Forever Yours Ch. 08


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They got out of the car and checked the house. It was clean inside and it had three bedrooms plus a kitchen.

"I had my old friend clean it out." His father said softly.

They got the stuff out of the car and arranged them in the house which took longer and they went to bed very late. Ramon was so tired he didn't even have any time to think about anything. That tiredness sure helped a lot as he didn't feel the pain anymore. All he was thinking about was sleep and he hoped to wake up and forget about everything that had ever happened in his life. He drifted off to sleep the moment he covered himself up.

The next day was just some arranging and it just took a few hours. He tried to bury himself in work and it helped a lot. They finished everything in the afternoon and Ramon volunteered to cook so that he could keep his mind busy. He fixed something scrumptious for his two heroes and they all ate together as it used to be before but Ramon was not lively. Something came to his mind once again and he ate quietly.

For the next four days, he stayed indoors thinking about what had happened to him and how his life had been ruined. In those four days, he decided he needed to think things through and though it was painful, he decided to accept everything that had ever happened and move on. He still loved Marcos and the pain was still there but at least it was not too much.

His ass had healed and he was able to walk like he used to before. He was able to show a smile but it was not a bright smile. If Mark had been with him, things would have been great. The pain was there but if it had to completely go, Ramon needed to occupy himself with work. On the fifth day, he took a tour of the town and it was beautiful. Eduardo showed him many places and they were absolutely magnificent. The town was big and beautiful but not as big as the capital where they had lived. It was now his new home and he would soon get used to living in that town.

The tour really helped him a lot and he forgot about the pain. When they came back in the evening, the pain was back and Ramon decided it was time to start work. He had been in that town for only a week and he decided he needed to try his luck in that part of the town.

That evening their father announced that his brother would be coming back to the country the following week. Ramon just prayed that his uncle would help him out. But what it if the man was not rich and couldn't help him finish school. It was also the more reason why he needed to work. He broke the news about finding work but everyone was against that idea.

They were afraid that what had happened could be repeated but Ramon had learnt his lesson and he would find work in a more secure environment. He literally begged them and told them the reason why he needed to find work. After a few hours, they allowed him to though he saw that they were not happy. He assured them that he would be safe and they gave him a smile which was not genuine.

Ramon saw that his father was really sad. His brother was coming back but he was not happy. Ever since he had gotten raped, his father and brother barely smiled but they seemed strong when they were around him and he really thanked them for that.

The next day, he got up early, took a bath and left for job hunting. He tried different companies, restaurants, cafes but they couldn't hire him because it was either they didn't need extra workers or he was not qualified. He went back home but he managed to buy a newspaper so that he could check for any job opportunities or companies that would possibly hire him. He checked the newspapers but there was a company that caught his eye, Liama Shoe Company. He had never heard about it and it was all the way in the capital but he just found himself reading an article on it. It was a company which had been founded 6 years ago and it had been growing since then. It had recently become one of the largest shoes making company in the country if not the largest after its expansion about a year ago. The owner was not clearly known and there a few companies with the similar name.

Ramon had been so tired after that long day but that was what he needed if he was to get over his pain, tiredness. He slept soundly at night and the next day he tried his luck but nothing really worked. This happened for three days until he got tired on the fourth day.

After job hunting the rest of the morning, Ramon was so tired that he sat on the bench in the street. He felt like crying and all the memories came back to him. He had a bad heartache that he needed to get it out. As he was sitting on that bench alone he took a deep breath and encouraged himself.

"You will make it Ramon Castillo.......just have faith. You will survive it and rise as well."

He slowly covered his eyes and felt the wind blowing on his face and it seemed to bring with it a wind of change. He felt calm and he was slowly losing the pain. The roads were just nearby and he could hear the cars and people passing. As the pain slowly left him, he knew he needed something more to encourage him, a song. And he knew the song to sing, 'Rise' by Katy Perry. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he started singing,

'I won't just survive; oh you will see me thrive,

Can write my story.....................'

