A Mother's Cure for Heartache


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She started squirming even more when Eva reached around, slipping one hand between her legs to explore her wet pussy.

Eva found the young girl's pussy delightfully soaked as she easily slide one finger, and then a second, up and inside of her—just as Tommy began to suck on Lisa's tits with a wild animalistic passion.

Moving around so she was astride Lisa and her son, Eva dropped to her knees. Reaching out she fairly ripped her son's boxers down before taking him in her mouth. Splitting her time between sucking on her son's large cock and fingering Lisa's delicious pussy, Eva soon had both of them moaning blissfully.

Eva, still fully in control, allowed their fingering and sucking fest to go on until she sensed Lisa was on the verge of a tremendous orgasm while her son had-- once again-- gotten hard.

Pulling her mouth away from his cock, Eva stared up at her son whispering, "Let's get the little cunt up on the bed and finish her off nice and proper like, baby."

Eva undid the scarf before the two of them man handled Lisa up and onto the bed. They put her on her hands and knees, in the middle of the bed, facing the headboard as Eva climbed up on the bed herself.

Tommy watched as his mother positioned herself so she was right next to Lisa on the bed before leaning down and giving her a nice kiss. The single kiss ended up turning into a passionate make out session as Tommy, moving slowly, snuggled up behind Lisa, poking his rather pronounced boner up and under her short school skirt.

Looking up, he waited for his mother's approval to proceed.

Instead of giving him the OK, she only smiled shrewdly before stripping off her robe, revealing the matching aqua blue bra and panty set she had put on—just for him—earlier that evening.

Smiling at her son, Eva tangled her fingers in Lisa's hair before gently pulling her face down so it was flush against her chest.

Whispering in Lisa's ear, Eva told the young girl, "My son is going to fuck you now sweetheart so good and so hard you are never ever going to forget it."

"Yes, Mrs. Hall," Lisa replied sweetly just before Eva nodded at her son while mouthing the words, "Go ahead."

Tommy, overwhelmed with raw passion, immediately pushed his cock—hard-- inside of Lisa's wet pussy making her moan.

"Go on honey. Fuck her like you have dreaming of all these years. Take your frustration out."

Tommy needed no such encouragement but, nonetheless, it didn't hurt to hear his mother put a voice to what he was quietly thinking of inside his head.

He waited all these years indeed!

Slowly, he pulled his cock out of her before slamming it back into her a good half dozen times with a relentless fury that soon had Lisa moaning louder than ever.

"Oh that's it, baby. Fuck the little slut harder. Harder!!" Eva told him in a harsh whisper.

Egged on by his mother, impassioned by his dream girl's moans, Tommy lost control. With a violent fury, he thrusted his hips forward again and again, a good dozen times in quick succession, propelling his hardness deep inside of Lisa.

Tommy's passionate fury rocked Lisa's world, literally taking her breath away as his mom cradled her head against her chest.

Near to coming, and wanting things to last a bit longer, Tommy pulled back. Again his mother gave him her best soft smile as she reached behind her, undoing her bra.

After removing her bra, Eva told Lisa in a throaty whisper, "Go on suck on my tits baby. I bet Tommy would like to see that."

Lisa happily obeyed as she began to slurp with youthful desire on Eva's nice breasts.

Watching his dream girl suck on his mom's tits was too much for Tommy-- just as his mother knew it would be. He could only watch for a few seconds before he slammed his cock back into her, burying it balls deep.

A violent storm of passion swept over Lisa now as, if anything, Tommy was fucking her even harder than before. Lisa's whimpering cries of lust pushed Tommy to the edge just as she climaxed harder than she ever had in her lifetime.

"Go on Tommy, come inside of her . . . now," his mother demanded as she held the still shaking Lisa tight against her chest.

Urged on by his mother's pleas, Tommy allowed his budding orgasm to overwhelm him as he slammed his cock into her three more times quickly before he came.

Their youthful passion spent, for the moment anyways, Lisa and Tommy allowed Eva to cuddle them under the blankets as the three of them took a much needed break.

Sometime later, after dozing off, Lisa awoke to the sound of kissing.

Turning over to face the sound in the dark bedroom, she whined, "Hey you guys started without me."

"You are welcome to join in honey," Eva purred to her as she twisted away from Tommy, pulling Lisa into her warm embrace.

They shared several passionate kisses before Eva turned back to Tommy, receiving some equally fevered kisses from him.

