Unbroken Ch. 04


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"I understand you." Granny said, cupping his cheeks. "To be honest, I am pretty scared of the king. He is a man who shouldn't be messed with. He is the ruler of this land and his word is final. Besides, it's not that bad you are married to the prince. At least, your life will turn out to be better."

Aidan heard his granny quite alright and he very well understood her but he was still angry and he had that feeling which he was trying to hide. To be honest, he was really hopping his granny would understand him and help him out. But turns out she was more concerned about his future. He was still angry at the prince. His heart was not at peace and he hated what he felt.

"I know that might be the truth." Aidan simply said, giving a nervous chuckle. "But I would rather have a simple life than live with that prince. We are just not compatible and I don't love him. I just hope you understand me granny."

"I do," Granny rubbed his wonderful cheeks. "But..."

"Don't worry," Aidan smiled in false cheerfulness. "Things will turn out to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. I don't want to go to the palace."

"It's your decision." Granny said in a soothing tone. "I will always support your decision."

"Thanks," Aidan smiled, happy that his granny had finally understood him. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Aidan hugged his granny so tightly and she placed a kiss on his forehead. Then the both of them then made dinner together and had it with Ethan. For a while, Aidan forgot about his worries, his pain and his anger. He just concentrated on his family and their happiness. They didn't even talk about the prince. He laughed, he smiled and he chatted, forgetting every incident that had happened in the morning. It was a really wonderful and memorable dinner.

Finishing eating, Aidan helped granny to clear the table. Then he helped with the plates and just lived freely. After finishing with the plates, he decided to go into the living room to chat some more. It was 8.30 pm and he was glad nothing had been heard from the palace.

Coming into the living room, Aidan heard a knock on the door. He moved his eyes, stared at the door for a moment and then smiled, wondering who could have come at night. He was just hoping it was not that pesky guard. But he was sure it was someone from the palace.

"I will get it," He smiled.

Taking a quick turn, he rushed to the door and opened it widely. His plan was to snap at whoever was at the door but he got surprised. Opening the door widely, Aidan quickly knelt down and bowed. His heart immediately began racing. His breaths became harsh. He could feel a powerful vibration travelling down his spine, sending shivers all over his body. The fear that he once had at the palace came back to him and made him really vulnerable. He had no idea what to do but he was absolutely scared.

"Your majesty," Aidan said breathlessly, bowing his head as low as he could. He couldn't believe the king had come to his house. That only meant that he was there to punish.

The king watched the boy that was bowing down to him. "Why aren't you home?" The king asked in a low voice. "Have you checked your time? You are supposed to be with your husband right now."

"My lord, I...I was..." He paused and then gulped, feeling a really deep feeling of fear take control of his body. "I came to visit my family. I didn't mean to disobey your orders, my king."

The king remained silent for a minute, watching the scared looking boy. "Get up!" He commanded.

Aidan slowly got up, feeling really scared. He stood still, dropping his eyes to the floor. He somehow felt that the king was angry at him. "My lord, I..."

"Where is your family?" The king asked. "I would like to see them immediately."

"My king," Aidan said in a courteous manner. "You should have called them to the palace. There was no need to come here. This place is not fit for you, my lord."

"Why?" The king asked. "You live here, don't you?"


"So why can't I come where my son in law is?"

"Well, I..." Aidan trailed off when he heard footsteps coming from behind him.

"Aidan, who is..." Granny trailed off when she saw the king. She quickly threw her body on the ground and gave him praises. "My king,"

"Please, get up." The king said softly.

He was so nice that Aidan wondered whether he was the same king that he had met in the morning. He wondered why the king seemed so nice. After granny got up, Aidan got another surprise when the king made his way to the living room. He sat on the chairs and dismissed all of his guards. Then he called the family members and began talking to them.

The king told them the reason why he got Aidan and Luis married in the first place. He then apologized for making a decision and getting Aidan married to his son without telling them. Of course, granny and Ethan didn't find any fault in it. They were rather understanding, probably feared disobeying the king. They just smiled while the king spoke.

