Working at a Hucow Farm Ch. 08


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After Akiko signed up, Chiyo then started getting into the idea of being bred. By this point Fumiko was onto her second breeding, and she had gone to watch that. She began rambling about how many times she could be bred in her life if she started as soon as she turned eighteen. She became obsessed with beating mum's record. Having looked at her file, Yuki knew it wouldn't be a hard record to beat. Their mum was already in her late thirties when she signed up. Hell, even Yuki could beat her breeding record too if she gave her a ten-year head start.

Chiyo had asked all of her siblings to come watch her being bred as many times as they could when she left. Yuki scoffed at the idea. She hadn't even gone to see any of Fumiko's or Akiko's breedings. Airi and her younger sister Ami, did go to see her first breeding, however. She heard them talking about it that night as they fingered each other under the sheets, gushing about the size of the bulls, imagining that big thing inside them. Given that Airi was now here, Ami's future worried her. And just to add to the cruel twist of fate, now that Yuki worked here, she would eventually be assigned to breeding Chiyo. Her due date was coming up soon, so it wouldn't be long until her sister got her wish.

Then lastly, there was Airi. The bull who bred their mother that time must have been Asian too. Either that or he just had weak genes. She was the most Asian looking of her sisters. Everyone was right when they said she looked like a younger version of their mother. Yuki had hoped that she'd resist following her sisters. Her birthday came and went, and she was still at the orphanage. For a time, Yuki breathed a sigh of relief and enjoyed having one last big sister with her at home.

But of course it didn't last. Yuki could see her weakening to it as time went on. She brought more and more boys back to the room to fuck. Sometimes two in the same night. She visited the farms more frequently, telling Yuki everything she didn't want to know about her sisters and their pregnancy. She'd even gone to watch other, unrelated hucows being bred. Yuki had wanted to ask her to share another night beneath the covers with her, like they had done with Fumiko, Akiko and Chiyo so many times, but she feared toying with her desire when she was already so far gone. In the end, she wished she had asked for one more night to relive a time so lost now. Airi signed her rights away just before Yuki applied for a job there. She too had been put in a pen with a wild and fertile bull. Her precious older sister had been roughly bred like an animal and left to leak cum from her pussy.

She had wondered if she could scoop the cum from within her sisters when no one was watching. Let the farm think they were unable to fall pregnant or something. Yet upon trying this with another hucow, she realised just how futile it was. No matter how many times she dipped her fingers into the warm, plump pussy folds of her test hucow; no matter how much cum she scooped out, it just kept coming. There was an incomprehensible amount deposited inside of her. She could even feel the pressure of her womb full of it as she pressed her hand against the hucow's belly. Her eggs were literally drowning in an ocean of cum, being assaulted on all sides by millions or billions of sperm. Just as her sister's had been. The moment that bull was set on them; the moment he stretched their pussies wide with his cock and let loose inside them, they were done.

She wondered if she too had the same animalistic desire to be bred repeatedly like her sisters did. Would she one day find herself in a pen like them with a pregnant belly? She knew those feelings were there whenever she was masturbating. Hidden deep down, but definitely there. It was the nature of hucow daughters to desire the life of her mothers. She was scared to know how strong the siren song was. So far she had avoided it, but it had taken her sisters so strongly.

Now she was the eldest of her remaining siblings. The role she had once looked to Fumiko for. She felt alone. She had to look after both her younger siblings who looked up to her, and her sluts of older siblings at the farm. She didn't want to let any of them down, but she felt like she would.

She stepped into the cool lobby and headed for the reception desk. There was a woman standing there in a smart business suit. Her dark hair was tied back tightly into a bun.

Yuki waited for her to finish, listening in slightly to the conversation.

'...Okay, thank you ms Shishido. We look forward to future business with you.'

'Shishido...' Yuki shuffled to the side to try and get a look at the woman. She wore sunglasses, hiding a portion of her face. She was in her thirties and, as the name implied, Asian.

The woman thanked the receptionist before noticing the worker staring at her. She turned to face her, giving Yuki's heart a start. Even with the sunglasses on, seeing her face front on confirmed her suspicions. The resemblance to her mother was uncanny.

'Can I help you?'

