Balancing the Books Pt. 01


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Tara smiled, "No, thats okay, I can order for him. I'll have this grilled Salmon with the Spring veggies. And please bring me another one of the excellent Margaritas."

The waitress turned to Becky, whose eyes were half shut, her hands gripping the table edge.

"And you ma'am?"


Tara came to the rescue, grinning, "She'll have the same as me."

Having caught on now, the waitress glanced down at the table, "and the gentleman?"

"Oh, he's had a lot of fish lately. And he's been a VERY good boy. Let's get him a NY Strip, cooked medium with a baked potato. And his favorite, a Johnny Walker Black, straight. Make it a double."

Hearing this, Billy felt very loved and redoubled his efforts, sucking Becky's clitoris into his mouth and bathing it with his tongue. She reflexively shrieked, gripping the table harder.

"I'm Tawny...if any of you need ANYTHING, you ask for me so I can take care of you. I'll make sure ya'll have your privacy." She smiled and turned away, maybe walking a bit if she were wet.

Billy was somewhat shocked. She was attractive, but Becky's boisterous nature had been a turn off for him. So he was surprised by the tenderness with which she was responding to his ministrations. He also loved going down on Tara's smooth shaven nether lips, so he was really taken aback at how much he was enjoying the feel of Becky's full, soft bush against his face. It was comforting for some reason to have her moistened carpet caressing him while he made love to her plump center, and her nectar was aromatic. It made him want to show her what he could do all the more. He massaged her lips with his, bathed her entire length with the flat of his tongue, then narrowed it to a soft point and danced around her clitoris. He placed a hand on each thigh and drew her close, letting her know he was enthralled to be where he was.

Becky, her chest heaving gently, whispered, "Sonuvabitch, Tara, how did you teach him so well? How does he know just where to go and when? I could do this for hours...ohhhh..."

Tara leaned in slightly, whispering back, "And he could do...he has done this for hours...he really eats it up...if you know what I mean..." She giggled softly.

Tara leaned back. Just for grins, she placed one of her boots between Billy's legs beneath the table, and gently massaged his erection with it. Billy let out a long, deep moan as he edged, sending vibrations coursing through Becky's sex.

The first orgasm she hadn't given herself in over a year took Becky suddenly. She flayed her hands outward and Tara took them in hers. Becky gripped tightly as she mindlessly fucked Billy's face, sighing with her release. She wanted to scream, but knew she couldn't.

Billy continued edging repeatedly, feeling the orgasm rising and catching. He groaned into Becky's mound, pressing into her as firmly as she pressed against him in an attempt to stifle his cries of frustration.

When she felt Becky's grip relax at last, Tara nudged Billy with her foot, signaling him to climb back into his seat. He settled in just as the waitress returned with their order.

Becky regained her composure somewhat. All three of the ladies laughed as they took in the sight of Billy...Tara put her hand on his shoulder, "Babe, you're mess!"

His mustache and eyebrows, really his entire face, glistened with female moisture...he was soaked. Tawny reached over to a nearby table and handed him a large cloth napkin so he could clean himself before placing their meal before them.

Tara spoke, "Thank you for taking such good care of us Tawny. Billy, you're gonna have to leave her a really good tip!"

Tawny's eyes twinkled, "Maybe we could take it out in trade..." She laughed as she turned to leave.

Becky cut into her food, "They say good sex either makes you tired or hungry...I'm starved." She took a couple of bites, "You said you wanted my opinion...I do get to sample his meat to do it properly, right?"

Tara returned her grin, "Of course. Eat up, you're gonna need your energy. I got us a suite at the Hilton across the street so we could drink without worrying about driving."

After they finished their meal and their drinks, they paid their bill...including a generous tip and Tara's phone number for Tawny.

When the trio entered their suite, they helped themselves to another round of drinks from the private bar, then sat and chatted for awhile. The ladies caught up and gossiped about classmates. The suite had two rooms, both well appointed.

Tara leaned over and kissed her husband, "Take your clothes off, babe, I want to show you off."

Billy blushed as he removed his button up shirt and blue jeans. He pulled his briefs off and his engorged erection sprang free.

Becky was obviously impressed, squirming in her seat. Billy stood with his hands behind his back, embarassed.

