Unexpected Family Tradition


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Joey cleared his throat, "It's...different." he managed to say.

"In a good way, from the feel of your bulge," Sara added, smirking, "Mmmm, feels like you're happy to see me."

"Or maybe my body's reacting to a pair of erect breasts poking into me." Said Joey, sitting up, "I already told Mom that I wasn't ready for any incest!"

"I know, I just wanted to make you feel better," Sara admitted, sitting up with him, her breasts swaying as she rose. Joey noticed that they were a cup size smaller than their mother's, "We did get interrupted last time."

"Because Dad said I wasn't inducted into the family yet." Remembering the day prior, Joey said, "So...how does one get inducted?"

"About a month before we turned 18, Mom and Dad told us about the family tradition, the history, and the rituals." Sara explained, "There's a ceremony a week after your birthday, during which time you're given instructions. If you're a girl, three men who are of age take your virginities, oral, vaginal, and anal. Then we get gangbanged until we cum four times, before they ejaculate their seed over you, in a bukkake. The more powerful your orgasms are, the higher your standing in the family becomes.

"But for guys, it's different. They are given three girls. Each girl has a special skill to teach them. One girl teaches them to eat pussy, one teaches them to last a while, and the third teaches other skills like kissing, teasing, fingering, you get the idea. At the end of your birthday, you're put to the test with Mom. You'll have to give her up to four orgasms, one from oral, one from vaginal, and then ass fuck her, then get creative and cum inside her at the same time she cums her fourth time."

"What happens if you don't cum at the same time?" asked Joey.

"There aren't any consequences for not cumming together, you're just not respected as much as you would if you manage to coordinate your orgasms from learning how to edge and stuff." Sara explained, "When John came of age, he almost managed to cum at the same time as Mom, but he was two seconds late. According to Mom, Uncle Jack was able to make Grandma cum hard and they came together after an hour of non-stop teasing."

"That sounds...impressive," Joey added, somewhat unconvinced.

Sara smirked, "Don't worry, Mom won't hold it against you if you can't match her. She'll love you all the same." She said, smiling, "Besides, with my help, you'll probably be able to last a while. I'm the Edging specialist."

"Who are the other specialists?" Joey asked.

"Anne is the oral specialist, you'll be practicing on her for the pussy munching." Sara said, "And Lexa wants you to take away your virginity, so she'll be doing the vaginal work."

"But since your birthday came and went, we'll be doing this on Christmas Eve, around midnight." Came a voice from across the room.

Joey and Sara looked up and saw Anne standing in the doorway, dressed in a transparent negligee. Joey saw that her breasts were nearly identical to Sara's and that Anne also had a tattoo along her stomach of a set of rose petals on a gust of wind. He must have stared at it for a while before Sara cleared her throat and pulled his chin over to her. Joey then saw that Sara also had a tattoo on her stomach, this one of a set of vines in the same space.

"These are our sigils." She said, bringing Joey's attention up to her face, "We're marked by our roles. Vines indicate endurance, and rose petals indicate ingenuity."

"It means we have special roles in the household." Said Anne, "When I have kids, it will be my job to instruct them on the rituals for the next generation, and Sara's job will be to help train the next generation in the way of sexual prowess."

"Does every woman in the family have a tattoo?" asked Joey.

"Not just the women, everyone." Said Sara, "After you've been inducted, you'll be given a role and a tattoo, to mark your place in the family. If you perform masterfully, your role will probably be high like Uncle Jack's, but if you mess up like John, your role may be lesser."

"What's John's role?" Joey asked, curiously.

Sara and Anne grinned at each other, "He's the bottom bitch." Anne said, "If one or more of our family comes out as gay, they're inducted similarly to both guys and girls, trained to give head, eat ass, and fuck someone to orgasm while edging themselves. John's bi, so he's in charge of training guys how to edge by getting fucked in the ass."

"Sounds like fun...for him!" Said Joey, grinning.

"Yeah, that's kind of why he was pissed off to learn you were completely straight." Said Sara, "He was hoping you'd be a total wimp and that he could get you to be the new bottom bitch and for him to be elevated to a more presentable role."

"But Mom says the law is paramount, and he's given that role for life," Anne added.