Aidan on the other hand was too confused to even utter any word. His mind was lost in thought, wondering how he was gonna reject going back to the palace. He very knew that there was no way the king was gonna allow him to remain in his maternal house. It was really impossible. The anger and hatred that he had for the prince came back right through. He had no idea why he got into that mess in the first place.

Aidan was so lost. He barely heard the conversation going on. The next thing he felt was his brother slightly shaking him. He came back to reality and gasped, giving a nervous smile.

"We are now a family." The king said naturally. "We have to treat each other like family." He chuckled. Aidan was surprised that it was the king that was on that chair. "Aidan is my son now. He is the crown's prince's husband. I just hope they can...fix whatever it is between them."

"Yes, your majesty." Ethan said bowing his head. "We understand very well. We also understand the reason why you got him married to the prince."

"That's good," The king said in a serious tone. "I am glad you understand. It is always nice. But I would like you to..." He looked around the house, nodding his head. "Wouldn't you want to live in a more...proper house?"

Ethan and granny looked at each other, wondering where the king was taking that conversation.

"What do you...mean, my lord?" Ethan quavered, slightly bowing his head.

"I mean, I would like you to move from this house." He said loudly, patting on his leg. "I want you to move to a bigger house and...the kind which will be fitting of royalty."

"Oh, no!" Granny stuttered, smiling nervously. "We are fine here, my lord. We don't want..."

"I insist," The king said, smiling brightly. "I want you to live in a house where all your needs will be fulfilled. I want you to live like the king's in laws."

Aidan was happy with the king's suggestion but what was that feeling that had him scared? He could feel something moving deep inside of him. He just sat, praying for time to pass as slow as it could so that he could just stay at his granny's house. He definitely didn't want to leave.

The king talked with his family and he just thought about it. The only time he came to his mind was when the king got up. Ethan pushed him a bit and he came back to his mind. He quickly rose, dropping his eyes to the floor.

"Thank you so much your majesty." Ethan bowed. "This is really good for us."

"Don't worry," The king said. "Very soon the house will be ready and...a guard will be here to pick you up to your new house okay?"

Ethan and granny thanked the king and then bowed down.

"It's nothing," The king smiled. Then he moved his eyes to Aidan. Aidan on the other hand didn't like the way he was feeling. He knew he was helpless in that situation. He had no idea what he was going to do or say. He was definitely helpless.

"Let's go," The king smiled, scaring Aidan. "It's really getting late and you have been gone for a long time."

"Um...err...I need to...pack." He stammered.

"Pack?" The king chuckled. "There is no need for that? You are gonna have to shop for new clothes. There is no need for that."

"I don't think I am ready for that big change, your highness." Aidan spoke softly. He didn't want to go. "I just wanna have my clothes. I am really okay with it." The truth was that Aidan didn't want to change his clothes because he didn't want to accept Luis as his husband. "I just hope you understand, my king." He bowed.

"It's okay." The king said naturally. "I will leave one car for you. Just don't be late okay?"

"Yes, your majesty." He nodded.

The king left immediately, leaving one guard and one car with Aidan. Aidan sat on the chair and buried his head in his palm. He knew his family deserved the house the king was offering but he wasn't happy at all. He just wanted to stay with his family in his little house.

"Did you hear that, granny?" Ethan chirped, holding her hands. Hearing Ethan's statement, Aidan raised his face and just stared at the two of them. "I can't believe what the king said to us. He is going to move us to a new house. Honestly, I think he is a really good man." He said excitedly, almost jumping. "He even...called us his family."

"Yeah," Granny smiled.

Aidan watched his family's happiness. He wanted them to be happy but he was worried, scared and angry. He wanted to shout and get his anger out but he couldn't do it. And when his family stared at him, he gave them a nervous smile. He didn't want them to worry about anything that was happening.

"I think I'll go pack." Aidan said softly. He knew his time had come.

"I'll help you." Ethan said happily.

Aidan smiled faintly and went with Ethan to pack. It didn't take long and he was already out of the room. He only had a small bag with him but he didn't want to go. Coming back to the living room, he got emotional as he looked around the house. That was the house which had all his memories with him. Now he was gonna go away. It was really emotional for him.

"Buddy," Ethan wrapped his arms around him. "Are you okay?"

