Unbroken Ch. 04


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"No, I am promising you." Aidan warned, pointing his angry finger at Luis. "You know very well the kind of person I am. I will not hesitate to scream if you try anything." His anger was rising once again. He hated the fact that he had to stay in the same room with the man that he hated. Couldn't he have been given another room? "From this moment onward you have to be careful with me. You heard the king's warning."

Luis moved his face away in anger and breathed really harshly. He was dying to beat the boy inside. "Well, you have to stay away from me." Luis declared. "I don't want you near me okay. We don't know each other and I don't wanna talk to you."

"Well, that makes the two of us." Aidan said, smiling teasingly. "That is something that we can both agree on."

Luis took one final look at the boy and then growled. He rushed to his bed and slipped under the covers. He could feel the anger that was deep within him but he had to be careful. He didn't want to cause trouble and incur the wrath of his father. But he couldn't stand the boy either. Guess he was gonna have to tolerate him for a while. He couldn't stay like that. He needed to do something to get rid of his problem.

Aidan on the other hand watched as Luis slipped under the covers, angry and probably hating on him. He wondered where he was gonna sleep that night because he was definitely not gonna sleep with Luis. He moved his eyes, trying to figure out what he was gonna do. His eyes stopped when he saw the couches a distance from him. He was definitely gonna sleep on the couch.

Aidan quickly moved to the couch and sat on it. It was really comfortable, perfect for his sleep. The only problem was that there were no beddings to cover himself with. But guess he was gonna have to manage to sleep like that.

Aidan lay on the couch, folding his arms around himself. He began wondering how his life had suddenly changed. He had a lot of questions that were in his mind. He found it difficult to sleep as he kept on turning on that couch. It was getting a little cold but he was fine. He was now staying with the man that he didn't love. Was he going to stay like that for the rest of his life?

Aidan sighed, closing his eyes in order to catch some sleep. He slept, still wondering what was next in life for him.


A loud knock woke both Luis and Aidan from their sleep. Luis quickly got up, moving his eyes to stare at the clock that was on a small table. It was only 7. Am and someone was already knocking. He didn't like it at all. Aidan on the other hand carefully got up from the couch. He stood still and waited for the prince to call whoever was out to come in.

Slowly rubbing on his eyes, Aidan stared at the prince and their eyes locked. Both of them immediately moved their eyes away and groaned in anger and frustration.

"The door is open." Luis literally snapped.

The door opened and a guard came rushing right through. He immediately knelt down and greeted the both of them. While Aidan responded as nice as he could, Luis on the other hand hissed and cursed. He had woken up with a bad mood and seeing Aidan was a good reason to make him fume.

"What's the big deal?" Luis snapped, hitting his head so hard. "What do you want so early in the morning? Why did you have to wake me up this early? You know exactly..."

"I am so sorry, my prince." The guard apologized. "The king demands both your presence in the living room."

"What?" Luis complained, furiously hitting on the bed. "What does he want?" He still hated his father for what he had done to him. He was never gonna forgive him for it.

"I don't know your highness." The guard was trying to be as humble as he could. "I am only but a messenger."

"Get out!" Luis snapped, pointing towards the door. "Get out of this room." Luis hadn't even realized he was that angry till he heard his father was calling him. His anger was building deep inside of him. He felt like he was about to explode.

"What should I tell the king?"

"I don't fucking care." Luis snarled, gripping a pillow from his bed. He clenched on it so hard. "Now get out of my room." He yelled. His voice filled the whole room.

"Yes, my..."

"Get out!" He shrilled, angrily throwing the pillow at the guard. The guard quickly run out of his room and closed the door behind him. Seeing the guard had left, Luis gripped his head and screamed out in anger. "Fuck..." He cursed, pulling on his hair. He couldn't understand why his anger had come back like that.

Aidan on the other hand had watched the prince's rude behavior. He was now staring at him wide eyed, wondering what kind of prince he was. He wondered how he was gonna rule his people with that kind of behavior. It got him even scared and his heart was pounding. How did he end up with such a man, he wondered, nodding his head softly? Luis was definitely crazy.

