Unexpected Family Tradition


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"The problem is, no one's biting after they found out that Dad's been cheating the system!" said Sara, "So now that Dad's left, you're trying to sabotage Joey to make him worry he'll fuck up, and then you won't be the bottom feeder!"

Joey stood up, pulling Sara's legs apart to let him leave her grip, and turned to John, "You want to see me squirm Johnny?" he asked, "How about you suck my dick instead, bitch boy?"

John glared at Joey before he made an involuntary glance downward at the slick cock that was inside Sara a few minutes ago. Joey saw his eyes twitch and smiled.

"You want my dick, don't you!" He said, "Come on, have some of it. I may be straight but I can accommodate my big brother!" He started to pump his cock until it got hard again, standing at his full nine inches.

John's eyes widened and his mouth began to drool, but then he looked away and walked out of the room, "Asshole!" He said, muttering to himself.

Joey smiled and turned back to Sara, "Shall we continue the lessons?" he asked.

Sara shook her head, "You don't need any more lessons, but we do need to practice!"


Over the next few hours, Joey went back and forth between his two sisters, all the while Lexa watched and occasionally fingered herself at the sight of her boyfriend masterfully fucking and munching. Joey's activities and apparent ability to hold it in was shocking, to say the least.

Around an hour past noon, they broke for lunch. Joey was about to put his briefs on when Sara yanked them out of his grip and tossed them on the bed, "Leave your clothes here. I want Mom to see us like this, I want her to see the progress we've made!"

Joey felt his balls strain and his cock get harder at the words and prospect of eating his lunch completely naked. He followed his sisters out of the master bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen, where John was arguing with Margie.

"Come on, Mom! Just for a few minutes! I'm horny!" John begged.

"You were horny a few days ago, which led to a big family orgy when Joey came home, and it started this whole mess with your father! I'm saving myself for Christmas Eve." Margie said, her voice firm with authority, "Be patient a little while longer, and you can have all the pussy you want tomorrow evening!"

"Why are you treating me like a cuckold?" John asked, his voice rising to anger, "Ever since Joey came home, no one's given me the time of day! I've gone two days without a pussy or ass to cum inside of and not a single one of you has given me head! Sophie's in Florida, and I have half a mind to leave and go there if I can't get any pussy at home!"

"Maybe you should!" Said Anne, making their presence known, "We'd at least be rid of your petulant whining!"

John glared at the four of them before he gave up and stormed out of the room. The girls and Joey sat down at the table and looked at Margie for clarification.

"I told him no pussy until the orgy on Christmas Day at Midnight, and he started accusing me of treating him like an outcast." Margie explained, "I think he feels like his role is starting to put a strain on our relationship and he's worried Joey will be made a Paladin or Consort."

"What's a Paladin?" asked Joey.

"It's like an Uber Consort." Said Sara, "Basically, you're on call for the entire family, not just the household."

"Dad is a Consort, meaning he has access to Mom and us without needing to make a schedule." Anne added, "But if you've been made a Paladin, it would mean that you'd get unlimited pussy without needing to schedule it with anyone, including our aunts. Essentially, Janie, Jackie, Sara, me, and everyone who wants to could have sex on a whim, whereas John, Jack, and Dad have to set up a time and place for sex."

"I may have to drop out of school if I'm constantly having sex with people." Joey joked.

That joke got him a few slaps across his chest and a pinch of cheek, by Margie.

"Enough talking, let's eat and then we'll continue 'training' Joey." Said Lexa, "Lord knows he'll need the practice!"

Margie glanced at her suspiciously, before she stood up and went to the counter where she grabbed some fixings for sandwiches out of the fridge.

A half-hour later, everyone was filled with food and as Margie went to Patrick's office, Patrick chose that time to return to the house. He walked in and stopped dead in his tracks, seeing Joey, Sara, Anne, and Lexa stark naked, heading upstairs.

He watched them go, then rushed to his office where he saw Margie.

"Did you invite him without me?" he demanded in a low tone.

Margie glared at him, "He's invited, but not initiated." She responded, cooly, "He's having his initiation on Christmas Eve, close to midnight, but sadly you won't be in attendance!"

