in the little room and worried. He had been there telling and retelling his story to Monroe for hours.

There was a knock on the door.

Monroe stood up and opened the door.

Tyler stared at the man who walked in.

It was a priest. Only, this priest wore a black leather coat over his black suit and clerical collar.

He was also wearing sunglasses in broad daylight.

"He doesn't really know anything," Monroe said.

The priest smiled. "I didn't think he did. Thank you, detective."

"Yes, Master."

The priest sat down in the seat in front of Tyler. "Tyler, my name is Bishop Styx... named after the river, not the rock band. Everyone gets confused. I think it was a poor choice of names, but then it wasn't my decision."

Tyler felt his heart sink. 'Why... are you here?"

Styx smiled. "Oh, surely you're smart enough to know the answer to that question? I head up the Church of Morpheus in Ithaca. We own this city, Tyler... body and soul."

Tyler started to stand.

"Sit, boy."

Tyler cried out as his muscles refused to respond to his control. He sat down heavily in the chair.

"Yes, I'm afraid I have some very astounding mental powers. Pain, Tyler."

Tyler screamed out as he suddenly felt like he was on fire.

Styx stared into his eyes. "Feel free to scream, boy. This room is soundproof."

Tyler gripped the wooden table so hard he thought it would break. He gritted his teeth against the pain.

Styx turned his head to the side. "Remarkable. Not one in a hundred can withstand that kind of pain."

"That... the best... you've got?"

Styx laughed. "Enough."

Tyler slumped back in the chair. The pain stopped as abruptly as it had started.

"Tyler, why are you so adamant about freeing Emily di Fuchs from her mistress? Mistress Fuchs tells me she was going to give you Emily as a gift. So, this little trip to the police station seems counterproductive."

"It's not right to make people into slaves."

"Such convictions for one so young. You are exceptional. You are also lying. Pain."

Tyler screamed as his body caught fire. "Fuck you!"

Styx leaned forward. "Look at you. Mistress Stacie was wrong to pick you out for Professional Caste. You have the ferocity of a Whoremaster - if you had a better attitude we might take you into Religious Caste. What do you say? Want to serve Morpheus?"

"Fuck... Morpheus! And, fuck you and your whole goddamned Church."

Styx waved his hand and the pain went away. "No. Brave but stupid. You're not fit to serve. Tyler, once again: why did you come to the police? Mistress Stacie was in tears when I spoke to her about this matter. She loves you and she's sure that you love her as well. Why would you betray her?"

"I told you why, asshole."

Styx sighed. "Very well. We're going to punish you, Tyler. Mistress Stacie has begged us not to lobotomize you - which is what I would prefer. I'd rather directly eliminate problems."

"I don't give a fuck what you do to me," Tyler spat.

Styx laughed. "Really? Are you certain? Detective Monroe, show Tyler your little secret."

"Yes, Master," Monroe said emotionlessly. He unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants and underwear.

Tyler gasped.

Monroe had a long scar where his cock and balls should be.

There was a small opening in front where he must have pissed through.

"Worker Caste. Carefully lobotomized so that he can perform his job function. They're all like that. They sleep in shifts in the basement." Styx smirked. "You have no idea what we can and will do, boy. I have seen and done things beyond your imagination."

Monroe pulled his pants back up.

Styx stood up. "Until we meet again, Tyler."

Tyler stared at him. "What? That's it?"

Styx smirked. "For now. Detective Monroe is going to keep you here for a few hours to think over what you've done. Think about what punishment we're going to impose, Tyler. Count your regrets."

He turned and left.


Emily sat on the living room couch and stared at the floor.

Stacie paced in front of her. "Why? Can you at least tell me why?"

Emily shook her head. "I don't know, Mistress. I can't remember what Emily Cray and Tyler talked about before, only that he was going to the police."

Stacie knelt in front of her. She put her hands on Emily's thighs. "Darling, aren't you happy? Have I hurt you in some way?"

Emily looked at her and smiled. "Of course, I'm happy, Mistress. I love you."

"Then why would the other you want to do this?" Stacie began to cry. "God, Styx will hurt him. You have no idea."

