Balancing the Books Pt. 01


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With absolutely no intent of giving him any relief now, she lowered herself to his body. The fullness of her breasts pressed against his abdomen, she casually took his straining manhood into her mouth. She tongued it as if casually enjoying an ice cream cone while he completed his appointed duties with her tender nether regions.

When she felt she had been sufficiently serviced, she moved up and kissed him so she could taste herself on his lips, and make sure he tasted his precum on his tongue. His groan was music to her ears.

The significance was not lost on her as she rolled gently off of him and fell into a peaceful sleep, knowing he was throbbing with frustrating need just as she had so often. She slept with a smile of deep satisfaction.

Billy lay there and quivered with a deep need for release. Eventually he got his wits about him, and stood. He pulled the covers over Becky, knowing she would get chilled once her hot body cooled down. Then he went to the fridge in the outter room, placing two bottles of water on the nightstand beside her. He felt dehydrated, so he assumed she would need them.

Then he returned to the living area of the suite, and downed a bottle of water himself. He sat on the couch and sipped a glass of Bourbon, trying to calm himself before going to his wife. He wondered whether Tara had set the device to full erection or had left it on natural, or free will. He had no way of knowing whether it was all him or not, but his erection continued unabated, bouncing against his abdomen as he drank. At least his breathing had slowed.

Eventually he joined his wife. Sliding quietly behind her, he spooned her, relishing the familiar feel of her body against his.

Tara felt him press against her back. She lifted her leg, allowing his erection to pop up between her thighs. It rose up, her folds enveloping its upper side. "Oh, babe, he is soo HOT. I love it."

She reached down and toyed with the large, spongy head between her nether lips. Then she shifted her hips ever so slightly and the head popped inside of her. "Fill me up, baby...mmm...yes, push...thats it."

Billy buried himself to the hilt, sighing in pleasure as she enveloped him. She nestled in against him, seating him securely, "Mmm...he is so warm...keep him there all night and keep me warm..."

"What if I lose my erection when I fall asleep?" His clandestine way of asking what setting she had the device set on.

She giggled, "Thats a good point..." She leaned forward to retrieve her phone, opening the app. She tapped and changed the setting from natural to a permanent erection. He groaned...then she slid the erection setting to 115% and they both moaned as he stretched to overfill her canal.

"There! That should do it!" She lay back down and soon drifted back to a satisfied slumber. He held her close, cupping a breast in his hand, and hoped he could sleep. Eventually he followed her into unconsciousness, although not nearly as peacefully.

Becky awoke first and ordered a room service breakfast for them, which she was only too happy to pay for. As they sat on the tenth floor patio eating their meal nude, she noted that Billy's cock was flaccid, hanging heavily between his open legs. She glanced at Tara, "I tried so hard to make him have him very well trained...I've never seen such stamina. You let him cum this morning?"

Tara smiled mischieviously, " He hasn't earned it yet. So,tell me how you rate him?"

"Fuck, what does he have to do to 'earn' it?? Rating? 15 out of 10? Oh, girl. I want one of my own!"

This last was met with a raised eyebrow.

"One like him...I don't want yours. I've been done that way before, I wouldn't do that to you. Now...if you want to bless me with another night like last night sometime..." She smiled conspiratorily. "But seriously...what does he do to earn it? Thats hard core..."

Tara winked at her, "I'll tell you, but first, how many orgasms would you say he gave you?"

"Do multiples count as one, or are we counting each one?"

"Oh, let's be generous...each one."

"Oh, wow, girl. I'm only guessing...its not like I was counting...thirty?"

Tara laughed as Billy dropped his fork and nearly spilled his drink.

Becky asked, "What?"

"It isn't what Billy has to earn...its what he owes me...when we started our agreement, he owed me 1,040 orgasms..."

"Holy shit."

"He's worked off several hundred...but...everytime he gives someone else an orgasm, it gets added back to the total. You cost him a couple more weeks at least...thank you!"

" set him up!"

"Well...not really. I really did want you to see what he could do. The orgasm thing was just a happy side effect."

They chatted awhile longer as if Billy wasn't there. Then something occurred to Tara, "I think we could arrange for more, um, services eventually. But I could use your help with something..."


