Forever Yours Ch. 08


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"I don't care what you are saying," She said. "Just go away because you have lost the war." She laughed. "How does it feel to be rejected by your own boyfriend?" She asked while she laughed softly. "I told you that my son....."

"I have heard you." Ramon literally yelled. "You have won alright but what you did to me is not right."

"I don't care." She yelled. "What I do care about is that you are out of our, get away from here. And never go near my son again or else you will be on your next flight to hell."

Ramon didn't say anything further but he turned and slowly began going away. He heard the gate closing and he knew that she had gone inside. He turned back and took one final look. He was going to make it and he was going to show everyone that he was not who they thought he was. He would have that type of house and even better.

Ramon began walking away from the house and the pain in the ass got worse. But what could be painful than what he got from Marcos, nothing?

He slowly walked from the house while the mind continued reminding him of the incident which had happened at Marcos' house and the painful words which Marcos had uttered. The most painful thing had been the kiss and the insults. The surprising thing was that he could feel the anger building in his heart and it would only be quenched once he made some people pay for raping him.

He walked for at least 30 minutes when he heard Eduardo calling his name from a taxi. He looked and saw a taxi stopping. Eduardo and his father came out but Ramon just stared at them. They ran fast to him and they looked worried.

"Are you okay?" His father asked with concern.

Ramon nodded as he felt in a lump in his throat.

"Oh my God," Eduardo said as if he was scared. "You are bleeding."

Ramon looked and truly, his white skinny trouser had blood stains and they were still fresh. It looked like he had recently been bleeding and the blood went all the way down to his thighs. He could see that both his father and brother were panicking. That blood reminded him of the rape and it made him feel so angry. He never knew that he could be that angry.

"Let's go to the police." His father said in a panicky voice. "We need to report this injustice."

"No father," Ramon said softly. "It's no use. We don't know where the man who raped me is and the people that did this are powerful. I just wanna go home."

His father quickly called the taxi back and they all took a journey home where the pain got worse and the bleeding continued.


Marcos entered his room and was already breaking things. Anything that his hand could grab, he threw it on the floor. He just wanted that anger to go away from him. He needed to cool off and forget about the pain Ramon had caused him. He was breaking things in his room not minding how valuable they were. Not all this mattered except for one thing, the photo album of Ramon and him. He needed to destroy all the things that would remind him of Ramon's betrayal.

He went in the cupboard and took out his photo album which had about ten of Ramon's photos. He opened it and removed all of Ramon's photos. The photos were all of Ramon and him and they were really happy. He couldn't still believe that the first time he had fallen in love he actually got hurt real bad. Marcos took one of Ramon's photos and stared at it for a long.

"Why did you betray me?" He said softly feeling the pain increase. "I loved you so much." He cried. "Why did you do this to me?" He yelled.

Marcos continued yelling throughout the room as he ripped each and every photo of Ramon. He made sure he ripped them to bits. He ripped all of them to shreds and just sat on the floor and drowned in his own sorrows. How could he have been so blind as to fall for a pretty face like Ramon's? Maybe karma was paying him for what he had been in the past.

But it was so painful that he just wanted to leave and forget about Ramon because no matter what he did, Ramon was still in his mind. He cried so much before he heard the door creaking open. He did not even bother to raise his face to the person who came into the room.

A few moments later, he felt a hand on his shoulder and he slowly raised his face to see Dan who was looking at him in pure sympathy. At least he had Dan to support him through the hard times that he was passing through. He knew he had to be strong so he tried to put up a smile but who would buy a smile on someone whose face is filled with so much pain and tears.

"Why are you doing this?" Dan asked as he sat beside him.

"It's just painful." Marcos sobbed. "I never thought I would get hurt like this."

