Forever Yours Ch. 08


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Mr. Robbins personally showed him around and it was beautiful. He introduced him to everyone, showed him the studio and they all welcomed him and called him an upcoming artist. He was really happy to hear that from them and it warmed his heart. He just couldn't wait to start his music career. OMG this was a dream come true and he was going to live it to the end. He even met Mr. Robbins' assistant, Tom Gutierrez. He was a smart and handsome man and seemed rich too.

After Mr. Robbins had told him everything that he wanted to know, it was time to start.

"You have known everything that you wanted to know." Mr. Robbins gushed. "I hope you are ready to start because we are ready when you are."

"I am really ready." He felt adrenaline making him weak and hot at the same time.

"So when can you start." Mr. Robbins asked.

"Today, if that's not too much trouble."

"No," Mr. Robbins chuckled nervously. "Today is the best day. We need to taste your voice as you will be singing a song and then you will sign the contract later."

There was even a contract, he thought. Yeehaw! What could be better than signing a contract with one of the leading entertainment industries in the world? This was really a dream and he was gonna live it to the fullest.

Mr. Robbins took him to a studio where he met the crew to be in charge of everything. They were quite many and they seemed friendly and where already pulling jokes. They all laughed and he found himself in the studio with those big ear phones in his ears standing in front of a microphone. The rest of the crew watched from behind a huge mirror. He was to sing any song of his choice while they tested his voice. He chose to sing let it go by Demi Lovato and to his surprise they had the instrumental with them.

He took one deep breath as he heard the beat start and he dived into the song. He started very softly but his voice got hotter as he reached the chorus,

'......let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go, turn my back and slam the door. Here I stand and here I'll stay. Let it go, let it go, the cold never bothered me anyway.

It funny as some destinies makes everything seem small. If he's the one's controlled me, can't get to me at all. Up here in the cold thin air I finally can breathe. I know I left a life behind but I'm too relieved to grieve. Let it go..............'

He finished the song with a bang and all of them were gaping at him. He removed the large ear phones and got out and they were all gaping at him. He had no idea whether he had done something wrong or they were just surprised. He couldn't read their facial expressions no matter how hard he tried.

"Did I make a mistake?" He asked feeling nervous. "Is there any problem?"

"We have a very big problem." Mr. Robbins said still gaping. "It's not what we expected."

"I am sorry sir." Ramon apologized after feeling so bad that he had totally failed Mr. Robins. He couldn't believe that his dream was about to crush. He had been so happy only to lose at the last moment. Guess people like him where not meant to be successful.

"What are you apologizing for?" Mr. Robbins laughed as the rest of the crew started clapping. "What I meant to say was that it was beyond what I expected. The voice was incredible and if I haven't heard that song before, I would have definitely said you were the one who sang it. I think you will go a long way in the music industry. Truly you have an amazing voice."

"It's more than amazing." One of the crew members said with a clap. "It's been long since I heard someone sing like that."

Ramon couldn't believe what he was hearing. Finally, His own talent would be developed, something that would make him rich and popular. Now who was the person who was never going to be popular? He was going to show them all.

They were back in Mr. Robbins' Large luxurious office and all the way to the office Mr. Robbins had been encouraging him to pursue his singing career. He was later handed a contract which he read. The contract was only for one year and it was worth 70 million dollars. OMG his heart was beating like a drum and he knew better than to accept that this was all true.

The contract was to be signed only after he had recorded one song. They would see just how much popular it would be and then give him the contract. After so much talking, he was ready to sing the next. He was lucky that they had a song which they had been struggling with and they would give him the lyrics and make him listen to the beat so that he could sing it after he had mastered. All this was making him feel happy and nervous at the same time. There was one more thing that he needed and that was a name. Yes, a name that he would be known by.

After all this, Ramon was given the lyrics and later he was listening to the beat of the song while mastering the words. He spent the entire day listening and he was able to connect with the song very well. Just a little practice and he would be perfect. He took the beat in his phone and he played it as he sang the lyrics and his family told him that it was superb.

