WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 18


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"Of course," I said, "I'll send you pictures."

"You do that."

As soon as I was back in the car, I had Chantelle send a text to Dawn telling her to get ready. We'd be there in fifteen minutes. As soon as we pulled up, Dawn was walking to the car, a little bow legged, it appeared to me. Her hair was messy and clothes disheveled. She looked like exactly what she was, a woman fucked silly for several hours. She climbed into the back seat.

"Where's Joe," I asked, "doesn't he want to say goodbye?"

"Joe was having trouble moving around. He might have pulled a muscle or something, Master. I near fucked that man to death. It was my last cock for awhile and I had to take advantage. He said to say goodbye and he'd talk to you later."

"That's my little slut. It's a good thing he doesn't have to work tonight?"

"He said he'd take a couple Excedrin and see how he felt after a few hours sleep, Master."

"I need to stop at the bank and deposit this check and we can grab a quick bite, then we're hitting the road."

"I'm ready, Master. Can I choose the music?"

"No rap, no hip-hop, no country. I can live with almost anything else. Rock and Roll, Blues or Jazz are my preferences."

"I'm cool with that, Master. I like rock music from the nineties. I kept a little something out of the luggage, Chantelle. I hope you don't mind." She pulled Chantelle's Womanizer out of her purse. "Just in case the trip gets boring."

We both laughed. At the bank, I deposited the check, keeping about $500 out for incidentals, though I planned on putting most of it on my debit card so I'd have a physical record of moving expenses for my tax return. We decided to stop at a combination Long John Silvers and Taco Bell just before we hit the freeway. Chantelle and I got fish and chips, Dawn got tacos and a burrito. Chantelle offered to drive the first leg of the trip. I told her the trip was going to be real easy. Take I-75 to I-10 in North Florida and head west to Los Angeles. Except for gas, food and restroom breaks, we didn't have to get off the highway for any other reason.

We were on the road by three. We hit a little rush hour traffic around Tampa, but from then on it was pretty smooth sailing. We stopped roughly every 4 hours for to stretch our legs and change drivers, buying gas when we did. We stopped about eight PM for more food. I remembered to send Joe the information on Jill with her contact information and a couple sentences about how I knew her and I thought she was reasonably nice. We had water and soda in the coolers, but we tried not to drink too much so we didn't need to make frequent bathroom breaks. Dawn took the second shift around Gainesville, I took the third shift around eleven just outside of Pensacola. Since everyone would be tired then, I wanted the late shift. I'd gotten a little sleep between Tallahassee and Pensacola where the road is really quiet and boring.

I still hadn't heard anything from Marcia. It worried me I hadn't heard from her yet. She did say she would call one of the next two days, but I expected an answer on the first day after she was out of school. If I didn't hear today, it probably wouldn't be until after school ended Friday. Maybe she thought she could think about it more after finishing school for the week.

After turning over the wheel to me, Dawn used the Womanizer to get herself off about four times, then she fell sound asleep. The erection I got from watching her masturbate helped keep me awake for several hours. Between 3:30 and 4:00 AM, just past Baton Rouge, Louisiana, when I stopped for gas, Chantelle took over again. Chantelle looked like she'd gotten some sleep in the back seat and would be good to drive again. Dawn was still asleep in the front seat, so I got in the back.

"Have you heard from Marcia yet, Monsieur?" Chantelle asked.

"No. I guess I don't expect to hear from her now until eight or nine tonight."

"Why so early, Monsieur?"

"It's not that early. We should be in the Mountain Time Zone by then, only an hour difference from LA. Same time for her, different time for us."

"Are you worried, Monsieur?"

"I am, very much. This might be the worst controversy we've ever had in our marriage."

She reached her arm back and I took hers and she squeezed it. I squeezed back.

"Je t'aime, Monsieur."

"I love you, too. Go ahead and stop on the East side of Houston. We'll get a nice sit down breakfast at someplace like Perkins or Denny's and let some of the morning rush hour traffic die before going through Houston."

"Oui, Monsieur."

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep as much as possible, although I've never had an easy time getting sound sleep in a car. I did manage to doze fitfully over the next several hours, waking up as Chantelle pulled into an IHOP right by Jacinto City. Apparently, Dawn's four orgasms had really helped her relax. She was still asleep when we stopped and we had to wake her up. She got out of the car stretching.