"We need to keep Billy's...condition...private. But you've seen first hand how...hard...that can be. Can you watch out for him at work when you can?"

"Oh, Tara, it would be my pleasure. Even without anymore pleasure...but I'll take that too if you're offering." They both laughed as Billy blushed.

The following Monday, Billy was back at work. As he prepared for the training he was to conduct that afternoon, he couldn't fail to over hear Becky's friends stopping by her cubicle. Two of them stopped by at once, and their conversation was animated as usual. The girl from accounting gasped, "Wow, Becky! I see you had a good weekend! You are absolutely glowing...and THAT...I guess your dry spell is over?"

"Oh, girl you have no idea! I got rode hard and put away wet!" She laughed, almost snorting. "I am so damn sore...I couldn't wear panties today...and I can hardly walk straight!"

"I can see that...anybody we know?"

"No, sweetie...I can't kiss and tell...but I don't think you know him."

Billy wondered what "that" was. He was thankful Becky was protecting his privacy, at least within earshot.

Eventually her friends left, and Becky stepped across, leaning into Billy's cubicle. "How are you holding up, Billy boy?" She actually managed to whisper.

Billy looked up, and almost fell backwards out of his chair. Becky was obviously proud of her weekend, and wasn't afraid for everyone to know. When she got up that morning she had chosen to wear high heels which lifted her bodacious buttocks, which were clad in a form fitting skirt. As she leaned in, her full chest nearly spilled out of the very low cut white peasant blouse she wore. Most importantly, her exposed breasts displayed several deep purple bruises, the hickies he had left in desperation as she had virtually tortured him sexually. She grinned and winked as she watched his erection overcome him.

"Oh my, Becky, I am so sorry," he nodded, indicating her battered breasts.

"Don't you DARE be sorry, lover...I'm wearing these marks proudly...every time I feel the pain from them it reminds me of how I got them. I want more just like them, Billy boy..." Again she whispered, smiling. "How is your back?"

He leaned closer, "Its shredded...but I'm like you, Becky. Every time I touch it against something, I feel it and love it...for the same reason." He motioned for her to come closer, "The last fingernail scratches Tara gave me were just about healed when you gave me these. It makes me remember ya'll losing control and clawing at me...I want more too."

She looked both ways in the hallway, then leaned in and pressed his face into her cleavage. She sighed, kissed his forehead, then raked her fingernails down his back...activating the sensations from his healing scars. "Bank on it, stud." Then she turned and walked down the hallway.

About an hour later, he got a text from Tara. "Monica is coming over this evening to help me pick out colors for the kitchen remodel. Can you be home by 5:30?"

He responded, "I have that training this afternoon. It could go over."

"You're in charge of it. Nobody wants to stay late."

"I'll try."


The couple had discussed the training that morning. Tara had recognized Billy popping a woodie while standing in front of his co-workers would not be good. Accordingly, at 2:30 she set the app to "flaccid." Mercifully, Billy could not get an erection if he wanted to during the meeting.

There were probably twenty people in the class, including Becky. With her outfit and bruising, she was a hit with all the guys, and some of the ladies. She also drew dirisive glares from some of the women who were threatened by her volumptuous body, latent sensuality and her boisterous nature.

At about 4:15, Billy was standing at the podium, about 3/4 of the way through his course material. He had his cell phone sitting on the podium where he could see it. A text notification popped up, "5:30."

He continued. He could not very well respond, but he could see the texts. A couple of moments later, he recieved a screenshot of the app showing Tara had changed the erection setting back to "natural." He perspired a bit, trying to avoid looking at any of the women in the class.

At exactly 4:30, he suddenly felt the device begin to gently massage his prostate, "And then, you need to notify your supervisor if...ungghh...fuck..."

That got everyone's attention, especially Becky, who looked concerned.

"Excuse me. Anyway..."

He glanced down to see a text notification. "Time for your milking. The device is set to a slow will 'finish' you at exactly 5:30. Whether you are in class or home. Your choice."

Billy knew with luck, it would take him 45 minutes to get out of the building and drive home.

The employees in the class were visibly grateful when Billy managed to rush through the remainder of the course, and closed without taking questions. "If ya'll have any questions, feel free to hit me up during the day tomorrow. Lets get out of here."