"Hey I have an idea," Lisa volunteered quietly.

"Hmm, you do. Let's hear it," Eva replied.

"Well both me and Tommy have been tied up and helpless Mrs. Hall so I was . . . hmm thinking maybe it's your turn huh?"

Tommy, liking the idea, immediately backed his dream girl's suggestion. "Yeah, Mom it would only be fair."

Reaching over to the nightstand, Eva turned on one of the lamps.

"I'm not sure but--"

"Oh come on Mrs. Hall," Lisa teased. "Like Tommy said, it's only fair and I am sure it will be fun for all three of us. We promise to take real good care of you."

"Yeah, real good care, Mom" Tommy whispered with a wicked smile. "Please."

Eva sighed before foolishly agreeing to the idea, and within a manner of minutes, after putting her bra back on, she found herself secured to the bed by both her ankles and her wrists.

After getting the job done of securing Tommy's mom to the bed, Lisa pulled him aside.

Eva could only pick up small snatches of the conversation but it appeared Lisa was trying to talk her son into something.

"Hey what are you two taking about," Eva cried out.

"Just a minute. I have to go attend to your mom." Lisa told Tommy.

"OK I gotta go to the bathroom anyways," Tommy replied before heading out of the room.

Moving back over to the bed, Lisa gave her nemesis a cunning smile. It was a smile causing alarm bells to go off inside of Eva's head as she suddenly realized her mistake . . . too late.

"Hey I think you should release me. I changed my mind. I—mmfshh."

Eva's lame protest was cut off when Lisa snatched up one of the scarves from the nightstand and rudely shoved it in Eva's mouth as she announced loudly, "Afraid it's too late for that Mrs. Hall."

Eva, not wanting to give the impression of desperation, immediately fell silent, watching with growing apprehension as Lisa grabbed the remaining scarf before securing it around her head so it cut off her vision.

Turning her back on Eva, Lisa grabbed Tommy's discarded shirt off the floor and after slipping it on, she hurried out to the hallway, intercepting him just as he was about to enter the bedroom.

She steered him back outside to the hallway, where they had a most fateful conversation. Turning on the charm, Lisa told Tommy, "You know, Tommy, tonight has been an eye opening experience. I mean, I always thought you were too boring, too conservative for me but I see now . . ."

She paused running her fingers through his hair, "That is not the case at all."

"Lisa I . . . I mean all this . . . it was my mom's idea." Then unable to help himself he added. "I love you . . ."

"I know you do Tommy and if you let me, I will love you back but you gotta listen to me and do what I say for the rest of the night. Your mom, she was in control right?"


"Well it's my turn now. Promise you will listen to me and only me and I will make it worth it for you. Please Tommy . . . pretty please." Leaning in, she sealed the deal by giving him a nice kiss on the lips before whispering, "You know I think I am falling in love with you too."

Tommy's poor heart hitched at hearing those words, but more importantly they made him agree to let her be in control.

Lisa hurried outlined the first part of her plan to Tommy before she hurried downstairs with Tommy to the front door.

"Promise you are coming back."

"Yes, yes I promise. Now hurry and get what I told you to get and I promise to be back in a few minutes as I really need to get some stuff from my house."

"Yes, of course," Tommy said eagerly.

Lisa smiled. She was his, but just to make sure she throw a bone out to him as she headed out the front door saying over her shoulder, "And if everything goes well, maybe I'll even spend tomorrow night here too."

As soon as she left, Tommy rushed out to the kitchen, eager to fulfill Lisa's orders to him, and after a quick search he found his mom's wine bucket.

He filled the bucket about halfway with ice-- just as she requested-- and then went back out to the living room to wait for her to return.

A few minutes later, Lisa returned with a small overnight bag slung over her shoulder, and was dressed casually in jeans and a Penn State sweatshirt.

With the overnight bag from her house slung over her shoulder, Lisa happily bounced upstairs and into the bedroom with Tommy trailing behind carrying the ice filled bucket.

After setting the bucket down on the nightstand, Tommy hurriedly departed.

Settling herself down next to Eva, she reached out and pulled the dark scarf around and up from her eyes, allowing her to see once more while leaving the other scarf around her mouth in place.

Looking at Eva seriously she whispered. "So you thought you could blackmail me Mrs. Hall and get away with it. Seriously . . . no."

Now the alarm bells were seriously clanging inside of her brain as Eva wondered just how much trouble she was in here.