"Where are we?" She asked, yawning.

"Just outside Houston, Texas."

"Wow! Really, Texas already."

"Really. You can make pretty good time when you don't make many stops. Once you're out of Florida, Alabama and Mississippi are fast, about an hour each, because we only go through little tips of them. Louisiana is longer. Texas is another matter. We'll still be in Texas at sunset tonight. Houston to El Paso is about 740 miles, 140 miles farther than Fort Myers to Pensacola, and we still have to get through Houston. In fact, it's almost the exact same distance as Fort Myers to the Louisiana State Line. We're waiting for some of the rush hour traffic to clear before trying to get through Houston. States get a lot bigger west of the Mississippi River. We'll sit down for a good breakfast, fill the tank with gas and then go."

I brought in my iPad to check the route, and to see if there was any messages or emails from Marcia. Still nothing, so she hadn't decided before leaving for school. We all opted for some eggs, meat of some variety and pancakes.

After we ate, I asked Dawn if she'd ever driven through a really big city before.

"Does Tampa/St. Pete count?"

"Not nearly as big. Houston's probably four or five times bigger than Tampa/St. Petersburg. The metropolitan area is considered to be about a hundred miles wide, essentially people are commuting into Houston from fifty miles in every direction. It's roughly equivalent as driving from South Miami, through Fort Lauderdale to Palm Beach, all horrible traffic."

"Then no."

"If you feel uncomfortable driving through big city traffic, I can get us through Houston before turning it over to you."

"We stay on I-10 the whole way?"


"I should be okay then."

"We should get to San Antonio about three hours past Houston. San Antonio's smaller than Houston. More Tampa sized. I've checked the map and because I-10 curves north out of San Antonio, the route takes us on this bypass around San Antonio." I showed her the map. "It's called North Loop 1604. Because it's quicker than staying on I-10, I'm going to load this in the Nav System so you don't miss the turn. You should be turning it over to me on the north side of San Antonio, back on I-10, around Boerne or Kerrville."

"Got it. Have you heard back from Marcia yet?"

Chantelle looked up. I shook my head 'no'. "Not yet. Realistically, I didn't expect to hear until tonight if she didn't answer last night. Wishful thinking on my part."

"Do you think she'll agree?" Dawn asked.

I paused, wondering if I should put a brighter face on it than I thought. No. I wasn't going to create false hope. "I couldn't if the shoe was on the other foot. It's an awful lot to ask. I'd be very surprised if she agreed."

Chantelle got a crestfallen look on her face. "I'm sorry, Chantelle," I said. "It was a long shot. It's easy to think it might be relatively simple given how much we were all together and enjoyed one another's company, but it's a big step from fun and games to specifically sharing a spouse with another who loves them. Even harder when they love them back. I suppose there is a chance. She hasn't said 'no' yet, but I'm not too hopeful. If she was going to agree, I would have thought she'd answer by now. The longer it is, the less likely it becomes. It means she can't get her head around it."

Chantelle started silently crying, big tears going down her cheeks. Dawn put her arm around her and gave her a hug. Chantelle leaned her head against Dawn's shoulder. It should be my shoulder, but I couldn't. I was already starting to wall off my emotions knowing how hard it would be to say goodbye. I'd gone from on top of the world, to the fucking depths in the space of a single day. After about five minutes, Chantelle sat up straight and wiped her eyes dry. She went to the ladies room with Dawn to put herself in order. I paid and went to the men's room after they returned to watch the car. Dawn got in the driver's seat and after filling up the tank, she got on the freeway and headed west. I put our route on the navigation system for when she got to San Antonio. Chantelle was in the back seat with her eyes closed, though I could tell she wasn't sleeping. Maybe not even trying to sleep, though she had to be tired.

I waited for us to be out of the worst Houston traffic, then tried to sleep some more. If I had a pillow, I might have been more successful, but my head felt like it flopped around too much. I might have dozed some between Houston and San Antonio, but I woke up when we hit heavier traffic and the car kept slowing down. I decided to wake up and take a look at the stock markets. Things were going pretty much as I expected. Chantelle looked like she was asleep in the back seat now. We got to Boerne and I suggested we fill up the tank and change seats again. We were heading for wide open spaces and I liked to do so with a full tank. Since it was 1:00, we also stopped at a McDonald's drive thru. Refortified, I hit the road.

