Freja and Jeanie Ch. 01


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Freja tilted her head slightly, curious. "I am familiar with this term, as I have had one or two when I was younger, but how would this happen for us here?"

"There's lots of guys with disposable income watching online porn and camgirls, I guess," Jeanie said, shrugging her shoulders. "But girls have wishlists on their profile pages, and from the looks of it, guys will buy shit for them if they're one of their faves. And some of the stuff isn't cheap, either."

"Like what?"

"Well, often it's stuff for shows, like kinky outfits or special toys, or better webcams and laptops, but I've also seen things like kitchen appliances or high-tech TVs and so on. Apparently these guys wanna feel like they're looking after their little girl, y'know?"

"I do indeed understand, since I have had men buy things for me in return for my companionship," Freja said, nodding. "But we are not really needing these things, tee-bee-aytch. We have three very good TVs, excellent cameras and laptops, and more sex toys and kinky outfits than a small adult novelty shop. Why would we advertise a need for such?"

"It's not about our need, Fre, it's about ... oh, what's the word?" Jeanie fretted, trying to think of something. She flapped her hands cutely for a moment before pulling out her phone and speaking to it.

"Hi, Bixby," she said in a quiet voice. "What's the word I'm looking for when I mean people having an interest in my well-being and doing something about it?"

The app was silent for several seconds, trying to figure out what its mistress was talking about before finally responding: "Investment."

"Yeah, that," Jeanie agreed with her phone. "Investment. It's about keeping them invested in us. They feel like they're doing their part. They'll give us things, meaning they'll keep giving us things. Why spend our own money on things we don't know we need yet, when they'd probably do it for us?"

"Like what?" Freja asked.

"Iono," Jeanie said, shrugging again. "Okay, I've never seen anyone put a Ferrari on their wishlist, but I'll bet we could get someone to buy us a Sybian. Maybe even one of those two-person models, y'know?"

Freja grinned. "It would be nice to have a Sybian, and we could never get one because your father was still having access to your bank records. This way, he does not."

"Merci," they both said as their server brought over two ramekins of perfect crème brûlée. They waited until the server was gone, then resumed their conversation, tapping the hardened caramel to break it and then digging in. "Anyhoo, people give us things, we thank them, possibly on camera, and then they want to keep supporting us. We just need to keep delivering the goods."

"I am having no problem with the delivering of these goods," Freja said, smiling saucily. She loved how her wife looked tonight; Jeanie's chocolate-brown hair was teased into lovely waves and curls, and she was wearing a short, crème-coloured bolero-style blazer over a snug cashmere sweater. Her skirt matched her jacket, framing her nylon-encased legs. She was wearing chic pumps on her dainty feet.

Freja, by contrast, was wearing a snug blue dress, set with some pretty stones that drew the eye to her curves. She was wearing a strapless pushup bra and was aware of how everyone who passed tried to get a look at her cleavage. Mission accomplished. "So are you thinking we should make the first of these bonus videos once we have paid our bill?"

Jeanie leaned forward and smiled wickedly. "I'm looking forward to making those videos with you everywhere, Fre," she purred before returning to her dessert.

"It is a good thing that we had have much practice at this, then!" the Danish girl laughed.


In the conveniently secluded bathroom ...

The two girls panted through their kiss as they squirmed against one another while sitting on the toilet seat. Freja had pulled down the top of her dress, while Jeanie had lifted her cashmere sweater to expose her breasts. They rubbed their breasts together while they kissed, each of them holding a camera out to one side to capture the action.

Jeanie bent back slightly while Freja leaned in and sucked a nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. Jeanie stifled a groan, and they both managed to somehow hold their cameras steady enough to continue recording. They wouldn't have time to cum together, but they could at least put on a brief show.

When Freja was done tormenting Jeanie, they kissed again, and then both girls leaned back and pointed their cameras down between their legs. As if on cue, they both began to pee, capturing the event in twelve-megapixel glory

"So there ya go, boys and girls," Jeanie said, bringing her phone up and smirking for the camera while Freja did the same. "Little bit of a show for ya in the bathroom stall of a posh restaurant. If y'like it, let us know, and we'll give you more."

"Ja, and you can find us as well on the Snapchat. We have lots of naughty things to show you. Don't be late!"

