WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 18


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"Master," Dawn said, starting to get a little frantic, and finally catching on, "I'm sorry, Master. I meant no offense. I just thought nothing more was happening right now."

"I think another hundred for all the other times today she neglected to address me properly. What's that? Two hundred?"

"Oui, Monsieur. Two hundred."

"Two hundred! Master, I won't be able to sit down for a week," Dawn whined.

"Which I will reduce by fifty because this slave gave her Master very good advice. Chantelle, you don't have any problem administering punishment for your Master, do you?"

"No, Monsieur. I am quite angry she would disrespect my Master as she has. I will be able to take over for Monsieur quite adequately, I am positive."

"You haven't packed away all the toys, have you?"

"No, Monsieur. I know exactly where they are."

"Why don't you get what we need. Dawn and I will be right there."

"Oui, Monsieur." Chantelle disappeared into the bedroom."

"Position One, slave."

Dawn quickly knelt into the proper position.

"No matter if your Mistress or Master is present or whatever problems they may experience which may it difficult for them to adequately monitor their slave, you are always a slave. It doesn't change. It never changes. You are expected to comport yourself as one at all times. You will always show the proper respect to any dominant, no matter what, no matter who they are, no matter their mood or disposition. Your sole duty is to be instantly available to whoever requires your services, in whatever capacity they wish them used. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry for any earlier disrespect."

"I'm sure you are. You'll be sorrier still before we're done. Go into the bedroom."

Dawn got up and went to the bedroom. Chantelle was waiting in a quasi display position. Because she was holding the 'Enforcer' in one hand, her hands were behind her back instead of her head. Such a good little slave she was.

"Are you right handed or left handed, Chantelle?"

"My right arm is stronger, Monsieur, though I am capable of using either hand."

I sat down. "Dawn, you will get over my lap. Your hands on my right side, touching the floor, your feet on the left doing likewise. Each time a hand or foot comes off the ground, your punishment will increase by one stroke. Your buttocks will be up so they present a nice target. Chantelle, every time I nod my head, give her one swat. Dawn, you will repeat after me whatever I tell you. Any delay in repeating my words will increase your punishment by one stroke. I will count. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master. I understand."

"Good, let us begin. Over my lap now."

Dawn went over my lap, her hands to the right, her legs to the left and arched her ass to make a good target. I nodded my head and Chantelle's arm came down hard. Dawn howled, quite loudly.

"Turn on the TV loud," I said. "I have a feeling this slave will be noisy."

"Oui, Monsieur." Chantelle did as I requested, finding a war movie with lots of gunfire and explosions; perfect for our purpose. I motioned to Chantelle to reduce the strength of her spanking, bringing my fingers closer to signify half of what she'd just delivered. Chantelle nodded in understanding. After all, she was getting 150 of these.

"One, I am a sex slave," I said.

"I am a sex slave," Dawn repeated. I nodded. Smack. Whimper.

"Two. I am always a sex slave."

"I am always a sex slave." I nodded. Smack. Groan.

"Three. Every hour of every day."

"Every hour of every day." Nod, smack, groan, wriggle like a worm on a hook.

"Four. Every slut hole I possess is available night and day."

Dawn whimpered, "Every slut hole I possess is available night and day." Nod, smack, groan. She lifted her hand as if to cover her butt. She realized what she'd done and lowered it quickly back to the floor.

"You lifted your hand. We're still at four. I exist only for my Master's or Mistress's pleasure."

"I exist only for my Master's or Mistress's pleasure." Smack, shiver, groan.

"Five. In whatever way they desire to use me."

"In whatever way they desire to use me." Repeat. Tears started running from her eyes.

"Six. I will always be polite and respectful."

"I will always be polite and respectful." Smack. Dawn was shifting her weight from leg to leg, but still keeping the on the ground.

"Seven. As a good sex slave should."

"As a good sex slave should." I didn't even have to nod. Chantelle had grasped the purpose of the punishment quickly and punctuated each statement with another smack.