"I never thought that Ramon could do this." Dan sighed sadly. "I always saw him as this faithful person and that you two were meant to be.....but I don't know what to feel right now." Dan said softly. "I will not forgive him for hurting my friend like that.....I will be honest with you," Dan sighed nervously. "I really got hurt when I was outside.......He hurt you and he accused aunt in the process.....we all know just how much aunt sacrificed so that she could accept him but from now on, I will treat him just like the trash that he is." Dan chuckled. "I will never forgive him for hurting you."

Marcos couldn't believe that Dan was so concerned about him in that way. He really needed someone like Dan in his life. Someone he could depend on and trust. He thanked his lucky stars people like Dan existed.

"I am sorry for kissing you........"

"It's okay." Dan said softly. "I know you kissed me out of spite and I completely understand........I am even happier that I was able to help."

Marcos didn't say anything further as he felt tears flowing again. He needed to cry so that the anger could go away but it didn't. He cried softly while Dan rubbed his back to comfort him. It sure helped a lot and he found himself getting sleepy after a few hours and he slept while leaning on Dan's shoulder.

He probably had the worst dream ever. In that dream he relived the entire incident and he could still feel the pain even in that dream but something got changed. In the dream Ramon was sad and he went away while he saw the face of Dan and he was smiling so beautifully. He saw him in a new light and he made his heart warm. He even laughed in the dream but he kept on seeing Ramon over and over again and it kept on hurting. It was like everything he saw reminded him of the boy who had betrayed his love and trust.

Marcos woke up to a warm sensation. He could feel the arms of someone wrapped around him. He suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the floor with his body covered and his head on a pillow. He saw Dan holding him and it just reminded him the one person who had hurt him deeply.

If he could reverse everything, he would make sure that he never meets Ramon. Had he known that this would be how their love story would end, he would have fought his feelings. He had been so mad that he didn't even want to listen to Ramon. What could come out of the mouth of a betrayer and a cheater, nothing?

Marcos slowly removed Dan's arms from himself and was ready to get up without waking up Dan. He tried to get up but it was too late, Dan had already woken up.

"I am sorry," Marcos apologized suddenly feeling a very hot headache. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's okay," Dan said as he slowly woke up. "I wanted to wake up anyway."

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Marcos' mother came inside but she was not looking good and it made Marcos worried. His mother, who had always been a cheerful lady, was now looking like she was having a bad day and it was his entire fault. His job now was to make his mother laugh. No matter how much the pain was, he needed to overcome it and start over again. Someone like Ramon was not worth his tears.

"Hey, son," His mother said but she was sad. "Would you like to have dinner? You kinda didn't have lunch, both of you."

Marcos had no idea how to answer. On one hand he needed to impress his mother but on the other hand he really didn't have an appetite. He didn't even know that he had slept for that long.

"Aunt, I don't think that Marcos..............."

"No, I will come down in a minute." Marcos tried to put a smile but he knew that he was not fooling anyone.

His mother gave him a smile which he had never seen on her before. It was obvious the woman was hurt and Marcos blamed himself for it. She said she would be waiting for them and she left the room. Marcos went to the bathroom and washed his face to look more presentable at the table. He was feeling weak but he just had to have his dinner with his family.

Marcos quickly freshened up and he went downstairs with Dan. He couldn't understand why Dan had not eaten since morning. Maybe his friend had been hurt for seeing him in that state but he promised to make it up to his family when he got over everything.

He sat at the dining silently but he managed to pull up a fake smile which he was sure was not fooling anyone. He drowned himself in the steak which he barely ate. His plan was to be strong but he just couldn't help it. Who would be strong if they just lost their first and only love?

He knew that it wouldn't help to be in a place where everything constantly reminded him of the boy that he loves so much. He needed to forget about everything that had happened between them. This house was a constant reminder of that because Ramon had been everywhere in the house.

"I need to get of the country." He said softly as he drove the bread knife in the soft steak.

He could see that his statement made everyone at the table slightly uncomfortable but it was what he needed to do for his poor heart to heal. If he needed to have men so that he could forget, then he would willingly do that. But he just couldn't do that anymore because he was no longer a playboy. He didn't have the strength to do that anymore.