Billy gathered his materials quickly and headed for the door. He desperately tried to stay quiet as the device continued massaging his prostate. The wait at the 30th floor elevator was interminable...he kept checking his watch.

He stood at the back of the elevator as it filled up with people. As the device continued its work, he became very self-conscious with so many people crowded around him. Despite his best efforts, he became aroused. He inwardly begged that nobody would notice his now over 8 inch and thick girth tenting his trousers. 'Fat' chance.

A couple of women noticed, their eyes widening. Becky definitely noticed. She quickly moved in front of him to block other's view. She stood with her back to him.

Even while trying to protect him, her devious nature took control. She backed up a step, settling his erection into the crack of her tight ass. The feeling of his familiar manhood made her flush, and her nipples quickly hardened into their own eraser sized erections. She whispered, "Damn. Its cold in here."

Across the elevator, Deanna said, "Cold my fuckin' ass."

Becky couldn't help herself. Imperceptively...she hoped...she wriggled her ass against Billy's hard-on.

He felt the familiar body against him, and imagined her erect nipples, her bruised breasts, and her moistened mass of pubic hair against his face. It was beyond his control now.

Becky felt his cock throb and pulse and knew he was edging, trying desperately not to cum. She moistened and tried to hold it together.

Fortunately for both of them, the doors opened into the parking garage and everyone rushed out. Becky pushed back firmly against his erection, wanting to feel it one more time before she left. She heard him suck in his breath frantically.

Billy practically ran to his car, feeling the milking working on him. He drove straight home, banging his fists into the steering wheel when he hit traffic.

Finally he raced into his driveway. Leaving his materials behind, he ran to the door. He slammed it behind him, and stood against the inside of it.

Just as he did so, the clock struck 5:30. He felt the copious load of semen rising up through his urethra as if there was a ball on top of it, expanding the inside of his penis. "Hhnnnggghhh..."

Cum flowed out and filled his trousers, soaking into the fabric.

He turned his gaze upward. Sitting in the living room, staring at him in his disgrace, were his wife, Monica, and her husband. Tara and Monica in amusement, the husband in pity.

Tara suddenly lit up with a thought. She quickly tapped her phone a couple of times and Billy felt the prostate massage stop. The flow of semen trickled to a stop, leaving his testes bulging and full. "Nnnggghh?"

Tara smiled at his discomfort, "I changed my mind, babe. I want to feel you release that inside of me...and you know what that means. But that will have to wait til the weekend."

Tara looked down at her watch, "Five-thirty! Love you, babe."

Billy enjoyed that evening immensely. Much to his own surprise, he enjoyed it because it was just a relaxing visit with no sex. Tara let him clean up (although the rule was set and she would not deviate in HOW he disposed of his cum) then she and Monica actually did plot out the kitchen remodel while he and James watched TV and drank. He was even given free will on his erection. He was quite flaccid all evening, and was surprised that it relaxed him so much.

That night as the loving couple lay in bed, Billy opened up. He explained he hoped she wouldn't think he'd lost it, but as much as he loved sex, he had enjoyed a 'normal' night.

Tara caressed his chest lightly as she cuddled up to him. "That is why I insisted on you being home, babe. I wanted you to experience this. Once you have 'paid your debt' we'll have many more days like this. We can still play if you want...we will still have a female led relationship...but relaxation and loving when we want will be the norm. And tonight, I am giving you credit for five orgasms. But all I want...REALLY for you to hold me. Can we do that?"

"Oh, God yes."

"Thank you baby. I love you. This weekend, though...THIRTY orgasms for that woman you work with?? You are going to give me much more, 'stud'.

Billy smiled nervously, "Oh, hey, speaking of this weekend. With the holiday, we have a four day weekend. What do you think about heading out Thursday night and driving up to the cabin? I really miss the mountains."

Billy had inherited the remote mountain cabin from his parents a couple of years prior. They both loved it, but it was three hours away, so they rarely found time to utilize the relaxation it brought.

Tara's eyes twinkled, and he could see the wheels spinning, "I think that is an amazing idea, the weather is perfect up there this time of year. Let's do it!"

Wednesday night they packed. Thursday they both left work at noon and when they got home, all they had to do was load the luggage in their truck and drive. They would have plenty of time to make it to the cabin before dark.