And so it went, swat after swat, me counting and saying the next line Dawn was to repeat; Dawn repeating it and receiving an exclamation point in the form of another swat. Her arms and legs started to get tired and it became harder for her to arch her hips and keep her ass up for Chantelle to spank. Her pussy was damp, clearly aroused despite the spanking. I think the words she was repeating back to me as responsible for her arousal as the spanking was. I was reinforcing her submission, she was a toy who now belonged to another and was subject to their whims and desires at any time. At fifty, I stopped for a rest period, taking the 'Enforcer' from Chantelle and using the handle to fuck Dawn's saturated sex to orgasm. She begged to cum after a dozen thrusts. I told her she could and she spasmed over my lap, clearly in the throes of a massive orgasm. I made Dawn suck the handle clean of her cum before I handed it back to Chantelle to begin again.

Before we reached the next natural resting point of 100, Dawn asked permission to cum again. Her ass was fiery red, but her pussy was pouting and leaking her fluids all over my legs.

"Are you cumming from your spanking, slave?"

"Yes, Master. Please let me cum. I don't know if I can hold out much longer."

"You may cum, slave."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." We both witnessed her cunt pulsating in waves of pleasure.

I waited until her trembling eased and asked her if she'd like a small break to rest her arms and legs. "No, Master. I want to get it over with. Continue."

So we did. We stopped at one hundred and I fucked her with the handle to two more orgasms, one after the other, barely any time between them. When Dawn licked the handle clean, Chantelle started again. Dawn climaxed twice more during the final fifty. Her cunt was a saturated mess when she repeated my last statement. "I am a sex slave, providing pleasure to any or all persons, male or female, day or night, with my cunt, my ass and my mouth, as my Master or Mistress shall direct."

"One hundred, fifty. Very good slave." I allowed her to get off my lap. "You will now pleasure Chantelle's cunt to thank her for your excellent spanking and for being a superb example of sex slavery. You may stop after she's had five orgasms."

"May I be allowed to cum again, Master?"

"If Chantelle finds you sufficiently pleasing, she may grant you release once more, but only if you do an excellent job. Chantelle, you may remove your clothes again so this slave may pleasure you, after which you may dress or not, as you wish."

"Oui, Monsieur."

Her clothes were off in a flash and Dawn was nestled between her legs almost as quickly. I was hard enough to pound nails, but at the moment, I did not feel I had anywhere to turn to for relief unless I masturbated. I'd consider it later, but there was too much to do now and I was still nervous awaiting Marcia's phone call. I started to pack what Chantelle hadn't gotten to this afternoon while we were out. Except for a few of the toys and the clean clothes, plus my electronics, there wasn't much left to do. I divided the clean clothes into three piles, mine, Chantelle's and Dawn's to the best of my recollection, putting mine in my suitcase. I put all the electronics in my knapsack except for my phone, which I'd need tonight. At some point, I heard Dawn cumming again, so she must have been sufficiently satisfying to earn it, because I doubt Chantelle would have allowed her to cum if she wasn't. When they finished, they started packing their things. Chantelle put on some clothes again, thank God, because I don't know what I'd have done if she hadn't. Watching Dawn's naked form moving around the room was torture enough.

Around a quarter to ten, I got the call I'd been waiting anxiously for all day. Marcia.

"Please tell me the buyers haven't backed out or the closing has been delayed?" She asked.

"None of the above," I replied, stepping out of the room for better reception and some privacy, "though you may wish it was one of those things."

"Is somebody sick?" Marcia asked. "You're going to be able to get here on schedule aren't you?"

"Nothing like that. If you give me a few minutes, I can explain everything, I promise."

"Okay, tell me."

"Chantelle told me she wishes to leave Brianna and become my - our - sex slave."


"She's decided she would prefer a Master to a Mistress and wants me to be her Master, but it's more than that." I paused, not for dramatic effect, but because I dreaded the next few words coming out of my mouth. "She said she loves me."

There was silence on the other end of the line. It was quiet for so long, I started to wonder if she'd hung up and glanced at the phone to see if we were still connected. We were.

Finally, Marcia said, "She says she loves you. And that's why she wants you to be her Master?"


More silence.

"When did she tell you this?"

"This morning, just before I texted you."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her I would never make a decision like this without your full agreement and approval. She said she'd expect nothing less. She doesn't want to interfere in our marriage in any way."

"As if falling in love with my husband isn't all kinds of interference."

I didn't say anything. She was right.

"Have you fucked her since she told you?" Marcia asked.