"But son, why do you want to go abroad?" His father asked with a sad smile.

"I need to get away from all this." Marcos said with a sad grimace. "I need to get over all this. This place isn't just helping me."

"I understand you Marcos." Olivia said with a controlled smile. "And I agree with you.....what you need is to get away from here. Go somewhere, relax and just forget about it.....this house is filled with so many memories of Ramon and it won't help any of us."

Olivia was glad that her son had decided on his own to go abroad to get things off his mind and forgets about that boy who had been a thorn in her flesh. She was glad things were going her way but the only thing that was left was to get that boy completely out of her son's mind and she knew who could do just that, Dan. But how to get him to go with her son was what she hadn't thought about.

"I agree that you need some time off from all these troubles," His father said with a sad sigh. "But you can't be alone during these should at least go with someone."

Good! James was really making things easier for her, she thought.

"I agree with your father, I would have gladly come with you but your father and I....."

"It's okay, mom." Marcos said softly. "I will go with Dan if it's not too much trouble."

Everything was definitely falling in place for Olivia and her son just made it easier than she had thought. By the time he comes back home, he would have fallen in love with Dan.

"It's a good idea." Madison said quickly. "Dan is your friend and he will be able to help."

Marcos was glad that none of his family members had a problem with him going abroad but he needed to hear what Dan thought about it.

"Will you go with me Dan?"

"Sure...." Dan stammered. "Anything for you, dude."

Marcos couldn't have liked to go with anyone else but his friend. At least they would get to talk and he wouldn't miss home that much.

"It's good, son," Olivia said softly. "But when do you plan to leave and when should we expect you back?"

"Um......I will leave in a week's time and I might spend several months there but don't worry, I will be communicating."

The rest of the dinner was all about his journey and he couldn't wait to go away from his home country so that he could think and have some peace of mind. He was so sad that it showed in his smile and eyes were still red but he was glad none of them said anything.

After dinner, Marcos said goodnight and he went back to the torture room, his room which was filled with so much memories of Ramon and he knew that he would have those memories for as long as he lived and they would remind him of the pain and the betrayal of Ramon. How he wished he would just erase those memories and make new ones but it was a burden he would carry for the rest of his life.


Ramon just came out of the shower after having the worst shower of his life. It was painful and every pain reminded him of what Marcos' mother, Dan and his twin had done to him. He didn't even know women like that existed. At this point he was in, if he was rich enough, he would have made them pay. The most painful thing was that Marcos had hurt him a lot simply because he was poor.

Ramon slowly walked to the small living room and could already see that his father had probably been crying. He hated seeing him in that state. The man should have been happy after getting that letter indicating that his brother was coming home from abroad but he was getting drawn into the mess that Ramon was in and no son would ever like to see his father in that state.

"Are you alright?" Ramon asked with a forced smile.

"I need to know what really happened at Marcos' place. Did he forgive you? Was he mad?"

Ramon knew that he had to relive every incident that happened at the house and so he began his journey. He courageously narrated the story to his family but broke down again. He managed to finish up the story and he could see his two lovely men sitting on the chairs crying. In no time, he found himself in the arms of Eduardo who held him tightly.

"That woman is really evil." Eduardo said angrily. "I can't believe she pretended all these months and she did that to you..........and I am so disappointed in Marcos. How could he of all people say that?"

Ramon's tears flowed together with the pain and the anger that he was feeling. It was like a river taking its load but the load was just too much to be carried. It was spreading throughout his entire body.

"You will be someone some day." He heard his father say softly with pain. "Every successful person came from being nothing and you my son will make it. No one will be able to step on you."

If there was one person Ramon had been happy was in his life, it was his lovely father. The man who made everything seem fine to him. Though he had been hurt, he at least felt much better after hearing those words of encouragement from the man he loved and cherished so much.

His father got up from the chair and he slowly moved. The next thing he heard was the both of them holding him making him feel safe in their arms. That night he slept with Eduardo and he was on his chest which was comfortable but the words he had heard from Marcos' family were really disturbing him that he found it hard to sleep.