"Margery, I thought we'd discussed this! I'm his father, I should be there!" Patrick tried again, having tried that argument before he had stormed out of the house.

Margie's eyes flared, "That was before I found out you've been cheating on me and gambling away our savings accounts!" She said, "You've been setting up dates with my family without my consent, and when you couldn't get pussy from them, you got it from strippers and whores! And you've been hiding it from me with 'work orders' and 'business meetings'."

Patrick sighed, "Yes, I have, but that's only because you've been abusing the system ever since..."

"Since it was time for Joey to be invited for the first time!" Margie finished, "We were supposed to teach him before he left for college, but no, you had us wait."

"It wasn't logical or feasible to initiate him in a dorm room or an off-campus apartment!" Patrick said, his tone sharp, "A bunch of women and two men in a one-room two-bed dorm is too many! It would draw suspicion! And the same goes for an apartment, with those paper-thin walls! Having an orgy here at home is more appropriate!"

"But Joey still should have been informed!" Margie said, angrily, "If we couldn't initiate him until now, why not have his sisters and girlfriend visit him at the college? They could have explained everything and taught him what to do. With proper training, he could be more prepared!"

"More prepared?" Patrick asked, incredulously, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of testing him a week after his birthday the point? He gets to learn enough sex to last a few minutes, but you're talking about making sure he lasts long enough to be made a consort or paladin! I've seen men be trained in the same amount of time as I had and barely last a minute. Why is Joey so special?"

"He's not...." Margie started to say.

"Enough bullshit, Margery!" Patrick bellowed, "You're manipulating the system just as much as you accused me! You're giving Joey an unfair advantage!"

"So what if I am?" asked Margie, "John is a bottom bitch, Sara and Anne are instructors, and you're a consort! I am the Matriarch! If I want at least one of my children to have a rank as high as me, what if I give him a few extra pointers? I'm owed that, same as he!"

"If you initiate him, and I'm not there, I will let everyone know of your treason!" Patrick threatened, "And you know what your siblings will do when they hear that!"

Margie's eyes widened, "A Matriarch's Vendetta!" She breathed, before lowering her eyes, pulling out her phone, and typing in something. A moment later, Patrick's phone beeped and he read aloud the text in the group chat.

"Patrick's ban on Joey's initiation is lifted, he can observe, but his ban on pussy is in effect. Fondling and fingering are permitted." He smiled, "I'm glad justice has been served."

With nothing else, he left the room. Margie's mouth curled from an angry snarl to a wicked smile, "Show's what you know, cuckold!" She whispered before she typed in another message, this time in the women's only group chat.

A low beep let her know that the message was received. A minute or so later, Anne came into the office and closed the door behind her. She was glistening with sweat and had a wide smile on her face.

"You wanted to see me, Mom?" She asked.

Margie looked her daughter up and down. Anne was gloriously naked, having not gotten dressed since resuming Joey's training. She also had a damp pussy, and Margie noticed that she had gooseflesh all over her skin. Looking up into her face, she noticed that Anne had been blushing.

"I want you to tell me the truth right this second, and don't sugarcoat anything!" Margie said, staring into Anne's eyes, "Was John right? Are you placating your brother, saying he's a natural at sex when really, he's not?"

Anne stared at her mother, her smile widening into a broad grin.

"Not placating, Mom! He IS a natural!"


December 22nd.

Within the last two days, Joey had learned more about eating pussy and edging than he had from watching any JOI or pornstar stamina video on the internet. After his first lessons on the 19th, Janie was brought in to be his hands-on specialist and taught him the best techniques for fingering, fondling, and other techniques to bring women to orgasm using your hands and tongue.

Lexa watched the entire time and felt her pussy tingle in anticipation of him finally doing that with her. She'd taken to observe everything else and had all but moved in, sleeping in Sara's bedroom. On a cot, of course.

As for John, he'd taken to leave the house in the mornings and come back later at night, exhausted and not in the mood for talking. He simply went to bed without a word, brushing off any attempts from Margie to know where he was all day. She began to suspect he'd been pulling the same crap as Patrick and had secret liaisons with family members without her knowledge, but she found no incriminating evidence in the group chats.