Tara smiled approvingly, "Now. I'm not really into watching. So here's the plan. I am taking one room. I may stay up for a bit, but then I'm going to bed. Babe, you are going to give Becky one of your special massages, then you are going to give her anything and everything she wants. Remember, she is rating you for me, so I expect to get a glowing report tomorrow. After she is done with you, come to me and cuddle me, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Tara stood, giving him a deep kiss, "I love you, babe. Make me proud." She winked at Becky and walked into one of the rooms, closing the door behind her.

Becky sat for a moment as if collecting herself, then stood, "This is crazy. But I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Get your sweet ass in that bedroom, Billy boy." She hefted his manhood, "Or maybe I'll start calling you Billy club at work, huh?" She laughed as he turned crimson, then dragged him to the bedroom by the part of him she wanted most.

Billy took the initiative as he lifted the billowy sundress up over her shoulders, then placed it on a hangar in the closet. He turned around to see Becky standing with her hands on her bountiful hips, staring at him, "Well.". Her full, beautiful breasts pointed directly at him, their mesmerizing excess and beauty calling for a man like a siren, whose song would crash men to the rocks. Billy unclasped the bra and they bounced free. He saw the full, natural size, the eraser like nipples and large brown areola and was hypnotyzed.

She drew him to her breasts. As he was kissing them, she began to speak.

"Billy...umm...Billy, I have to tell you something..."

He stopped what he was doing and looked into her eyes. Her hesitant speech concerned him. As they both stood next to the bed, naked, she glanced down at his tumescence, "Oh my..." She pressed his head back to her breasts, "Please keep doing what you're doing. I don't think I can get through this if I have to look at you.

"I'm sure Tara has told you...I've...I HAVE been with a lot, well, several guys." He shook his head...Tara had not told him this.

"But part of the reason I have had such a dry spell is, vagina is really tight...most of the time guys just shoot off really quick. Then its over. And...I've never been with anyone anywhere near as big as you please...this sounds stupid, I know...please be gentle with me..."

Billy stood and looked her in the eye, speaking softly, "I promise you we will go at your are in control. I can also promise you I am not going to cum before you and leave you hanging, okay?"

She looked at him skeptically, "I believe you mean it, but I have heard that before. It would be really cool if you can deliver, Billy boy." Her confidence and attitude were returning already.

"Would you like your massage first? Or would you like me to go down on you again first?"

She considered for a moment. Then she lay down on the bed and minicked Tara, pointing downward towards her center, "Get me warmed up some more, Billy boy."

He needed no more encouragement, dropping to his knees and caressing her upper thighs with his lips, smothering her with kisses as he worked his way back to her amazing carpet of pubic hair.

Becky had received, and given head many times. But whether someone was going down her, or she went down on a guy, it had been as a favor. Guys had "gotten her warmed up", maybe even given her an orgasm. But they were then quickly on top of her, ready to satisfy themselves. She had to admit she never sucked a man off to completion, either.

So when Billy brought her to another glorious orgasm like at the restaurant, she was prepared for his weight on top of her. Instead, as the release dissipated, he moved away from her clitoris and tenderly massaged her labia and thighs with his mouth while lightly caressing her abdomen and hips with his fingertips, helping her to relax.

She enjoyed his loving attentions. The selflessness of his love making quickly aroused her again. Soon she instictively began to push her hips against him, craving his tongue again. Billy was thrilled to receive this familiar signal from her. He took his time, again bathing her entire sex with his flattened tongue before eventually darting back and forth across her engorged clit. This time he moved his hands up her body and began lightly flicking her erect nipples.

It was like the joining of arousal streams from all three points of contact, flashing sensations throughout her body, overwhelming her. Losing any semblance of control, Becky clutched at Billy's hair and began thrusting her mound frantically against his tongue.

"Auuugghhh! Oh, FUUUCKKK!! Oh, Billy, Billy, Billy!! Nnnnnggggaaaah...Yessss!"

Completely taken up in a rolling series of orgasms, she continued desperately fucking his face, her hips raised up off of the bed as ecstasy coursed through her like electricity. Billy held on for dear life, determined to provide the stimulation for as long as she could take it.