"Once or twice, over the years, Tommy has told me how you are overly sensitive to the cold Mrs. Hall and how you hate to be tickled. Is that true? Be truthful coz if I catch you in what I think is a lie . . . you will be in even worse trouble."

Eva, deciding to play along, nodded her head yes.

"Well I just went home, I had to get a few things, but anyways it's turning out to be a rather cold night Mrs. Hall. I think the temperature is in the low forties but you know I think actually it's kind of stuffy in your bedroom so. . ."

Jumping up from the bed, Lisa sauntered across the room, and after opening the bedroom window, allowing the cold night air to come flowing in, she returned to the bed.

"There that is better. I just cracked open your window and if you listen for it, in just about a minute you will hear the sound of first your heater clicking off and then your A/C coming on. Tommy is taking care of that for me."

Standing up, Lisa then pulled the sheet down completely off of Eva so nothing was covering her.

Smiling again, she announced, "So yes, in a minute or two Mrs. Hall your house, and in particular your bedroom, is going to be a bit on the chilly side. Hmm, too bad you aren't dressed for a cold night though as I can't imagine that sexy bra and panty combo you are wearing will provide much warmth."

"Mmmphh." Eva protested before forgetting about not trying to appear desperate as she twisted about violently trying to frantically free herself from the scarfs that bound her tightly to the four posts of the bed.

"You won't get them undone, Mrs. Hall. I tied them up real nice and tight."

Just then Eva heard the sound of the furnace dying, followed shortly by the soft hum of the A/C clicking on.

"Oh, and by the way, I told Tommy to crank the A/C all the way down to as low as it will go."

Eva shook her head from side to side.

"Afraid so, bitch. You are going to be super cold in a minute or two but in the meantime I think I will just entertain myself by seeing if you really are as ticklish as Tommy claims you to be. Oh and speaking of Tommy I think I will make him pay, a little bit anyways, for the sins of his mother while showing you just how obedient your loving son will be to me."

Reaching back into the bag, Lisa, with a broad smile, pulled out one of the several toys she had brought from home.

Eva stared at the toy with both fear and anticipation. The black toy was a double ended treat with the potential to give teasing tickles or stinging slaps. One side of the twenty inch black crop was tipped with a small ball of irresistibly soft feathers, perfect for gently trailing along one's sweet spots while raising goosebumps and increasing arousal.

The other side of the crop contained a slick, shiny patent classic petite paddle that, when flicked just right, would have one's playmate, in this case, Eva, begging for more.

After picking up the toy, she waved it in front of the Eva's face before bringing it down and letting it hover over her mid-section.

"Hmm, where should I tickle you first Mrs. Hall. Let's try your tummy."

Bringing the feathered side down, Lisa let it slid delicately across Eva's bare tummy causing her to jump and squirm against the ties binding her to the bed.

Lisa flicked it back and forth several times in small circles around Eva's tummy making her moan and squirm all the more.

Just then, Tommy entered the bedroom. Turning to him Lisa asked, "Is everything all set downstairs?"

"Yes, Lisa," Tommy immediately replied.

"Good. Then come over here and help me tickle your mommy. I think she is liking it . . . just like she is enjoying having her window open and the A/C turned on full blast on this chilly evening."

Tommy shivered himself, despite the heavy sweatshirt he threw on just a minute ago, along with a fresh pair of jeans and underwear.

Tommy made his way over to the bed but before he could get there Lisa leaned down whispering in Eva's ear, "Sorry bitch gotta put your blindfold back in place. Can't have you turning those enchanting green eyes on your son and risk him going back over to your side."

After having the scarf secured around her eyes, Eva's vision was once more cut off. Worse it was growing colder in the bedroom with every passing moment.

"Before we get started again with testing your threshold on being tickled I think you have something to say to Tommy, Mrs. Hall?"

Eva violently shook her head yes.

Lisa, smiling, pulled the scarf away from Eva's mouth, allowing her to speak before jumping up from the bed. "I will freshen up in the bathroom leaving you two to speak in private for a quick minute."

As soon as Lisa disappeared inside the bathroom, shutting the door, Eva cried out to her son, "Tommy . . . release me and then go tell Lisa her debt is paid. Please son . . . she is crazy! Doing all this. I am freezing to death and . . . and you know I can't stand being tickled!"

"Yes, I know mother and . . . I'm afraid you are just going to have to endure."

"Tommy no! Release me now baby. Please."

"I can't, Mom. I have to do what she says. I promised but only for tonight I mean."

