WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 18


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I put the Brianna's address in the Nav system and we set out. It got us back on the freeway in the most expeditious manner and we stopped at a gas station just before we got on, filling the tank and grabbing some junk passing for food from the rollers and caffeine in whatever form we most enjoyed it. We were rolling to our doom in no time.

"I've never seen so much brown and so little green before, Master. And I thought I'd be seeing mountains by now, tall ones. Aren't we going through the Rockies soon?" Dawn asked.

"It's called the desert southwest for a reason. You won't see much green again unless we cross a river or find some irrigated land. The average rainfall is probably twelve inches a year. You can get that much in Florida in a month or during one hurricane. Those mountains to the northeast are about 6000 feet high."

"They don't look that high, Master."

"They are about 5000 feet higher than anything in Florida not a building. They don't look taller because we're at around 3900 feet ourselves so they're only a couple thousand feet higher than we are. New Mexico has about 25 peaks higher than 10,000 feet, which is, I think, more than any other state except Colorado. They are all up in the northern part of the state. The Rockies aren't an unbroken chain of mountains. It's made up of a whole bunch of smaller mountain ranges scattered all over the western states, and they're not all these massive peaks which you're used to seeing. They range in size from smaller ones like the Doña Ana Mountains we're looking at now to the taller Organ Mountains behind us to the behemoths that make up Rocky Mountain National Park or the Cascades.

"You have to take into account your own elevation to determine how tall something is. Some of the passes through the Rockies are between 7000 to 8000 feet of elevation which means the peaks around it may only be 4000 - 6000 feet higher than you are even though they are all 11,000 to 13,000 feet tall. Mount Ranier near Seattle is the only mountain I can think of that looks really really tall because it's 10,000 feet higher than the surrounding plain and 4000-6000 feet higher than it's nearest neighbors. On a clear day you can see it from about 180 miles away. It's possible the entire Sierra Nevada Range may look similar when seen from Death Valley because Death Valley is below sea level so the mountains would be very high in comparison, but you my not even be able to pick out Mount Whitney, the tallest peak in the continental US, because the surrounding mountains are also quite high. I don't know because I've never been to Death Valley, though I'll try to go now I'm living in California."

"Marcia is right, Monsieur. You have a fountain of information stuck in your head. Why is that?"

"I read the entire World Book Encyclopedia when I was in the seventh and eighth grades. I've always been interested in learning new things. I'll see something which fascinates me and want to learn more. I see a movie like 'Braveheart' and want to study the entire period surround William Wallace. I see a show like 'The White Queen' and I want to read all about the War of the Roses, the battles between the Lancaster's and York's for the English throne. I've been watching 'Versailles' on Ovation and want to read all about Louis XIV. Part of it is to see how close they are sticking to history and part to know more. I watch 'Vikings' on the History Channel and I have to read all about Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons and the Normans and Normandy. One thing leads to another. I love the internet. So much information to be had merely by searching, and all the links buried in it which bring you to more and more."

I enjoyed New Mexico and we discussed some of the places and and things Marcia and I liked about it. We had friends in Santa Fe which was higher than Denver, over 7000 feet high making it a tallest capitol in the US. Additionally it was the oldest continuous capitol in the US. It was a capitol for the Spanish state of New Mexico starting in 1610, a territorial capitol for the New Mexico territory and now the state; over 400 years. The first permanent English settlement in the US wasn't until 1607.

"How many places have you visited, Monsieur?"

"You know what a traveler my mother is. I got some of her wanderlust from her. I've been to all fifty states, about 75% with my parents, the rest on my own. I don't have nearly the international travel she does. Most of the places I've been to outside the US were in the military or on dive trips."

We entered Arizona I started to talk about it and places I'd liked here; Grand Canyon, Sedona and even Tucson. I said the Kitt Peak National Observatory was south of Tucson. It wasn't just one, it was dozens of them gathered in one place. I said Tucson had light restrictions limiting the amount of light pollution people could make so it didn't interfere with the work of the observatories. We started to see a lot of saguaro cacti. Dawn asked about them and I said Saguaro National Park was near Tucson, but I'd never been there and I didn't know a lot about saguaro except it was an essential part of the ecosystem around here performing many of the same functions as trees did as a home for rodents and birds.

