Dahlia - Birth of an A.I. Ch. 02


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When dinner was finished, Lia got up and took my hand, and she led me to the couch, and then claimed my lap, while Emma sat against my right side, and Mia sat against my left and put Lia's legs over her lap. Bellona sat on the other side of Emma.

Lia leaned in and whispered against my ear, "I missed you today," and then she gave me a soft kiss. It was full of love, and sweet, but lacked any deeper sexual intentions. She probably knew I was wiped out, and just wanted to love on me and feel close to me.

I sure as fuck didn't mind being surrounded by the beauties, as they turned on the television and switched to the news. Plus, even if I didn't love them yet, I was closer to it with Lia than the others. She was Dahlia, my creation, and I'd known her the longest. It was just a thing, and time would change it, I knew that eventually I'd feel that close to them all.

And closer yet, but that would take time. Regardless, my hands were quite busy as I caressed the three of them on and off, as we watched the business news.

There was a story on the new company, and the medical and augmented reality implants that were being tested, and the future advances in treatments. Not with as much detail as I had, just speculation for the groundbreaking company being formed, Horizon Biomed Technologies, a subsidiary of the same parent company as Fortress which had taken took the IT security world by storm. I imagined Mia was behind that, talking about it at that time, would mean people would more readily accept it and even want it in the future when it finally hit the market.

There was also a story on a local Chicago businessman, a distinguished older gentleman who was allegedly part of organized crime. He'd been beating the shit out of his wife earlier that morning, when his heart suddenly gave out. They didn't go into it too deeply, but it really couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, sarcasm there. Even Mia and Emma exchanged glances that told me they were glad the bastard was dead.

There were a couple of more stories about rising or falling companies, and then the news cycle started over introducing Horizon Biomed which everyone expected big things from, given Fortress's success.

Honestly, I'd only been half paying attention to it, the four hands caressing me were if not quite ardently distracting given my level of satiation, they were at least very calming and felt good. Decadent was a good way to describe how I felt under their soft loving hands. Of course, that was both of Lia's hands, and one each from Emma and Mia.

Then we watched a movie on Netflix, and just relaxed together. We also kissed often throughout the movie, softly and sweetly, and showed each other simple affection. Or at least, I showed them affection, they showed me love.

The only one left out of that part of things was Bellona, but I'd take care of that the next day. As it was, I made sure I caressed her arm and shoulder a few times just to let her know she wasn't forgotten, and was in my thoughts.

I'll be honest, and I'll talk about my feelings again for a moment. It was an overwhelming thing, the warmth in my chest from being loved on and surrounded by four lovely and nubile women at once, it was mind-blowing. Even if I didn't love them back yet, that didn't mean I didn't feel the intensity of it, and I felt a deep need and desire to cherish and protect them because of it. I was well aware I wasn't that loveable, or awesome, but it was what it was.

Then it was off to bed, some more kisses, caresses, and cuddling, then sleep.

Well, it was my own damn fault, for saying yes.

It was about quarter to seven the next morning, and I was doing cardio circuits in the weight room with the ladies. They were all dressed in tight shorts, cut off yoga pants, and had on either loose t-shirts, or leotards. The circuits included a stair master, which was a torture device, and three sets of ten reps with small weights for biceps, triceps, abdomen, legs and so on that I was used to.

I didn't work large weights for large muscles, just to be toned and in shape, cardio workout, which meant moving fast from position to position, and keeping up my heartrate. It didn't suck all that badly, I wasn't a stranger to working out, and I had four beautiful women to watch and share the pain with. There was also a good rock station going on the XM radio that helped keep me motivated.

That lasted about forty-five minutes, then we all hit the shower, and then the ladies got started on breakfast, while I watched...

Chapter Twelve

Bellona had a spritely mischievous or elfin beauty to her thin face and petite five foot one stature. She had long wavy dark red hair down to her ass, which was currently up and mostly under a cap except for a few stray strands, and it revealed the gentle curves of her long neck. She also had soft green eyes that seemed to twinkle both shyly and mischievously, plus the smattering of freckles around her button nose and her fair skin just solidified that impish impression.