He felt some energy enter him and it just encouraged him to sing some more. He wanted to get up so he did and made those moves with his hands. He felt like he was on top of the world as he sang that song. By the time he got to the chorus he could hear his voice getting louder but he couldn't control it as he felt so much energy that his body was emitting heat. He continued getting drawn into the music as he heard his voice going miles away,

'Oh ye of so little faith don't doubt it, don't doubt it

Victory is my veins......I know it, I know it and I will not negotiate

I'll fight it, I'll fight it. I will transform...........

As he got to the part he liked the most, his voice got louder as he gained more energy. He had never felt like that ever since he had broken up with Marcos. It was like the song gave him so much energy and excitement as he sang,

'When........when the fire is at my feet again and the vultures all start circling. They are whispering, you are out of time but still I rise. This is no mistake, no accident.........don't be surprised I will still rise.

I must stay conscious through the menace and chaos. So I could own my angels.....they say, oh ye of so little faith.......'

He sang the song gracefully not making even a mistake and his voice sounded clear and beautiful. He could also hear that his voice sounded soft and a bit feminine but it was beautiful. He sang the song to the end feeling happy but when he finished singing he got surprised when he heard claps and cheers from around him. He quickly opened his eyes to find a small crowd of people cheering and some were taking photos and videos.

His face just went and gone like, 'what? What's going on here?' he couldn't bring himself to saying anything as his whole face spoke for him. He had just been singing to encourage him but these people thought he was a street singer. How the hell was he going to explain it to them now? But they were cheering which meant that they liked his singing.

"That was great." He heard several people say and whistle while others cheered.

"Give us another one." Others shouted. "Please!"

Ramon didn't know how to turn down their offer. They seemed determined and they were actually expecting him to sing but his face was flat. He remained silent and lost.

"Looks like he's shy," Others shouted. "Let's give him some encouragement." Then just like that, everyone started clapping and cheering and more people came to him. He needed to explain himself before things got out of hand.

"Wait, you people are misunderstanding everything." He said softly with a flat face. "I am not a....."

"Please do it again," Some man shouted from behind. "We want to hear you sing."

"But I don't have any instruments." He gave an excuse.

"With that kind of voice you don't need any instruments." A woman with a beautiful smile said to him and she had a young boy with her. It reminded him of his mother as he stared at the child who was giving a smile.

"Please," The young boy said which made him smile.

"Your voice is beautiful even in a cappella." Some people shouted.

Ramon knew he couldn't argue with these people so he just gave in into whatever they were asking. No harm ever came out of singing for the crowd, he thought.

"Okay," He smiled. "But only one song,"

There were cheers all over as soon as he had said that and many people still came to see what was happening. Marcos took a deep breath as he dived into one of his favorite songs, nightingale,

"I can't sleep tonight, wide awake and so confused. Everything is in line but I am bruised. I need a voice to echo...I need a light to take me home. I kinda need a hero, is it you. I never see a forest for the trees; I could really use your melody. Baby I'm a little blind I think it's time for you to find me......

Can you be my nightingale? Sing to me I know you are there. You could be my sanity, you bring me peace, send me to sleep. Say you'll be my nightingale......."

He sang the song really smoothly and with all his heart and he could feel the song getting better. As he sang it, he could see that most people had their hands on their chest and they were into the song. He was not working or anything but they were really making him feel happy and emotional. He sang the song to the end, receiving a beautiful ending with so many cheers from the people that showed him love.

He smiled at them as they cheered and clapped. Some were rubbing their tears as they smiled. He didn't even know that the song could be emotional, thanks Demi Lovato. He felt really loved and they were all like friends to him.

"That was beautiful." A woman who was in front of him said while rubbing her eye.

People were clapping then this woman got out a big handkerchief and she threw a 100 dollar note. Ramon didn't know what was going on but he didn't want the money.

"What are you doing?" He asked seriously. "I don't need this money because I......"

