Forever Yours Ch. 08


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The rickshaw was not fast but after two hours and half of being on the road, he arrived at the large gate. He paid the driver and he ran to the gate and knocked hard. He continued knocking until the security guard opened the gate. Without taking any time, he ran in the compound despite the guard shouting for him.

"We have specific orders not to let you in." The guard said softly to him.

Ramon didn't need to hear any bullshit so he continued going until the two guards he found at the door broke him.

"Get out of my way," He shouted angrily.

"We are really sorry, sir." One of them spoke. "But we are only following orders."

Ramon knew that these guys were only following orders so he did what anyone in his shoes would have done, he began shouting for Marcos. He couldn't just leave without speaking to him.

"Marcos!" He shouted at the top of his voice. "Come out, it's Ramon, your boyfriend. Please come out."

He continued shouting for some time and the guards were trying to kick him out of the compound. He heard the door creaking and he wanted to see if it was his boyfriend.

"Let him go." He heard Marcos' father order the guards and they did as they were instructed.

Ramon ran to Marcos' father who was looking somehow angry at him.

"I am so sorry sir for making all this noise." He apologized. "I just need to speak to Marcos so that I can tell him the truth."

"Ramon," Marcos' father said calmly. "I don't think that's a good idea. Please, just go home. Marcos is in not the mood to speak to you."

"Please, sir," He begged. "I need to speak to him."

"Go home," His father said calmly as he showed some form of irritation. "I don't think now is the right time........."

"No, I think this is the right time to make things clear." Ramon heard Marcos' voice.

He saw Marcos coming out of the house followed by his mother and the rest of the members. He was looking like he had not slept for weeks. His whole face was angry and his eyes were not pretty anymore. Ramon ran to Marcos and wrapped his arms around him.

That hug felt like heaven to Marcos. He wanted to touch Ramon and tell him how much he loved him but the pain got in the way. He ripped Ramon off him and threw him down with great force that it somehow hurt him to see Ramon like that.

"Don't touch me," Marcos yelled as he pointed his finger angrily to Ramon. "Don't you ever touch me or you will regret it."

"I know you are angry at me," Ramon said as he got up not minding the pain. "But we can solve this."

"What are you doing here?" Madison snapped at Ramon.

"Madison," Olivia yelled at Madison and Ramon didn't know why.

"But mom, are you going to watch this,"

"Shut up or I will slap you." She said almost slapping Madison who was looking so irritated.

Ramon knew that the woman was pretending and he had to expose her.

"Get out of here before I do something to you." Marcos yelled angrily. "Leave me alone."

Marcos turned back to go back inside the house after the pain came back to him.

"Please, I was raped and all this was planned to break us up." Ramon yelled as Marcos turned to face him.

"Well that isn't what it looked like." Marcos said softly. "Don't fucking lie to me because I know you were only using me." Marcos snapped as he held his hand to slap Ramon.

"I swear to you that I was raped," He begged. "One of your family members did this."

"What?" Marcos growled. "You have been cheating on me and you have the nerves to accuse my family for it? You are so shameful." He yelled. "Get out of here and never come back."

"Please believe me, I am telling the truth," Ramon begged as he tried to touch the furious Marcos who was ready to rip him apart.

"Get out of here," Marcos pushed him. "Stop dragging my family into your mess. Just accept that messed up."

"Why would I lie to you?" Ramon pleaded. "All this was done by your mother and she had.........."

Before he finished his sentence, Marcos smacked him hard in the face and it felt like someone hard burned his face.

"What?" Olivia snapped. "Me? How could I do that to you Ramon?" She said softly. "I loved you like a son. In fact I didn't even believe what my son said."

"How dare you?" Marcos roared. "How dare you accuse my mother, you whore?" He hissed. "She showed you nothing but unconditional love. I knew that it was hard to accept you but she still did and now that you have the guts to accuse her of such a hideous thing............I will not just sit and watch you do this."

"I am telling you the truth," Ramon cried as his face vibrated in pain. "Your mother and............."