"Oh my. I almost hit that bird, Master. What the hell was it?"

"Road Runner. Doesn't quite look like the cartoon does it?"

"No. It's a lot browner for one thing."

Dawn continued driving until we got through Tucson, then we stopped to empty our bladders, buy gas and more food. I got a couple of hot dogs and a bag of nacho chips and a Diet Coke. I took over with Dawn riding in the front seat. I managed to get us through Arizona to the California state line.

"Where in California have you been other than LA, Monsieur?"

"Sequoia, Yosemite and Redwoods National Parks, and San Francisco. I was in Coronado by San Diego as a Midshipman in ROTC. They did amphibious training there, to promote different parts of the Navy or Marine Corps to see what we'd want to join. We did an amphibious invasion on the beach near San Clemente near where President Nixon lived. Of course, no one was shooting at us, so it was more fun than dangerous."

I went a little farther than I initially planned. There weren't a ton of places to stop after the border. I eventually pulled over in Indio, about five hours after I took over. We were getting down to the wire. This last segment might take anywhere from two and a half to four hours depending on traffic. We were hitting Los Angeles around the evening rush hour. I'd send Marcia a text when we were about a half hour away. We filled the tank one last time and Dawn was the only one who got anything to eat. It felt like there was a stone in the pit of my stomach and I couldn't eat anymore. I think Chantelle felt much the same way I did. The moment of truth was rapidly approaching and it didn't feel like a splendid moment was on the horizon.

Fortunately, being a Saturday, the traffic wasn't as bad as it was most week days and it looked like we'd get there in under three. I sent the text and crossed my fingers.

I was surprised when only Zoe was waiting for us as we parked. She was naked as all the slaves were expected to be when on the estate. She kissed Chantelle and Dawn, her sisters in slavery and greeted me formally.

"Good evening, Master. If you would all please follow me."

She led us back to the pool. It seemed almost everyone was there, even the children, but everyone looked quite solemn and intent. All the noise died down as we drew near. The stone in my stomach turned to a boulder. This looked worse than I expected. Brianna and Marcia both stood as we approached, standing close to one another. Both of them were naked as well.

Marcia said, "Slaves are naked on this estate. Strip down now."

Dawn and Chantelle hastened to obey.

"Slaves also kneel in the presence of a Mistress unless given leave to rise," Brianna said. "Neither of you have permission."

Both Dawn and Chantelle knelt down in their subservient position. Both their heads were bowed staring at the pool tile.

"Look at me, Chantelle," Marcia ordered. "I want to look on the face of the slave who betrayed me."

I started to say something and Marcia told me to shut up. "I will speak to you at great length later. This is none of your fucking business. I'm speaking to a slutty slave who fell in love with my husband."

"I'm as guilty as she is, Marcia. I fell in love too."

"Believe me, Sam. We will deal with your betrayal as well, but now I'm speaking to a fucking slave. Keep out of it if you know what's good for you."

I finally shut up. I always find it somewhat useful to let things burn themselves out before trying to apply reason. I'm not sure reason would work here anyway.

Making sure I wasn't going to interrupt again, Marcia said, "How many times have you fucked my husband since telling him you loved him?"

"None, Mistress. Monsieur did not feel it appropriate after my declaration and his became known."

"Will this slut corroborate your story?" She pointed to Dawn.

"Yes, Mistress. She has no reason to lie."

"Has Chantelle fucked my husband since her love became known?" Marcia asked Dawn.

"I'm reasonably certain it's not the case, Mistress."

"What do you mean, reasonably certain?"

"I was at the pool when they first told each other. I can't know what happened for certain, but they were both dressed when I came back to the room, which was not the usual occurrence. The only other time they've been out of my sight is while they were closing on the house and I was at Joe's. I assume they would have had limited opportunity to fuck at the closing, Mistress."

"What of when they were in bed together?" Marcia asked.

"I slept between them when we had one bed, and Master slept in his own bed when we had two. I haven't even seen Master naked except for the shower, Mistress, and he showered alone. To the best of my knowledge, Master hasn't orgasmed since he masturbated three nights ago. He hasn't used me either for any purpose other than to spank me and he was dressed at the time. He fucked me with the 'Enforcer' handle, but has not used any of us for his own relief."