Of course, it wasn't going to be that simple for Billy. Tara had dressed in a short white skirt so she could feel the freedom of going commando. She wore a matching white bikini top to accentuate and display her tanned breasts, making sure her cleavage would turn any man's head.

She dressed Billy in a pair of loose-fitting shorts of light fabric, and a fairly long t-shirt. Both wore sandals. For the colder evenings and mornings, they packed some warmer clothing.

As soon as Billy's butt settled into the seat behind the steering wheel, Tara spoke matter of factly, "Shorts off." He hesitated, and she shot him a look. He quickly pushed his shorts down and removed them. This left his naked bottom on the leather seat and his penis hanging free under his t-shirt. "Put your shorts into your door pocket in case you need them, babe."

Billy exhaled as she told him to put the truck into gear and drive. She settled in for the long drive, relaxing and leaning against the center console. She removed a paperback from her bag and began one of her oldest pastimes, reading.

After a couple of minutes she chose a radio station she knew Billy would enjoy. She would be within the world of her book, so the music was of little interest to her.

Shortly, holding the book in her right hand, she reached over and lifted his t-shirt with her left. Lazily, almost distractedly, she began caressing his erection. He sighed and shivered. She lightly ran her fingernails up one side of his penis, around the head, and down the other side.

She spoke without looking up from her book. "This is kind of a focus exercise, babe. Regardless of any...distractions...remember you are driving and our lives are in your hands."

For the remainder of the trip, with lackadaisical ambivelance, she ran her fingers over his straining cock as she read. When he would edge, subconsciously pumping his cock upwards and emitting a dollop of precum or even a stream, she would punish him for the impertinence by stroking him strongly to rub the cum into his member. Which of course would only cause him to pump harder into her fist. He had to force himself to focus on the road while frantically chasing the orgasm which would not arrive.

She ignored his repeated groans and "nnnnggghhhhs" as she stayed in the world of her book.

About two hours in to the drive, as they passed through a small but popular tourist town in the mountains, she told him she needed to pee. Please stop at the next convenience store. He stopped, pulling up to the gas pumps to top off the tank. She stroked him heartily, then left him alone...his cock throbbed and ejected a stream of precum without an accompanying orgasm.

"I've got to go pee. Do you need to go inside and pee?

Through the fog of his denial, Billy noticed a patrol car in the lot. He decided that of course he could hold it.

"Well then, keep your t-shirt down and fill up the tank while I do."

As Tara went about her business, Billy hurriedly filled the tank, trying to hide his hard-on from the populace. He quickly got back into the truck.

As he sat waiting, his throbbing member pulsing in the open air, he watched as his wife walked out of the store. She stopped and flirted with the two tall, muscular uniformed men standing in front of the store. She lightly touched their bulging biceps as she made a production of displaying her impressive cleavage. Despite himself, Billy's cock throbbed desperately. Fuck.

Finally, his wife winked at the officers and returned to the truck. As they drove off, she returned to her book and to his prolonged torture.

Casually stroking his purple, pulsing cock, she said, "Love you, babe. Do you love me?"

"You have no fucking idea..."

Billy had to work very hard to focus as he ascended the curving mountain roads...switchbacks, curves, ravines, and...edges...always edges.

Finally they arrived at their remote cabin. Billy carried in their luggage and groceries while Tara made certain all of the cabin's ammenities were up and running. When Billy finished putting away the groceries, he walked out onto the deck to find his lovely spouse nude in one of the cedar lounge chairs. He handed her a beer and she returned the gesture by pointing downward with her index finger imperiously. "You've been a bad boy, babe. All that work to keep you hard the last several hours has gotten me all hot and bothered. Make me cum with your tongue, babe, and then I'll fix you dinner."

That night they cuddled in the master bedroom, watching the vast expanse of stars through the skylight. As they drifted off to sleep, she whispered, "Let's sleep outside tomorrow night. It is so beautiful and peaceful here, babe. I wish we could stay here forever."

The next day they spent their time hiking through the woods, fishing at a nearby stream where they caught some fish for their dinner, and then relaxing on the cabin's deck, reading. Tara did not look up from her book as she spoke, "I feel like a nice, soothing orgasm before dinner."