Unbroken Ch. 04


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"Will...you stop calling me that?" Luis furiously touched his head. "I am not a prince. And please, go back to the palace. I don't need any guards to be following me around. I am a free man and I don't need bodyguards. So just go back to the palace and...do whatever thing you have to do."

"I can't do that, my prince."

"Here we go again." Aidan rolled his eyes in anger.

"I am only following the king's orders." He bowed. "I have to take you wherever you want. It's either that...or I take you back to the palace. It's for your safety, my prince."

"What?" Aidan said softly, slightly closing his eyes. He didn't even want to get married to the prince and the guards were already pestering him. He didn't like it at all. But he didn't even want to go the palace. "Fine!" He gave up.

Aidan angrily walked to the car and was about to open the door when the guard rushed and opened the door instead. He quickly entered and the guard entered the car. "You know where you got me from." Aidan instructed. The guard was one of those that had taken him from his home. "Take me back to my house."

"Yes, my prince." The guard said softly.

With instructions to the driver, the car started moving to Aidan's home. As the car moved, he began thinking once again. He thought about everything over and over again until he reached his house, without even realizing he was there. It was until the guard spoke that he realized that he was already home.

"We are here, my prince." The guard said softly.

Hearing the guard's words, Aidan looked out and it was true. He was already home. He suddenly felt anxious and emotional at the same time. Tears built up in his eyes and he was suddenly eager to see his family. He was only worried about what was going to happen once they found out he was already married to the prince.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly opened the door and got out. He stood still and just watched the small house. He also remembered the state he had left his granny in. She was probably worried sick, wondering why he had taken so long. From the look of things, it was already afternoon and he didn't want to make his granny any more worried.

"Please, don't do that again." The guard said softly. "Don't open the door again for yourself. It could cost me my job."

Ignoring the crazy guard, Aidan began walking towards the door. He reached the door and took a deep breath before finally holding the knob. He pulled on it and opened the door. Immediately the door opened, he saw his brother and granny in the living room with their faces on their palms. They were probably worried sick and were crying. He didn't want them to stay like that.

Seeing them again, Aidan felt tears building in his eyes. He couldn't hide his emotions anymore. He just wanted to cry and tell his family what had happened. He wanted to hug them and kiss them. He wanted to stay with them and not the prince. He wanted to live in that small house where his happiness was and not the palace. There was so much in his mind and the only way he would be free was to talk to his family.

"Granny!" Aidan said in a soft voice.

As soon as both granny and Ethan heard their beloved boy's voice, they raised their faces and saw him on the door way. He had tears in his eyes but that wasn't important. They loved that he was back to them.

"Aidan!" Granny gasped, covering her mouth in astonishment. "You are back."

"Yes, granny," Aidan said softly, feeling tears pouring down his face.

He then rushed to his granny and brother. Reaching them, he hugged them both as a million tears escaped his eyes. He was really emotional and just wanted to hold them forever. He broke the hug and granny cupped his cheeks, planting soft kisses all over his face. His brother rubbed his back, making him feel a little better. He had missed their touch a lot.

"I thought you weren't coming back." Granny said excitedly, planting kisses on Aidan's cheeks. "You don't know how scared I was that you were gone. I thought the king was gonna send you to jail or banish you."

"I am okay, granny." Aidan sobbed, slightly rubbing his tears off. "Please don't worry about me. I told you I would come back to you. Nothing is gonna separate us because we are joined by blood."

"Buddy," Ethan said excitedly. "You gave us quite a scare. What really happened at the palace? Did the king do anything to you? Were you hurt in any way?" Ethan touched his brother and saw that he was absolutely okay.

"I am really fine." Aidan said. He was happy he was back. But his happiness was only half because he was still worried about the marriage and how his family was gonna react. "The king is a generous man and he didn't need to do anything to me."

"Thank God," Ethan breathed. "For a moment I thought..." He trailed off when he looked towards the door and saw a guard standing in the doorway. "Aidan!" He called, feeling a bit scared. "What is that guard doing here?" He pointed.

Granny stopped her kisses and moved her gaze to the door. "What...what is he doing here again?"

