A Mother's Cure for Heartache


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"Of course not. Drink your wine hon. I think it will help you speak the truth because the next question I ask is going to be a tough one and if I catch you lying I will go straight to your parents first thing tomorrow. You understand."

Eva made it a point to lean forward while glaring at little Ms. Lisa, wanting her to understand fully how very serious she was about wanting to hear the truth. It worked.

"Ready for my question. Remember . . . I require the truth young lady."

Lisa nodded, wondering just what Tommy's crazy as hell mom was going to ask her.

"You pretty much used my son all during your high school years. Leading him on with false promises of maybe how he might be able to get inside your panties one day if only he kept doing your bidding. True or false."

"Look, Mrs. Hall, I liked Tommy. I mean I like . . . still. It was not like that at all."

"One last chance. True or false. Not answering is not an option."

"It's hard to explain. I--"

Eva reached over and picked up her phone. "I think I actually have your mom's number in my phone. Maybe I will just send her the picture now. Give her something to think about before going to bed."

Lisa reached out, touching Eva on her hand. "Please. Don't. I am begging you."

"True or false."

"OK, true but--"

Eva quickly interjected. "You don't need to explain. I just needed to hear the truth. Now we can discuss what I want in return for my discretion but we need to be quick though before Tommy wakes up and finds you here. It would ruin the surprise."

"What surprise?"

"Of his pretty girlfriend coming to see him so unexpectedly in the middle of the night."

"Wait. You want me to be his girlfriend. Please Eva . . ."

"Just for one night. One unforgettable night that is. Allow me to explain."

"Go ahead," Lisa answered quietly.

"It's called quid pro quo. This for that. I get this you get that."

"I know what it means. So what do I get?"

"My discretion of course regarding you little adventure up in your bedroom with Mr. Joe Jock."

"You won't talk to my parents or show them the picture."

Eva shook her head no before saying, "Tomorrow morning you can watch me delete the incriminating photo. I give you my word it's the only one."

"Tomorrow morning? Does that mean . . ."

"Yes, I expect you to spend the night, but just to sweeten my offer I will add Tommy will be more than willing to help you with assignment, heck he may even do it for you if you are nice enough to him, and maybe even moving forward in the future he would be willing to help you again and again. The alternate is of course . . ."

Eva did not finish, did not have to, but only smiled instead.

"Yeah so basically you are blackmailing me, Mrs. Hall?"

"Blackmail is such an ugly word hon. How about we just call it a favor for a favor."

Lisa said nothing for a long moment as she sat there, fidgeting, leaving Eva to wonder if her little gambit was going to pay off. Finally, she let out a loud sigh before answering, "I will send my mom a text in a minute. I guess I am spending the night at a friend's house. Now what do I have to do?"

Eva smiled and patted the sofa next to her. "Move closer and I will tell you the game plan sweetie."

With the matter of Eva's blackmail scheme settled, after Lisa finished off a second glass of wine, the girls headed off upstairs to Eva's bedroom—hand in hand. Eva paused outside the bedroom door. "Wait here while I prepare things and be very quiet. I want to surprise him."

"Sure," Lisa replied cautiously as she tried to control her growing excitement. The truth was Lisa was a bit of a sex addict and it really hadn't taken Eva much of an effort to get her to agree to the sexy part of the night's drama with her son.

Inside the bedroom, Eva gently shook Tommy awake. "Your mother has a surprise for you son. A really nice surprise but first I have to prepare things."

"Really," he smiled while reaching out for her, "I think you already gave me a nice surprise Mom and I am hoping to get another."

She deflected his hands away. "Go freshen up in the bathroom real quick hon and no questions. Trust me you will like this surprise I think as much as you did the one before."

She moved to the closet, humming to herself, her mind in overdrive as just how to handle the upcoming fun and games while Tommy headed toward his mom's bathroom.

Eva was just finishing up tying the last of the scarves around the fourth bedpost on her four poster king size bed when Tommy came out of the bathroom wearing his boxers again.

"Hey what is that for?" he asked after spotting her knotting one of her brightly colored scarves around one of the upper bedposts.

"No questions," she told him sternly. "Now lay back down on the bed. On your back and lose the boxers."

"Sure," he replied with eager anticipation as he quietly noted there was a scarf tied around each of the posts. "I guess you are going to tie me up and take advantage of me huh, Mom?"

"I hardly think I would need to tie you up hon if I wanted to take advantage of you," she replied back with a notable smirk.

