A Time to Be Young


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"I love you." he said. "I remember you so well now. Every inch of you. You know not how much I have longed to be with you again."

She swooned and held him. She let her hands feel his body and she knew she was taking quiet intimate joy in touching him. "I want." she started.

"Bid me do anything for you and it is yours."

"I want you inside of me."

He didn't exactly comply with her wish, at least not in the way she would expect. He positioned himself so that she could reach down and take his cock. He was giving her full control over how much and how quickly he entered her. She was so wet and so ready yet when the head of his member first passed the gate and she could feel that some part of him was truly in her she could not help but take a deep breath deeper than any breath she'd taken before. It was like she was letting air into her lungs for the very first time and it filled her just as his dick centimeter by centimeter was filling her pussy. She almost had another orgasm just then. She drew him close to her and held him tight. He took over the action and carefully worked his way to being all the way inside of her as far as his cock could go and Jill was surprised to discover that there was still more length to it which would not fit. Once all the way in he stopped his motion and just maintained that position all the way in her. He let her get used to it and then he kissed her on the lips.

Instantly her mind seemed to be transported.

"Fuck you!" she heard David say as he let loose an arrow which struck its target in the back killing the other man instantly.

"Fuck you!" David said as he knocked another and let it fly hitting another in retreat.

Faster and faster, arrow, knock, loose; arrow, knock, loose. "And you, and you, and you!" As David was shooting Jill looked around. This was some kind of wooden circle fort but it apparently had been under siege and the attackers had won. Yet the only attacker she saw was David. The defending soldiers were in disarray making themselves easy targets. Off in the distance she could see smoke many fires burning outside the fort with many other soldiers burned to death in a field ablaze.

David ran out of arrows and yelled in animalistic guttural rage. He jumped down from his perch, did a somersault in the air and then rolled when he hit the ground. When he got up it was then that Jill saw the physique of his body with muscles ripping through his skin like Rocky from part 3. He drew a short sword and seemed to effortlessly dispatch one of the last defenders before everyone else got away.

As the fort has been reduced to ruins David went over to an area where prisoners were being kept. He hacked at the wood and busted open the door.

"Out. Run to the sea. Don't stop for anything." he said.

David stood guard watching as all the naked women scurried out and ran for their lives.

"Where are the children?" David asked.

The woman didn't speak. She pointed to the altar and then ran along with everyone else. Jill saw on David's face that he understood exactly what the woman had meant. He picked up a heavy ax from one of the fallen and went up to the altar and proceeded to bash the face of the monstrous idol. Whack, whack, whack. David didn't stop with just breaking the face. He struck the statue so hard the head came clean off. Then he turned to the table and brought the ax down so hard on the bloody altar that it broke in half from the first blow.

Not satisfied David went in search of the priest. He found two of them cowering. David grabbed the older one by the hair and yanked him to his feet. "Get your ass out here, motherfucker." David brought him to the broken altar and tied him to it. The younger priest tried to get away but David wasn't having it. "Don't you even try it, asshole." He did likewise with him and then as they pleaded for their lives David set to work putting kindling under them.

Jill heard the screams of the priests. She tried to look away but could not but see what David was seeing. He stood there not turning his back to the fire. He watched as it burned the two men entirely and the fire was so hot that that stone on the altar had burned as well.

"I am sick and fucking tired of this motherfucking place. Just when I think I can't see anything worse anymore there's this bullshit. Enough. I have had motherfucking ENOUGH!"

Jill was jarred out of the vision and she found herself again there on the bed with David on top of her and his dick inside of her.

"I'm sorry." he said. "I went too fast and I hurt you."

"No, it's not that." Jill objected.

"We can stop if you want."

"Hug me." she asked but when she saw him about to kiss her she added "But don't kiss me."

"As you wish."

"This is real, right? We're really here. We're really doing this."


"And you're real."

"Of course I'm real, as are you. I missed you so much. I dreamed of you so often. I should be the one asking if this is real. Of all the women on the Earth, the only one I really want is you."