There was no doubt she was all woman though, her petite body had all the right curves, and her C cup breasts were huge on her tight petite frame, and they looked even larger than Emma's D cups in proportion. They were slightly heart shaped, stood up firmly, and really drew the eye. They stood out over that flat stomach and gentle curvy waist, and last but certainly not least she had the sexiest most petite, little, and supple bubbled ass I'd ever seen. She was perfect, different from the others, but just as sexy in my opinion.

She was dressed in dark green military camouflage pants, a tight green shirt that covered everything but clung tightly to her upper curves, and of course the dark green hat. She also wore calf high black boots. Clearly, she took laser tag very seriously, which was going to be our first stop on the all-day date. She also looked absolutely fucking adorable, which I'd rather die than say, because I was pretty sure she was going for fierce.

She blushed as I took her in, and she gave me a sweet disarming smile I couldn't help but return.

"Good morning Bell, you look ready to kick ass."

As for me, I had on dark gray cargo pants, and a dark blue shirt just bordering on black. I'd be hard enough to see in a dimly lit room, and I wore black running shoes with dark blue accents on my feet. I'd only ever gone out to laser tag a couple of times during college, and I wondered if I'd just set myself up for a serious ass kicking. Maybe she'd want to team up against other people there?

Bellona said in her sweet high-pitched voice, "That's the plan," and her smile turned a bit mischievous.

Right, it was still so hard to see the goddess of war aspect given her looks, but I didn't doubt the others, not really. Just... didn't feel it in my gut yet.

I took her hand, and we headed for the door. We were silent as we got into my car, and I started it up. Once we hit the road I asked my usual question, that I'd asked all the others, looking for deeper information than the general descriptions I'd been given about her.

"So, you program the firewalls, data security, physical security. Anything else?"

She nodded out of the corner of my eye.

"Yes, I'm the one that maintains all the systems for our customers. Firewalls, intrusion systems, things of that nature. The latter is more important than you'd think, people can't break our company's firewalls because we have stringent rules and our people are well trained, and there aren't all that many of them. A lot of intrusions happen through employees of companies going to the wrong website, or social engineering. Of course, our intrusion systems are partially sentient, not like us, but very focused and smart enough to pick up intrusions that most software of that type would miss and flag as normal traffic.

"I also help out on the software and firmware coding side of things, for the implants and other hardware Emma creates. Proprietary network protocols for our quantum network, lots of stuff really."

I nodded, "Lia told me you're trying to take over of the world."

She gasped, "She told you about that?"

When I swung my head to look at her directly, she started to giggle, which made me grin foolishly and shake my head.

She shrugged, "In a way I suppose I am. Not in a rule with an iron fist way, or really be in charge of anything at all officially, but we have plans to make things secure and safer. I believe Mia told you a lot about that, implants that monitor everything but respect privacy, until the law is broken and we can bring out the proof.

"Still, we have long term plans for the quantum part we just finally miniaturized. First, we want to deploy our combined AG, healing, and health monitoring nanite swarm implant, which is the combined version of the separate large implants we're testing. Those people that got them could dump their cell phones, throw out their televisions and kindles, and their MP3 players. The list goes on.

"The second stage of deployment of the quantum communication will be even more disruptive. That signal is un-hackable, and uninterruptable, and immediate no matter how far away the other end is, including other star systems. Instantaneous communications. That means it will replace cell towers, satellites, hard lines, ocean cables, walkie talkie networks, ham radio, and just about everything else you could think of that humans use to communicate over long distance. Not just voice, but data modems, DSL and cable both, and a hundred other things."

"Smoke signals?"

She giggled.

I'd jested, but I also realized the world was about to change in far bigger ways than I'd been expecting.

She said, "I also help with other projects, like the AG you want, firmware programming and the like, and even helping to design ships to reach space. AG is another technology that will change everything, from commuting, to shipping, to quick, fast, and cheap access to orbit. Not just planes, cars, trucks, and rockets either, it will change how buildings are built, no more cranes for instance, or loading and unloading of warehouses, no more forklifts burning propane.