"Guess that makes me feel a bit better." Joey added, thoughtfully, "I need to get up and ready for the day, I started jogging while I was away and I'm losing daylight."

"Would you like a jogging partner?" asked Sara, getting to her feet and giving Joey a good view of her ass and pussy.

"Sure, but I should warn you, I'm pretty competitive!" Joey said, smirking.

"So is she!" Anne added, smiling and walking out of the room. Sara followed suit and Joey quickly got dressed in a pair of running shorts and a light long-sleeve hoodie.

Twenty minutes later, Joey and Sara were jogging on a path, each wearing a pair of running shoes equipped with grippers to counteract the damp snow and ice. They picked up the pace every so often and were not resting with a bottle of water on a park bench a few miles from the house.

Joey couldn't help but admire his sister's taut frame and beautiful tattoo, poking out from the midriff sports top she had on. He periodically caught himself staring at her ass through her yoga pants.

Sara smiled and nudged him, "You know, I'm going commando, so what you see is the unobstructed outline!"

Joey grinned, "It's a nice outline." He said, "I especially like the front."

Sara glanced down and grinned. She was sporting a cameltoe.

"Guess you like me after all!" She said, spreading her legs wide on the bench, "Only a true O'Brien would admire his sister's bare ass and pussy."

Joey smirked, "I guess so."

Sara's smile widened as she put her legs down on the ground and leaned in, kissing Joey's lips, "Mom told me you weren't ready for the family love thing. How are your feelings now?"

Joey sighed, "I'm still on the fence, but seeing you in my bed, feeling your body against mine...it felt good, I mean really good."


"There's a big difference between feeling up someone and fucking your sister." Joey explained, "It's a big step. I thought losing my virginity was a big thing, now I'm expected to fuck my sisters and mother, then engage in an orgy with the rest of my family...it's a bit much."

"The family orgies go at our own pace. Some of us take longer than others." Sara said, "I wanted to wait until the fourth of July to celebrate with the rest of the family. If you recall, you and Lexa went to the waterfront to see the fireworks, and that's when I decided to participate in an orgy."

Joey's eyes widened, "You fucked the family while I was out with my girlfriend?" he said, "That doesn't make any sense. When I got home, you guys were asleep in your rooms!"

Sara smirked, "Actually, no we weren't. We'd closed our bedroom doors before we left, to create the illusion that we'd gone to sleep." She said, "In reality, we didn't get home until two in the morning."

Joey sat back on the bench, "That...that's a lot to take in..." He muttered. a moment later, he felt Sara's breath on his cheek and pressure on his shoulder. He looked over and saw that she'd leaned into him yet again, and while he didn't immediately object, he soon realized that if anyone saw them, some questions would be asked that he wasn't prepared to answer.

"We should head home." He said, getting to his feet, "I'm hungry, we should get some breakfast."

Sara smiled, "We can get breakfast anywhere." She said.

"But I also need to shower, if you'll recall. We skipped that to come out for a jog." Joey said, catching the grin creasing his sister's face.

Sara thought for a few minutes then nodded. The two of them resumed their jog, heading back the way they'd come, and were back at the house twenty minutes later.

As they walked into the house and discarded their outdoor clothes and shoes, they could hear loud voices coming from their dad's office. As they rounded the corner to the living room, they saw Anne and John standing a few feet away, their arms folded and their faces turned to the office door.

"What's going on?" Joey asked, alerting his older siblings to their presence.

Anne turned and smirked, "Mom cut Dad off from all family pussy for tampering with her email." She explained, "He just got caught trying to circumvent her authority by hacking into her Messenger account. Now, he's cut off for three months!"

"Why?" Joey asked, dumbfoundedly.

Anne smirked wickedly, "When Mom found out that Dad deleted the email you sent, she told the family group chat that he was cut off. What Dad doesn't know, however, is that there's a second group chat with only the women in the family, and Mom put a code word in that chat in case Dad tried exactly what he did a few minutes ago.

"When Dad got into her Facebook account and went to the Messenger page, he tried to impersonate Mom and said, 'Patrick's learned the error of his ways, and is no longer banned'. Five seconds later, he got bombarded with responses saying, 'What's the code word?' and couldn't come up with the right code word in time before the home phone started ringing."