Emily nodded, her face still emotionless.

"And, then he'll send Tyler back to me to be punished."

"Yes, Mistress."

Stacie slumped. "I don't want to punish either of you. You and I are Whore Caste. We only use pain when it is necessary." She caressed Emily's face. "Now, we have to hurt him. God, Emily Cray, if you're in there? You've condemned him."


Christine McGee had taken the day off. She wanted to spend it with Elizabeth.

But, her daughter was in her room with her thoughts and her Bible.

The doorbell rang.

Christine went to the front door.

"Mrs. McGee?" The priest asked.

She blinked, trying to understand why a tall, thin priest wearing a black leather coat and sunglasses was standing on her front porch.

"Yes, I'm Christine McGee. Father?"

"I'm Bishop Styx, from the Church."

"A Bishop? I'm confused. Did the diocese send you for my daughter?"

Styx looked confused. "I beg your pardon?"

"She's not supposed to leave until this evening."

Styx cocked his head sideways.

"For the convent. She doesn't leave until tonight."

Styx smiled. "Oh, now I see your confusion. No, I'm not here about your daughter, my child. I'm here about your son."

Christine frowned. "Tyler?"

"May I come in?"

"Yes. Please," Christine said as she stepped to the side.

He stepped inside. "What a lovely home."

"Thank you, Bishop. I thought I knew all the bishops in the area."

Styx looked around the room. His eyes stopped at the crucifix on the wall. "Ah, a Catholic!" He laughed. "I'm slow today. I should have picked that up from the convent comment. That explains our mutual confusion."

"I'm sorry?"

"You think I'm a choirboy fucking Catholic priest. I assure you, I am far from that." He said with a smile.

Christine recoiled as if she had been slapped.

"Kneel," Styx said.

Christine went to her knees, her body moving of its own volition.

She started to scream.

"Shh, none of that, woman."

No sound came from her mouth though she opened her mouth wide to scream.

"Not a Catholic, no. I am Bishop Styx of the Church of Morpheus. And, I am here because your son is a very troublesome young man." He took off his leather coat and lay it on the back of a living room chair. "A troublesome young man with an extremely high pain threshold. Punishing him through physical pain is an exercise in futility."

He walked around the room picking up pictures and looking at the photographs. "Some men are like that. Strength of conviction - oh, you are to be commended. Men such as your son are few and far between."

He walked back to her and loomed over her. "You see, the best way to punish a man such as your son is to hurt the ones he loves. Therefore, over the next few hours, the absolutely horrible things I am going to do to you are entirely because of what he has done. Do you understand?"

She shook her head as her tears began to fall.

"No matter. You will. Let's begin by teaching you how to properly suck a cock." He unzipped his pants and pulled out the biggest cock Christine had ever seen.


Levi drove down the street with Amber and Marie sitting in the backseat.

Amber was looking out the back window at their house. "So, we can't go home again like ever?"

"No," Levi said. "Don't worry, I'm taking you to a brand new fun place to live."

"But, what's Daddy going to say when he gets back from his trip and finds us gone?" Amber asked.

Marie shook her head. "Yeah, Levi. What about him?"

"Marie, do you ever want to fuck him again?" Levi asked.

"Gosh, no, Levi. I love your big cock!" Marie said.

"Yeah, well, if you're not going to fuck him anymore, what difference does it make?"

"I guess," Marie said.

"You two sluts really need to let me do the thinking. Stop worrying and just look sexy."

"Okay, Levi, we're sorry," Marie said, and she stroked his hair from the backseat.

"Yeah, baby," Amber said as she tried to climb into the front seat.

"Stay in the back. I don't need any distractions." Levi turned onto the interstate. "Look, Amber, don't worry about your Dad. I mean, you two are pretty forgettable. He'll be plowing some other woman before you know it. Might even pump out a new kid."

"Of course, Levi."

"I mean yeah, he's going to get home and go, 'Where the fuck are those sluts?' But, before you know it he'll get bored looking for you. I know I would." Levi almost laughed. He wasn't sure why he got so much pleasure from demeaning them. There was a lot more cruelty in him than he realized.

"Where are you taking us?"