"You're right, Master. There isn't a lot of stuff out here," Dawn said.

"Not much. You might drive for 50 miles without seeing a gas station. We'll stop in Fort Stockton to gas up again. It will be time to switch drivers. Probably get some food too. The next major city after Fort Stockton is El Paso. I think we should stop someplace and spend one night. I don't really want to stop in El Paso. A lot of border drug violence there. If we go another 35 miles farther on, we'll get to Las Cruces, New Mexico, and I feel better spending the night there instead of El Paso. We'll have to empty the car."

"Whatever you think is best. You don't mind if I use the Womanizer again, do you, Master?"

"As long as you are reasonably discrete. I don't want to pass some trucker and him or her seeing your cunt hanging out."

"I'll be careful."

She was reasonably cautious. We did have one trucker blow his horn when he caught a glimpse of Dawn pumping her pussy as we passed. Dawn climaxed five times and offered the toy to Chantelle, who declined. She looked as miserable as I felt. If there's anything worse than unrequited love, I don't know what it is. Dawn put the toy away and noticed my cock had enjoyed the show she put on.

"Would you like me to suck your cock, Master? Chantelle said she did it for you on the way to and from Busch Gardens."

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll respectfully decline."

"Have you cum since you masturbated a couple days ago?" Dawn asked.

"No, thanks for reminding me."

"I could stroke it if you don't want me to suck it, Master?"

"I have to commend you on your eagerness to address your Master's needs, but I'll get by."

As we got closer to Fort Stockton, Dawn used my phone and pulled up Yelp for a place to eat.

"There's this place called Mi Casita which gets fairly decent reviews if we want to try Mexican tonight, or we can go with an old standby, Pizza Hut. I'm leaning toward Mexican, Master. What does everyone else want?"

"Mexican sounds good to me," I said.

"I don't care where we go," Chantelle said from the back.

"Sounds like Mi Casita, then. We need to get on Hwy. 10 Alternate or a street called Dickinson Boulevard. It goes by both names on the map. It's 405 East Dickinson."

Dawn entered the address in the nav system and I started following the directions. It wasn't fifteen minutes and we were there. The food was decent and the prices were reasonable. Chantelle had a poor appetite. I knew why. Mine wasn't a lot better, but I felt better for having some food in me. Chantelle was going to be the last driver before we stopped for the night. By the time we finished eating and got more gas, it was going to be eleven PM before we stopped, but I was on the ragged edge of tired now, and Chantelle didn't seem much better. Dawn was the only one who seemed to have slept much in the car. Maybe it was because she was still having sex, even with a toy, while the rest of us were doing without. At least we wouldn't have to stop for gas again. Dawn took the back this time, I sat up front with Chantelle. I rested my hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze occasionally to let her know I was thinking about her.

I also started checking for hotels in Las Cruces. Ninety minutes into our leg I got a text from Marcia. I've made a decision. I don't want to discuss it now. We can speak about it when I see you. Shit, it didn't hint at anything. I had no idea what she was thinking, but more and more I believed she was adamantly opposed. Otherwise, why not say so. It might even be worse than I thought. Maybe Marcia was pissed off I'd let myself fall in love with another woman and she didn't want me either. I wondered if I'd done the right thing by saying I loved Chantelle back, at least until I had a chance to tell her in person so I could convince her she was still the most important person in my life. I texted back, "OK. We'll see you tomorrow. We're planning to stop tonight for about eight hours sleep. Planning to be there around seven PM tomorrow."

"I got a text from Marcia," I said.

Chantelle didn't say a word. I think she was holding her breath, but Dawn asked, "What did she say, Master?"

"She said she's made a decision but doesn't want to discuss it until we get there."

"What does that mean?" Dawn asked. Left off the Master, but I didn't even care that much.

"I don't know. It means we won't know until we see her. It means we're in limbo for another day."

"What does Monsieur think it means?" Chantelle asked.

"I don't think it's good, Chantelle. I believe she would say so if she was okay with you becoming my submissive. It would be a continuation of what our relationship already was except with the knowledge there were now some additional emotions involved. I think it could mean anything from 'No' to 'Hell, No' to 'I never want to see either of you ever again and I want to tell you to your two timing faces'."

"Je suis désolé, Monsieur. I am so sorry," Chantelle said, crying again.