Furiously grumbling and cursing, Luis moved his eyes to the other side and saw Aidan staring at him as if he was a ghost. "What the fuck are you staring at?" He snapped, venting his anger on Aidan. "You heard him didn't you? Your precious king wants to see us downstairs. I just hope you are happy. This is your entire fault."

"What did I do?" He shrugged, opening his arms. "I haven't said anything. Besides..."

"Will you keep quiet?" Luis hissed, pointing at Aidan. "Shut the fuck up and..."

"Look, if you have a problem settle it okay?" He said angrily. "Don't put me in your problems because I already have a lot. You to start with," He then nodded and began walking towards the door.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Luis bellowed, staring at Aidan.

"I am going to see the king." Aidan sneered, breathing harshly. "Isn't it obvious?"

"He wants to see the both of us together." Luis said harshly. "I know you are trying to make me look bad but I won't allow you to do that."

"What do you want me to do?" Aidan shrugged, feeling really angry. "I don't want to disobey the king's orders."

"Wait!" Luis got out of the bed, complaining and cursing. Then he went to the clothes room, his personal boutique. He came out dressed in a blue t-shirt, black designer's skinny jean and yellow sandals. Then he rudely passed Aidan and got out of the room.

"I can't believe this." Aidan thought, following the crazy guy behind. He closed the door and almost got left out in the elevator. He quickly climbed and the both of them went downstairs to the living room without uttering a word to each other. The only thing that could be heard was the harsh breaths coming from Luis. He sure was angry and Aidan noticed that Luis trembled in anger.

Reaching the living room, Aidan knelt down and greeted the king. He also noticed that the king was not alone. He was with a man who looked kinda old with a trident. He had really long white hair and beards. He was definitely the priest, the king's priest as he heard.

Luis on the other hand reached the living room still angry. He stood still and without greeting his father or the priest crossed his arms on his chest, moving his eyes away from everyone. He just wanted to get done with everything that his father had called him for. He couldn't bear to see the face of the man who had ruined his life.

"Yes!" The priest nodded, coming closer to Aidan. He had his eyes glued on the shy looking boy standing confidently beside his husband.

Aidan watched as the priest came close to him. He had his eyes on him and the look he saw in his eyes scared him a lot. That man gave him creeps. He could feel shivers running down his spine each step the priest took closer to him. He felt like running away but surprisingly, he just stood without even moving an inch.

The priest came near him but passed him and stood in front of Luis who seemed mad. He stared at Luis for a really long time and then gave a long laugh that made Luis even angrier. "My prince," He said in a deep voice that filled the whole living room. "Why so much anger? Anger can breed nothing but bad things."

Ignoring the priest's words, Luis looked the other way. It was clear that man was not there to help him like the last time. He was definitely there to bless the marriage, which he hated like crazy.

Then the priest moved to Aidan and stared deep into his eyes. He took really long and then gave a long laugh. "Hmmmmm," He chuckled, nodding his head. "This is really interesting."

He quickly turned back and hit his trident so hard on the floor. A cold and powerful wind filled the whole room and blew on everyone's faces. In no time, it was gone. The priest then turned around and stared at the two men that had just gotten married.

"Kneel..." He commanded, looking at the both of them. "Kneel down to get the blessings."

Aidan slowly knelt down upon hearing the priest's commanding voice. He still had his eyes on him. Why was he having that tingly feeling all over his body, he thought? That feeling had started when he saw the priest. Maybe it was just because he was really worried and a little bit scared.

Luis clenched his fists so hard, he growled. Then releasing his fists, he furiously knelt down, feeling a warm feeling take control of his body. He absolutely hated what was gonna follow next. He hated kneeling down in front of the king. He also hated everyone in the room. He didn't even want to raise his face to stare into the eyes of the king.

Seeing the two men on the floor, kneeling down, the priest went further and stood straight. Then he hit the trident on the floor and let go. To everyone's surprise, the trident didn't fall down. It just floated in the air as if someone was holding it.