A minute later Tommy was tied-- quite securely he noted-- by both his ankles and his wrists to his mom's bed. After pulling the sheet back up, and over his naked body, she leaned in close to him whispering, "One final added touch. I am going to blindfold you."

Eva carefully wrapped the remaining scarf, a dark black one, around her son's head cutting off his vision before she whispered to him, "You are under my control now and if you want your surprise you will be a good boy and do what I say. Now keep quiet while I bring our guest in."

"Guest . . . Jesus mom I'm naked under here. What is going--?"

"Shhh. I will tell you but only if you promise . . . no more talking, no more protests. Agree? You must trust me."

"OK I trust you. I agree."

"Good I will tell you in a minute but first I have to do something." Eva moved quickly, wanting to set the mood. She pulled out some dozen small tea light candles, placing six each on the nightstands flanking either side of her bed.

After getting the candles lit, she turned off all the lights and then moved silently over to the bedroom door. Opening it very quietly, she let Lisa into the bedroom. It was show time.

She brought Lisa over to the bed, after reminding her with a finger to her lips to be very quiet, and then began to speak to her son in a soft, steady voice, quite the opposite from the excitement she was feeling inside her panties.

"When I was cleaning up downstairs the doorbell rang. It was a late trick or treater and she looked so adorably cute. Now, since I ran out of candy and with nothing to offer the poor little girl, I decided to invite her in from the cold. It then came to me maybe you have something you could give her?"

Eva settled herself down on the bed next to him while Lisa stood, watching as the drama began to unfold.

"Well do you, hon? Have something to offer our little trick or treater guest. I think maybe you have a treat . . . a big treat for the little lady to enjoy."

"Mom, w-who is it . . . our guest?"

"Secret!" Eva answered before giggling.

Then it came to him. She was making sport of him. There was no guest. His mother was playing a trick on him-- after all it was Halloween the ultimate night for tricks.

"Mom stop teasing me," Tommy whined, "there is no one else here. You are playing a Halloween trick on me."

"Maybe . . . maybe not. We shall see I suppose," Eva said before giggling again.

Eva motioned for Lisa to move around to her side of the bed. With further motions of her hand, while mouthing the words silently, Eva indicated to Lisa she should sit down very carefully on the edge of the bed next to her.

To mask the fact someone else was sitting down on the bed, Eva leaned forward, pushing her chest in her son's face as she adjusted the pillow under his head.

Once Lisa was in place, Eva leaned back whispering to Tommy, "Now honey I can't keep being rude to our guest . . . our guest that you don't think is here. She came in the house expecting treats and I have to give her something. Now listen."

Turning to Lisa, Eva reached up with one hand, carefully smoothing the young girl's hair from her face. Leaning forward, Eva brought her lips to Lisa's. They kissed, slowly, delicately at first, before warming to the task.

The smashing of their lips coming together and parting, over and over again, was gradually getting louder in the quiet stillness of the bedroom, finally making it unmistakably clear to Tommy his mother was engaged in a passionate kissing session with the guest he thought was not there.

Breaking the kiss off, Eva turned to Tommy, running her fingers through his hair before whispering, "Are you going to deny you just heard your mother kissing someone. Our guest that you did not believe was here."

Tommy said nothing. He was too shocked to speak.

"Answer me sweetie . . . please."

"I heard Mom. I heard you kissing someone."

"Yes, a girl, if you want the truth. Actually your mom has a bit of a secret passion for pretty young girls. I bet you didn't know that huh, son?"

"Jesus," Tommy muttered under his breath. It was all he could think to say.

Eva started to speak again with her gaze flickering back and forth between her son and Lisa. "And just who do you think the pretty young girl your mother might have just kissed was, sweetie?"

"I . . . I don't know," he muttered. "I mean how could I . . . I can't see."

"Then let me give you a hint or two. She has pretty chestnut brown hair, tinged with a bit of red and pinned in a pair of deliciously cute twin pony tails that fall past her shoulders. She has pretty hazel eyes, a fair complexion. Her face is a perfect blend of both pretty and cute while her body can be described in three words . . . super fucking hot."