He continued hearing the insults and they were making a fresh wound deep inside of him. If only he could prove to them that they were wrong to judge him and cause him pain. He had saved some money but it was not enough to send him to a university. All he prayed for was a miracle which would rain on him and make him happy again.

After a long and painful trip down memory lane, he finally slept and had the worst dream about what had happened. Even in his dreams he couldn't have any peace and it was getting to him.

The following day he spent most of his day in his room sad and helpless. He knew it was affecting his father and brother but he just couldn't help being sad. This day no matter how much he tried to smile, he just couldn't do it. He even deleted Marcos' number from his phone including all the messages. It was hard but he needed to do it.

On the third day, things got worse as Ramon could see Marcos in their house kissing, smiling and making love. Everywhere he looked, he saw Marcos even when he closed his damn eyes. This place had so many memories of Marcos and it didn't help much. On that same day, Mark came and took him for a walk on the beach and for the first time ever, Mark didn't cheer him up. The emotions he was feeling were truly attached to Marcos and they got the best of him.

They walked on the beach for a long time until Mark told him that he had quit the job at the hotel. Ramon couldn't understand his friend but Mark gave him an answer that gave him more sorrows and tears. Mark told him that he couldn't work in a place where his best friend had got hurt and where his best friend was not respected. Ramon gave Mark a hug and both guys broke down and cried, especially Ramon who became inconsolable.

After hours of talking, Mark and Ramon went back to the house and were surprised to find that there were boxes in the living room together with bags. Ramon couldn't understand what was going on.

"We are leaving for the next town," His father answered with sorrow. "We still have our old place there and we will live there."

"Everything is reminding us of that family." Eduardo answered as he brought Ramon's bag in the living room. "I know that it must be worse for you so we think it will be better to change the environment so that we can forget about what has happened here."

As much as Ramon wanted to deny it, he knew that they were right. He needed to move so that he could forget about all his sorrows. His ass was healing and the pain was not that much but he was sure gonna miss the house that has been his home for as long as he could remember.

"We will constantly be reminded of the pain if we see that family so we will leave. It's for your own good." His father said as he wrapped one of the boxes. "Get ready, the car will be here soon."

Ramon nodded and he gathered everything that he needed. He even took Marcos and his photo album. He needed to burn it but he just couldn't do it. He would keep it as his heart told him to but he would never ever see those photos.

Mark helped them with everything they needed and in no time, the car arrived and they loaded in everything that they needed. His family was already inside but he remained outside and took one long look at the house which had been a part of him. He was sure going to miss that house.

Ramon hugged Mark and thanked him for his help and he entered the car. He was being held by his brother and he watched as they got further and further away from the house until it could not be seen. A tear run down his cheek but he quickly rubbed it. They passed through town and he looked around town as the car drove through town.

They reached the traffic lights which would soon lead them out of town and Ramon made the mistake of looking through the tiny window. He saw Marcos in a big car just next to them and he was looking happy as he spoke with Dan. They both looked really splendid in their expensive suits and it made Ramon's heart to weep just seeing them together.

That was supposed to be him laughing with the love of his life but thanks to Dan and Olivia he was now insulted and viewed as a whore by the person he loved. He was never going to forget the pain that Marcos had caused him.

The traffic lights turned green and the cars started moving. Marcos' car went in a different direction and Ramon's went on the route to the out of town. Ramon watched as Marcos' car disappeared from his sight and it made him mad. If only he was somehow rich, he swore he would make the people who had hurt him pay.

The car was on the road for 8 whole hours and they arrived in the next town at night. It took another hour before they reached a small cabin like house which Ramon figured would be their home. It wasn't as nice as the house they had left in the capital but it was sure gonna help him a lot. All through the journey he had decided to forget about the past and move on and it had worked because he no longer felt anything. All he thought about was working hard and providing for his family.