'Uh...' Yuki stammered as she struggled to find the right words. This must be her sister. Well technically half-sister, but all of her siblings were half-siblings. Grrr, now wasn't the time for technicalities! This was her chance. 'You said your name was Shishido?'

'Yes. It is. Is there a problem?'

'No! no, no... I just... It's... my name is Shishido too, so...'

It wasn't really. Her last name was legally Park. That was the name she was given at the Orphanage. Hucow children were never given their parentage's names. There was no legal name to take. Just a barcode number. But when she saw her mother's name in the archives, it felt like it should mean something special to her. It should, but it didn't. She stayed with Park as that was the name her sisters had.

Now they just had barcode numbers too.

But this woman standing before her right now. She was a real Shishido. Far more real than her mother. Seeing her made her realise just how much that name could mean to her. A part of her heritage that mattered. A family.

'Oh. I see. It must be a common name.'

'But...! Did... did you mother.... I mean...'

It felt like the receptionist's eyes were boring into her more than the woman's. She had no idea how important this client was to the farms, or if she was about to insult her. But this was important. She wished she had started this conversation in private. She tried casting her mind back to the archive file. She was sure it listed a daughter and son to Hitomi before she came here. She had been here for 23 years. It seemed possible.

'Did your mother become a hucow?'

The woman's nose scrunched in disgust at the word.

'No I don't believe she did.'

Yuki felt crestfallen. She was so sure. But then she realised the contempt that the woman spoke with. She could make out the shadow of her eyelashes in the light behind the sunglasses. She looked over at the door to the barn. It was worth trying to probe further.

'I-I'm sorry. I just thought that you might be my sister. Hitomi Shishido was my mother.'

The woman's look of disgust remained as she looked Yuki up and down. The similar facial features to their mother that she was sure must be noticeable. Down to the large bust pressing her shirt out. The bust that betrayed her origin. That same origin that disgusted this woman so much. This woman had small, pert breasts. Perhaps they were what her mother's looked like before becoming a hucow. The longer the silence drew on, the more Yuki felt that look of disgust was meant for her.

'I'm afraid you must be mistaken. Now I must be getting back. I have a meeting.'

She turned on her heel and marched out the front doors. Yuki couldn't help but watch her leave. She had completely forgotten about the paper Vicky sent her up with. The woman got into a limo and was driven away. She doubted she'd ever see her again. To Yuki, she was such an important part of her family's heritage. An older sibling that she could finally look up to again. But to this woman, Yuki must have been nothing more than just one more product of her mother's endless, shameful breeding.

Would she one day see the products of her sister's breedings the same way? Each of them a reminder of her sister's guttural moans while being bred?

She made a promise never to.


She put the mop bucket back into the supply closet and checked the job list on her tablet. Bull duty.

She was beginning to think she wasn't cut out for this job. Between her sisters and mother, and the bulls, she found herself dreading each job.

'It's just washing them,' she told herself as she grabbed a bucket. Yet she didn't feel like she had quashed any fears.

She held her breath as she pushed the gate to the bull open. She doubted there was any merit to it, but the thought that her half-hucow nature would cause his pheromones to have an effect on her still weighed on her mind.

The walls of the pen were much higher than those for the hucows. It gave the pen a dark and foreboding feel. As she stepped in, the bull turned to look at her. He looked just like a really tall, really broad, really muscular guy. If it wasn't for the simple look in his eyes, she could confuse him for a son of a hucow or really buff looking human.

That thought didn't make his naked presence any more easy to deal with. She could already see his long cock growing thicker as he watched her.

She held the bucket close to her and began filling it with warm water and soap. She could sense him growing closer. The hair on the back of her neck rose. Was he going to fuck her? She shivered. Why did that sound so good to her?

She let out a yelp as he reached around from behind and groped her breasts. She wriggled out of his arms, feeling her nipples standing on end. She looked up at him. Her head didn't even clear his shoulders. She would be a toy for him if he ripped her clothes off and pinned her down. He was so big; she'd never get out from under his muscles. She watched his cock grow bigger and bigger until it stood upright, pointing right at her. It was as thick as her arm. There was no doubt in her mind that he wanted to fuck her. His cock was throbbing right before her at the prospect. She cursed her half-hucow body. Was it her tits? Could he smell her pussy? It was dripping right now, making her panties a wet mess. Did she smell like the other hucows to him?