"Shut up!" Marcos gave him another hot slap which landed him on the ground and he hit his forehead on the concrete. He could feel the pain and he knew that he had a cut. He got up and his face was close to the man who had nothing but pure hatred for him. Ramon felt so angry that he never knew he could feel that angry.

"Please just go," Barry said to him softly. "It's better if you go so that everyone can have some peace."

"Yeah," Marcos' father said to him. "Barry is absolutely right. It will be good if you can go." He said softly.

"To be honest I still can't believe you said that about me," Olivia said softly. "But listen to me young man, I think my son is right and he made the right choice by dumping you........I was thinking of reconciling you with my son but right now I feel nothing but hatred towards you." She warned. "I will personally make sure that I throw you out of here myself. Maybe it's my fault, I should have persisted with the way I viewed you. I loved you so much that I am hurting right now." She sobbed.

She's such a drama queen, Ramon thought.

"Did you hear that?" Marcos grunted. "The same woman you are accusing was still thinking about you even though her son was hurt."

"But Marcos......"

"Now listen closely," Marcos said softly but his voice was cold. "From now on, you and I share no relationship. I don't love you anymore and maybe I should have followed what my mother was telling me. I shouldn't have chosen a whore over my family."

Ramon's heart was shattered in pieces. Marcos continuously called him a whore and it was hurting him because he was not one. He was suddenly getting angry and slapped Marcos hard on the face.

"How dare you slap my brother?" Madison screamed at Ramon. "Who do you think you are?"

"I may not be someone to you but I am not a whore."

"It's settled," Marcos said as he touched his hurting cheek. "I don't love you so get out of here."

"Please, forgive me for whatever it is that I have done." Ramon knelt down and just cried. He could lose anything but at this time, he couldn't afford to lose Marcos. Even though Marcos was hurting him, he still loved him despite the fact that his devilish mother was trying to separate them and Marcos was defending her.

"What is it that you want from me?" Marcos said softly but anger and pain could be heard in his voice. The voice Ramon had once heard to be sexy was cold, hoarse and filled with so much anger and rage.

"I know what he needs and I am going to give it to him." Olivia said with a smile as she turned to go inside the house. That smile could mean anything and Ramon was scared at the thought of what she might come out with. Olivia went inside the house quickly and Ramon had no idea what she went to bring but he did not care.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Ramon cried as he knelt down before Marcos' feet. "I am telling you the truth."

Seeing someone Marcos loved suffer was making him feel bad but that tingling feeling in his brain made everything a mess. He knew the reason why Ramon loved him was because of power and to be recognized and also for money. But Marcos' heart was telling him something different and his brain was telling him something else. He needed to show Ramon that he still had the bad side.

"Because you have hurt me and because I hate you so much." Marcos yelled while his sister nodded in agreement.

Dan stood there saying or doing nothing. To the sight of Ramon, Dan was looking sympathetic as if he hadn't done anything. This made Ramon angry but he really needed to plead with Marcos so that they could live together happily.

"But you used to love me, right?" Ramon cried heavily still kneeling down. "For the sake of our love, please believe me."

Marcos was hurting inside but he still loved Ramon a lot. He just couldn't afford to be used by someone that he loved. He tried to tell Ramon that he loved him. He wanted to hug him and kiss him a lot but the images of Ramon being fucked on the bed hard was making him go bonkers. He could still see the image of Ramon being fucked hard on the bed. Ramon didn't even allow Marcos to fuck him that hard.

Marcos took a breath in his mind before he responded to Ramon's question. This was an answer that would change absolutely everything and hurt the boy he really loved.

"I am so sorry," Marcos said with courage and confidence. "I think I might have mistaken lust for love. I should have accepted who I am. I shouldn't have hurt the people that I love and the only........."

Before Marcos could finish the sentence, Olivia came out with noise.

"I am here with what he wants."

Ramon looked and she had a big handbag and he had no idea what load of evil could be in it. And why the hell did she say what Ramon wanted was in that bag. All Ramon wanted was his Marcos and he would be out of there in a jiffy.

"Olivia, what's in that bag?" Marcos' father asked as he went near her.