As for Patrick, he'd suddenly taken his punishment without complaint and was content at waiting out his sentence. He'd stopped going to strip clubs and brothels, made no more attempts to seduce his daughters, and seemingly was content with his situation. All of this bewildered Margie and made her instantly suspicious, and she started investigating. She found the real tax statements and learned that while their savings account was low, most of the debts had been paid off, and she now suspected something worse than Patrick gambling and whoring.

Whatever he was up to, Margie suspected that Joey's initiation was tied to it, or Patrick wouldn't have done a complete 180-degree turn and accepted his punishment on a whim. If he'd placed a large bet on the outcome of Joey's initiation...

Then it hit her: He was betting on Joey to fail at the sight of his mother's orgasms. Margie's sexual resistance had improved vastly over the years since they were 18. Patrick had lucked out with her, but when John was initiated, he came a few minutes out of sync with Margie, and later came out as bisexual, meaning his standing had decreased from 'consort' to 'bottom bitch'. Patrick was likely betting a large sum on Joey failing in the same way. He hadn't even heard the moans in the house, not even suspected that Joey might actually be talented in any way.

Patrick was banking on Joey failing to get a huge sum to pay off the rest of his debts. She quickly realized that if he did that, their entire finances would be at risk. She quickly went into her computer and opened up the files, looking for anything that may help. After an hour of searching, she found several ways to protect her family's finances from Patrick. She quickly made several phone calls and changed a few things around.

By the end of the day, everything looked normal on the surface, but Patrick's standing in the family was drastically different, and if the initiation went according to Margie's plan, Patrick would soon find himself in a hole he couldn't get out of.

That being said, she also had to find a way to ensure Patrick couldn't take a risk like that with their finances at all in the future, thus she went into their joint accounts and made a few tweaks wherever possible. It wasn't the best solution, but at the moment, it was the best one she had. When she was finally done, she called one of her cousins in another state, one who couldn't attend the Initiation but had connections elsewhere that were useful.

The call lasted an hour, and three hours later, she received another call, this time from a Private Investigator, who'd agreed to her terms. She smiled contentedly and anticipated decent results while fantasizing about her finally having her youngest son inside her.

A final thought occurred to her a minute later, and she quickly put that plan into motion, taking out her phone and dialling her brother's number.


Janie moaned out an orgasm after what seemed like the tenth time in two days, all from Joey simply pinching her nipples and slamming his fingers into her pussy and asshole at the right angle. Not only had Joey learned quickly, he'd seemingly mastered all the techniques she knew about, and invented one or two of his own on a whim. She finally called for him to stop so she could catch her breath.

As Joey removed his hands and sat down, his erection never going down from the constant attention he'd been giving to his sisters and cousin, Janie breathed very audibly in an attempt to subdue her body, coming down from the high of her latest orgasm.

"I don't know what you did in the interim between turning 18 and now, Joe, but you are certainly a god among men in the ways of sex!" She said, feeling her body cool down.

Joey smirked, "I've done practically nothing." He added, shrugging his shoulders, "I've just been watching porn when I wasn't studying."

"What kind of porn are we talking about?" asked Lexa, who had been sitting in the corner, fingering herself while she watched Joey's practice session.

Joey suddenly felt self-conscious and stammered out a few instances under his breath. Even Janie, who was a few inches away, couldn't hear what he had said, so she nudged him.

"What was that?" she said, raising her brow.

Joey sighed, "I've been watching Jerk Off Instruction videos, Superman Stamina videos, Pornographic music videos, and a few videos where the focus is on the guy and not the girl, all to retain some information on how to please a woman." He explained.

"And from watching those videos, you somehow became a Sex Adept in a few months?" asked Janie, "How is that even possible?"

"Joey has an eidetic memory." Lexa said, "It's how he was able to graduate before everyone else. Maybe all the porn he'd been watching, coupled with the kinds of porn, got him to retain all the techniques to give a girl an orgasm, even though most of it would be fake."

"The Superman Stamina videos were real, as were a few of the Male focus ones."

"I think this horny boy needs a reward for doing all this research," Lexa said, smirking.

Janie nodded in agreement, and within a minute or so, the two of them were on their knees, running their tongues along Joey's erect cock. He watched them for a few minutes before he came from the pleasure and sight of such eroticism.