He was so happy that he called Mr. Robbins that same night to tell him that he would be singing the song the next day. Mr. Robbins was surprised and he could hear it from the phone but he was ready to sing and make his path through music. He spent the night singing softly and memorizing and had a dream about it. It was such a crazy night.

The next day, he found himself in the studio and the beat began playing. He took three good luck breathes and he dived into the song flowing with the beat.

'Everything I did was all for you. Leaving me in the dark making me cry. Telling me all sorts of painful things oh tell why you are doing this to me.....'

He sang the song with his heart and it was reminding him of what he had been through with Marcos. The song was speaking to him and he got more energy and sang with his whole heart but the chorus was his ultimate favorite,

' don't wanna be with me, I'll give what you want but I really hope that you'll be happy coz this heartache that I feel will never heal soon enough......"

Man, he sang that song like his life depended on it. The beat was lovely and at times, it made his heart beat but he continued singing until he finished singing the song with another bang. Tears were in his eyes but he was not going to make them come out. He was going to be strong if he was to make it.

"How was it?" He asked nervously to the crew that was mesmerized and all they had to say was, "I think you should listen to it yourself."

The song was played and he couldn't believe that it was his own voice singing in that song. Gosh, it was a hit.

"I think you nailed it and we will be able to make a lot out of it I am sure." Mr. Robbins said cheerfully. "Just a few adjustments and the song will be on the market."

Ramon heard many 'congratulations' from everyone that met him. Mr. Robbins took him to the office and they talked about what was involved in the music industry. Mr. Robbins explained to him everything that was involved and though it took hours, he got everything. Mr. Robbins was going to be his mentor.

"So what name have you come up with?" Mr. Robbins asked as he played with a pen.

Ramon had totally forgotten about the name thing. But it was not difficult to come up with a name for him. He needed a name that no one would recognize him by especially Marcos and his family. His name was Ramon Castillo so he had to choose between Ram Cast and Ramillio Castra and he chose the latter. Ram Cast was just lame.

He gave Mr. Robbins his new name and the man liked it. They both laughed about it and talked about other things. Mr. Robbins told him that his song would first be sold locally and then internationally. He was so happy that he wanted to jump from his seat and just run around the room but he had to behave himself since he was a star in the making. His song would be released in a day or two and would be sold. He had confidence in his voice and he knew his song would bring him luck.

"You have to start writing your own songs from now, young man." Mr. Robbins joked as they all laughed.

Ramon was to come back to the company after his song has been released and sold and then he would sign the contract. In the mean time, he had to focus on writing the songs that he would sing. He said goodbye to everyone and he went home feeling very happy. He reached home and he was filled with so much excitement that filled all around the house.

He explained how it felt to sing and his whole family was happy for him. If only his mother would have seen him right now, she would have been happy. But wherever she was, he knew that she was watching over him and giving him blessings.

He began working on his songs and he had quite a few ideas. He was gonna focus on two songs for the mean time and he really started thinking about what they should be about. He thought and thought until he decided to write something about heartbreak. He had no idea where that came from but he had the words coming in his head.

The next day, he was done with the first song and he dived into the next one which he named, 'together as one.' He did his best and though it had been somehow difficult, he managed to pull through by the third day. He had spent most of his time writing so Eduardo told him to go with him to the mall in the morning. He didn't object because he had to take some time off. His hand was hurting and he needed some ointment for it.

They were passing throughout the mall buying all the stuff they needed. A very wonderful song was playing and Ramon was enjoying the soothing music but it was interrupted by the mall manager.

"Dear customers, we interrupt to announce that there is a new song which is being sold outside our mall. This song will be played and if you like it, you can buy it in the big studio car which is outside our mall. Thank you."

"It's probably just some cheap song." One of the shoppers said.