She held him tight in gratitude for his words and then she encouraged him to move in and out of her. He did so gently and she gave herself completely to him.


Ok, Paul thought to himself, this was getting out of hand.

"Harder." Lilith said. She was on all fours while Paul was behind her thrusting into her doggy style.

Paul grabbed her hips and looked down at her asshole and pussy seeing his dick going in and out of her. Once he reconciled in his mind that he was doing this with her he fully committed to doing the best job he could but it wasn't easy because it seemed she wanted a very different kind of sex than he was used to.

"Harder, daddy. Fuck your little girl. Harder."

The only thing Paul found would work was for him to just slam into her again and again as hard as he could. That wasn't going to let him last very long and so it came to pass that he was deep in her, all the way to the base of his cock and he couldn't hold it anymore. He locked into place and blasted cum deep into his daughter.

"Yes, daddy. Fill my cunt. Make me your slut." Lilith said as she developed a full body blush while her own climax ran through her.

Afterwards they both fell to the bed covered in sweat and exhausted. Neither wanted to move even to get covers over them so they slept the night naked on top of the sheets. Paul had fucked his daughter and released his cum inside of her. He should be really upset by that but in that moment he wasn't. He kissed his little girl on the forehead and held her.


Jill was on top of her brother and working very hard to please him. She felt a nice sense of satisfaction when he started to cum inside her. She'd earned it though in retrospect perhaps she should have a conversation with him about not wanting to get pregnant.

She rested on him taking note that the real David did not have quite the body he'd had in the fantasy but she was ok with that. She wanted the real David.

"Fair Jill, care to join me for a stroll?" he asked her.

"A stroll?"

"Yes. There is a very lovely park. Can you imagine what the night sky will look like at this hour? Come, let us get some fresh air before we turn in for the rest of the night.

"You want to go outside now?"

"It is not necessary if you wish it not. But it would be nice."

"Do I have to put on all those clothes again?"

"Wear what you like. There is a decent variety of women's garments prepared for you."

David put on slacks and a polo shirt while Jill went with sweatpants and a hoodie. They went together out of the hotel and true to what her real brother had said, it was in fact very lovely to be in the park at night. It was not completely dark as many decorative twinkle lights were set up on various paths. David selected one particular spot and there he asked Jill to look up at the night sky. It was faint but in that moment for the first time in her life she was able to make out the milky way.

Just then, as he kissed her hand, she looked at him and saw movement behind him. She leaned to her left to look past his form and suddenly a bear rushed out from behind the trees. Jill shrieked and David spun, and immediately got between the bear and his sister. He held up his left arm with is palm facing himself. He balled his left hand into a fist and then held his ground as the bear charged. It all seemed to happen in moments as Jill tried to turn and run but tripped over herself and fell to the ground.

She looked back in fear as David stood there in a fighting stance. The bear advanced at full speed and then ... It was only for a brief moment, less than a second. The landscape of the park seemed to transform around her. David was somehow summoning a wall of stone to erect itself in front of him and above his head spiraled a tornado made of ghostly human figures screaming out in torment.

She blinked and then the image was gone and all she saw was David standing there, his fist up above his face, with the bear running at him.


The bear's head looked like it slammed into a glass wall that wasn't there. The animal reared back and then found its full anger again and roared.

"Go. Get you to a building." David yelled.

Jill was so scared in that moment that she couldn't even think what to do. She couldn't think to call for help. She couldn't think to run. But then there was a glint of light from the steel of a fireman's ax that was inexplicably there and she found her purpose. She grabbed it with her right hand at the base and her left hand under the blade. She got to her feet and then circled around David to his left side. The bear was on all fours roaring and showing teeth. Jill started to raise the ax into the air but before she could complete the motion, something seemed to stop her.

"No." David said. "Get you to the buildings." As he said that, the ax seemed to pull away from her hands and so surprised was she at this that she nearly lost her balance again. When she managed to catch herself this time she saw that the ax was now in David's right hand and he held it behind himself.

