Balancing the Books Pt. 01


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Billy was possessed...his entire being was focused on his manhood...senselessly he drove Amanda into the mattress over and over...trying to drive through her if it would only give him relief.

Amanda cried out, her body afire, "I'm cumming for you, Billy! I can, you can't! I can, you can't! Fuuuuck meeeeeee! Damnit, I want your cum!!"

Even when Amanda took control, rolling him over onto his back and riding him like a deliriously happy cowgirl on a bucking bronco, Billy thrust violently into her, trying to get over the top, ceaselessly edging to no avail.

Finally, Amanda had all she could take, and almost as desperately as she had sought her orgasms, disengaged and backed away from Billy, who mindlessly continued thrusting into the air in search of release from his demons.

She almost felt sorry for him...almost. She was just selfish enough to appreciate what she had recieved at his expense. After a long time she came back to Earth. She stumbled from the room, and dropped exhausted onto the couch next to Tara, still quivering.

Panting, she whispered, "You had better go turn him off, or let him cum, or he is going to hurt himself..."

When Tara reached the bedroom, Billy was still thrusting his engorged member into the air, obviously delirious with lust. She didn't know where he was in his head...but wherever it was he had lost track of the fact he was alone. She considered mounting him and letting him cum inside of her...she really wanted to feel his cock pulsing cum into her. She had promised a goal, and she was determined to keep the promise.

Instead, she climbed onto his face, laughing teasingly, "I need to cum, Billy. Not as bad as you...but its all about me now." She pressed her wet sex into his mouth, "If you make me happy...I'll let you lose your erection...Oh, yes, thats it, Billy...mmmmm...I love you, baby..."

She came...and came...and came...and he...did not.

As they were saying their goodbyes, the other members of the group congratulated the couple on their remarkable progress. The ladies told Billy he would be their new favorite until devices like his became publicly which time, they assured their husbands, they too would have one. The husbands had mixed feelings about that inevitable occurrence...they envied Billy his artificial staying power, but not the fact his wife had absolute control over when, or if, he was able to orgasm. It was apparent to all involved that while Billy was very proud of his new abilities, he was a complete mess. On a continuous sexual high, he also had difficulty focusing. Even when Tara turned off the forced erection, he often remained in a turgid state, as he did now. Standing talking nonchalantly with each other, Billy's cock stood tall, leaking precum. Cindy asked Tara if she was going to make him wear adult diapers to work. "Hmmm...that is a thought...but, no. I'm not sure I will even allow him to wear underwear. He will have to deal with this for the rest of his he's gonna have to learn how to cope." This drew sympathetic glances as Billy's manhood strained.

The couple grabbed something from a drive-thru on the way home. Both too tired to think about cooking, they ate their meal with only occasional conversation.

They then took another shower together, bathing each other as was their habit. Tara was quite sated, and aside from teasing Billy's cock a bit when she cleaned it, they only kissed.

They decided they would cuddle on the couch and watch some of their regular shows on television as a distraction after all of the constant activity of late. Tara also thought Billy needed some non-sexual attention to relax. They had to return to work the next day, and she was certain he would have some adjustments to make with his new condition. She was certain because she intended to make sure of it by having some fun with her new control. Laying in his arms, she smiled to herself, devious ideas running through her mind.

They chatted and shared their feelings and thoughts about the changes in their lives. He expressed how very happy he was that he could finally take care of her properly. She reassured him that he was satisfying her much more than properly now, and she loved him for his sacrifices. He told her he was going absolutely nuts from the extreme denial and did not know how he would handle many more months or years without, but he would do whatever it took with a smile.

"Well, I have some good news on that front for you. I told Monica before we left that we would not be attending any more group sessions...for awhile, at least. I told her as much as we appreciated everyone's help in our changes, I thought we needed to concentrate on each other to develop our relationship with our new sexuality...and, lets be honest, somewhat of a female led relationship since I pretty much have you by the balls now. Don't get me wrong...I plan to have some fun with it...but you ARE my husband and equal. I just might be a little MORE equal," she grinned mischievously, "no whips and chains dominatrix type stuff. That is part of the reason I said no to the adult diaper idea. I am gonna screw with you a bit...but not like that."