Ramon didn't care what song it was but he really needed to know the progress with his song. He had not heard anything from Mr. Robbins since he left the company a few days ago and he was wondering why. He went to the medicine section and was about to grab the ointment he needed when he froze. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, it was his song being played in the mall and it was so beautiful to hear. His own voice was beautiful and he couldn't have been more proud.

"Wow!" He heard the shoppers say. "I haven't heard a song like this in a while. The voice is really beautiful. I am definitely going to buy this song."

Ramon felt like his whole soul was on fire. He was feeling a passion burn inside of him. Many shoppers were rushing outside and he went and paid everything at the counter and rushed outside. He saw a huge crowd of people in line just to buy his song from the RLC vehicle which was probably packed with loads of CDs. He almost cried when he saw the number of people that had gathered just to buy his song.

"You are rising, my brother." Eduardo tapped him on his back. "You will really rise."

Ramon leaned on to his brother and chuckled cheerfully. He went home and gushed at his father everything that had happened. The excitement was throughout the house and he couldn't wait to go the company the following day. He was ready to go to sleep when he received a call from Mr. Robbins whom he answered excitedly. He could hear that Mr. Robbins was really excited and he couldn't wait to hear the news.

"Guess what?" Mr. Robbins gushed. "We have counted the money that we have gathered today after our sales today throughout the country."

"What?" Ramon said as he almost pulled his hair out with excitement. "You mean......."

"Yes, Ramon." Mr. Robbins said as he chuckled. "We distributed it around the country and that is the reason why it took longer to come out." He chuckled again. "So as I was saying, the total amount for the whole sales is 78 000 dollars which means that your song is doing well on the market. Imagine the amount we will make in a week with these kinds of sales. Others will be distributed tomorrow and we will be posting it on our website tomorrow and the people will be able to buy the song online."

Ramon was so happy that his song was getting the credit. If only he could shout out to the whole world. He would do it.

"I want you to come to the company tomorrow so that we can wrap things up." Mr. Robbins babbled as he cut the call.

Ramon couldn't believe that he would finally sign that 70 million dollar contract which would change his whole life. And it would just be for one year. Imagine how much he would make in the years to come if he made that kind of money.

Ramon broke the news to his family and they all cheered for him. He was so happy that he cried due to happiness but it turned to sorrow as the memories of Marcos came to him. He sat on the cold floor and cried. He could see his family getting emotional but he couldn't stop crying because the pain had come back.

"I know you are crying because of Marcos." Eduardo said as he bent his knees to try and rub the tears off his brother."

He cried for a few minutes until his cries turned to laughs again. The pain suddenly went away and he found himself laughing loudly.

"That's right." Eduardo said to his brother as his heart felt warmer seeing his brother laughing. His heart always got hurt whenever he saw his brother crying. "You will rise and you will be able to show them all that Ramon Castillo is a man not to be messed with."

Those words were really powerful and he hugged his brother tightly as he felt the heat from his brother warm him up. That should have been Marcos but fuck him, he will no longer affect him. He would find ways to get Marcos out of his damn mind.

"Father, when is uncle coming?" Ramon asked as he rubbed his wet face.

"I talked to him today and his flight will be tomorrow."

"You are happy, uh?" Ramon chuckled. "Bet it will be good to see your brother after sixteen years."

"Yeah," His father laughed. "It will be good for all of us and he said he has a surprise for us all."

Ramon couldn't wait to see what surprise his uncle had but he was sleepy and needed to sleep as he had a very long day the following day. He went to sleep thinking about signing the contract and starting his new career which would breed lot money.

The next day, Ramon got out of the cab and looked at the tall building where he would spend most of his time working. He slowly went inside and got the surprise of his life when everyone cheered for him and congratulated him. He couldn't even count the number of people that congratulated him but he found himself in the arms of Mr. Robbins who gave him a tight hug.

"Congratulations, my boy." Mr. Robbins said in his deep manly voice as he tapped on his back. "This was fantastic and I think the fans are ready."

