Erotic Potential


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I knew that Lidia slept naked and the clothes that she had been wearing were lying on a chair but there was no sign of her underwear. There were none in the hamper. On a whim, I went to the kitchen and peeked in her purse. There was her bra and panties rolled up in a ball. The panties were definitely damp in the crotch. I nodded as I realized that Natalie had indeed opened doors for me to consider. I went to bed and thought things over again and then fell into a dull sleep still trying to sort this out. Sometime early in the morning, calmness settled inside me so that when I woke up, I actually felt relaxed and rested. The image I held in mind just before I opened my eyes was an image of Natalie.

Lidia was already up and was washing clothes to get ready for her upcoming trip. I poured a cup of coffee and sat at the breakfast table and thought about what to fix for breakfast and if I should talk to Lidia about last night. I didn't have to make that decision.

"Good morning sweetie. I hope you had fun last night? I really enjoyed getting together with the neighbors again. It has been such a strange winter. If you are up to it, how about waffles with strawberry jam today?"

"I'll do that after I have my coffee and yes, I did enjoy last night. It looked like you and Stan enjoyed dancing again."

"He is a really good dancer but he can also be a little pushy sometimes."

"Oh? In what way?"

She looked a little embarrassed. "He lets his hands roam a little sometimes. It's nothing I can't handle but...... well you were there and so was his wife."

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"Oh no; nothing like that. He is a good neighbor and all but I think I won't spend so much time dancing with him in the future. Maybe I'll dance with Greg more next month. Did you enjoy dancing with Natalie? I know that you enjoyed talking to her. I don't think you talked to anyone else all night."

"I enjoyed dancing with her and she and I do seem to share a number of things in common."

"Good. I always worry a little about you at parties and then when I am gone. You get so wrapped up in your work that you don't really have a friend or friends to just hang out with."

"You wouldn't mind if I talked or saw her while you were out of town?"

"Not at all. She nice and is also very pretty too. I would rather you have a friend like that than some drunk who took you to strip clubs or bars. Besides, you know that when I am out of town, I usually go to dinner with the people from the office there and we go dancing and stuff too. So why shouldn't you?"

"You don't worry that something more than that might happen?"

"No more than you worry that something might happen with me. There is always temptation but I trust you just like you trust me. So, why not? Besides, she is married to Greg and if we become more friendly with them, I doubt that anything would happen."

"So how do you deal with temptation when you are out of town?"

"Mostly, I just let the guy go on like I did with Stan and then cut him off before things get out of hand."

"But aren't you tempted sometimes?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted occasionally. There are some really hot guys out there; but, I just tell them no and that is that."

The whole tone of the conversation left me more confused than before. She seemed so calm and in control of herself and she had shut Stan off the night before. Well, not really shut him off but put things very far out of reach. If she was somewhere else, would she shut herself off that way on principal? Would she shut herself off when she was with Greg Wednesday night? How would I know? How could I find out? She had minimized the things with Stan, so I had no doubt that she could minimize almost anything that really happened. I could see what Natalie meant about how worrying about it could consume you. But could I really just let go and not worry about it?

I started the waffle mix while I thought things through again. Obviously, every trip she took had erotic potential. There was nothing I could do about that. And if she gave in to temptation, there wasn't anything I could do about that either since I would be many miles away. So, how could I tell after the fact? Did I want to know after the fact that she had given in to temptation? I almost burned the first waffle trying to answer that question.

We finished breakfast and I put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then I went outside to do some cleanup work in the backyard and patio. It was going to be a nice day and I spent an hour cleaning while thinking about Natalie this time. Regardless of anything else, I decided that I would try to make her birthday dinner a nice one. I thought that flowers and candy would be a nice treat and some sort of gift. I didn't feel I knew her well enough yet to pick something personal but I could find something, I felt sure.

I went into the kitchen to make a glass of iced tea and heard Lidia doing things in the living room next door. I was about to go outside when I heard her answer her phone. "Hello. Hi, Greg. Yes, I can talk; he is outside right now."