"I know that but I just can't leave without appreciating your talent." She answered with a smile. "I don't know about these guys but I won't let you turn me down."

She smiled and many other people were putting the money on the handkerchief and there was a heap. He couldn't believe that he was getting money for that little performance. The people congratulated him and thanked him as they went away. All of them were gone except for the woman who was smiling at him.

"Are you a singer, dear?" She asked.

"No!" Ramon responded softly. "This was the first time singing actually."

"It's been a long time since I heard that kinda voice." She smiled. "With that kind of voice, you would be able to make it in the music industry."

Ramon wasn't even thinking about music but it was not a bad idea. If he had the money, he would just go into music. Ramon nodded and looked down to see a heap of money on the handkerchief and some was just on the ground.

"Let me help you with that." The woman said.

Ramon didn't need any help. She had helped him a lot.

"No, it's okay." Ramon smiled naturally. "You have helped me out. I will pick it up."

The woman smiled and she left after telling him something he would never forget in his entire life. He couldn't believe a stranger would say something like that to him. Maybe she was different from everyone that he had met before.

"Just remember, everyone has a specific talent. You have a great voice and it is angelic. It could also be the key to your success and it can open many doors. Use it to your advantage."

She left after saying that but it left ringing in Ramon's head and if he had money or if he manages to have more money, he would definitely go into music. He knelt to pick up the money while he thought about the words of the woman. He quickly picked the money not minding how much it was and he was about to put it in his bag when he heard a thud on the ground.

He looked and saw a bundle of 20 dollar notes and it was quite a big bundle that he got confused. It had fallen on the large handkerchief and Ramon wanted to know who had thrown it. He moved his eyes from the ground all the way to the face. As he moved his face up the man, he took note of the whole attire and it was beautiful.

Beautiful brown, shiny shoes, a black tight designer's suit, a black designer's shirt and was really handsome. He looked like he was in his mid forties and his dark hair was gelled to perfection. He was wearing a smile and Ramon couldn't help but put up a controlled smile as he picked up the money in his hands. He slowly got up and realized that there were two more people standing further away from them, guards if he was not mistaken. The man was surely a business man and he would bet on it.

"What's this for?" Ramon asked slowly.

"My name is Sonny Robbins," The man spoke in a deep manly voice. "I was passing by and I saw a crowd of people. I sent one of my guards to check what was going on and he told me that a boy was singing. I really love music a lot so I came to check for myself and it was such a wonderful performance. That is what the money is for."

It sure was a lot of money and Ramon really needed money but he couldn't just accept that large bundle of money.

"But sir, I......"

"I will not let you reject that money." Mr. Robbins laughed. "Your voice is so perfect. I haven't heard it in so long. You are just the missing peace in my company."

"What?" Ramon said as his heart almost missed a beat. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from this man he had just met.

"I am one of the owners an entertainment industry and I am also a producer." The man laughed. "For a long time now, I have been searching for a young person with a voice like yours. I want my industry to rise and also my other companies need someone just like you."

"I don't understand sir." Ramon said politely.

"Let's just say I am offering you a life changing job."Mr. Robbins smiled brilliantly. "You are the missing piece and you will be able to make a lot of money."

Ramon couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had just being singing a song to encourage himself but it was like things were working in his favor. He was lucky, thanks Katy Perry.

"Are you offering me a job?" Ramon's tears came out.

"Yes," Mr. Robbins said optimistically. "But only.............if you are interested."

If he was interested, he thought? He had been longing for a job for three damn days and the job presented itself. Which fool would reject something like that? It was just what he needed to make himself something in life. Since Mr. Robbins had told him that he was the missing piece, how could he turn him down?

"Of course, sir," Ramon said feeling adrenaline rushing through his entire body. "I really need a job so badly."

"Okay," Mr. Robbins said that Ramon could hear joy in his voice. Ramon could see Mr. Robbins searching the pockets for something but Ramon was not ready to receive another bundle of money. Mr. Robbins brought out a card.