Eva reached over, grabbing Lisa's hand, squeezing it tight before continuing. "Let me describe it for you. She is probably all of about five foot one and weighs maybe a hundred and five pounds. Her legs are nice and firm, strong thighs, maybe from playing volleyball, but what she really possesses is a set of really big, fantastic looking tits that the little slut loves to show off. Oh honey if you could only see the slutty little school girl costume our little trick or treater girl is wearing and the way it accents those big tits of hers . . . well needless to say I do think you would be quite impressed. Oh and since I know you have a bit of a fetish for large breasts just so you have an idea of how big our guest's boobies are I will tell you her measurements."

Turning to Lisa Eva said, "Go ahead and whisper your measurements and bra size to me honey."

Lisa complied, whispering her particulars to Eva.

"Wow. Impressive," Eva exclaimed loudly for Tommy's benefit. "Her measurements are stunning. Thirty one inch bust, twenty seven inch waist and thirty five inch hips and she wears a size 34 tripe D bra Tommy. Do you know anyone around the neighborhood with tits that big Tommy sweetheart?"

She had to be teasing him. Just had to be Tommy thought to himself.

"Now do you have any guesses since your mom has given you so many nice hints?"

When he did answer her right away she snapped at him, "I said answer me, Tommy. Your mother demands it."

After a moment's hesitation Tommy whispered, "Is it Lisa?"

Eva turned to their secret guest saying, "Should we show him if he is right?"

Lisa nodded her head yes.

"Hmm, not quite yet. I want him to be nice and well prepared first . . . down there before our mystery guest is revealed."

Reaching under the covers, Eva boldly grabbed her son's cock. It was coming back to life but, as of yet, wasn't quite fully hard.

"Help me, sweetie. Here . . ."

Eva gestured for Lisa to snuggle up to Tommy on his left side while she snuggled up next to him on the right. Together, they took turns kissing him, using a gentle touch to turn his face from one to the other, as Eva slipped her hand under the covers and began stroking him to full hardness.

When he was sufficiently hard Eva whispered, "Ready for your promised treat, little girl."

Lisa eagerly nodded her head yes, watching intently as Eva pulled the sheet slowly back.

Lisa stared at Tommy's rigid cock as desire filled her young heart; it was much bigger than she would have imagined.

"You like your treat, honey. You wanna maybe suck on it a bit . . . see how it tastes. I mean your treat, it's so big and hard huh, little girl?"

Lisa nodded her head yes as Eva snaked a hand around the back of her head, forcing her mouth down.

Tommy let out a quiet groan as he felt a warm, willing mouth enveloping his growing manhood. Was it his mom or, unbelievably, Lisa? She had to be teasing him, it just couldn't be Lisa, he thought as the warm mouth surrounding his boner began to expertly move up and down the entire shaft of his growing erection.

Eva, deciding it was time, reached around the back of his head and slowly unknotted the scarf. As it dropped from his eyes Tommy let out a small gasp.

Looking up, Lisa let his cock slip from her mouth as she whispered, "Hi Tommy," before going back to slurping greedily on his cock.

Tommy, beside himself with excitement over his dream girl sucking on his cock, while his sexy mother showered him with softhearted kisses, lasted all of about another minute or so before he exploded.

Lisa pulled back, cum coating her lips, as she looked at Eva. "Gee Mrs. Hall that was some treat you gave me. I am so glad you invited me inside your house."

"Hmm, I think someone else is pretty glad too," Eva said as she ruffled her son's hair. "Now why don't you go into my bathroom there and rinse your mouth out. I have mouthwash there."

"OK, Mrs. Hall," Lisa responded. Jumping to her feet, she gave Tommy a happy little wave saying, "I will see you in a few minutes, Tommy . . . or at least I hope so."

Eva smiled at her son as Lisa disappeared inside the bathroom. After his mom quickly untied him, Tommy put his boxers back on while excitedly asking, "Jesus Mom . . . I mean, how did you get her to do that . . . I mean . . . what the hell?"

"Don't overthink things hon. Let's just say me and your little girlfriend have a very serious agreement, if only for tonight in regards to you, and I intend on taking full advantage of it. Just let me be in control and follow along with my plan. Now speaking of a plan . . ." She leaned in close to him, whispering in his ear the next phase of her plan.

Inside the bathroom, after rinsing her mouth out, Lisa removed her thong panties under her skirt, per Eva's instructions, before settling down on the edge of the tub to relax for the allotted fifteen minutes she was told to wait before coming out.

Lisa, after the long, slow fifteen minutes was finally up, came out of the bathroom to find the bedroom almost completely dark. There was now only a single candle burning on each of the nightstands flanking Mrs. Hall's bed.