She paused to listen for a few moments. Then she said, "Yes, I am really looking forward to seeing you Wednesday too. I'll have to take a few people out for dinner but you can join us there. They will leave after dinner but we can go out if you want." She paused again. "Look, I know but Stan was really hot last night. He's been after me for some time and I couldn't just blow him off. He was so hard all night and it got even worse when I took my bra and panties off. He finally begged me to finish him off. I thought about jacking him off but I told him no because there were too many people around. Next month, I'll spend time with you."

She listened and then giggled, "You are so naughty. I don't usually go out to dinner with no bra and panties but if that would make you happy, I'll do it. Now listen, we stay in my room this time in case Dan calls. He usually doesn't, but if he did, I would want to be there to answer. No, I don't think he suspects anything; I'm very careful. What about Natalie?"

"Now you really are naughty going out with another woman on her birthday. You will owe her a big guilt gift when you get home."

"Yes, I noticed that she and Dan spent all evening together. I wonder what they talked about; probably cooking or something. Who knows, maybe they will end up having an affair." She giggled. "I doubt that but you never know. I told him this morning that I wouldn't mind if he hung out with her or took her to dinner. Maybe I'll suggest that he take her out Wednesday night too although I doubt that their celebration will be quite like ours."

"Alright, I'll call you Tuesday night to confirm when you arrive. Yes, our reservations are next door to each other unlike last time. Take care."

I stood there holding my tea as the realization sunk in that Lidia was playing around and that she even planned it in advance even with people we knew. I felt the need to go out for awhile to let things settle down. I got my wallet and keys and started toward the front door only to be met by Lidia.

"Honey, Greg just called and he is going to be in Nashville this week too. We are going to dinner Wednesday night. I hope you don't mind. I would like to get to know him better." I had to keep my mouth shut to keep from saying what I felt about her getting to know him better. "And Wednesday is also Natalie's birthday. Why don't you take her out to dinner and maybe get her a little gift. She would probably like that."

I managed to squeak out an answer. "I'll... call her and see. I'm going to the garden store and get some things for the yard."

"Have a nice time. I am going to pack and do some work. My flight is an early one tomorrow."

"Ok." Then I went out to my truck and drove off. I couldn't think of any place better to go than the garden center, so that is where I went. I wandered around for about thirty minutes looking at things without really seeing them.

I was staring at a display of tomato plants when I felt two arms encircle my waist and I heard Natalie's voice.

"Are you going to buy me a bunch of tomato plants for my birthday?" I didn't move but she moved around and looked into my eyes. "Ooops, bad day. Let's go get a cup of coffee and talk about it. You look far away." She took my hand and led me toward the café next door. I hadn't said a word and didn't know what or how to say anything.

We sat down and our coffee was delivered when she looked at me and said, "Out with it."

For the first time I looked at her, most specifically her eyes, and then just began talking. I had no plan or agenda; I just told her what had happened since I got up in the morning. I told her that Lidia had given me permission to see her often. Then I told her about the phone call and that Nashville might not be their first get together. When I finished, I felt exhausted. I probably talked for less than ten minutes but I felt like I had been talking for over an hour.

When I finished, I realized that Natalie was holding my hand and stroking it gently. "And what did you say or did you?"

"I couldn't say anything. I think I just nodded my head."

"I guess neither of us has to wonder or worry anymore. Can I make a suggestion?"

"Sure; as long as you don't recommend a double murder or something like that."

"Ah, he is waking up. Rumor has it that you have a date with a beautiful and sexy woman this week. I suggest that you focus your energy on making that a memorable date."

I looked up and saw the smile on her face and couldn't help but return one of my own. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but this morning I woke up with an image of the woman I have my date with in my mind. I hope that I can find a way to make the date memorable."

There was a sparkle in her eye when she heard that. "Oh I think that you are fully capable of making a memorable date with her unless she is almost dead. Unless I miss my guess, you already feel a little erotic potential towards her. Focus on that feeling and you can't miss."

When she said that, a thought or rather a series of thoughts came to me. I smiled.

"And what brought that smile back to your face?"