"I have been defending this boy who has hurt my son and I will not allow him to hurt my son again." She answers with a hoarse voice, dry, cunning and purely evil. "I will give the boy what he wants so that he can leave my son the fuck alone." She shouted angrily.

She put her smooth hands with red painted nails only to come out with huge loads of money in her hand. Ramon didn't know exactly whether that all money would be given to him or not. She threw the money at him and it was all over him. As the money landed on him, it brought insults, pain and tears. He accepted that he was poor but he didn't need to be treated like some dog or a whore as Marcos called. He looked down and cried out in anguish. It was like someone had just killed him.

Another load came and many more until Olivia came and emptied the whole bag on his head. He was kneeling in a heap of money. Money that would solve his problems and give him the life he wanted. But he loved Marcos a lot and no amount of money would change that. But now he was just insulted and more tears came out of his eyes.

"I hope that money is enough for you to stop causing my son more pain." Olivia said softly that Ramon couldn't understand if it was her. This was the same voice that she had used to make him fall into her trap for six months.

Ramon looked up and the woman was looking angry and was ready to hurt him if he did anything funny. But what could she do because his face was already bruised by Marcos whom he loved so much.

"I now know that what you wanted from my son was money." She added. "He doesn't want to see you so pick up that money and leave this place." She growled as she threw the bag to him. "You have probably not seen such an amount of money and you never will so take it and leave my son in peace......he needs to have some peace."

Ramon felt so insulted and looked down up that he stood up with so much pain and tears. He needed to defend himself because she would take this opportunity to insult him, making him more vulnerable and worsening things.

"I am so sorry but my love for Marcos cannot be bought by money."

"Perhaps you need more." Marcos mumbled.

"No," Ramon cried. "I love you so much and I know that you love me too. Let's just.........."

"I don't love you." Marcos yelled. "I should have followed my mother's wish. I should have chosen my mother's choice and someone who really loved me." Marcos said softly but Ramon could hear that his voice sounded more of pain and torture. "A man whom I have always known for so long and whom I knew was crazy in love with me."

Marcos turned and was now facing Dan who looked like he was surprised by all that was going on but in reality was in all of this with Marcos' mother and sister.

"I hope that you can forgive me and I hope that you still love me and will accept my love."

What was Ramon hearing? He couldn't believe that Marcos could do that to him. He felt himself getting weak just by listening to Marcos talk.

"Marcos, I don't know..........."

Before Dan could finish his sentence, Marcos locked his lips with Dan's and Ramon's heart melted together with that kiss. The way Marcos was slowly kissing Dan, making him moan and those moans were really making Ramon feel like he had been stabbed by someone that he loved so much. He wanted to look away but his face was glued to what was happening. He didn't know if it was a dream or reality but what he knew was that his heart was slowly dying.

The kiss was slow but it felt like hours and Ramon's face was flooded with tears. Marcos broke the kiss, traced Dan's lips, smiled and then looked at Ramon which broke his heart. Ramon stood there and Marcos was sure that the boy looked small and broken. Bet that was going to show him that Marcos is the guy who wouldn't want to be messed with.

"I hope that answers your question." Marcos said softly with those words breaking his heart. "I don't love you anymore........It was just lust and I now realized who truly loves me and I hope you respect that." Marcos' words were flaming hot arrows and they were burning Ramon's flesh. "I just can't love a whore. Just like those men who use you as a whore, I lusted for you and it might have taken months but you are still a whore...........I guess people are right, there is no relationship between the rich and the poor. We are from two different worlds."

It was a heartbreaking statement coming from Marcos and it took everything that Ramon was sure he felt. The tears just stopped and his whole heart changed the direction of the beat. His body ached but what surprised Ramon the most was the energy he felt when anger suddenly entered him. He fearlessly rubbed his face and looked at Marcos with courage. He couldn't believe that Marcos just said that.

"Your days of being famous are over." Madison said after a laugh that was teasing. "You used my brother to be famous but you will go back to the slums where you came from."

Never in his life had Ramon begged for money from Marcos ever since the start of their beautiful relationship. He didn't deserve what he was experiencing. He didn't deserve it at all and he was sure that Marcos was enjoying seeing him getting insulted by his sister.