In the next room, Becky's frantic screams woke Tara, who smiled knowingly to herself before fluffing her pillow and returning to her slumber.

Nearly an hour later, as Becky recovered from the sixth repetition of this cycle, Billy finally stood. But rather than crawl between her and mounting her in a rush, he gently maneuvered her onto her stomach.

Billy had to control himself. He DID want to take her violently. His cock was purple and pulsing with need. But not only did he know there would be no release, Tara had instructed him to service her friend with one of his now signature massages. So he slowly covered her body with his from behind, asking quietly, "are you ready?"

"Oh, hell yes! Fuck me, please."

Billy moved between her legs from behind, and ran the large helmeted head of his penis up and down her sopping slit until she was pressing back against him with need. He found her entrance and very slowly and evenly moved forward. As his head popped inside of her and he pressed slowly to join with her, Becky groaned with the never before felt sensations. He was so big! Her legs quaked, her entire body shaking.

Billy looked down...only about 3 inches of his shaft had penetrated her. He began to shake also, feeling his balls tighten, he felt the orgasm rising up inside his cock...damn, she was right! Her velvet glove was tighter than he had ever experienced. If it were not for the device taking control of his body, he would have finished right here, just like all the other men who had left Becky bereft. He shook and tensed as his orgasm was inevitably ruined...acclimating himself to the repeated edging he knew was coming.

Becky felt Billy quivering above her, and felt his manhood pulsing within her. She surrendered to the inevitable; despite how good his girth felt, he was about to fill her with his gooey jizz and it would be over.

But then, despite the flaring she felt, he pressed forward, slowly stretching her canal beyond what she had ever felt. He would draw out slightly, then press further until finally she felt another new sensation. When she realized what it was, she wanted to cry. "Oh, god, Billy, I...I...can feel your balls...ohhh..." She could feel the soft bulge of his testicles pressing against her labia, and she knew he was buried completely within her. The ultimate in intimate union with another human being.

"Mmmmm...soooo full...Billy, you are so fucking big! Fuck me, Billy, please fuck me..." She squirmed against him, relishing the feel of his head bottoming out within her center, his sack melding with her nether lips, and the front of his legs pressed against the back of hers.

Billy lay down against her back. Softly toying with her hair, he spoke softly, "Not quite yet, ma'am. We need to let your body get accustomed to me so you can really enjoy it...besides, I still owe you a massage..."

Becky sighed as he began giving her a full body massage, all while buried solidly within her. She couldn't help but grind herself on her intruder the entire time, unwittingly expanding her insides as she did so.

Billy had to put great effort into focusing on her massage because as Becky instinctively ground against him, she unknowingly caused him to repeatedly build to orgasms which were ruined with edging each time. And each time the edging became more intense.

Finally he finished the massage of her backside. With maddening patience, he ever so slowly withdrew from her. She moaned in frustration as he left her empty. He gently rolled her over onto her back and pressed the head of his shaft against her again. She mewled as she felt him enter her and stop.

"Oh, please...please fill me..."

Sensing that she was stretched sufficiently, he surprised her by burying himself balls deep into her with one forceful thrust. She cried out and grasped at his shoulders. Billy forced himself to remain engaged as he completed her massage...spending a good deal of time on her chest that fascinated him so much.

He finished the massage by softly caressing her clitoris with his thumbs. Soon she was cumming, bucking against his cock and begging him to fuck her.

"Oh, please, Billy! How have you not cum yet? Thank you...thank you...damn you, motherfucker, fuck me! Pleeease, Billy!"

Billy was only too happy to comply. He knew he would not get his release, but he knew it would feel so good to let go, to be able to chase that orgasm THROUGH the let the animal loose. And so he did.

"Becky...hold on tight now, Becky. No mercy now..."

"Stop talking and fuuu...aauuugghhh!!"

Billy had pulled out completely, then began slamming into her relentlessly, mercilessly. She screeched in surprise, clawed at his back for purchase, then began matching him thrust for thrust. Their violently passionate union continued for several minutes until another, incredibly powerful orgasm overtook her. She vaguely thought about the bloodly mess she was making of Billy's back with her nails, but was beyond being able to do anything about it.