"If I told you, I would have to silence you afterwards. Some secrets are better left unsaid. Let's go buy some plants and then go do some other shopping. Do you have to be home at a certain time?"

"Not really. What do you have in mind?"

"I don't want to go home anytime soon and the thought of spending time with you is very desirable today."

"You have something else on your mind, don't you?"

"Could be. Are you up for it?"

Natalie grinned, "Only if we could get in trouble for it."

"Then let's go."

I paid for our coffee and we went back to the plant store and bought a number of tomato, pepper, and herb plants along with bags of compost and manure. I had the bags loaded in my truck while Natalie put the plants in her car. As we drove to her house to unload, I fleshed out a series of ideas that I hoped she would like.

As we began unloading, Greg came out and said, "Hello Dan; what's going on?"

"I ran into Natalie at the garden store and helped her get some things. Then she is going to help me do some shopping. I hope you don't mind." Natalie looked at me with a sly grin.

"No, no problem at all. I'm not a gardener at all so any help you can give her to get her garden started would be greatly appreciated. You two have fun. I've got to finish packing for my trip. What are we going to do about dinner tonight, honey?"

Natalie replied, "I'll think of something. You take care of your stuff. We'll be back before dinner time." Greg looked a little unsettled but nodded and then went back inside. Then Natalie looked at me and asked, "So you are going to be a little naughty with Greg, are you?"

"Unless you tell me to stop, I guess two of us can plant seeds and see what grows."

"I'm not going to tell you to stop. So where are we going?"

"There is an arts and crafts show going on in town. I thought we might go wander around there for awhile."

"Oh, I like your idea of being naughty. Let me go change and I'll be right out." True to her word, she was back out in ten minutes wearing a pair of shorts and a halter top along with her winning smile. We got in the truck and as I pulled out of the driveway, she said, "Mr. Lover Boy wanted to know where we were going. I told him that we were going to an art and craft show. I wonder if he will call Lidia tell her about that."

"And if he does, I wonder how Lidia will react and what she will do. But as someone told me recently, let's don't worry about it."

Natalie grinned and responded, "That's one of the things I like about you; you think things through and then act on something. Let's go have fun."

And that is what we did. We wandered around the show for several hours. We would stop and admire some things and then argue the merits of other things. By the time we decided to leave, I had learned a lot about Natalie's likes and dislikes and felt comfortable finding a birthday present for her. As I pulled out of the parking lot, my phone rang and I saw that it was Lidia. Before I answered it, I asked, "Are you still up for being a little naughty?"

"You bet."

I answered the phone, "Hi. What's going on?"

"I just wondered where you were; you've been gone all afternoon."

"I went to the garden center and ran into Natalie. We got some things for her there and then went to an arts and craft fair for awhile."

"Oh." She had a slight strain in her voice but then brightened up a little. "So what about dinner? Do you have something in mind?"

"Yes, I do. Why don't you call Greg and have him pick you up and meet us at the seafood place on the highway? We'll meet you there."

"Ummm... It will take a while for me to change but I'll call him and see."

"Take your time. We'll shoot to be there around 7:00."

"Alright. If something comes up, I'll call you."


I disconnected the call and looked at Natalie.

"You really are a naughty boy. Both of them are now wondering what we are up to. So what is next?"

"We have two hours to kill; your choice of what we do."

"Turn right on Main Street and I'll tell you when to stop."

I drove for about ten minutes when she told me to slow down and get in the left lane. Then she pointed to a turn off that went down a small road for about half a mile. We came to a place called the Storyteller Lounge and parked in a lot that was about half full. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"A friend of mine from college owns this place. It is kind of a like a karaoke bar but for people who don't sing. They come and recite poetry or tell stories. On weekends, she usually has some folk singers come in and perform. It is a very laid back kind of place that I really like. Ron hates it and I can't get him to come any more. I hope you like it."

"I'll let you know when I have tried it."

"Be prepared for most anything. I haven't seen Angie in quite awhile.

She led me inside and as she promised, it was very laid back. There were a few tables but mostly sofas and love seats of no particular design. There was a bar along the back wall and a small stage on one end. As we walked in, a man and woman duet were performing on the stage on guitar and banjo. The room smelled of fresh bread and other things. As we entered, a woman about Natalie's age smiled and came towards us. She threw her arms around Natalie and hugged her deeply.