"I thought you loved my son but I was wrong," Olivia said to Ramon whose face was glued to only one person, Marcos. "You used him for your own gain and you almost stained his name you whore." Olivia was insulting him but he was now like a stone. He had reached the maximum of pain after those painful words from Marcos.

"You became famous as people knew you as his boyfriend." She added. "What will they think now? One thing I know is that you will never be famous and you will never be powerful and influential like us no matter what you do." She snorted. "Even with this money that I have given you, you will always be poor, dirty and unrecognized. My son might have been hurt but he will still be Ramon Martinez, the famous business man but you....." She looked at him in disgust." will just be the same Ramon. Maybe a few men whom you served might remember you but you will never be popular. People like you can never be.............."

"Olivia!" Marcos' father yelled. "That's enough. He might have hurt our son but he is still a person and he can make it in life. He is still..............."

"Never," Olivia shouted. "Are you still gonna defend him over our son?" She hollered. "He has hurt our son for God's sake."

"I know he has hurt our son but that doesn't make him less human." Marcos' father defended.

"I loved him too but he accused me, your wife of something that I wouldn't do." She argued. "Shouldn't you be defending me right now?"

"I know that what he did was wrong but............"

"Enough!" Marcos yelled. "Why are you arguing over someone who is worthless? I share no relationship with him."

"Marcos, it is me and......"

"I know it's you, Ramon." Marcos yelled. "I share no relationship with you and I don't know who you are. I regret ever knowing you and everything that has happened between us." Marcos said softly but his words were ready to kill. "I just wish I hadn't met you and known you exist........I don't even want to see you at my hotel because I might hurt you."

Ramon felt nothing while Marcos talked to him. He was staring in the eyes that had given him hope and life and he was not able to read anything. Of all things that had happened, Marcos had hurt him a lot. Even though he spoke a few words, he had hurt him so much. He couldn't believe the man who had popped his cherry, changed because of him and loved him so much would be able to hurt him like that.

"Congratulations, I hope you will now be happy with Dan. I hope you find the happiness that I never gave you." Ramon said softly his face flat.

Marcos hearing those words made him deeply hurt and his heart was broken. He had kissed Dan out of spite and he was sure that his friend didn't say anything because he wanted to help him because he loved him so much. Hearing those words made his heart weep for he knew that Ramon would soon leave. He was the one that wanted him to leave but why was his heart weeping? Once again, his pain got worse and he had to get rid of the boy who made a wound in his heart.

"Just get out and never come back." Marcos yelled.

Ramon had nothing to say so with one final look at the face that had hurt him so much, he turned to leave.

"Don't forget the money." Madison laughed.

Ramon turned to face Madison so that he could put her in her place.

"I don't need any money because I am not money minded like you." He answered slowly. "I might be poor and wretched but my mother always taught me about self respect."

"Good!" Olivia said as she went near Ramon. "I welcomed you into this house with so much love but now I am going to throw you out of our compound and our lives for good."

Olivia took Ramon's hand and began taking him outside. Ramon's face was still glued on the man who had hurt him so much and the pain came back and the tears were now flowing again. He stared at Marcos while they drew further and further away. Everyone else just watched.

Seeing Ramon being driven out of the compound was painful. The way Ramon was looking at Marcos while his mother drove him away was heartbreaking. Marcos felt like Ramon was taking a part of him that had been with him this whole time. A tear fell from his face which he rubbed quickly. He quickly turned and went back inside the house feeling angry.

Ramon was dragged outside and the bad thing was that she threw him out of the compound like a common criminal. It was embarrassing and painful. This was the woman who was like an angel and suddenly turned into a devil.

"I don't want to see you near this gate, the company, the hotel or my son again." She warned. "If you don't, you will receive more than what you received the last get away from here."

Ramon was angry, hurt and felt so stupid for being thrown out of the house like that. What could be worse than being hurt by your own boyfriend? He popped your cherry, you satisfied him sexually and emotionally and now he thinks you are worthless and nothing.

"You don't have to worry ma'am." He said courageously and with hatred. "Just hope that you will always be this powerful because............"