"Place where you and your mom are going to work and earn your keep, I hope." He had spent the morning programming them using the video goggles. It was a rush job, but it should work. And, he had given them Transformative Ambrosia.

He now had two devoted little fuck toys.

And, his goal was now to get them out of his hair. They were a burden, even if the two of them could fuck like tornadoes.

He pulled off the interstate at a truck stop and drove about a mile down the country road beyond.

A simple cinderblock building without windows came into view.

A bright pink neon sign said, "The Pussy Pot."

Below that was a sign that said, "Exotic Dancers! Fully Nude! 24/7!"

The lot was sparsely populated at this time of day: a couple of big rigs and a few cars and trucks.

He pulled onto the gravel lot and parked beside a minivan.

Levi turned and looked at them. "Okay, ditch the sweatsuits. When we go in there? You better be selling those asses hard, got it?"

"Yes, Levi," the girls said enthusiastically as they peeled the sweatsuits off.

Amber and Marie were wearing satin bras and panties from Stacie's house.

Marie's pink satin bra was straining to try to hold back the huge funbags he had given her.

Her comparatively flat chested DDD daughter was wearing the same lingerie in bright red satin.

The panties were tight and high cut.

They wore spike heels that matched their undies.

Levi sighed.

Their baby bumps now made it evident that both women were pregnant.

He got out of the car and they quickly followed, wiggling as they walked to the strip club door.

The inside of the strip club smelled of cheap perfume and cheaper beer.

A few grizzled men looked at them and immediately tried to suck in their beer bellies.

A thick black girl was dancing nude around one of the three poles on the center stage. Her big breasts were definitely from Titty Grow.

Obviously, the girls wouldn't be the only transformed whores in the place.

A man in a cheap suit sat in the back corner with a skinny whore sitting on his lap. He motioned to them.

"You Levi?" The man asked in a thick Bronx accent.


"Church said you was comin'." He turned his head and looked at Amber and Marie with an appraising look. "Not bad. Pregnant, huh?"

Levi sighed and nodded.

"Good. Church got a few more of them knocked up girls down south. Bigger they get, more the bar makes. Those two are lookers."

Marie and Amber smiled shyly.

"You knock the sluts up yourself?"

"Last night, believe it or not."

The man laughed. "I believe it. Morpheus voodoo shit. Scares the fucking shit out of me. I'm Louie."

"Levi. So, you want them?"

"Fuck yeah, I want them. Mother and daughter team? Pervs are gonna bust the doors down to get in here. They party, right?"

"They do whatever the fuck you tell them to do."


Levi turned to the girls. "Hear that? Whatever Louie tells you to do, you do it. Don't give him any shit."

"Oh, we won't, Levi!" Marie said. Her face was almost innocent in her blind trust.

Amber smiled and mirrored her mother.

And, for just a moment, Levi felt shame. He had just destroyed a family and sold a mother and daughter into slavery.

His bout of conscience didn't last long, however. "I'll be back in two months to retrieve them. They should be getting close to popping by then. I'll bring them back after I knock them up again."

He left as the girls smiled behind him.


It was so hard to think.

Christine leaned over the back of the couch as the bishop used her pussy. His cock was huge. At first, she hadn't been able to take it.

Then he had pushed a dildo inside her.

It stung when something made a snapping noise in the sex toy.

A few minutes later, he replaced it with his cock - it felt like it was up past her navel.

So many shots! Tits and ass, asshole and clit, and her tummy was on fire from something he called slutifier.

It felt like he had been fucking her for hours.

It was wicked, but she couldn't stop herself from cumming.

The worst though was the shot in her neck.

It was after that one that she started having trouble thinking.

He kept calling her a 'MILF Whore'. She wasn't sure what that meant, but he laughed when he said it.

And, he hadn't cum inside her.

He kept muttering something about his cum being 'magic' and she wasn't worthy of it.

He yanked his cock out of her pussy, leaving her breathing heavy on the couch.

She looked at him groggily as he jacked off into her discarded panties.

Christine gasped as he came, his thick shaft throbbing as he filled her cotton underwear... with black cum.

It looked like ink.