The priest extended his hands and placed them on both Aidan and Luis' heads. Then he chanted some words and chuckled softly. He began chanting again, planting his blessings on the two boys. Priests didn't say words when blessing a royal marriage. They rather chanted some words which no one could understand except them. He chanted for minutes, placing his blessings upon the two men.

Then he eventually stopped, putting his hand back on the trident. He raised it and first placed it on Luis' head.

"Powerful trident, powers of the almighty," He began. "Bless this next king and bring him knowledge. Remove everything that seems to destruct him from his destiny. Let his path be straight. Let his spouse be his direction and let them be happy. Impart him with your power and let your blessings be upon this next king." As the priest continued saying those words, the trident began glowing. It had a bright blue light which seemed to be glowing on Luis' head.

Seeing the light, Aidan somehow got scared. He had never seen anything like that before. He was only calm because he knew that the priest wouldn't hurt him. But that didn't stop him from staring though. He had his eyes on that trident and the glowing light which seemed to be getting brighter.

"From this time, you will be happy." He continued. "With this trident and all its power, may the almighty bless you and guide your path to your destiny." The priest again began chanting and the bright blue light just kept on glowing. It continued glowing until the whole room turned bright blue from that very light. Then just like a flash, it disappeared, sending Luis to the floor.

Luis felt like something had just left him. He felt really light and his body suddenly gave a sharp vibration that made him convulse on the floor. He tried to get up but it was impossible. He kept convulsing on the floor. The priest's chants went on until his voice went really high. Then just when Aidan thought his voice was gonna get higher, he stopped and extended his hand. Surprisingly, so did Luis' convulsion. He stopped convulsing and he quickly got up from the floor.

From the way he was feeling, Luis was sure that something had left him. He couldn't feel angry anymore but that wasn't it. He wasn't himself and he could clearly feel it. Just what did the priest do to him when he was chanting, he wondered?

"My prince," The priest chuckled. "You will soon realize that which you seek."

Then he moved to Aidan and smiled brightly, extending his hand with which the trident was held. He carefully placed it upon his head and got the shock of his life. Immediately he placed it upon Aidan's head, the trident suddenly got out of his hands. It began floating, circling Aidan's head. Then suddenly, it began spinning around Aidan's head so fast. The priest gasped and then took a step backwards. He had never seen anything like that before and it had never happened before.

He watched as the trident began spinning super fast. A strong wind began emanating from that spinning trident and soon filled the whole room. It felt like a storm was about to come. Everything blew and the people that were in the living room covered their eyes except for the priest who was smiling and Aidan who was confused.

The priest watched as the trident span even faster than before. The wind blew even faster, making it feel as if there was a storm. Then suddenly the trident stopped spinning and the strong wind stopped. The trident fell to the floor. Then it began glowing brightly, giving a really bright red color. It was brighter than before, brighter than the priest had ever seen it glow.

Seeing how bright the trident was glowing, the priest moved his eyes to the boy that didn't even know what was happening. Then he moved his eyes to the trident and it just kept on glowing. Soon, the bright red color filled the entire room. The wind began blowing again but this time it was not really strong.

Seeing what was happening, the king stood up, surprised at what was happening. He had never seen anything like it before. Nothing like that had ever happened. He was now even wondering whether the almighty had rejected the boy or not.

The light kept on glowing and glowing for a number of minutes. The lights in the room suddenly went off, making the whole room red. Everyone in the living room looked around, wondering what was happening. Even Aidan was surprised and scared what was happening. He had no idea what to say. He just knelt down and watched the glowing trident.

After what felt like hours, the ever glowing trident suddenly rose and found its way into the priest's hands. The light immediately went off and everything went back to normal. Holding the trident tightly, the priest gave a long laugh that filled the entire palace. He was happy with the entire incident. That was showing something but he just didn't know what it meant. But it was clear that the boy was no ordinary boy. He was unique and the prince didn't know what he had caught himself.

"Priest," The king sounded really worried. "What's going on? Why did..."

"Don't worry your highness." The priest said loudly. His eyes were on Aidan. "It was just decided like that. Nothing is wrong here. Everything is fine. It is done."

The king smiled and then gave a soft chuckle. "Nothing like that has ever happened before. What was that all about?"