The bear threw its claws at David and Jill feared the worst would happen but the bear hit nothing but air it seemed. Then the bear tried to flank them by moving to David's side.

"Oh, no you won't." David said as he moved in union with the angry animal, keeping his left arm up in an L position the entire time. "Am I going to have to hold this beast off forever?" he asked her. "Get you to the buildings. Now."

"Come with me." Jill said. "That thing'll kill you."

"If I turn my back you're dead. I told you to run."

The bear lunged at David and somehow, without making physical contact, he was holding it partway up into the air and preventing it from coming down on them.

Jill finally turned back to the street and ran. Just as she was getting to the pavement a policeman was getting out of his car with a shotgun.

Jill went up by the car but did not hide on the other side. She stayed there by the door looking at what was going to happen. The policeman called for David to move out of the way and run for it. Jill's brother stood where he was even when the bear attempted to slash at him again.

"Move, boy." the cop called to him.

"Wait." he said. "She's tiring out."

"Boy, get back before that thing cuts you to ribbons."

"Just wait." David said as the bear roared while on all fours again. David stood there looking at the bear and the bear back at him. "Peace." he said. "Just go." he added as if to seem like he was addressing the bear.

Even over by the car, Jill could hear the rattle of the bear's breathing. Then the creature looked down and started to walk away.

The cop came up to David and put his hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok? What the hell was that?"

David didn't move until the bear was out of sight at least a minute but then dropped his arm and backed away. The cop started to get on his radio and was calling in requesting animal control when David made it back to his sister.

"How did you do that?" Jill said as he approached her.

"Let me take a moment to catch my breath." he answered.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"The bear. That thing. What was that?"

"Bears respond to dominance. Stand up to them and they back down."

Jill shook her head. "No, that was ... that was ... You were doing something else. I saw you."

"What saw you?"

"I saw you."

"Can you say what you saw?"

"Something, but I saw it."

"You were frightened. That's all."

"You're trying to say I'm crazy and I'm not crazy. I saw you."

"I never said you were crazy. But in the moment when your blood heats up, well, the eyes can deceive."

David did not want to stay and give a report to the policeman and amazingly Jill and her brother were not stopped when David insisted that they not be bothered anymore. As Jill walked with him he seemed to return to himself, or at least the version of himself that she had recently met, and wasn't shaken at all about the fact that a bear of all things had attacked them.


The alarm sounded and Paul came to consciousness. He was there naked laying on his side with his naked daughter in his arms facing away from him with her ass right there next to his morning wood. He began to move and she stirred as well.


"Good morning." he said.

It seemed similar to his morning wood she had morning wetness. She arched her back a bit and her pussy was lined up just right and Paul's dick easily entered her. She grabbed for his hand and brought it around her small frame to her chest so he could put them on one of her stem glass breasts. Unlike the night before she wasn't pushing him to really give it to her hard. She just wanted some nice and easy morning sex.


Jill saw David laying in a primitive cot in a wooden hut. He was wounded on the side of his ribs and two women were working to stop his bleeding. A long curved white object was removed and for a moment Jill thought it might be one of David's bones.

"Dragon's tooth." the old woman said. David was only partially conscious but enough to hear and understand them.

"What do we do? Can we not save him?" the young woman asked.

"He's dead already. The best we can do is keep him warm and keep him bandaged so he will be comfortable until the end. The venom will prevent his wound from closing so all of his blood will leave his body eventually. There is no stopping it now. It was suicide for him to try to kill that monster and he knew it. Tell me girl, have you been with a man yet?"


"Speak the truth. Are you yet still a virgin?"

"You know I am."

"This is not the time for pride or to be worried about your reputation."

"This man is dying and you ask me this in here?"