He smiled down at her. "One drop of this would make you Religious Caste. One drop and you could rule the world. But, you're nothing but a whore. Say it, Christine."

"I'm a whore," she whispered.

"Not that it's a bad thing - Whore Caste is useful. For now." He picked her up off the sofa and carried her to the kitchen.

He was so strong! He reminded her of Nathan in his youth.

He laid her on her back on the kitchen table.

Then he took out a roll of duct tape and secured her arms and legs to the table legs. "Don't fret. Your son's friend Stacie will be here shortly to complete your training." He put a piece of duct tape over her mouth and positioned a video headset over her eyes.

"Now, while you learn how to do... well, everything a whore needs to do her job? I'm going to go upstairs and have a discussion with your daughter."

Video images flashed before Christine's eyes and she absorbed the information like a sponge.


Tyler glared at Detective Monroe as the cop stood beside the door of the interrogation room.

Tyler leaned back in the chair. "How can you help someone who did that to you?"

Monroe looked confused. "Did what to me?"

"Your fucking junk, dumbass," Tyler growled. "They cut it off."

"Oh, that? That's nothing."

Tyler stared at him. "Nothing?!"

"We do as we're told." His eyes looked glassy.

"Jesus, you don't even understand you've been turned into a eunuch, do you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Tyler closed his eyes. Robots. They were nothing but robots. Could they even think anymore? "Can I see the notes you took while you interrogated me?"

Monroe handed him his notebook.

Tyler opened it.

Help Me.

On every page in the notebook from the first to the last and on every line were the words, 'Help Me', printed over and over. "Jesus. Inside, you do know what they did. Oh, my God."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he repeated and took his notebook back.


He wasn't a priest.

Elizabeth crawled across her bedroom floor.

She had opened the door and been surprised to find a priest on the other side.

Before she could say a word, he had jammed a needle into her neck, and she had fallen.

Now she was trying to crawl away as the tall, thin priest stepped over her.

"What are we crawling toward, my angel?" The priest said. "A knife? A gun? Surely not in a young lady's bedroom. Ah!" He picked up her Bible and sat down on her bed with it.

He thumbed through the pages. "Never saw the trust people placed in this book." He shook his head. "Poorly written. The first half is nothing but hideous fairytales full of murder and wrath, the second half nothing but touchy feely crap."

Elizabeth kept crawling toward him. She reached his legs and grabbed hold of his ankles, trying to pull herself up.

The priest smiled down at her. "Look at you. Strong, just like your brother. Strong but stupid, must be on the family crest."

She pulled herself higher reaching for the Bible.

He held it up over his head. "You'll have to climb higher."

Elizabeth was having difficulty thinking. Whatever had been in the syringe, it was messing with her mind.

Styx stood up and she tumbled onto her back on the floor.

Her head hit the hardwood and she saw stars.

"My name is Bishop Styx."

"The... rock band?" Elizabeth asked groggily.

Styx burst out laughing. "No, the river." He knelt down beside her. He ran his hand up her strong inner thigh, lifting her skirt.

"Don't," she mumbled.

"Oh, we're past that, I'm afraid. You can't hold secrets from me, child." He exposed her white cotton panties. "Mmm, untouched?"


"Pity. Who got in your panties then?"

"Boyfriend. Long time ago." Why was she telling him these things? The shot! It had to be the shot.

"I see. Fucked you, did he?"


"Did you cum?"


"And, yet, you want to be a nun?" He dropped the Bible on her stomach.

She clutched it to her chest.

"I'm curious, did he force you?"

"No. I wanted to. I enjoyed it." She held out her Bible. "The power of Christ compels you..."

Styx frowned.

Then he burst out laughing. "Silly girl. I'm not a demon to be exorcised." He rummaged through the papers on her desk.

He picked up a pamphlet. "St. Mary's Convent... is that where you were going?"

"Y... Yes." She prayed hard, begging God to deliver her.

"You... poor, ignorant twat." He sat back down on the bed and shook his head. "St. Mary's? We took it over months ago. Now, that's irony. If I hadn't come along today, you would be eating out the Mother Superior by this time tomorrow anyway. If I believed in fate, I'd say this was definitely fate."