Aidan sighed, slowly turning around. He fixed his gaze on the muscular guard that was standing in the doorway. He knew the king had instructed him to guard him but he was fine. He didn't need any guard to be with him or anything like that.

Aidan breathed, slightly closing his eyes. His heart was pounding once again. "Go back to the palace." He instructed, surprising both granny and Ethan. They wondered, looking at each other why Aidan was giving such a command. What was going on, they wondered, staring at each other in surprise?

"I am fine here." He said softly. "I am with my family. Nothing will happen to me here."

The guard immediately bowed, angering Aidan. "I am so sorry, your highness." Granny and Ethan's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "But I can't leave you alone. I am to protect you anytime."

"Your highness?" Granny gasped, trying to understand what was going on. She moved her eyes on Aidan. "What does he mean by that, Aidan?"

Aidan ignored granny. He was gonna tell her later. His gaze was still fixed on the guard that seemed persistent.

"I am fine here. You can go back to the palace." He commanded. "And I don't want you to come back here."

"My prince," The guard gasped, bowing his head once again. "Please, try to understand..."

"Please, go to the palace."

"I can't do that, my prince. I am really sorry." The guard apologized. "I am to follow my prince everywhere. I cannot leave you all alone."

"Prince?" Ethan gasped, now confused as to what was going on. He was now more confused than he had ever been. He moved his eyes to granny and the both of them just stared, wide eyed. They were surprised with what they had heard.

"Go to the palace." Aidan said. It looked like the guard was not gonna listen to him when he was just speaking softly. Though Aidan didn't like it, he knew there was only one way that the guard would listen to him and go back to the palace.

"I command you to go back to the palace." Luis said in a commanding voice.


"Are you trying to challenge me?" Aidan was angry. He just wanted the people from the palace to leave him alone so that he could be with his family. "I am ordering you to go back to the palace. Don't come back here or the consequences will be harsh."

The guard bowed. "I am sorry my prince. I didn't mean to disobey your orders." He quavered. It was clear that Aidan had scared him. "I shall go back to the palace at once. But how will you return, my prince?"

Aidan had no plans of returning. "Don't question me." Aidan said angrily.

"I'm sorry,"

"Get out!"

The guard bowed his head one last time then he rose and left.

Aidan moved his eyes to his family and saw the surprised expressions on both their faces. Their eyes were fixed on him, neither twitching. Their mouths were wide open and they looked like statues. Seeing their expression, Aidan sighed and then sat on the chair, feeling tears flooding his face. He had no idea what to do to get the palace people away from him.

"Aidan!" granny gasped, snapping out of her mood. She sat on the chair, close to him and stared at him in surprise. "What's going on? Why was that guard..."

"Yeah..." Ethan sat close to Aidan. The surprised look on his face could not be missed too. "The way you were talking to the guard with such authority. What's going on?"

Aidan sighed as tears made their way down his cheeks. He looked at the both of them and cried. "Because...because the king..." He trailed off, feeling a huge lump on his throat.

"What did the king do?" Ethan was concerned for his brother. He didn't like the way he was crying at all. He didn't like it one bit.

"He..." He tried to say but it was difficult to say. "He got me married to the prince." He cried, burying his chest on his brother's chest. "He got me married to the prince."

Ethan's mouth widened. He quickly wrapped his arms around his brother, slowly rubbing on his back. "What?"

"Why did the king do that?" Granny asked, surprised at what her grandson had told her. "Why would he marry you to his son? What's going on?"

Aidan raised his head and rubbed his tears off. He then began narrating what had happened to his granny. He narrated everything and how the king had come to a decision. Then he narrated how he had met with the prince and everything that had happened between them.

"...I don't want to, granny." He sobbed. "The prince is arrogant and I don't love him. I wasn't the one that had hurt him. I swear to you. This is really unfair and..." He paused and then began crying. He buried his head into his brother's chest and broke down, crying as if the word had just ended for him. "How can I get married to a man who is arrogant?"

Ethan couldn't believe it one bit. How can his brother be punished like that? "It isn't fair." He said, feeling tears building in his eyes. "Why? It wasn't your fault if you ask me."

"What am I to do?" Luis asked, rubbing his brother's chest. "I am now married to him but I don't love him. I don't want to go to the palace. I wanna stay here. I wanna live with you here."