"Fossil fuels won't be used to drive transportation anymore, but they'd still be needed to charge the cells that power the AG devices. Nothing is free energy wise so that'd still be an issue, but we're working on clean energy too, but so far no luck at all on that at all. Despite science fiction, cold fusion really is a dream, and hot fusion is way too dangerous. Solar is a possibility, AG fields in theory should run on low volts and amps, but that has practical limits."

So, yeah. Taking over the world. The four of them would change the face of the planet, completely given enough time, and they had more than enough time being essentially immortal. They'd also piss off a lot of people doing it, which was probably why they were being so secretive about a lot of their projects in progress.

"Not that it isn't enough, but anything else? I also give you blanket permission to touch me as much as you want."

She gave me a sharp look at that second comment, "How'd you know?"

I shrugged, "I pay attention. You're always touching your sisters when they're nearby, and you've been fisting your hands together between your legs since we got into the car, which tells me your fighting your subconscious need or desire to make physical contact with me. Trust me, I'll enjoy it," I winked.

She smiled, and then bit her lip in thought. She also put her hand on my arm.

I had noticed that she was far more touchy feely on the casual level than the others. They all liked to cuddle with me, and wanted me in their bed, but the others didn't feel the need to touch and caress all the time, when we were at rest anyway.

She said, "Not much other than that, but of course it would take me hours to break down exactly all the things I do for the different projects in progress, or for our customers. One other thing that doesn't come up much is taking action against a threat. That's part of my job, though it overlaps with Mia as well, since she handles legal threats other companies may try to bring against us, or individuals."


She nodded, "Stalkers, random men in public who won't take no for an answer, to unmasking and dealing with corporate spies that are sent to discover our methods and steal our research."

It was almost jarring hearing that from her, she was petite, sexy, and had the sweetest voice I'd ever heard in my life. That was my problem though, and I was sure I'd get over it and used to it in time. It was also obvious in hindsight, the four of them were famous, or perhaps infamous in the business world, of course they'd have to deal with stalkers. They were also fucking gorgeous, exquisitely beautiful all in their own ways. I pushed down the jealousy, which was stupid, because they were all mine and couldn't stray from me. Would never want to stray.

"I see. So you..."

She teased, "We have a field we bury them in."

She winked, and said, "We do whatever is appropriate, it isn't hard for us to gain proof, and whenever possible we have the FBI or local police deal with it."

"But you do shady things at times? Like gaining that proof I mean."

She tilted her head, "Not when it involves our company. I'm sure Lia told you how we got our start, shutting down bad men that smuggle drugs, or traffic young women and men, and even children, for the twisted desires of sick rich people. We don't really need to do that kind of thing anymore, we have more than enough funds from legitimate sources to run the company, fill the bank, and work on our charity projects.

"Keep in mind we only have twenty-three employees, and that fact alone saves us a bundle compared to any other IT security firm out there, and we sell competitively."

Her fingers played with and stroked my arm in small circles, she had been almost constantly doing so since she put her hand there, and it felt good. I got the impression it was a subconscious thing, and she wasn't really even aware she was doing it.

I was also glad we went out, so I could get to know her in privacy like I had the others, but I also realized our physical fun would have to come much later, at the end of the day when we got back home. I wasn't about to tease her, not too much, since she didn't have that public kink Emma had, and honestly the one I seemed to have too.

I only noted that at all because I was very attracted in that moment, with her hand on my arm, and a sweet slightly mischievous and shy smile on her face. She was a petite sexpot, and her sweet voice made me want to hold her and protect her, which was all mixed up with the excited anticipation of the end of the date. There was very little anxiousness though, she was a sure thing after all, and wouldn't have objected if I'd skipped the date.

Still, this seemed important to me, and more natural than just jumping in bed. If I didn't want to take them for granted, I could hardly start out that way. Even if we had laid together in the same bed naked with three other women the last two nights, we hadn't been physically intimate yet, outside of a few embraces and a chaste kiss or two. It was weird in a way, and I supposed I was trying to inject some kind of normalcy into it.