"Stupid girl. Listen and learn. His wound is physical but dragons have immense amounts of magic even more than a unicorn or a griffin. He killed it and that alone shows there is something more to him than just a normal man. And the way he killed it, he did some sorcery I do not understand. How can black sand be made into a volcano? He is not just some barbarian from a distant land beyond the yellow sea. He already had some magic in him and now he's been bathed and infused with the power of a dragon. We can not pass up this opportunity. A man who has killed a dragon is always destined to die but before the venom takes him a pure virgin must lay with him to keep him warm and take his seed. The offspring of such a union will grow to be great and powerful indeed. From this man, I believe the child will be even more powerful the likes of which we have never seen before."

"I understand." the young woman said.

"I ask you again, and tell me true, are you yet still a virgin? The magic absolutely requires it."

"I am."

"He will likely die before tomorrow's dawn. You know what you must do. I must place fire pots with herbs all around. When they are done feasting on the dead dragon if the other dragons smell him they will come to collect his body. I need to draw them away to give you time. As you lay with him, pray for a boy. Leave not his hut until he is either dead or you have a child inside you."

The old woman left and the girl was alone there with David. He looked up at her and tried to say something. Jill could hear his meaning in her own mind as if it were her own thought. He wanted to tell her that what the old woman had said was superstitious nonsense. He'd used chemistry and physics to kill the dragon, not magic. Even with all the strange things he'd seen in this place nothing had yet convinced him that magic was in any way real. She didn't have to do this. Her mother was wrong.

David tried to speak but nothing would come out. His mouth was dry and his vision blurry when he did find the strength to open his eyes a bit.

The girl began to get out of her clothes. She washed herself a bit from the fresh water in a bucket and then applied some water to David to clean some of the blood off of him. She paused and was looking down at him for some time before finding her resolve and proceeding to massage David's cock to get him erect. It didn't take much work. "Thank you for saving my life." she said to him and then kissed David on the cheek.

"Listen to me." David tried to say.

The girl began to lower herself onto his member and was struggling to get all the way on it.

"I will give you a strong son. He will carry your name. I will remember you. I swear it."

David's pain was soothed by the intimate touch of the girl's body on him. He lifted a hand to touch her side and as she began to fuck him he felt his blood gain heat and he felt more alive.

"Grey snake." he finally said loud enough for her to hear.

She continued moving her pussy up and down his cock, which seemed sort of numb at the beginning for David but now that his body was waking up he was starting to gain a sense of pleasure from it.

"Not orange. Grey snake. Bring it to me."

"Sh. Save your strength." she said.

"Black circles. Not stripes. Black circles. Grey outside. Grey inside. Many black circles. Bring it to me."

"Just focus on me. You need not think about anything else. Just focus on me and our love."

His body was warming up and more of his senses were awakening and he could perceive just how beautiful and innocent this girl was. He motioned to try and kiss her breast but he did not have that much strength left in him to lean up. She assisted by bringing her nipple to his mouth. Like a child drawing milk from its mother David was drawing life from the girl as he sucked. He had enough strength to move his hips and she responded by complimenting his motion. His mind and body almost seemed to be back on the road to full vigor.

"You're very beautiful Ursa."

"You remember my name."

"Do you know the snake? Yes or no."

"I know the one."

"Black circles. Not stripes."

"I know the snake."

"Bring it to me."

"I must do this first."

"I don't have much time. Bring it to me."

"It's dangerous. Just relax and let me warm you. Give me your child and I will raise your legacy."

David's body tensed. He didn't have the strength to embrace her but he was able to grab her wrist and hold it with affection as he felt the build up and then the burst of semen into this virgin. Ursa brought her face to his and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you."

"Do you love me?" he asked her.

"I love you and I promise I will love your son."

"If you love me, you will bring me that snake. Your mother has one in a cage. Bring it to me."


"The snake must bite me here."

"Bite you? It's dangerous. It will kill you."

"Bring me the snake." David repeated in his low raspy voice. "Remove this and let it bite me here. It will give me the strength to make love to you once more before the end."