"You bitch. You don't come see me for six months and you wander in here with a new squeeze without letting me know that you are coming. I take it that you finally dumped dick for brains and found a real man."

"Hush, Angie. This is Dan and he isn't exactly my new squeeze. He's a friend and.................."

"Right; but it is just a matter of time, I can tell. Come on in. Do you want a platter?"

"Dan, do you like white, wheat, or rye bread?" Natalie asked.

"Rye is my favorite."

"Mine too. Angie, the rye platter will be great. Are you singing today?"

"I might but I will if you will join me." Angie looked at Natalie with a sly grin.

"Maybe one song and only one and only after I have a glass of wine or two."

Angie looked at me and asked, "Do you sing too?"

"I did a little choir singing in high school but no solo stuff."

"Great; we will need a backup singer. Nat will talk you into it I am sure. Come on; let's get you seated."

She led us to a sofa with a small table and went to the bar. A few minutes later, she returned with a platter with a number of slices of several rye breads, cheeses, and fresh butter. She also brought a bottle of Rhine wine and two glasses. "I'll be back in a little while. Enjoy."

Natalie looked at me and said, "I warned you. You don't have to sing if you don't want to."

"I don't mind. I've never sung solo but I always liked to sing backup. If you sing, I'll try and not mess it up for you. I take it you and Angie used to sing together in college."

'Yes. Actually, she had been dating Greg for a while and we sang in a variety of local clubs and made a little bit of money. She dumped Greg because all he wanted to do was fuck. Then he asked me out and the rest is history. That is another reason that he doesn't like to come here. Angie always reminds him that he is an idiot."

"Both of you are beautiful women so he landed on his feet I guess. I am surprised that you perform though. You said that you were more private than that."

"I have both sides. I can open up when I am with people I am comfortable with. Angie and I were roommates for three years and we kind of bring a lot out of each other. She got me to sing with her and I found out that I liked it. I wouldn't want to pursue it as a career but it is fun as a sideline."

"I guess that is what I felt too. I liked singing in the choir at church and school but never really wanted to be the front man."

"See, I knew that we were compatible and that you had a creative side. You keep getting better and better as I get to know you. Now try this bread. She bakes it all fresh and makes the butter too. The cheeses are from a shop that specializes in international things. You might not like some of them but some are really good."

I poured us each a glass of wine and tried one of the slices of bread with the butter. It was almost like eating cake with a sweet buttery icing. The second slice I ate with a slice of white cheese which proved to be just as good. By the time, we had poured our second glass of wine, I had discovered that I like all of the breads and all but one of the cheeses. It was a great and not filling appetizer. Natalie and I shared our preferences as we ate and listened to the music.

It was then that Angie walked on stage and announced that she had a special treat for everyone and introduced Natalie as Nat Kovaks and me as Nat's friend Dan. Natalie looked at me and said, "Well?"

"Let's give it a shot. You two do your thing and I'll just do what feels right."

She grinned, "You're on." We rose and went up on stage where Natalie took her place at an electric piano while Angie stood next to her with a guitar. I just took a place on the other side of Natalie. Without even talking to each other, Natalie started playing a song which Angie obviously knew as she began playing along. Then the two of them started singing together in harmony. It only took me a few minutes to get the feel for the rhythm and basic tune. I began a light vocalization on a non-existant baritone harmony line. Natalie looked at me and smiled while nodding. She never missed a word or a beat but she let me know that I was in sync with both of them.

In spite of Natalie's words, one song turned into two and then three. The second song was one that I knew and could add a little more to the song than a vocalization. The third song was another unfamiliar one to me and I once again just added whatever seemed right at the moment. When we finished this song, Natalie stood up and took a quick bow to the audience who all applauded. Then both Angie and Natalie motioned to me and I took a simple, shy bow. Then we went back to our seats and quickly drained our wine glasses. As soon as we sat down, Natalie took my hand and squeezed it.