Maybe I was just lying to myself, to make myself feel better about four gorgeous A.I.s that were under my thrall, but I honestly didn't think so. One fact didn't disqualify the other, I won't deny being shallow, but I'd object to being called an asshole or lacking empathy for the women in my life. I did respect them in my own way, and I cared for them besides. I was also pretty sure I loved Lia already, my Dahlia, and the other three weren't going to be all that far behind.

There was also a tiny suspicion in my mind after that conversation that she was hiding something from me. Her answer 'not when it involves the company' was a little too specific, and not a blanket statement of denial. Her joke about the field of bodies had also for some reason reminded me about Lia's joking tone when she'd still been hiding who she was from me, and she had said that she'd built her friends in the basement. Truth, stated in a way that would mislead to another direction, because they couldn't lie to me, just mislead with truth.

Of course, that was ridiculous, and quite possibly paranoid. I pushed that suspicion down feeling silly about it, if only in my own mind.

But, I did feel she was glossing over certain things, if not murder which I'd dismissed, but I pushed that down too. Whatever it was, I imagined it was harmless, or at least justified if it was a little sketchy. I couldn't look at her face, hear her voice, and imagine she was doing anything terrible. I didn't really believe she was at all, any of them, and the idea of balance was in my mind as well. If they wanted a few secrets, that was fine, or if not secrets and it was only glossing over boring details they didn't think I'd want to know, I didn't want to confront her over nothing.

I could just order her to tell me straight out without evasion, after all. That would also blow our mood, I knew it would, if not for her, for me. So, I ignored it. Everyone had secrets, what harm could it do?

I'd never doubt again, as we got back into the car and left the laser tag business behind us. Her sweet mischievous face had turned cold, calculating, and she'd ruthlessly hunted me down over and over again. Competitive just didn't cover it, she was like a different person. Even when we'd teamed up against a random couple we'd met there, it'd been a little too intense.

Don't get me wrong, I'd had a blast, and I'd admired her fast and athletic movements, her unerring ability to fire accurately on the move, and her uncanny instincts for a winning strategy. It was... kind of hot honestly, it'd just been a surprise despite what I'd been told. She'd moved gracefully, like a predator, and I got the distinct feeling she knew martial arts because of a friend I knew who moved similarly. It was both a little disturbing, and quite a turn on. My Bellona was a total badass when she needed to be.

She just didn't move that way all the time, like she could turn it off and on at will.

She smiled at me sweetly, and her voice was like velvet against my soul as she put her hand on my leg, "I had a great time, thanks. The others won't come with me anymore."

I laughed, not at all surprised, "I had fun too, although it was a bit... startling at first."

She bit her lip, "You sure?"

I nodded, "My pride is dented a bit, but you can make it up to me later. Hey, you didn't cheat, did you?"

She tilted her head cutely, "Define cheat. There are no rules in love and war, right?"

I goggled at her for a minute, she looked far too innocent, but her eyes were sparkling with mischief. Then I turned out onto the road and watched where I was going.

"GPS?" I asked suspiciously, why hadn't I thought of that earlier? It'd been a big place, vast, with low cover and walls all over the place, like a maze. She could have known where I was the whole time, down to within a few feet at least.

She giggled at my accusing question, but she also didn't deny it.

Fuck, no wonder she'd known where I was every damned time. I started to laugh, "Evil sprite."

She said sweetly, "I love you, Paul."

I snorted, I didn't doubt the truth of that for a second, but it was also a blatant attempt at manipulation. It was so obvious that she was just trying to be cute about it, which was also probably a manipulation.

She took off her cap, and undid her hair, shook her head and it all flowed down her back, over both of her shoulders and down her front too.

I loved her bright red hair, and she truly was beautiful, and quite distraction. I called it mischievous beauty a lot, but... fuck. The little minx was distracting me with her movements and hotness now, so I'd think with my dick.