"This is my business card," Mr. Robbins said cheerfully. "It has every detail you need........come to my office tomorrow morning."

Ramon took the card and he was too excited to check. He pushed it into his bag and almost jumped at the joy he was feeling. He didn't care which music company it was but he was surely going to make a lot of money to get his family out of poverty. They both said their goodbyes and Mr. Robbins left with a smile.

Ramon was so happy that he decided to go home immediately. As soon as the man was out of sight, he quickly packed the money and went to the nearby taxi he saw on the road. All the way home, he was so happy that he couldn't even wait to reach home. He completely forgot about all his troubles. He reached home in just 30 minutes and he almost forgot to pay the driver.

Ramon ran inside the house sounding all happy.

"Father," He called. "Father, please come."

This incident reminded him of the time he had gotten a job at Martinez hotel and came home happily. It was like history was repeating itself but this time he was going to make sure he stayed happy and strong.

"Yes," He said as he came in quickly. "What has made my son this happy?"

"I am also wondering what has made my brother so happy." Eduardo said as he came into the living room.

"I have got a job." He yelled happily. "Well not yet but I know I will get it."

Ramon saw his father quiet and he knew that he was also thinking about what had happened in the past.

"Which job is that?" Eduardo gushed.

"Mr. Robbins has offered me a job at his company as a singer." He chuckled. "I am going to earn a lot of money now."

"Who is Mr. Robbins?" His father asked sounding worried.

"Wait," Ramon gushed. "I have his business card."

Ramon had been so happy that he had forgotten to check the details on the business card. What a happy guy, right?

Ramon quickly took out the business card from the bag and when his eye met with it, he froze. He couldn't believe what he was reading. He closed his eyes and rubbed them but it was the same words. He couldn't believe that one of the richest and known music and entertainment industry had just offered him a job, Liberty RLC music and entertainment group company.

He was motionless and he felt himself breathing really fast. Before he knew it, Eduardo got the card from him and he could hear him gasping.

"Oh my God," Eduardo gasped.

"What is it?" Their father asked with concern.

"Father, it's....its Liberty RLC music and entertainment industry, the second largest entertainment industry in the world." Eduardo exclaimed. "Do you know what this means? It means that my brother may become one of those famous musicians. This will make all his dreams come true."

"I....I can't believe it." Ramon gasped. "I can't believe that I was offered a job by one of the producers and directors of RLC."

Ramon just yelled out in excitement as more energy crept through him. He was just too excited that he even gave his father and brother a hug.

"How did this happen?" Eduardo asked excitedly.

Ramon made them sit down before he narrated the whole story to them. He entertained them and he laughed at times but he smoothly told them about how he had sang to encourage him only to find people clapping and how they had given him money after begging him to sing. All that had happened to him he narrated up to the very end. He was just so excited but he wished he would impress them so that they would give him the job.

"So where is the money?"

Ramon got the money from the bag and counted it all together. He couldn't believe he had made 5400 dollars in just a few minutes of singing. He was so excited that he gave the money to his father to buy anything that was lacking in the house and anything else that was needed. The excitement was burgeoning and everyone present could feel it. That evening Eduardo and he cooked dinner and for the first time since that heartbreaking incident, they ate dinner as a happy family.

Ramon went to bed early so that he could leave early. He had to go to the company address which was on the card. He knew that company had branches all over the world and also in the country but he had no idea that he would be a part of it.

The next morning he took a very quick warm shower, dressed in his best clothes and was on his way to the company address. He took a cab from his home into town and took another one from town and he later found himself standing in front of large, tall building which seemed to call to him.

He took out his phone and called Mr. Robbins who came outside in a moment and they both headed inside the large building. It was really beautiful inside and everyone was busy. It had pictures of some of the most popular musicians including some of his favorites. He never thought he would be in such a place. Had anyone told him that he would actually come here, he wouldn't have believed them but he was truly here.