"I understand you." Granny said softly. "This is really unfair but what are we to do? We can't disobey the orders of the king."

Hearing what granny had said, Aidan's cries stopped. He rose from his brother's chest, staring at his granny. "What am I to do?" He asked, trying to rub his tears off. "Should I go back to the palace? What should I do granny?"

"I am really confused." Granny said, trying to make her grandson understand. "But we...I don't even know what to do." Granny was definitely confused. "Marrying the prince can really change your life a lot. It can fulfill your dreams and assure you of a better future. I know that this is really hard for you. I know it hurts but..." She breathed. "...what can we do? You, yourself said that the king ordered you to be the prince's spouse. You are now married to him."

"I know," Aidan sighed. He was really sad. "The king said we are married and he got us married. I don't want to go back to that man. I can't bear him, granny." He cried. "He is really rude and he is...a playboy." He cried softly. "I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted the prince to marry me. I don't love him."

Ethan sighed. "I know that you are really sad." Ethan said. "But I can't protect you like I usually do. This is beyond me. Even I can't disobey the orders of the king. Maybe granny is right. The king might have been wrong but you are married to the prince."

"I don't want to believe it." Aidan cried softly. "What should I do? The prince doesn't even want to do anything with me. He blames me for everything."

"Shh," Ethan whispered. "Please, don't cry okay?" He soothed, rubbing softly on Aidan's back. "You can stay here. You don't have to go back."

"Yes," Granny sighed. "Please, don't cry. We will think of something to do, okay?"

"Thank you so much." He buried his head deeper into Ethan's chest and just cried it out.


King Julian was in his huge and elegant room, sitting on a couch. He had his face on his palm, thinking about the punishment that he had given his son and the boy. He knew he might have been a little harsh like the queen had told him but he still stood on his decision. He didn't care as long as his orders were followed. After all, they were married and there was nothing that was gonna be done to break that marriage.

King Julian moved his face up, stretching his arms. Then he got up from the couch and made his way to the bed. He moved his hands up and removed the crown from his head. He put it on his bed and sat on it. He was feeling really tired and needed to take a shower to feel better.

Sitting on the bed, he heard a soft swoosh which turned into a really strong wind. The wind was really strong that he felt its effect on his face. Suddenly a small light appeared which kept on increasing until it became really huge.

Then just like a flash, that light brightened the whole room. It just took a second and it became dim. Then a loud noise of wind was heard. Then he priest appeared right in front of him, holding his lovely trident. He was looking all around, sniffing the air.

"Priest," The king said softly, rising from his bed. "I was just about to call you."

The priest sniffed the air so loud, it felt like a storm was about to come. "I smell a change in the royal household." The priest said in a loud voice, moving his head robotically. "I can smell a wind of change."

"Yes," The king said, putting his hands behind. "That was the reason why I wanted to call you. You see, I got the prince..."

"Married..." The priest gave a satisfied laugh that filled the whole room. "I know your highness." The priest chuckled. "I could feel it. I could feel their destinies had joined."

"Yeah," The king sighed. "I did that. I got my son married. I just had that feeling that the boy was the one. I had that feeling that he is the kind of boy my son needs. I just don't know if I made the right decision. Could I have made a mistake? Was I unfair to the prince? Is that boy the right boy for..."

"Your highness," The priest said softly. "That boy is the right boy. They didn't meet by coincidence." The priest laughed. "That boy is the prince's spouse and you didn't make any mistake by getting them married."

"Are you sure priest?" The king asked.

"I can smell power," The priest sniffed the air once again. This time, a strong wind blew in the room like a flash. It was fast but the king felt it. "You didn't make any mistake, your highness." He chuckled softly. "That boy is anointed. He will bring about a lot changes."

"But my son..."

"Don't worry about the prince, my lord." The priest hollered. "Leave everything the way it is. Leave everything to time. It will be alright."

The king nodded. "This marriage won't be complete without your blessings, the blessings of the almighty. You know..."

"It is important for every royal marriage." The priest chuckled."I will be back tomorrow morning." The priest said. "I will complete the marriage with my blessings, my lord."

"Very well," The king said. "I will be expecting you tomorrow."