They both blew kisses and ended the recording. A quick, off-camera makeout session concluded their activities, and then they exited the bathroom and made their way out of the establishment. Hand-in-hand, they walked down the street, the crisp night air and silvery moon on their faces. No one blinked as they passed by.

"S'weird, y'know," Jeanie mused as they walked. "We take our marriage for granted."

"It is the law of the land, of course," Freja pointed out.

"Yeah, but we weren't even alive when the law was made, it came out almost five years before we were born," the brunette explained. "Y'think about other couples who couldn't get married because they lived before that time. Like if Lady Prof had married that red-headed friend of hers from university instead of Mike. Imagine needing to wait like that to be told you're allowed a basic human right."

Freja considered. "Legal partnerships for gay people, they were granted in my country in late eighty-nine, I believe. We made full gay marriage legal in twenty-twelve, if my memory serves, because Alexandra and I were giggling and excited that we could get married."

"Aw, you two would've made such a cute couple," Jeanie cooed, caressing her wife's cheek for a moment before they continued walking. "I mean, I'm glad you didn't, because now you're mine, but if it would've made you happy, then I would've been rooting for you two, y'know?"

The Dane nodded. "Perhaps, and I would have been happy, except for knowing that I could not make Alexandra truly happy. She is too large for me. I am content as her soulmate and lover, but now I know this about us. She needs more than what I can give her. I am the wrong fit. It is Alex she is perfect for."

"And they can't legally marry," Jeanie sighed, swinging their arms back and forth gently while walking. "Don't worry, the Profs'll work it out. There's nothing they can't do."

"I am hoping you are right," Freja said, nodding. "Because I want my Alexandra to be as happy as I am once she is married."

Jeanie bit her lip to stifle a whimper. She knew how happy Alexa was already, and here was Freja saying she was happier still. She loved her kooky foreign wife so much.

Freja smirked. "The alleyway up ahead ... we should go down it, and record ourselves pressing our cunts together. Naughty, ja?"

Giggling like naughty children, they hustled down the alleyway, already pulling out their phones.


The girls put up their wishlist, and also began advertising special videos for download, as well as custom requests. Some of the ideas made them snicker, but nothing was too gross, so they did them all the same.

They'd taken a day off, to visit a swinger's club with the DeBournes, but then were back in front of their cameras, performing for their ever-growing audience. Lots of people mentioned in messages they'd found out about the pair from the YouTube fiasco, and were thrilled to find them here. The requests for their videos and for custom performances kept coming.

"Phew," Jeanie said as she walked down the street with her wife as they left campus together, one of the rare days when their classes ended at the same time and they could accompany one another home. "This cam thing is bordering on becoming a full-time gig. I'd consider just ditching school for it, but I promised my mom and dad I'd get my degree in something. And I'd just die if I disappointed Karen and Mike, y'know?"

"I know what you mean," Freja sighed. "I feel pressured to do more hours online, or to make the videos faster, but my studies, they must come first. What if I am hit by a flying antler-cow and horribly disfigured? I will never work as a camgirl again."

"First, it's called a moose, we've been over this," Jeanie corrected, stopping and cupping Freja's cheek with her gloved palm. "And second, there aren't enough flying antler-cows in all of Canada to make this face ugly ..."

They shared a loving kiss in the middle of the sidewalk for some seconds before Jeanie's phone buzzed in her jacket pocket. She broke the kiss and pulled it out to see what was happening. Her eyes lit up.

"There's a package waiting for us," she said excitedly. "We can either pick it up, or pay for it to be delivered to our door!"

"Odd that it was not sent to our address to begin with," Freja mused. "But maybe there is some cheaper fee for the sending person this way, I know not. Do you want to pick it up, or have it delivered, yndling?"

Jeanie looked around, as if to get her bearings. "Well, it's at the FedEx distribution office on Commissioner's, so probably a fifteen-minute cab ride from here ... ooh, Fre, what if it's our Sybian?"

"It would be a shame to wait a few extra days, when we could just get sweaty lugging it home ourselves," the Danish girl mused. "Let us be going and pick it up."

Jeanie squealed and threw herself against Freja in excited abandon, nearly knocking her over in the middle of the street.