"No. I couldn't."

"Why couldn't you? She's still a slave, submissive to you."

"Because circumstances have changed. We're no longer talking about fucking for fun. We're talking about sex with an emotional connection. This is more like you and Morris, except Chantelle isn't going to die in the next few months. Sex with her won't be the same as it was."

More silence. "Do you love her?"

"Not to the degree I love you, Marcia, but yes. I have to admit I do. I didn't realize it until she said she loved me. I'm sure part of it is that of all the other women I've been with, Chantelle enjoys being with me, alone, not necessarily as an appendage to another woman. I assumed she was Brianna's and I would never do anything to harm our marriage, so I didn't think about my feelings for her ever, content with what it was. But I have to be honest with you; I do love her to some extent, which I realized after her pronouncement."

"Do you want to leave me for her?"

"Never, Marcia. You are the most important person in my life. I can't love anyone more than I love you. If you say the word, I will never speak to Chantelle again. Chantelle has said she intends to leave if we cannot accept her. She realizes she would prefer a Master and another is unavailable at Brianna's estate. She would not remain a constant reminder to you of what happened. She would disappear from our lives forever."

"That isn't what you want to happen though, is it. You'd prefer she become your slave?"

"I would," I admitted. "However, I don't want you to consider what I want. This can only be about what you want and need. I told Chantelle I would never be strong enough to share you with another man who loved you. I don't expect you to be any different than I am. Why should you have to be?"

"If I tell you I want her out of our lives, I'll be the bad guy; the one who broke up two love birds. How long before you resented me for saying no?"

"I'll tell her. You don't have to be the bad guy in this. And I will never resent you for saying no. It would be like resenting me for saying no to Morris or another one like him, because I can't bear the thought of you loving another."

"But you would like me to accept a slave who loves you and you love in return. How will I ever be anything but the bad guy? You couldn't tell her yourself she couldn't be in our lives. You waited until you talked to me. The decision has become mine. It doesn't matter who tells her, I'm the one who made the fucking decision."

"I'm sorry, Marcia. This was as unexpected to me as it is to you."

"Fuck! This is such a shit storm! If I say yes, how long before I start resenting her and you?"

I didn't say anything. There was nothing to say.

"Could you put her on a plane so she isn't driving cross country with you?" Marcia asked.

"I'm sure she could fly home. I'd still have Dawn to share driving duties with."

"That little slave slut. Have you fucked her, too?"

"No, Marcia. Not like that. I've used the handle of the 'Enforcer' and my fingers and that's it. I don't even feel comfortable having any kind of sex with her either, now. This is not what you signed up for and I know it."

"This is my fucking punishment for breaking our marriage vows, I know it."

"I broke our marriage vows too. Where's my punishment?"

"Your punishment will be the guilt and loss you feel when I send the little bitch packing."

I remained silent. Nothing I could say now would make her feel any better. This is something she had to work through on her own.

"I want to talk to her. Is she available?"

"She's in the room. I came outside to have some privacy."

"Please give her your phone and let me talk to her."

"Of course."

I went to the door and called Chantelle over. I handed her the phone and told her Marcia wished to speak to her. She stepped outside and I went inside and closed the door.

Dawn said, "She's not taking it too well, is she Master?"

"The understatement of the year."

"Is it what you expected, Master?"

"More or less. It's one of the possible outcomes I envisioned. Most of them had unpleasant endings."

"I'm sorry, Master."

"Me too, though you don't have anything to apologize for. This mess is one we sort of got our own selves into. I guess it's one of the risks you take when you play with fire. Sometimes you get burned."

When a half hour went by and Chantelle still wasn't back, I looked through the curtains to see if she'd spontaneously combusted or her head exploded from what I expected Marcia was saying to her. She was still talking out by the pool, walking calmly. I was pacing inside, more agitated than she was. Another half hour went by and I wondered if my phone's battery wasn't getting close to depleted. Peeking out, Chantelle was still calm. Maybe being a slave lended itself to remaining calm when heads were being lost all around you. Fifteen minutes later, Chantelle came in and handed me the phone. The connection was ended.

"Mistress Marcia said she would call sometime tomorrow or the day after with her answer, Monsieur. We don't have to buy airline tickets. I can still drive back with you."