"It's not your fault, Chantelle. At least, I am equally guilty. As you said before; the heart wants what the heart wants. We cannot help the way we feel. Neither of us looked for this. Neither of us planned this. It happened. I wish it hadn't, but it did, and we have to live with the consequences."

"What do you want me to do, Monsieur?"

"I don't know, Chantelle. I don't even know what Marcia wants yet. If she still wants me, I guess we have to say goodbye forever. I still refuse to do anything which would jeopardize my relationship with Marcia. But for all I know, my marriage is already toast and we'll both be looking for a new place to live. All we can do is wait and see what she says, and go from there."

"I will leave, Monsieur, if it would save your marriage. I would have to anyway to find a Master. I will visit my parents again, maybe contact George and see if he still wants a cook on his boat."

"I appreciate your willingness to sacrifice yourself, Chantelle. While it would break my heart, it would make it easier to repair my marriage. I'm sure George would love to have you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the offer."

Still, she did not stop crying and it was killing me.

"I can take over driving, Chantelle," Dawn said. "Or Master can if he's not too tired. I don't think you should drive while you're so upset."

"She's right, Chantelle. Either of us can drive if we're going to stop and sleep tonight. I found a hotel already. It's got two queen beds."

This made Chantelle cry even harder. She knew what two queen beds meant. We'd never be together again.

"Yes, please. Someone else drive." She started pulling over on the shoulder of the road.

"I'll drive, Master. I'm rested. I don't think you're doing all that great either."

Was it my red eyes, my runny nose, my sniffles that gave it away? Dawn hugged Chantelle as they exchanged places, even shared a tender kiss. Women handle emotional disasters so much better than men do. They know what to say, what to do; how to make the hurting person feel better. I entered the address of the hotel into the nav system while they were getting situated; the Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces. It was one of the highest rated hotels around Las Cruces. As Dawn started out, I made reservations.

Fortunately, we even got there a little early. I went in to register while Dawn and Chantelle waited in the car. I got a ground floor room close to the parking lot since we had to drag the stuff in from the car. The luggage cart helped. We'd been in the same clothes for about forty hours. We were hot, grubby and tired. As soon as we were in the room, Chantelle and Dawn took a shower. As soon as they were out, I took one and it was fast. I hadn't shaved since yesterday morning, but didn't bother now. Brush teeth and bed. Chantelle and Dawn were wrapped up in each others arms, but it wasn't for sex; it was for consoling and sheets covered them both. I got some clean clothes from my suit case including underwear, which I put on.

"We have about twelve hours left," I said. "I'd like to leave about 7:00, hit a drive thru, and go. How much time do you need to be ready?"

They conferred. "No more than thirty minutes, Master," Dawn said.

"I don't really want to make much in the way of stops except gas. If we can't get something at the gas stations to eat, more drive thru's. We still have to go through Tucson and Phoenix, not to mention Los Angeles. I'd like Chantelle to do the last shift because she's more used to LA traffic. I'll take the middle if Dawn can take the first. Hopefully, we can be there by seven tomorrow night."

"Even with the stops we need to make, Master?" Dawn asked.

"We gain an hour going from Mountain to Pacific time. It's about four hours to Tucson, so make a switch there with gas and food. Make another switch somewhere between California state line and Palm Springs and Chantelle can take us home."

Both of them assented to the plan. I set my alarm for 6:30 and got into bed.

"Je t'aime, Monsieur," a quiet voice from the other bed.

"Je t'aime, Chantelle."

Despite my fatigue, it still took awhile to drift off. It wasn't due to any activity from the next bed. Except for a few quiet kisses, they settled down as quickly as I did. I just couldn't help thinking about what Marcia wanted to say. It weighed on my mind for at least thirty minutes before I finally dropped off.


When the alarm went off, it happily disturbed one of the worst nightmare's I ever had. Marcia was burning down our old house with Chantelle and me in it. Our home for so much of our marriage, the symbolism of it going up in smoke was obvious, but the idea Marcia wanted to burn the two of us with it, only made the nightmare worse. I felt I was rushing headlong to the headman's axe, but couldn't stop because I wanted to see Marcia so bad. As soon as we put on clothes, I got the luggage cart from where we'd left it last night. One of the last to check in and one of the first to leave. We loaded up the car and Dawn got into the driver's seat. Chantelle got in the back. I went to check out and Dawn was waiting for me when I finished up.