The nerdy kid behind the counter stared at the manifest in his hand, then at the email order number presented on Jeanie's phone screen. He blinked a few times, and then smiled. "I think it'll be over this way."

"You'll need someone to sign for it in the back, Kenny," his supervisor reminded him. She was a thin woman, but seemed nice enough. "You want to go with him and just get it out of the way?"

"I'll go," Jeanie volunteered, wanting to feast her eyes on their present as soon as possible. It was the first one they'd received, after all. She'd seen on their cam site account that already a few things had been bought; she just didn't know which one this was and wanted to find out. "You make sure we're settled up, Fre."

"I can do this," her wife said, nodding while Jeanie skipped down the long hallway, following the young man and then disappearing into the warren of storage rooms. She then looked at the supervisor. "Is there any paperwork to fill out, or payments I must make to get this done?"

"Lemme look," the woman mused, beginning to access a computer and then rifle through some papers, looking for information. "Your friend seems pretty excited."

"She is my wife, and yes, we are quite excited," Freja said pleasantly. "We are expecting gifts, we just do not know which one this is."

"Oh, congratulations," the woman said, smiling. She had light brown hair and a slender frame, but she was pleasant enough to look at, with a friendly voice. "Wedding presents?"

"Uh, no, not as such," Freja said, blushing. "They are ... gifts from our work."

The woman gave her a curious look.

"We are camgirls,' Freja admitted, wondering why she was blushing. "We get gifts from our viewers."

"I can see that," the woman said simply, nodding and then going back to looking through her files. "You're both more than pretty enough to do that sort of thing. I'm sure you're a big hit, especially as a married couple."

"You are kind," Freja said, smiling. "Most people are not so understanding."

"Hey, I like watching hot girls as much as the next person," said the supervisor, whose nametag identified her as 'Brenda.' "Oops," she said, blushing and looking embarrassed. "Sorry, that was unprofessional."

"No apologies are necessary," Freja said, smiling warmly and leaning forward slightly so she could speak in a quieter voice meant only for Brenda. "We like it when women watch us too, after all."

Brenda looked up at Freja, and her face was slightly flushed. "You do?" she asked in little more than a whisper.

"Actually, we love it," Freja purred, subtly sliding a hand across the counter to rest on top of Brenda's. the supervisor shivered slightly. "I wish I could show you how much we love it."

Brenda bit her lip for a moment, considering something and then arriving at a conclusion. "I think I might have another package for you and your wife back here," she said in a bit of a rasp. "Would you like to help me find it?"

Freja nodded, smiling slyly.

"Sam, come and watch the counter for a few?" Brenda called back to a woman organizing shelves somewhere behind her. "I need to take this customer back to find a package."

"Can do, boss!"

Brenda opened the swing door in the counter, and Freja slinked through it, trying not to giggle as she followed her new friend into the interminable depths of the vast warehouse.


"Jeez, how do you ever find anything back here?" Jeanie asked as she followed Kenny back through the tall stacks of endless frame shelves, with countless parcels of every size on them. "You guys must have HAL9000 for your computer, or you're a bunch of freaking Mentats."

"That the type you like? Really smart ones?" the young man walking ahead of her asked as they kept walking.

Jeanie frowned for a moment. "Well, I guess Fre is smart; she's kind of a genius when it comes to engineering, in fact. But I don't need her to be a Brainiac all the time."

"Oh, it's girls you're into," Kenny remarked.

"Yeah, she's my wife," Jeanie volunteered. "But I guess we're both bi, really, we just happened to find and marry each other."

"It's good to find a person who will love you, it's really rare," he said as he found a door to a room and opened it. He gestured for her to enter, and she glided into the room. It was much smaller than many of the others they'd passed, but still lined with shelves and boxes. Kenny closed the door behind her with a 'click!' and then joined her farther in. She was still looking around in wonder.

"It's over here," he said, moving toward the back of the room and fishing out a sizeable box from its place on a rack along the wall. Jeanie could tell from its size and how easily he moved it that this was not the Sybian she was hoping for, but she was still intrigued about what was inside. It looked like it wouldn't be too difficult to get home to the condo.

He plunked the rectangular box down on the table, and wiped his brow. Jeanie gazed at it intently. "Wonder what it is."