Janie, who had her tongue along his tip, got a blast of cum in her mouth, and quickly aimed it for Lexa, who was closer to his ballsack. She quickly gobbled down a glob that landed in her mouth, before the two of them opened their mouths and took the last few splashes on their faces.

A minute later, they kissed and licked each other clean, and Joey was rewarded with the sight of his girlfriend and cousin kissing, which made him hard once more.

A few hours later, the dinner bell was rung and the three of them got up and went to eat. Joey tried to get dressed, but Janie and Lexa pulled him out of his room, tossing his boxers on the bed and grasping both his hands, preventing him from getting free, as they escorted him downstairs.

The rest of the household was already at the table when they arrived. John and Patrick, along with Margie, Anne, and Sara, were all clothed, making Joey instantly regret being naked, and he tried to run upstairs to grab his briefs again, before Margie smiled and got up, crossed the distance and hugged her son tightly, pushing her breasts into his chest and kissing his cheek.

"Don't ever shy away from nudity amongst your family, baby!" She whispered into his ear, "Come this Christmas, your clothes will become the stigma and nudity at home will be as common as the incest!"

Joey's cock, which had softened a moment ago, went instantly hard at the thought of everyone walking around, and his sisters' breasts hanging out at all hours of the day. He smiled and kissed her back before they disengaged and sat down.

John glanced at Joey's erection for a few seconds before he grabbed his plate and filled it with food, getting to his feet as soon as he was done and storming out of the room. Patrick followed suit and went to his office. The rest of them heard two doors slamming a moment later. Sara scoffed and stood up, taking her clothes off and tossing them onto the empty seats. Anne and Margie followed suit and soon enough, everyone sitting at the table was naked.

They ate dinner in relative silence, breaking the quiet munching infrequently to ask Joey about his college life. Joey smiled and went into detail about his classes, friends, campus, and activities outside of school. He mentioned that since turning 18, he'd been to one or two bars in the area, and even a strip club, much to the chagrin of Lexa. He quickly amended his statement and said that he'd left the strip club within a minute of arriving, but Lexa quickly smiled and burst into laughter.

"Joey, I don't care if you left the strip club a minute after arriving." She said, "I just think it's funny that you chose to go there at all."

Joey shrugged, "I was curious." He said, "Once I saw what it was about, I left. I didn't need to see naked girls shaking their asses on stage. I have a girlfriend. And now, I know I have a family of insatiable women ready to drop everything and have an orgy."

Margie considered his words before she said, "Not everything. There are still a few areas where we'll not engage in sex."

Joey paused with his fork near his mouth and lowered it, "Such as?" he asked, cautiously.

Margie sighed, "I'm going without sex for the next few days." She said, softly, "It's part of the ritual. I have to be primed to give you a fighting chance to make me cum. That's what John was so annoyed by the other day. He was horny and everyone else was occupied training you, so he wanted me to give him a blowjob and do it doggystyle. I said no, and we argued."

"Mom, I'm so sorry you had to go through that!" Joey said at once, standing up.

Margie stood up and put her hand on his chest, "No, it's not your fault, don't ever think that it is!" She said at once, pressing down on his flesh, pausing to admire his muscles, "This is who I am, part of what my role is as the family Matriarch. I had to withhold sex from your father when John was 18, and and now everyone except him and John is experiencing sexual pleasure in this house, it's bound to make them a little jealous now and then."

"Wait, why aren't they getting any?" asked Joey, looking over his shoulder at the dining room threshold.

"Because Dad's being punished for his infidelity and John's on a break with his girlfriend." Said Anne, taking a sip from her water, "At Thanksgiving, John made it clear that she would not be with you, and she told him where he could shove those words. They hadn't spoken since, except to argue. She told me she's spending Christmas at her parent's house in Florida because she's tired of his controlling behavior."

"Are they going to break up?" asked Lexa.

"We don't know. Our family traditions state that newly invited members have a spouse chosen in advance and to make them a perfect match." Margie explained, "John and Sophie were in love when he was invited, but now I'm not so sure. I think he may view you as some kind of threat to his future."