Marcia glanced at me for confirmation and I nodded it was so.

Turning back to Chantelle, she said, "I trusted you with my husband, slave. You were supposed to take care of him in my absence, not replace me in his affections."

Chantelle started crying, no sobs, but tears of ineffable sadness trailed down her face.

"It was never my intent to replace you in his affections, Mistress. To the best of my belief, you remain uppermost in his thoughts, desires and love in all ways. I merely hoped to be added to his affections, Mistress. I did not hope to think he would love me as well, as I believe him to be forever yours. My request to submit to him includes you in my submission, Mistress. I believed I cannot have one without the other. I love you almost as much as I love Monsieur."

"You have a fine way of showing me how much you love me, slave; attempting to steal my husband who I love with all the depths of my heart. I loved you too, as a friend, as a lover, and now, I never want to see you again."

The hammer had dropped. Boom.

Chantelle sobbed openly. "I am deeply sorry, Mistress. If you give me a couple days to make arrangements, I will leave and you never shall see me again. I beg your pardon for falling in love with your husband and hope you might one day forgive me."

"That remains to be seen. Please go away." Marcia appeared to be done.

"Yes, Mistress." Chantelle started to stand.

"Wait slave," Brianna said. "Do you have anything to say to me?"

Chantelle resumed her kneeling position and turned to her Mistress. "I apologize to you as well, Mistress. I have loved you and loved being here. It has been the happiest time of my life. I did not intend to fall in love with Monsieur. Being with him has made me realize I enjoy being dominated by a male more than I believed possible. I would not stay here to torment Mistress Marcia, even if she allowed it. I believe I must leave to seek a Master as it has been more rewarding than I realized it could be. I doubt I shall find one I care for as much as Monsieur, nor possibly as much as I care for you, Mistress, but I will not stay where I am not wanted. I humbly beg to be released from my service to you and seek my own way in the world."

"Are you sure this is what you want, slave?" Brianna asked.

"Yes, Mistress. I believe Dawn will be an adequate replacement for me in all regards except cooking, Mistress. She has shown rapid improvement every day of her submission. She is a skilled cunt licker now, and with further tutoring from Monique, may become one of the best. Without another male to submit to, I must leave here."

"Very well. I release you. Please give me your slave jewelry," Brianna said. After Dawn handed her Brianna's jewelry, Brianna added, "Please stand. Slaves, please gather round and bid your sister goodbye."

Everyone quickly gathered around Chantelle and she was inundated with tits and cunts as they hugged her and wished her well. When everyone, including Dawn, had said goodbye in a shower of kisses, Chantelle turned to Brianna and said, "If it please you, Mistress, I would like to stay a couple days while I arrange with my parents to come home and buy tickets. I should be gone no later than Tuesday."

"I'm no longer your Mistress, but you're welcome to stay as long as you need to make your arrangements."

"Thank you, Brianna." She gathered up her clothes and turned to walk to the house.

Marcia said to me, "Are you not going to protest her loss and beg she be allowed to remain here?"

"Why? I knew this was a possibility as soon as she said she loved me and I her. I told her I could not make the sacrifice to allow you to be with another man who loved you and you loved in return. I would not expect you to do what I cannot. I discussed this with Chantelle and told her it was likely to happen. I will not let anything come between you and I, not even my love for a miserable little slave girl. She proffered and I accepted her offer to leave if you could not accept. It is the only fair thing to do for you."

Marcia nodded, then yelled out, "Slave. You haven't been released by all the Dominant's here. Come back immediately and kneel down like the little slut slave you are."

Chantelle was halfway to the house. She turned. "Mistress?" She asked.

"Brianna released you. I did not. Get your little whore cunt back here until you're released by all of us."

"Yes, Mistress."

She set her things down on the lawn and returned, kneeling before Marcia once again.

"What may a slave do for a Mistress?" Chantelle asked.

"She can lick her cunt, now."