Billy told her how happy he was. He had thought the same thing about avoiding group for awhile, and for the same reason. He wanted to say so before, but was afraid she would think he just didn't want to keep adding to his numbers.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. If I decide to have you service someone, we'll still do that. You should know I told Monica, since we literally would not have this if not for her, she can have you anytime she wants, no questions asked. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am. You are absolutely right. After she thought to help, then arranged for the surgery so I can love you right...for the rest of our lives...I would do anything for that woman."

"The rule still stands...any orgasm given to someone else adds back to what you owe me. But this way, without group, it shouldn't take nearly as long for you to pay me back for those five years. Besides," she kissed him and fondled his erection, "I plan to work you like a rented mule...I want to get those numbers down so I can feel you fill me up with cum again." She giggled as he throbbed in her hand.

Early the next morning, Billy was awakened by Tara's velvety sheath sliding onto his already hard member. She rode him gently, savoring the fullness and the heat until a slow, smooth orgasm sent quivers through her body. Billy quivered also, as he approached orgasm then only edged again. As he writhed in blissful agony, Tara sighed in pleasure and dismounted, pepared to start her day. This would become their least one orgasm for her when she awoke, and at least one at bedtime each day. Anything beyond that was "gravy". It had been a conscious decision for Tara...she had become accustomed to starting her day with the set the tone for her whole day! She wanted to use the habit to whittle down his numbers more quicky, sure...but this precedent for her attention she planned to maintain as long as they both were able. Depending upon her mood, she would either mount his shaft or his tongue, or simply push his head beneath the covers each morning. Decades later she would still confide in other women that they should demand the same.

She would become a demanding, but not cruel "mistress." By the time Billy would recover enough each morning to get out of bed, he would be greeted with a kiss and a cup of coffee. They would enjoy a quick breakfast together before heading out to work.

Tara added another rule, eventually. Having to clean semen out of her vagina, or have it seeping out slowly while at work, was not something she felt she should have to deal with. So, even when the distant day came for Billy to orgasm again, when they ostensibly returned to a semblance of parity, he would never be allowed to cum in the morning on a work day...ever.

"So, for the rest of our lives together, baby, I'll go to work sated and relaxed...and you'll go to work on a sexual high, primed, cocked, but never fired. Can you do that for me?"

Billy gulped, "For you, of...of course."

The first days back at work were "hard" for Billy. He spent a lot of time in his cubicle, trying to hide his periodic erections from his co-workers. Tara was kind...for the most part...his erections were usually voluntary, rather than forced by the app. That did not prevent them from being frequent...when he thought of Tara, when a sexily clad co-worker walked by, when he thought of his condition, when Tara sent a racy text, when the girl across from his cubicle, Becky, talked dirty...when a breeze blew by.

As time went by, his condition became part of his routine at work. He learned how to avoid people as much as was possible, to stay at his desk when Tara teased him. He got pretty good at making it to the break room, the copier or the bathroom when he had achieved a flaccid state...before something set him off again.

Even more so than usual, he spent his time longing for the weekends. Each weekend he enjoyed long love making sessions with Tara; satisfying her, trying new things together, and running down his numbers.

Then one day he had been making copies preparing for a company training he was supposed to give. One of the training materials, in a completely innocuous manner, had a photo of a pillory on it. When he saw this everything flooded back in his mind...being locked at the foot of a bed while David had made love to Tara inches from him. Standing at the copier, he quickly became fully erect, throbbing, and seeping precum. Fuck!

When he finished his task, he moved to the windows overlooking the street, standing there as if looking out across the city, waiting to recover his composure before going back to his desk. He had been there for a few minutes, facing away from anyone walking by, when he heard Becky's distictive Southern drawl behind him, "Oh, my gawwd, what the fuck, Billy boy??"

He quickly realized his mistake...his front reflected in the glass so that someone actually paying Becky always was...could quite clearly see the huge tent in his khakis and the wet spot at the head of his turgid cock.