Joey laughed out loud, then his face creased into a thoughtful expression, "So, who's in the group chats?" he asked.

Anne's smile faded, "Everyone involved in the family love." She said, "At least, everyone who's been informed and inducted. You'll probably get the invite after you get inducted. As for the other one, that's exclusive to the women in the family. It's for important messages like when the next event is, and whether people are cut off for transgressions like what Dad's been doing."

"What has Dad been doing?" asked Sara, folding her arms.

"Shit that's just got him Cucked!" Said John, ruefully, "I think Dad's gotten it into his head that he doesn't want Baby Joey to join the fun!"

Joey's eyes narrowed, "Why not?" He asked.

"No idea, but to be honest, I'm starting to agree with him!" John said, turning and glaring at him, "Ever since you got back, I haven't had a moment's peace! It's all, 'Joey' this and 'Joey's invitation' that. And it's not just these two and Mom, it's everyone. Did you know Janie and Jackie want to have a threesome with you to ring in the New Year?"

Joey blinked in shock, "What?!"

John nodded, "Yeah, they told me after our orgy the other day that they want to start a new tradition, called 'Midnight Menage'!" He said, "They want to 69 when the clock strikes midnight and have you enter them for twelve strokes each after everyone screams 'Happy New Year'."

"That sounds like fun! We should do that!" Said Sara, looking at Anne, "We could have it with Mom! She can 69 with you and I'll use a strap-on!"

"Typical!" John muttered, "The sluts want to experiment instead of joining their older brother, like I'm not even here!" he then turned and walked away, shoving Joey as he walked, muttering curses to himself.

Joey watched him go then turned back to Anne, "What's his fucking problem?" he asked.

Anne sighed, "John's been getting more and more frustrated since your birthday." She said, "A few years ago, when Sara joined in, he was thrilled to have another girl in the mix, said something about 'more potential' for fun! But every time a guy joins in, he's always the first person to test if they're gay or not. John's been the first responder for gay sex ever since he came out of the closet and said he was bisexual. I doubt he regrets it, but I think he's grown tired of dick and wants to shower himself in pussy."

"If he wants more pussy, then why doesn't he just go out and get some, or enjoy his fiancé whenever she comes for a visit?" Joey asked, "You guys told me that you schedule parties and stuff. Why doesn't he just go onto the group chat and ask his cousins or aunts for some socializing?"

"Because it's not how the process works." Said Anne, "Most members of the family live in other cities, so they have to travel here to do events. There are a few other families locally, but each branch has its own rules, depending on their role. Since Mom was the first-born daughter in her line, she was given a lot of responsibility and a lot of respect among her cousins and brothers."

"The line of succession is really important." Sara added, "It's basically like the Royal Family. You've got Mom, Uncle Jack, and their younger siblings, and each branch has its of-age members. Mom is the Alpha Dog, Dad is her Consort, and everyone is subservient to them. When each of us came of age, we learned and performed, and were given a task afterward that corresponded to our preferences and abilities. Anne and I instruct new members in the ways of pleasure, John is the one to test one's sexual preferences, etc."

"Since you're the youngest, you're the last one to get tested and in some cases, there's a lot of pressure on you to perform. If you fail to cum when Mom cums, you may end up getting a role worse than John." Anne said, grimacing, "It could be anything from being the Omega, essentially the lowest member and the one who gets treated the worst, like you could get ass-fucked by everyone who wants it, regardless of whether you're gay, straight, or bi.

"Or worse, you could be cut off from us altogether. And by that, I mean, you could end up being exiled, shunned, your finances revoked, and no one would be allowed to talk to you."

Joey's brain hurt upon hearing all of that, and he felt his legs give way as he collapsed to his knees. Sara was at his side almost instantly, holding him up. Anne quickly followed suit and soon the two of them helped him take a seat on the couch. Joey began to shake with fear, feeling very cold, but his fears were quickly elated when he felt his sisters' arms fold in around him, holding onto him tightly.

It was at that moment that the office doors opened and Patrick stormed out, walked past the three of them and grabbed his coat, shoes, and keys. He then slammed the front door shut and they heard the car start a few seconds later.