"No you don't! I am your mother and--"

Lisa came strutting out of the bathroom then. Raising her voice, she interrupted Eva's desperate plea for freedom by barking, "And I am his girlfriend."

"You are not! You know you are just using him to get back at me and--"

Eva's protest was roughly cut off when Lisa shoved the scarf back in her mouth.

"Enough. He is mine. Accept it Mrs. Hall."

"I am hers, Mom. I can't help it."

Leaning over, Lisa, wanting to rub it in Eva's face, gave Tommy a serious of impassioned kisses before pulling back and reaching into her bag of trick and treats.

Pulling out a twenty one inch starburst feather body tickler in red, she handed the toy to Tommy.

"Time to pay her back for the way she teased you all summer, Tommy. Remember you told me that . . . how your mom seemed to be liking showing off and flirting with you all summer."

Tommy flushed. He had confessed that to Lisa under the strictest of confidences.

Noticing his reaction, Lisa whispered, "Don't worry Tommy. I promise your mom won't be mad at you. Besides if I'm going to be your girlfriend you are going to have to share all your secrets with me anyways . . . right?"

"Yeah, I suppose you are right," Tommy mumbled.

"OK then let's have some fun. Why don't you concentrate on tickling her thighs, and lower belly, while I will have my fun . . . maybe . . . elsewhere?"

Eva squirmed as she felt the feathers of the body tickler wielded by her son being gently rubbed back and forth between her thighs. This, in conjunction with the way Lisa was lightly dragging the paddle along the whole length of her arms up and down, and then around her tummy in soft circles, caused her to break out in a serious attack of goosebumps.

The tickling torture continued unabated as Lisa switched to the feather side of the crop, sliding it lightly all around her tummy as Tommy attacked her upper chest and neck and throat area with his tickler.

Eva squirmed against the gentle, delightful assault even as she shivered from the growing coldness inside the bedroom.

"Let's spend a minute or two tickling those pretty boobies of your mommy's, Tommy."

Lisa began by using the flat paddle end of the crop on Eva's tits as she slapped at them playfully while Tommy dragged his feather duster down between the soft swell of her breasts.

Eva continued to fidget mightily as the gentle assault on her tits continued before turning deadly serious when Lisa reached out, hooking a pair of fingers under the upper top edge of the pretty aqua blue cups. Pulling down gently, she drew the bra down just enough to reveal Eva's gorgeous nipples.

Giving Tommy a nod, Lisa brought the feather end of her crop up to her right nipple, circling it tenderly as Tommy flickered slowly, and then faster, his feather tickler against his mom's other nipple.

Eva's nipples became instantly erect as she let out a loud muffled moan. Her nipples were intensely sensitive so what they were doing to her was unimaginably erotic.

Once Lisa observed Eva's nipples at maximum erectness, she switched to the paddle end of her crop, and began to playfully bat at them as Tommy let his feather tickler slide down and tease his mom's tummy once more.

The dual attentions soon had poor Eva twisting and writhing all over the bed.

"Hmm, time for your mommy to have a short break from our teasing, Tommy."

Reaching over to her bag, she pulled out a pair of champagne glasses wrapped tightly in a pair of twin hand towels. After filling the pair of glasses up with the chilled champagne, Lisa handed one to Tommy.

"Hmm, a toast to your mommy being a good sport during our playtime is in order don't you think, Tommy?"


"But before you enjoy our champagne I think your mother should be allowed to see our toast to her."

Lisa quickly pulled the dark scarf down, allowing Eva to see once more.

She watched as both her son and his wicked as hell "girlfriend" downed about half of their respective glasses in one big swallow. Reaching out to Tommy, Lisa said, "Wait, let's save some for her."

"Sure. She likes champagne anyways," Tommy said. "You want me to remove the scarf around her mouth so she can drink."

"Hmm, she is not going to drink the champagne but instead . . ." With a positively wicked smile, Lisa slowly brought her half-filled champagne directly over Eva's chest. "I think I want her to wear it instead."

Without further ado, Lisa tilted the glass down allowing the cold champagne to spill all over Eva's chest.

Eva let out a muffled shriek as the ice cold champagne splashed down onto her chest before turning a pair of pleading eyes up to Tommy. If those pretty eyes could have talked they would have cried out for him to save her, but any such thoughts were quickly dashed when he averted his eyes from her mournful gaze and asked Lisa, "Hey that's pretty cool. Can I try?"