"Damn, Billy boy...I had no idea you were so well hung!" She moved behind him, her large, plush chest pressed into his back, her hands on his shoulders, "I could help you out with that...even nerdy guys need lovin'" Becky had never shown the least hint of interest in him over the years, but suddenly he was very much on her radar. He, of course had noticed her over-sized chest, her full hips and her aggressive talk about men and sex. But he had never contemplated that she would want him...or that he should act. Truth be told, he thought Becky was one of those wild, crazy types and he would have been scared of her even if he were single.

"I...I...I'm s-sorry, ma'am. I'm so embarassed..." He quickly slid sideways and hustled back to his cubicle, holding the sheath of papers in front of his burgeoning erection.

Billy barely came out of his cubicle for a week after that incident. He tried to avoid Becky, but that was virtually impossible since her cubicle was directly across from his. He couldn't help but notice she was dressing even more risque in the coming days...low cut blouses which displayed her impressive cleavage and skirts that accentuated her full hips. Her perfume wafted into his workspace.

She didn't repeat her offer, but suddenly this woman who had not spoken a full sentence to him in years, needed his assistance with a task, or leaned into his cubicle to ask a question several times a day, displaying her impressive wares. Even worse, he couldn't help but notice her friends who stopped by her cubicle began checking him out as they walked by...he knew all too well that privacy was not Becky's strong suit. She had obviously shared her experience from the windows.

Billy, of course, kept none of this from Tara. On several occasions he all but begged her to simply set his device to 'flaccid' while he was at work..."please, Tara!" She would pretend to consider his request, then smile wickedly and say no. He would just have to deal.

Then one day Billy was at work, talking to Tara on the phone about dinner plans when one of Becky's friends stopped by her cubicle, and they began one of their not so quiet conversations. Billy whispered, "Oh, man, here they go again." Tara, her interest piqued, instructed him to put her on speaker phone so she could hear, but to remain quiet. They both listened as Becky and her friend gossiped and discussed their love lives...or the lack thereof in Becky's case.

"Girl, I'm going to that cowboy place over on 1st street Friday and see if I can score...I don't fuckin' get it. I don't remember the last time I got laid..."

"Well...Becky, you do come on kinda probably scare the crap outta the guys..."

"Its who I am, girl, I can't change it...but damnit I'm horny, honey..."

Billy put the receiver back to his ear, turning the speaker off. "See what I mean? Its like that every day. What am I gonna do?"

Tara laughed, "You won't like the answer, babe. We're going dancing Friday night...and I'm going to rent my mule out and put him to work." He could practically hear her smiling.

"Awww, crap."

Thursday evening, as he gave Tara one of his special full body massages in the living room floor, the couple chatted and watched TV...his unrequitable cock buried within her.

As he firmly caressed her feet, "Baby, if you're gonna do this thing with Becky, I've been thinking..."

"I'M not doing anything with Becky, you are...mmmpphh, right there...ohhh..."

"Well, yeah, but I'm doing it for you...she's crazy. Anyway, please...seriously...she does not have the ability to keep a secret. Can we please not tell her about the device? You just work the app, but let her think its natural? She'll tell everybody."

Tara squirmed and gyrated against his manhood, enjoying the sensations as he continued her massage at the back of her thighs. "So just let her think you're an incredible stud naturally...stud?"

"Well not for that could even make me go soft at some point so she thinks I'm a bum lay or something. I just think it would be a bad idea for everyone at work to know about the device..."

Tara moaned, "The ladies would make your life a living hell, huh?"

He worked out the muscles in her back, "They already look at me funny...but I was also thinking about the research. I don't think the doctors are ready for this to go public yet."

Tara saw his logic. "Okay, stud muffin, we'll keep the reason for your amazing abilities to ourselves. But no, I'm not letting you go soft...I'm gonna make sure your crazy lady gets everything she's been looking for and more. Maybe she'll be quiet for you at work for awhile. Now. Its getting late...we can dispense with the massage for tonight...fuck me good...oh, fuck, thats it, harder, baby, harder!!"