Margie came out of the office a few minutes later, tears streaming from her face. Anne quickly disengaged from Joey and ran to her, taking her into her arms and hugging her tightly. Margie patted her back and sobbed into her shoulder before they broke apart and came to rest on the loveseat next to the couch.

Joey, feeling somewhat shaken from the revelation, cleared his throat and asked, "What just happened? Mom, are you alright?"

Margie nodded, sobbed out once more, then said, "I'll be fine, baby. Your father just didn't take kindly to the news."

"What news is that?" asked Anne.

"Your father just had all access to every woman in the family from now until the end of the winter season." Margie said, "Essentially, we've discovered he's been treating more than just me with varying degrees of disrespect. After the two of you left for your morning run, I had a meeting with the other women in the family, and it seems that Patrick has been doing extracurricular activities at other people's houses without my consent."

Joey looked at Anne for clarification, "It's one of the things we schedule." She said, "If people want to have fun, they're free to do so in the house with little to no issues. it's essentially the same etiquette as if you were in a bathhouse. Non-verbal communication indicating whether you want to do something and a quick nod or head shake to see whether you can do so."

"But for doing stuff with family members from other households, you have to schedule it, like an open marriage." Said Margie, "If I wanted to spend the day having a threesome with your Uncle Jack and Aunt Linda, I'd first have to clear it with your Father, then schedule the time with Jack and Linda. I can't just knock on their door, announce my desires, and go from there!"

"So, basically what you're saying is, Dad's been having sex with people without your knowledge or consent?" Joey asked.

Margie nodded, "Yes. He's been telling his partners that I've sanctioned these outings and have been spending some time with his nieces and aunts." She said, "After I told the group chat that he'd been cut off, I got a dozen different messages from people saying, 'What about our scheduled evening on Monday?' and other stuff like that. I then went through all the different messages, cross-referenced them with times I've said yes to him going out, and realized he'd been doing stuff behind my back.

"His business meetings back in October were never taking place. He'd been fucking his secretary as well as a handful of in-laws."

Joey sat back, "So, let me get this straight." He said, "We have to schedule sex like we're making plans to go out, get consent from our partners or other family members, and there are consequences for not telling people?"

"Precisely right." Said Margie, "In fact, now that I've been informed that your Father's been unfaithful, I'm starting to question the entire thing here."

"You don't mean ending the family love, do you, Mom?" asked Sara.

"No, of course not, sweety!" Margie said, immediately, "What I am saying is that we need to establish better rules and make sure no one abuses the system. Your father's infidelity has made me realize something so after the meeting was over, I went through some of our financial documents."

"What did you find?" asked Anne, leaning in.

Margie looked from Joey to Anne to Sara, and took a deep breath before she spoke, "I think your father is gambling away our bank accounts." She said, "Don't worry, Joey, your scholarship was separated from the main bank account, there are no issues there! But, we may be losing our home if we don't find a way out of the hole your father has been digging."

"How has Dad been gambling away our family's finances?" asked Joey, his voice quivering with anger.

"Several ways. Horse racing in the spring, strip clubs in the fall, a few whores here and there, and one or more trips to the local casinos, of course." Margie explained, "In the last year or so after you left, he's been dipping into our vacation funds trying to pay off some large gambling debts, in addition to paying for women to suck him off, strip for him, and join him in a few dalliances with his sisters-in-law."

"So, not only is Dad a sexual deviant and a gambler, he's also an adulterer." Said Sara, angrily, "No wonder he didn't want us to celebrate Joey's birthday! He doesn't want to share any of this with him!"

"That may be true, in more ways than one!" Said Margie, looking grim at Joey, "You see, Joey was...an unplanned pregnancy."

Joey's world just took another deep turn. His head was pounding with all the information, it seemed too much for him to bear. He tried to stand but his legs gave out yet again and he collapsed on the couch, his head hitting the wall on the way down.

"Oh my!" Margie said before she got to her feet and reached out for Joey, "Call 911! Now!"


December 18th.

Joey woke to the beeping sounds of a heart rate monitor and other medical devices. He blinked and saw bright lights and heard old-style incandescent bulbs overhead. He looked around and saw Lexa in a chair, while Sara's head rested on his leg. He realized immediately that he'd probably collapsed and was brought to the hospital, and was now in a bed, wearing a gown.