The priest gave a loud laugh that sounded so deep. "I can sense so much power your highness. This marriage shall bring a lot to the kingdom. With time, things will get into place."

The priest raised his trident so high in the air. Then he dropped it and hit it on the floor with so much force. A small light started and then the trident grew so bright, a yellow color. Seeing the glowing trident, the priest gave out a soft laugh. He raised the trident and just as he had appeared, he disappeared with a gush of wind.

"Phew!" The king sighed. Somehow, the priest's words had made him really happy. He didn't know how to express the joy. He hadn't made any wrongs in choosing the boy for his son. He had seen through that fierceness that the boy would be a great spouse and rule by his son's side.


Aidan suddenly opened his eyes, realizing that he was on his brother's chest. He hadn't even realized that he had slept. Come to think of it, he didn't even remember sleeping. But it helped him a lot. He felt like a burden had been taken away from him even though he was still worried.

Aidan then slowly rose, realizing that his brother was asleep too. He smiled brightly and moved his eyes around. He also realized that his granny was not in the living room but from that wonderful smell coming from the kitchen he could tell that she was fixing something.

Sniffing the aroma, Aidan smiled and then stretched his arms, yawning. As he was yawning, he caught a glimpse of the clock and realized that it was already late. It was already 7.pm and he wouldn't have loved it anymore than that. He never planned on going back to the palace.

Getting up from the chair, he made his way to the kitchen smiling. Reaching the kitchen, he stood in the door way and leaned, watching his granny cooking. He was really happy seeing her again. He knew he had to help her so he made his way into the kitchen.

"You are awake?" Granny smiled, stirring in her cooking.

"Yeah," Aidan stretched his arms. "When did I sleep?"

"Really long ago actually," She smiled. "I only woke up a few minutes ago myself."

"Really," He chuckled, forgetting about his worries. He went closer to her. "Can I help you?"

She smiled. "I am only fixing a quick dinner but sure. You can help me cut the tomatoes."

Aidan chuckled and then picked up a knife. He took the tomatoes and began cutting them, enjoying the aroma which was coming from the food. His granny cooked the best of foods and no way was he gonna go to the palace and miss that. He was gonna stay in his home and he was gonna live with his family.

"So...do you feel any better?" Granny asked, moving her gaze to her grandson.

Aidan chuckled softly, feeling really happy. "To be honest, I really feel good. I don't feel bad anymore. I won't let anything affect me."

"That's good." Granny chuckled. There was a moment of silence between them. Granny watched as Aidan cut those tomatoes with a smile. She couldn't deny the fact that she was worried over him. She needed to ask him some questions but she just didn't know how to. But he was her grandson and she had no reason to fear.

Taking a deep breath, granny got closer to Aidan and wrapped her arms around him. She then squeezed and drawled chuckles from him. She was happy he was happy but she couldn't hide the worry that she had in her heart.

"Aidan!" She called softly. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure," Aidan said, cutting the tomatoes into small pieces. "You know you can ask me about anything."

Granny looked at her grandson. "Do you have any change of plans regarding going back to the palace?"

Hearing what granny had to ask Aidan stopped cutting the tomatoes and then raised his face, staring into granny's face. He lost his smile and then moved his eyes to the tomatoes that he was cutting. "I don't think so granny." He sighed. "I have made my decision and I don't want to go back."

"What about the king?"

He sighed, staring at his granny. "I just don't know. The king..." He sighed. "I can't disobey the orders of the king but...I don't wanna go granny. The prince is really arrogant and..."

"You need to take care of him." Granny smiled brightly. "You yourself told us that the king told you to take care of the prince."

"Yeah," He sighed. "But how can I take care of him? You don't know how he is. He is arrogant and rude and full of himself."

"And he is also your husband." Granny teased, rubbing on his shoulder. "I know you might not like what I am telling you right but, you are married now. It hurts a lot to know what had happened but what right do I have to disobey the king?"

"No, granny," Aidan spoke softly, dropping the knife. He took in a deep breath. "I know that you are scared of what the king might do but...I just can't accept that I am married to...the prince. Things didn't go well. The prince and I are..." He gave a gloomy sigh. "We are just...not compatible."