Aidan nodded in agreement. "I am fine, it's just that..."

"The king is a good man." Ethan smiled, squeezing his brother's shoulder. "He will take really good care of you. I am sure the prince will..."

"I don't want to talk about him, please." Aidan spoke softly. "I know the king is a good man. But..."

"Don't worry about us." Granny chirped. "We are really fine."

He nodded and took one final look. That was probably the last time he was gonna be in that house. His family was gonna be in a new house in a day or two. "I have to go now." He smiled softly, patting on his brother's back. "I will see you tomorrow."

He quickly turned and then hugged his brother tightly, feeling tears forming in his eyes. It was a really emotional hug that left him in tears. Pulling away from the hug, Ethan rubbed his tears and planted kisses all over his face. "Please don't cry okay." Aidan nodded and then moved to his granny. She cupped his cheeks, planted soft kisses on his face and then hugged him tightly.

By the time he pulled away from her, he was already in tears. He rubbed his tears off and then picked up his bag, making his way out. Reaching the door, he took a quick glance behind and then waved at his granny and his brother. Seeing them waving back, more tears poured down his cheeks. He picked up his bag and left crying.


Aidan reached the living room, walking slowly into the palace. He had a small bag with him where his clothes were. His mood was definitely not good and somehow entering that palace was not good for him. He slowly walked towards the living room, finding the king on the couch reading a newspaper. He bowed down and then greeted him.

"Your majesty,"

"Aidan!" The king enthused. "Welcome home, my son."

"Thank you, your majesty." He said softly.

"Please get up." The king smiled, rising from the chair. He then went to Aidan and helped him up, feeling how tensed up he was. "Please, don't be scared of anything okay?"

Aidan gave a soft nod. He was still scared and didn't like the way he was feeling. "Yes, your majesty."

"Good!" The king chuckled softly. Then he called a guard and instructed him to take Aidan and the bag with him. Aidan's nerves just got out of control when the guard came. He gave him his bag and stood still.

"Go now," The king said, gesturing him to go. "Go and meet with your husband. I am sure that you are tired."

Aidan nodded and then began following the guard. They entered the elevator and then it began moving. All the way up, Aidan prayed in his heart. He prayed to be kept under control. He knew the king had warned them not to fight or argue so he prayed. He didn't want to snap or anything.

The more the elevator moved up, the more nervous and tense Aidan became. His heart was pounding in his chest, sending shivers down his spine. He was not scared of Luis but he definitely didn't want to see him. He just prayed to control himself.

After what felt like seconds but were minutes, the elevator door opened wide. Aidan took a deep breath before finally getting out. He felt a strong and cold wind blow on his face as he got out of the elevator, seeing just how elegant everything was. There were a number of room and they all seemed wonderful.

Aidan walked slowly, following the guard everywhere he went. In just a nick of time, they came in front of a huge golden door. It was really beautiful and absolutely wonderful. That room was the same room that Luis was in. Gosh! He was really nervous.

"Here is the crown prince's room." The guard said, bowing his head slightly. "Should I knock?"

Hearing the guard's question, Aidan felt his body vibrating in fear. He was suddenly feeling really nervous, making him gulp. His mind went to a whole new level with thoughts. He took a really deep sigh and closed his eyes to boost his confidence.

Slowly opening his eyes, he fixed his gaze on the door. "Yes!"

The guard bowed and then knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again and still no answer. He knocked severally and still no answer.

"I don't think the crown prince is in the room." The guard suggested. "Maybe he's out somewhere. Should I open the door, your highness?"

Aidan took a really deep sigh. He didn't want any trouble from the prince. But he wasn't gonna spend the entire night outside. "Yes, please, open it."

The guard bowed and then opened the door for Aidan. Aidan slowly raised his face to stare into the room. A really cold wind blew on his face. The beautiful and wonderful aroma of the room hit Aidan's nose so hard. It smelt really beautiful. Just the elegancy of the room alone was able to open his eyes wide. Even from outside, he could very well see how beautiful it was.

His eyes scanned the whole room, realizing that Luis was not near. He was happy that he couldn't see Luis but he was not really happy because that room also belonged to Luis. Things were really bad for him and he didn't like the outcome at all. If only he could turn back time he would have been sleeping in his house by now but he was stuck with a big fool.