The hug ended and Mr. Robbins pointed to a desk where there was a contract where his future awaited. He read the contract and to his surprise it had increased to 100 million dollars. He asked and all he got was, "I appreciate real talent when I see one."

Marcos read the contract thoroughly and it said that he was to sing for movies, cartoons, products and mostly for songs which he liked. He would perform in cartoon movies and also perform the theme songs for movies. How wonderful was that? It meant that he would be busy and would be tired often but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

He signed the contract and he shook hands with Mr. Robbins who later told him that he would travel abroad real soon because his work was not needed in the country as much as the others. Ramon was ready to go anywhere and they laughed about it with Mr. Robbins.

"So how far with your songs," Mr. Robbins asked as he gave a bright smile that would burn anyone.

"Oh, I have the sample here." Ramon said as he unzipped his bag to check for his lyrics which he did not find. He later remembered that he had left them in the living room and asked to go and get them. Mr. Robbins told him it was fine but Ramon really needed those lyrics so that he could work on his songs while he was still in the company premises.

He went back home to get the lyrics and he was really looking forward to telling his family that he had signed the contract. He was so happy that he would meet his uncle and he was looking forward to seeing how he looked like. Ramon was about to rush in the house when he heard some voices.

"He is arriving here today." His father said. Just the excitement about seeing his brother but Ramon got ready to surprise his father and brother but something caught his attention.

"I know that he seems happy right now but I can still see his pain." Eduardo said with a loud sigh. "All this makes me want to hurt that family of scoundrels."

His brother was just concerned for him and he was so happy but he was getting late to go back to the company. But something else made him to freeze.

"Do you think Ramon would have been happier if he was with him?" His father asked suddenly feeling sad. "Maybe all this wouldn't have happened if Ramon was with him."

Ramon had no fucking idea what his father was talking about. If he was with whom, he thought?

"I don't know for sure but he was happy until that son of a bitch came and ruined it all." Eduardo cursed.

There was a moment of silence that Ramon thought the conversation had ended but as he was about to touch the door knob, he heard Eduardo's voice once again.

"Have you told him?"

"No," His father sighed with a sign of pain. "I don't know how he is going to take this...he is so excited about seeing his son."

Son, Ramon wondered. Which son were his father and brother talking about? Did his uncle have a son before he left? And where was he? All this talk was messing with his head and he was developing a headache.

"I couldn't tell him anything." His father said softly. "Which father would like to hear that his son got raped and was heartbroken?"

Ramon's tears just came out suddenly. They were actually talking about him. He was the son of his father's brother, but how? Ramon needed answers and these two were going to give it to him. He opened the door quickly and entered feeling betrayed and angry.

"Ramon, son," His father gasped. "Why are you..........."

"Is it true?" Ramon asked as more tears run down his face. "Is it true that I am not your son?"

"Ramon where did you........."

"I heard everything." He yelled as the pain took a hold of him. "But I want to hear it from your mouth. Tell me the truth, am I not your son?" He cried.

"Ramon, you don't............."

"Tell me." He shouted with anger that everyone moved a bit.

"Yes," His father said softly as a tear run down his cheek.

Ramon felt so weak that he sat on the chair drowning in his own pain. He couldn't believe that whatever he knew about his life was a lie.

"But how," He cried.

"I will tell you the truth." His father sobbed.

Ramon cried so much that no one was able to touch him. His father then started narrating the story to him,

"19 years ago my brother, Ryan Castillo got married to the first woman that he had ever loved. Her name was Alexa and she is your real mother."

Ramon couldn't believe that the woman that loved him so much was not his real mother. How could these people do this to him?

"They were so much in love but 18 years ago, a few weeks after you were born she was involved in a fatal accident that ended her life." His father added. "Ryan was so devastated but he held on to you. He lost his little job and took care of you for two years until he decided that he needed to make sure that you would have a bright future. He couldn't take you with him so he left you with my wife and me and our 8 year old son, Eduardo here." His father sobbed sadly.