'I'm not a hucow,' she said, as if her words would somehow convince him. Would he even care? She was a hole for him to breed, just like her sisters were. She realised just how vulnerable her pussy was to a beast this big and strong. She covered it with a thin strip of fabric and thought that was enough to protect something so sought after by men. He would rip through her pants in a second. She'd never be able to stop him from overpowering her. Her pussy was shaped perfectly to be spread open by an invading cock; designed to betray her against a powerful male.

She would have no way of stopping herself from falling pregnant once he was inside her. Her pussy was designed in a way for a male to bring himself to climax without her even needing to try. Her tightness. Her inner walls. That wetness that she couldn't stop right now, no matter how much she wanted to. A place so perfect for a cock. The moment one drop of cum would shoot from him, her womb would work against her to fall pregnant with it. She wasn't in control here. She never was from the moment she stepped inside.

The bucket was overflowing, but he was standing in the way. She wasn't sure if she was paralysed with fear, or out of horniness. It felt like any movement would set off her hard nipples and spread her pussy juices further down her leg. She was too consumed with watching him, waiting for his next move. Her heart fluttered at the thought that it would be toward her.

Her eyes were transfixed on his cock. It strained with each throb. Now that his cock was at full length, his glans began to swell too. As beads of precum dripped from his cock, she watched as his glans flared out and grew more engorged. She thought back to the descriptions of hucow mating. How he would push that giant thing through their cervix and into their womb. Her mouth fell open as she watched his glans lengthen and fill out, giving the head of his penis more of a mushroom shape. She kept thinking he would have no more blood left, but his glans just thickened up more and more. She could only imagine having that inside her. The pressure of those flared glans pressing back upon the hole they had come through. Meeting resistance that would pull her from her very core. Stuck on the end of his cock. And with nowhere left to go, he'd just push further and further in.

She couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to see what would happen when he touched her. Yet when he took a step, her fear firmly returned and she sprinted away. She grabbed the gate handle and threw herself out of his pen. Her heart beating like a drum.

Her face felt flushed. Her pussy burned. What the hell had come over her? She stood there for a while, catching her breath, before the sound of water overflowing caught her ears.

She couldn't wash him. No way. Whether because of him or whatever had come over her, she wouldn't do it. At most, she'd grab the bucket and just check him off her list anyway.

With a plan in mind, she took one more deep breath and dashed back inside the gate.



She looked up from cleaning a pen. It was Vicky.

'Do you have a moment?'

She nodded and dropped her equipment. Vicky led her through the rows of pens, swiping on her tablet. Was she in trouble? Had she found out that she hadn't been washing the bulls? She had still been pushing the jobs with her sisters off onto Todd. Was it that? She was beginning to think she could maybe try milking Airi. It might be the easiest task with her sister. She was now wishing she had pushed herself to do so. She would then have an example that she wasn't entirely slacking.

Vicky led her to a pen and stopped. She knew this one. It was her mother's.

'Step inside.'

Yuki didn't argue, but held her breath. She could already smell her mother's pussy. Wet stains glistened in the light on her mother's inner thighs. Her fat labia pressed from side to side as her hand rubbed over it. Her clit standing up amongst the matted mess of long, dark pubic hair that ran up to the base of her pregnant belly. Yuki was disgusted to see a small, dried strand of cum clinging to her dark inner labia. Someone just had some fun with her when no one was watching. No wonder the horny sow was still desperate for it. Her own daughter was standing before her and all she could think about in her tiny, little mind was her pussy.

Yet despite all her indignation, the sight of her playing with herself made Yuki's pussy wet. She had been horny earlier and was counting down the hours until she got home. Right now, it sounded wonderful to join her mother and rub her pussy at work. The freedom to ignore life and do so whenever you pleased often sounded tempting to her.

Vicky brought her back from her lustful fantasies.

'She's about a week out from being due.'


One more sibling for Yuki to deal with before her mother would present that engorged mess of a pussy for the next bull and start the process all over again.