Taking small steps, Aidan began entering the wonderful room. The more he walked in, the more he felt like he was walking into Luis' life. His eyes were not fixed on one thing. Rather, they were moving from side to side, admiring the elegancy of the room.

In just a few seconds, he was already in. He had his eyes everywhere. He was mad and he didn't like the idea of staying in a room with Luis but he couldn't deny the fact that he couldn't tear his eyes away from every wonderful thing that he saw. It was like everything was made of gold or diamonds.

"Your highness," The guard spoke, bowing. "Where can I put this bag?"

"Just leave it on the floor." Aidan instructed. "I will pick it up later."

"Yes," He said simply, dropping the bag on a corner. Then he excused himself and left. Aidan was now alone. He was moving his eyes from side to side checking the room. There was just so much to see and he loved it all. He loved it to death.

Moving his eyes around as his heart pounded in his chest, Aidan spotted a painting that took his breath away. It was a painting of a waterfall and a rainbow. One of his favorite things was nature so he wasn't surprised at all. It caught his attention and for a moment, he forgot about everything and just became one with that painting. He slowly moved towards the painting, admiring its elegancy.

Reaching the painting, Aidan stood still and admired it. It was perfectly drawn. It was perfectly made and it was perfectly placed. Everything about it was admirable. Taking a deep breath, Aidan extended his hand and touched it. It felt really beautiful and though it was just a painting, he admired it greatly. He just stood there, passing his hands on that wonderful painting.


Luis came out of his bathroom, toweling his hair. He had just come from having a hot shower after spending the whole afternoon with his mother and granny. They had been trying to make him feel better and make him understand things. Though he was feeling better, he still couldn't understand a thing. He was still angry deep inside.

Getting out of the bathroom, Luis closed the door, making his way into his comfy room. He was putting on brown pajamas, ready to go to sleep. He hadn't seen that stupid boy and he was hoping he didn't see him.

Luis was busy toweling his hair when all of a sudden he moved his head to the other side to clean the other hair on the other side. Moving his head, he spotted a person standing a distance from him looking at his expensive painting. From all those features and the dirty clothes, he knew who it was. And fuck! He was touching his expensive painting.

Luis got so angry, dropping the towel to the floor. Then his heart began pounding as he got powered up by his anger. He clenched on his fists and groaned as he furiously walked towards Aidan. Reaching him, he groaned so loud and growled at the same time.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He snapped, clenching on his fists. "Who let you in here?"

Hearing Luis' angry voice, Aidan made a quick turn and gasped at the angry face that he saw. He got really scared and his heart began pounding, almost ripping his chest. "Well, there was no one answering the door so I figured..."

"You figured?" Luis said harshly, breathing violently. "This is my room and you don't have the right to enter it. By the way," He saw angrily. "I thought you left so...why did you come back here?" He asked, pointing his finger angrily at the floor. "Why did you come back?"

Aidan sighed. "I came back because the king came to pick me up." He said confidently. "Don't be so sure that I came back for you. I am not interested in you and..."

"Great!" Luis laughed bitterly. "You are not interested and yet you are here?" He asked angrily. "I know boys like you and what your ambition is in life. You are probably jumping with joy because you have finally managed..."

"Look, don't insult me okay?" Aidan warned, pointing his finger at Luis. "I have the right to this room and..."

"This is my room." Luis snapped, looking angrily at Aidan. "You don't have the right to it. You might be married to me but..."

"Well, this is our room now." Aidan made it clear. "You wanted this after all. I would have probably been in my bed right now but thanks to you, I can't do that anymore. You ruined my life. You knew very well that..."

"Well, I didn't beg you for anything." Luis reprimanded. "You insulted me and now that I have got the chance maybe..."

"Go ahead," Aidan moved confidently in front of Luis. "Try anything and I will scream. I will scream and the king will know that..."

"Are you threatening me?" Luis asked, crossing his arms on his chest. He got even angrier and wanted to kill the boy. Had it been in the morning, it would have been another issue by now. He hated it when people did that to him.