She paused a few feet away from the bathroom door. The bedroom was utterly silent as she peered about the darkness searching for either Tommy or Mrs. Hall.

"Hey where are you guys?" Lisa called out tentatively to the eerily silent bedroom. When there was no answer, and no sign of them, she took another two steps further from the bathroom door.

She was about to call out again when the attack came. Tommy sprang out from behind the door while Eva jumped up from where she was crouching in the darkness near the foot of the bed. They both hit her at roughly the same time driving her toward the bed.

Tommy roughly pushed her backward onto the bed as his mom, giggling, cried out, "Are you ticklish little girl?"

"Yes, very much so . . ." Lisa shrieked as she felt Mrs. Hall's hand scrambling all over her bare mid-section as she tumbled backwards onto the bed.

Then Tommy's hands joined in on the melee, skittering all over her tummy just as Eva's hands dropped down to assault her well-toned thighs.

"Please no . . . I . . . I can't stand being tickled. Please show . . . mercy."

She managed to flip over onto her tummy for a brief moment before Tommy aggressively twisted her back around and onto her back.

Pinning her wrists to the bed, Tommy held Lisa tight as his mother hissed at her. "Be a good and mercy shall be yours little girl."

"I will . . . I will," Lisa cried out.

"OK let her to up to her feet, Tommy. You have the scarf ready?"


They both gripped one of her hands and together pulled Lisa to her feet.

"Relax and don't fight this and the promised mercy shall be yours, hon."

"OK." Lisa whispered.

"Put your hands behind your back and close your eyes."

Lisa obeyed putting her hands behind her back as she shut her eyes and within seconds her hands were tightly bound behind her back by one of the scarfs from the bed.

"Open your eyes now, sweetie," Eva whispered in her ear from behind.

Lisa opened her eyes to find herself standing directly in front of the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, facing her, was Tommy, his face flushed with excitement.

"Now the moment of truth is upon us little Ms. Lisa."

"And what moment of truth is that Mrs. Hall?" Lisa asked quietly.

"I think my poor son has spent many a long, lonely summer night dreaming of these."

Reaching around, Eva slipped her hands under Lisa's huge tits, cupping them gently through the material of her tie top.

Bouncing them playfully in her hands, she whispered again, "I think it's time you fulfilled my son's darkest fantasies and let him gaze upon those big tits of yours, little girl."

Staring directly at Tommy, Lisa smiled before announcing, "I suppose you are right Mrs. Hall. I mean, I am sure he has been dreaming about seeing my tits for like . . . forever."

"Forever is a long time to dream about something I think," Eva said as she slowly moved her hands upwards to the knotted tie holding Lisa's slutty little top shut.

"Too long," Lisa breathed as felt Eva began to slowly undo the knot while nibbling delightfully on her neck.

When his mom finally got the knot undone, allowing Lisa's tits to come spilling out from her top, Tommy let out an audible sigh.

Eva, after hearing her son's sigh, was forced to put her jealous feelings aside. Whispering, she asked him sweetly, "Do you like them baby. Are they as big and as beautiful as you have been dreaming about for so long."

"Y-yes," he said.

"Here give me your hands. Let's fondle the little slut's big tits together honey."

Lisa closed her eyes as she leaned her head back against Mrs. Hall's while she felt two sets of hands all over her tits. It was both a surreal, and highly erotic experience, being assaulted like this while being so utterly helpless.

Dropping her mouth to Lisa's ear, Eva whispered, "Go on . . . ask my son if he wants to suck on those big beautiful tits or yours . . . if he wants to."

Reaching out, Eva grabbed her son's wandering hands off of Lisa's tits as she told him, "Hold on honey. Our slutty little school girl has something to ask you."

As Tommy stared up at her, Lisa smiled sweetly at him for a long moment.

"Go on ask him sweetheart," Eva prodded.

"Mmm, I was just going to ask you, Tommy . . . if you maybe wanna suck on my boobies."

Tommy, unable to speak, slowly nodded his head yes before his mother reached past Lisa. Wrapping a hand around the back of his head, she slowly drew her son into Lisa's warm bosom.

Tommy started slowly, showering his dream girl's tits with a plethora of tender kisses, causing Lisa to squirm against the scarf binding her hands. She was used to boys attacking her big tits aggressively with nary a thought of tenderness, making the affectionate way Tommy was handling her tits a welcome change.