When the surge subsided, she held onto his shoulders and let him do the work, just enjoying his shaft plowing her, she spoke as if his wife were not asleep in the next room, "Oh, Tara, thank you...I've never cum like THIS...Billy...I love your dick, Billy...don't stop..."

With the eroticism of her words, she felt him tense up above her, felt his penis throb, the head pulsing within her, and awaited the flood of semen she expected. Instead he thrust more rapidly, shaking as he cried out, "Oh please...oh, please cummm..."

Becky had no way of knowing he was forlornly begging for something he could not have...she thought he was emploring her to cum once again...which she could, and did.

When she came down from this one, she could feel he was beginning to tire, but amazingly his manhood was not. Always being a take charge kind of gal, Becky locked her legs around him and flipped him onto his back, taking the upper position.

As she sat astride him, gently grinding herself on him, her pendulous double-d's swinging freely above him, the sensations and the visual was again more than Billy could take. He groaned desperately as he was edged again. She felt him pulsing and asked breathily, "How the fuck are you doing that?? Or NOT doing that?"

"It's all about c-c-control," he could not tell her it was the control of the device, that it was BEYOND his control, "T-t-Tara told me I am not allowed to cum with you." Which was true, in a way. "Only YOU can please...nnnngggghh...TAKE IT..."

His words had more effect than he could understand. Becky flashed back to all those times a man had spent himself inside of her, leaving her wound up with a stcky mess seeping from her with no relief. Then, she couldn't help make a connection to all the times a male was given a promotion she deserved; all the times some boorish asshole talked over her in a meeting. All the guys who used her and never called back as promised.

The idea that the roles were reversed for the first time in her life...that SHE could finish all she wanted and the man would be left shaking without any release whatsoever...

A seering warmth flowed throughout her body, especially her center, and her mind found a strange peace. It did not matter for the moment that Billy was such a good guy, and was willingly giving this to her.

"Okay, Billy boy, lets put that to the test. Like you said, NO MERCY..."

It was all about her...she began by riding him as if she were in a saddle on a horse, rotating her hips forward and back repeatedly, which had the effect of forcing his cock continuously against her G-Spot and clitoris. She was in heaven, he was in an erotic, ecstatic hell. Soon a series of orgasms rolled gently through her, swells which left her in her in her own blissful world. She barely noticed Billy moaning in pleasurable agony as his orgasms rose and were halted abruptly over and over.

When the orgasms slacked momentarily for her, she realized what she was doing to him. "All you have to do is give in and fill me with cum, Billy boy, and it will all be over..."

"I can't...ohhhhh...I really can't..."

She still could not know he was being quite literal, and not merely stubborn. "Suit yourself..."

Becky rode him slowly for a time, letting herself grandually climb to the peak again. When it came, she began slamming her sex down onto him with gusto, her large but firm buttocks bouncing against his thighs on each descent, her orgasm fast approaching.

She continued for nearly an hour, taking her orgasms again and again. Occasionally Billy would lose control of his body, thrashing violently or uncontrollaby thrusting up into her, lifting her bodily off of the bed in agony while he edged. Each time Becky locked her ankles under his thighs, her strong, muscular legs holding him in place...his violent attempts at escape each time setting off another series of orgasms for her.

At times Billy would scream or cry out in the sensory overload of his denial. When this happened Becky reveled in laying down on top of him, muffling his cries with her encompassing breasts. Billy would moan or cry out into her soft flesh, losing himself and either biting or sucking in an attempt at expending energy. She was one who loved sexual pains, and his efforts at relief only fueled more orgasmic highs for her. It seemed every denial for him was directly responsible for release for her.

"Come on, Billy, fill me with your know you want to..."

"I do...oh, fuck, please cummm..."

Again, she did, this final time a relaxed, exhausted cum. "Oh, Billy, its so beautiful...mmm."

She slowly dislodged his purple, pulsing cock from her now obviously superior, well sated womanhood. She languidly rotated above him, lowering her furry bush, sopping wet onto his mouth. Her anus over his nose, his eyes and face covered with her lovely ass cheeks.

"Clean me, Billy boy. Suck up all that wetness so I can sleep...gently now...I am so sore from cumming so much. Thats it...oh, that feels so good."