Chantelle glanced at me, then glanced at Brianna in confusion. Brianna shrugged. "I'd do what a Mistress commanded," Brianna said. "You may not like the punishment." Chantelle held Marcia's hips and began to lave her cunt as she'd been trained to do. I was confused as hell, too. Was this another bit of humiliation and degradation Marcia planned for Chantelle in retaliation for her loving me. Marcia was easily aroused and orgasmed on Chantelle's tongue within a few minutes, leaving her cum smeared on Chantelle's face.

"May I be dismissed now, Mistress?" Chantelle asked, her head down submissively.

"No. Did you not dare to love my husband? Did you not risk all for his cock? Here it is," Marcia pulled my zipper down and released my cock from my shorts. "This is the cock you loved. This is your last opportunity to enjoy it. Suck his cock until he cums all over your whore face."

I started to say something and Marcia shot laser beams out of her eyes hot enough to melt armor. "You do not deserve to speak yet. You better shut up, hold still and plaster this slave's face with your cum, if you have any hope of my love ever again."

I shut up. If she was willing to offer me hope, I'd cling to it like a drowning man.

"We're waiting, slave. Are not the orders of a Mistress good enough for you or do you need a gold plated invitation?"

Looking up at me, Chantelle took my cock in hand and started caressing it as she'd done dozens of times before. I was upset and perplexed, and it was causing some reluctance on my dick's part to get hard, but the lack of sex over the last three days and Chantelle's experienced tongue was soon too much to resist. I felt myself hardening in her mouth and she was soon bobbing back and forth an a righteously hard boner. All too soon, my lack of pleasure over the last few days had my sperm stirring up a pot of trouble.

Marcia noticed the signs of my impending explosion. "On her face, you fucker, every fucking drop."

Everyone was watching, all eyes on the kneeling Chantelle sucking my cock masterfully, aiming to extract every ounce of my eventual discharge. I was panting hard, practically standing on my tiptoes, it felt so incredible. Chantelle's hands were cupping my balls and she felt them rise and my cock swell in her mouth. She pulled off at the last second and it was like I was shooting a fire hose on her face. Spurt after spurt of cum shot from the end of my cock and covered her face in a curtain of white cream, all the orgasms I'd denied myself for three days found itself on her face. Chantelle kept tugging on my cock and extracting another few drops of cum which she then wiped on her face with my cock, smearing it all over until she was covered.

"Is this what you needed, Mistress?" Chantelle asked, her eyes closed because nearly every square inch of her face was bathed in my spooge.

"Yes. You look perfect covered in cum, mine and his. Remain kneeling."

"Yes, Mistress."

Zoe came up behind us and handed Marcia something. I didn't see what; I was watching Chantelle's face which was a real mess. I wanted to grab one of the towels by the pool and wipe it off. I just waited, watching it drip off her face.

Marcia nudged me. "Are you going to put on your slave's new collar or do you expect me to do it?"

I looked down at the white leather collar in her hands which she held out to me. I looked at her in amazement. She smiled and said, "I thought the white would look better on her dark skin than a black one would."

"Do you mean it? This is not some horrible joke is it?" I asked.

"It's no joke, but for now, it's temporary. A trial period to see how well I can adjust to competing with another woman for your affection and attention. There are rules attached to her service. One; I will get your exclusive attention for three days of every week where I don't have to share you with anyone. Chantelle can squat in a cage for all I care, but you are mine without competition. This is regardless of whether I'm in slave mode or not. No one else gets you but me, and that includes any of these other delicious fuck toys who want your baby batter for making babies. My days are my days with no exception. Second; I am your number one slave. Thou wilt have no other slaves before me. Third, she must obey me as if the order came from your mouth. I don't care if I'm a slave at the time. I order; she jumps. There may be other conditions to follow if she's to remain in my good graces."

Chantelle could hear us speaking, but couldn't see a thing, her eyes still closed due to my cum, but the careful mask of despair she'd been wearing was gradually turning into the world's widest grin.

"Have you heard my conditions, slave?"

"Yes, Mistress. I have."

"Do you agree to abide by the conditions I've imposed on your servitude to Monsieur and myself?"

"I do, Mistress. It shall be as you say." Chantelle actually bent low at the waist and prostrated herself at Marcia's feet, kissing them. "Merci, Mistress. I thank you with all my heart."

"You'll pay with more than your thanks, many times over."