'And I want you to help when she gives birth.'

Yuki spun around. 'What?!'

'You heard me. You've been pushing all the jobs with your sisters onto Todd.'

'But...! I can't watch my own mother give birth!'

'Then don't gawk on the day. Just get the job done like she's any other hucow.'

Vicky turned to leave but Yuki spoke up once more.

'I can't.'

Vicky looked her over.

'I think you can. That's why I'm pushing you to do this. Once you rip that bandaid off, every subsequent one will be easier. You just need that push.'

With that she left. Yuki gave one last look at her mother, three fingers buried in her horny, pregnant pussy, before leaving.

She finished up her jobs for the day before heading up to the locker room. As she pulled her shirt over her head, someone stepped inside.

She jumped, settling once she saw Todd standing there.

'Jesus, Todd. Why aren't you over the guy's side?'

'I saw you come in. I wanted to catch you before you left.'

She looked down at the shirt still wrapped around her hands. Her big tits spilling over her bra.

'I'm half naked, dude.'

He sat down on the centre bench with a grin, indicating with a nod over his shoulder.

'Like you said, there's plenty of naked tits out there.'

She gave him a smirk, but still kept the bunched up shirt close to her chest.

'What's up?'

'I just wanted to see how you're going. You know, with your sisters and mum.'

She sighed.

'Yeah, I talked to Vicky about that. I'm sorry. I should start taking them back off your hands.'

He shook his head. 'I'm fine with looking after them a bit longer if you need. They're easy enough.'

'No, it's not fair giving all my workload to you. Isn't your girlfriend annoyed with you having to stay late?'

He shrugged.

'It doesn't matter. We broke up a few weeks ago.'

'Oh. Sorry.'

On top of everything, she was making him do all her work when he was probably heartbroken. She felt awful.

'It's fine. You haven't noticed a change, so I must be doing something right.'

She dropped her shirt and came to sit beside him, putting her hand on his arm. She felt close to tears with how stupid she was.

'I'll take back Fumiko and Akiko and Chiyo and Airi. All of them. I'm so stupid. I'll even take some of your hucows.'

He laughed.

'Don't be silly. It's fine. I've enjoyed having more time to talk to you anyway.'



His face seemed only inches away from her. She felt flushed. Then his lips were on hers. All her worries from the day seemed to slip away as she pressed her lips back into him.

She held onto him as he leaned her back in his arm. She felt his hands around her waist. Before she could stop him, his hand was inside her pants. Her pussy jumped at the touch. It felt electric to have a man's broad hands down there against something so delicate. Her clit shot to attention as it was brushed.

Before she knew it, his fingers were inside her. She shuddered. It felt like a waterfall spread through her pussy. Fuck. She twitched at the slightest touch. It felt too good. Not even Fumiko could reach these spots back then.

His hand quickened in her pants, her juices squelching, making her pussy sound exactly like her mother's. No. She couldn't be like her. But the more he probed her insides with those big fingers, the more the deep, animalistic part of her mind came to the forefront. She half wanted him to replace his fingers with his cock. She half wanted him to cum deep inside her. She half wanted him to treat her like a dumb hucow with fat tits.

'Damn. I heard hucow daughters were easy, but you're dripping more than the hucows.'

She wanted to protest, but she was in heaven. Her pussy crying out with joy. Engorging more and more with blood. Ready to be bred. Just a big, dumb hucow in heaven.

No. No!

She pushed back against him.


He sat back, looking confused. His fingers glistened in the light with her juices. Her damn, slutty juices. The same as her mother's. She could feel them all over her thighs and pussy. The same pussy that was throbbing in protest. She wanted his fingers back inside her.

'What's wrong?'

She forced the words to her lips through sluggish thoughts. Her breath was hot and heavy. Why did she have to be half-hucow?

'Nothing. It's nothing. I.... I just don't think... don't think we.... Don't... not at work.'

A silence hung between them for a moment. Her pants still wrapped around her thighs. The cold air stabbed into her pussy. She could feel the heat coming from it in pulses. She hoped that he wouldn't ask her to elaborate because she didn't feel like she had the ability to right now. She was fighting to control the burning within her pussy demanding far more than she was willing to give it.