"It was just done differently." The priest answered. "I don't exactly know why the almighty did this...but everything is fine. This marriage has been blessed."

Aidan slowly got up from the floor, standing close to Luis. Luis moved a bit away from Aidan. He didn't want to stand close to him or even have anything to do with him. He hated him and he was gonna stay like that. He didn't care whether the marriage was blessed by the priest or the almighty himself. All he knew was that he didn't like Aidan one bit.

"I think that's all." The priest said softly. "You may both leave."

Hearing the priest's words, Luis stormed out of the living room. Aidan slightly bowed and then followed behind. He didn't care if Luis left him. He was gonna find his own way.


"My king," The priest said softly, getting close to the king. He sniffed the air and then smiled. "That boy is really the right boy for your son. I could sense a really strong and powerful spirit within him. He will be a really great spouse to your son."

"Yeah..." The king sighed. "He clearly hates me. I can see that my son hates me. I can also tell that..."

"Time, my lord,

" The priest said in a really deep voice. "Time is the remedy. Things are gonna start changing around here."

"You think so?" The king sighed.

"I know so." He laughed loudly. "I can smell a wind of change. Like I told you," He stomped on the floor. "Things are gonna change around here. You will see my king." He smiled. "My work here is done. I have to go now."

"Very well," the king breathed. "Thank you so much, priest."

"Anytime," The priest said. "I am at your service."

He then bowed, picked up his stuff and left using the door. This time he didn't disappear. He just left naturally like he did at times. The king smiled and then went back to the couch. He picked up a newspaper and began reading it.


The elevator door opened and Luis furiously got out, walking as if he was really late. He just didn't want to stay with Aidan and that was all. Aidan slowly nodded and then followed behind. He entered the room and then found Luis on the bed, holding his tablet. He quickly passed him and went back to the couch. He sat on it, wondering why he had to stay with Aidan in the first place. He hated the idea and he didn't to stay with him. Gosh! He just wanted to be left alone.

Luis on the other hand was busy on his tablet, trying to connect with Charles. He was really furious. He didn't care if he had a stitch on his forehead. All he cared about was getting away from Aidan. He had to get away. With the way he felt, he knew what exactly he needed. He needed to get laid. He didn't fucking care that he was married. All he wanted to do was fuck.


"Hey!" Charles responded with an expression of anger at the end. "You really made me look like a fool the other day. I hate you for that. I thought we could meet up and do our stuff. I even tried to call you severally but I didn't get through."

"Sorry," Luis apologized. "You wouldn't believe what had happened to me."


"Come to my house." Luis responded. "I bet you'll be as mad as I am."

"Why?" Charles responded. "What happened?"

"Just come to my house."

"Fine." Charles responded. "I'll be there in an hour."

"I am waiting." Luis threw the tablet on the bed and sighed in anger. He moved his eyes around and saw just how his beautiful room was now gonna be shared. He didn't appreciate it at all. He hated it a lot. He moved his eyes to the other side and spotted the boy sitting on the couch. He rolled his eyes in anger and then collapsed on the bed. He lay on his back, staring into the ceiling. He was supposed to be happy and enjoying his life but now he was stuck with some idiot.

Aidan on the other hand was seated on the couch thinking about what had happened in the living room. He still had a lot of questions that he needed answers to. But who was gonna answer him? He raised his face, staring at the prince that lay on his bed. He was definitely not gonna get any answers from the idiot so might as well stop thinking about it.

Taking a deep breath, Aidan got up from the couch, realizing that he hadn't bathed. He needed to take a bath before anything else. He still had to start his day better. Even though he was still mad at the bastard, he needed to cool down and at least feel better.

Aidan began looking around, searching for where the bathroom was. Instead of finding one door which would eventually lead him to the bathroom, there were three doors. He looked at each of them and none indicated where the bathroom was.

He was now confused as to which door was the bathroom. Aidan moved his eyes to Luis and saw him lying on the bed. He needed to bath really badly. But he needed someone to point for him where the bathroom was. And he also knew that talking to the idiot was surely gonna be bad. He didn't need him. He was gonna find the bathroom on his own.