"What did she say to you?"

"I will not discuss all that was said, Monsieur. I will say she was very upset to start, but she gradually calmed down. She did say you told her you returned my love, Monsieur. I know this was hard for you to tell Marcia and I appreciate you told her this."

"I have to be honest with her as well as myself. Life is hard enough without trying to keep track of all the lies. Do you have any idea what she might decide?"

"No, Monsieur. Despite becoming calmer, she was still very upset. I am sure she feels I betrayed her. I tried to assure her it was not my intent to fall in love with her husband, and there is no accounting for the heart. We will have to see."

"I know it was hard for you," I said.

"No harder than it was for you and perhaps less, Monsieur. She is your wife and I know how dearly you love her."

"Is everyone packed except for our bathroom things?"

"Oui, Monsieur." "Yes, Master."

"We get up at seven tomorrow morning. As soon as we're done using the bathroom, I'll get a luggage cart. Chantelle, pack what we're carrying in the ice chest and throw everything else in the fridge away. Put the clean dishes away. We'll stop for fast food for breakfast. Dawn and I will load the luggage cart and as soon as we load what we can in the car, Dawn will have to stay and watch it so no one walks off with anything. I'll get any remaining luggage and the ice chest and bring it down to the car. Chantelle can drive. You can pick me up at the front after I've paid the bill. Sound like a plan?"

"Oui, Monsieur." "Yes, Master."

We got into bed. Chantelle wore a sleep shirt. I wore sleep pants. Dawn was the only one who went to bed naked and I had her sleeping between Chantelle and I. I still hadn't had any relief since this morning and was nervous and agitated. I figured having an orgasm might help me sleep. I started to stroke myself.

"Are you masturbating, Master?" Dawn asked.

"Yes," I said, starting to breathe harder.

"Get a room. Oh, yeah. You got a room and I'm in it. Master, what the fuck! Do you want me to take care of that for you?"

"No," I panted. "I want you to shut the fuck up and go to sleep."

"Once you stop beating your meat, I might be able to sleep, Master, but the bed is moving too much."

God, she was a sassy wench. I might have to punish her again tomorrow.

"I don't think we punished you enough. You're sleeping on your back," I said. I groaned and spilled my seed. When the spurting was over, I reached for the box of Kleenex on the bedside table to wipe myself off.

Chantelle's hand reached over Dawn and gripped my arm.

"Je t'aime, Monsieur."

I grabbed her hand in mine and squeezed it. "Je t'aime, Chantelle."


Everything went like clockwork the following morning. I took a shower on my own, then the women went in. I was all brushed and ready to go before they got out. The car got loaded, the dishwasher emptied, as was the fridge. We grabbed a quick bite, dropped Dawn off at Joe's and headed to the closing. When I got there, Chantelle agreed to keep an eye on the car to make sure nothing walked away. Having a car full of valuable stuff did not make me feel comfortable leaving it alone. Inside, I handed the closing agents the Power of Attorney which they needed to attach copies of to the paperwork to address why Marcia's signature wasn't on any dotted lines. The closing took about three and a half hours. I gave the keys to the house to the real estate agent handling the buyers. I said they would have to get the key fob for the clubhouse and pool from the homeowners association, in addition to the gate entry window sticker. They gave me a big check which I would deposit in my account before leaving town.

I collected Chantelle from the lobby where she'd been watching the car and took one last drive to my development. I peeled the window sticker off the car and brought the two key fobs I'd been issued and gave it to the secretary in the clubhouse. I made sure she dropped my email address off the HOA roster so I wouldn't get any more notices about yard sales, pub crawls and board meetings. I took one last drive past the house. The grass was starting to get long again. If you didn't mow your yard once a week in the summer, it was overgrown. Not my problem anymore. I did stop one last time to say goodbye to Karen. She'd been a good neighbor, helping out on occasion in return for my help with her hurricane shutters and assorted other tasks.

"You take good care of that wife of yours, Sammy. She's a keeper."

"Don't I know it. She's in school now. Had to go back to the police academy to get a job in California. Six months of school. I am so eager to see her again, we're leaving today. Plan to drive until I can't drive anymore."

She gave me a hug. "Keep in touch. I want to hear all about those babies of yours."