Becky had gone home after work and made herself up right. She wasn't so much a cowgirl, but was hoping to get lucky at "The Ranch." She had considered her very tight blue jeans and a blouse, but decided she didn't want to be so restricted. She wanted to display her goods, but also wanted to be confortable. So she selected her favorite sun dress from the closet.

She wanted to go sans bra, but alas, that was not realisitic for girls like her. So she donned her laciest white bra to contain her original equipment double D's. The white would do nothing to cover her large, dark areolas, and if somone got her aroused her headlights would definitely be on high beam. But she would risk it. The white sun dress matched well, accentuating all of her assets. She wriggled into a pair of white matching panties. Taking a few steps, she considered how they felt against her thick, never shaven bush. "Fuck it." She wanted to be comfortable, so she pulled them down and returned them folded to their drawer. She liked the freedom and the feel of the air against her mound, and this was her night.

She finished off the ensemble with matching cowgirl boots, the heels of which now clacked across the wooden floors of The Ranch.

She sat at the bar and ordered a drink. She had been nursing it for awhile, checking out the guys. She had not seen anything that really drew her interest, and was beginning to get disheartened when another girl, clad in tight blue jeans and a turquoise blouse, sat next to her. "Oh, my God, Becky...I haven't seen you since college! How are you doing?"

Becky recognized the girl immediately, but couldn't place a name. They chatted about school and what they had done since for awhile, and agreed the pickings were slim so far.

" hubby and I have a booth in the back. Why don't we take our drinks over there and you can have dinner with us?" What the hell. Maybe after they left, there would be a better selection.

The girl slid into the booth next to her husband, and Becky sat down across from them. Becky adjusted her breasts and looked Billy. Fuck! She wanted to run! He looked like a scared rabbit, too.

Tara placed a calming hand on Becky's hand. "It's okaay, Becky. Billy has been telling me about this sexy girl at work...then I finally heard your voice over the phone yesterday and put two and two together. So...I just had to set this up! Billy, Becky and I are sorority sisters, babe."

Both Billy and Becky looked at Tara in disbelief for a moment. Becky began apologizing, but Tara interrupted, "Don't worry about it...obviously I'm pretty taken with him too. I'm just flattered that you would see what I see in my hubby. And when I overheard that you've been having a dry run, I just had to offer to help my sister out..."

Becky stuttered, "Wait...wha-what?"

"I know how you popular girls used to swap off guys you liked in school and rate them. I have put a lot of effort into 'training' Billy...and I'd like your opinion." She couldn't help but laugh. It was partly true...but it was also, maybe a little, retribution. To think their roles had swapped so completely did Tara good. She had a man who satisfied her completely now, and Becky was alone. In college it had been the exact opposite. All the nights Tara had been alone in her dorm room listening to Becky and the other cheerleaders getting was karma.

After a few more minutes of chatting, Becky relaxed. This could be like old could be fun. Billy on the other hand sat quietly, as if he were sitting between two predators wondering which would devour him first.

Tara laughed, "So, you're game?"

"Girl, I'm wrapped so tight I feel like I could snap...if you really are serious, why the hell not?"

"Hmmm. Am I serious?" Tara pointed her index finger downward. Billy looked at her in surprise. "Tara, are you sure?" She fixed him with a stern look and repeated the motion. Yes, yes, she was quite serious. Billy slid quietly beneath the table.

Tara maintained eye contact with Becky so she could take in the look in her old classmates eyes. The doe like eyes widened when she felt Billy's kisses on her thighs...then softened as he worked his way slowly toward her moistening sex. Becky unconsciously slid forward on the bench and opened her legs to give him easier access.

"Ohhhhh...fuck...I miss this...mmmm...thank you...Tara..."

Billy worked his way gently through the mass of downy pubic hair to find her folds with his tongue and mouth. all of this accomplished blindly, in the darkness beneath the table, under her dress. Holy cow, she's hairy! It felt as if his face was being bathed with a very wet, velvety mass.

The waitress, of course, chose this time to approach the table and take their order. The twenty-something blonde noticed of course that the man was gone, "Should I come back?"