"I'll bet you'll like it," he said, nodding. "I'll bet you get gifted nice things all the time."

"Oh, you're sweet," she said somewhat distractedly, trying to remember what they had on the wishlist that could require this size of box. "But this sorta thing is new to me, I -- we only just started our job."

"Uh-huh," Kenny said, nodding and looking at her intently. His greasy blond hair fell limply around his face, and his receding chin made his bottom teeth stick out somewhat. "You should open it. If it's more than one thing, you could think about repackaging it for convenience."

"Oh, that's not a bad idea," she mused, nodding. "Maybe you are all Mentats. Lemme see if my nail file here will open the tape and --"

"Don't worry, I got it," Kenny announced, pulling a box cutter seemingly out of nowhere and dragging the razor blade down the length of the box, slicing it open with an unpleasant grin ...


Freja had Brenda pushed up against the wall of the small breakroom, pinning her arms over her head as they kissed feverishly. Freja had one leg between her lover's, and she was humping it against Brenda's crotch, which grew increasingly wet. Their tongues tangled hungrily.

"You sure ... your wife won't mind?" Brenda managed to murmur through the kiss. Freja now used just one hand to pin Brenda's wrists over her head, while the other came down to squeeze her breast through her brown work shirt and then open a button and slip inside.

"I promise you she will not," Freja replied, breaking the kiss to nibble at Brenda's ear, making the other woman moan. "She would want me to do this, so that we know we can share you later, if you are liking the idea."

"S-share me?" Brenda gasped as Freja squeezed her breast. "Gnnnn, I've never done that ..."

"I think you would like it," whispered the Danish girl, tugging at Brenda's earlobe gently with her teeth. "We are very thorough lovers, if you will. And we have so many toys to try on you ..."

"Oh God ..." Brenda murmured, thankful the cameras didn't work in this room.


"Oh, wow," Jeanie breathed, staring at the contents of the now-open box as Kenny helpfully laid them out on the long table. There were several exotic sex toys, along with quite a few kinky outfits, such as two schoolgirl uniforms, a PVC bodysuit, and what looked like SS dominatrix gear. "That's quite a haul."

"I know, right?" Kenny agreed, folding his arms and looking down at the display, nodding. "Lots of stuff here."

"Whoever bought this spent a pretty penny, that's for sure," the brunette mused.

"Y'like it?" the young man asked.

"Yeah, I like it," she replied, holding up the shiny black 'Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS' outfit's jacket, feeling its texture. "Fre'll look awesome in this thing. Jeez, there's even a riding crop."

"That's a dedicated fan you've got there," he stated, gazing at her.

"I'll say," she murmured, still lost in the garment. "I'm gonna have to give them a big thank-you when I'm online."

"You're welcome," Kenny said, his voice cracking slightly.

Jeanie's head snapped up to look at the man who stood on the other side of the table. Her eyes were wide with surprise. "You bought all this?"

He nodded.

"But how?" she asked as she laid down the SS outfit, rather bewildered. "How can you even see our channel? I've set it so that no one in Southern Ontario can access it!"

"Ways around that, y'know," he replied, shrugging. "I use the deep web to access the site, so my signal bounces off at least twenty random relays; it can't trace my original position."

"Damn ..." she muttered, scowling at the table. "If the kids at school know that trick, I'm sunk."

She looked up at him again. "But why? It's Kenny, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," he said, struggling not to have an acrimonious tone in his voice. "Thanks for remembering, it almost never happens. A refreshing change, I assure you, to have a girl remember my name."

"I'm happy to help, but you still haven't told me why," Jeanie pointed out.

He spread out his hands, almost as if in supplication, as he began to move slowly around the table. His smile was tight. "I'm your biggest fan. You and your wife, I'm helpless not to watch you. You're the most amazing act on the site."

"Oh, well, thanks," Jeanie said, blushing and trying to look humble. "One doesn't like to brag, but we're not really acting, y'know. The passion is real, and we --"

"And so I had to show you my appreciation for you," Kenny interrupted, coming around the corner of the table now and walking toward her. "The way you two move, the way you take things inside yourselves, and the pleasure you give and receive from one another. So amazing to watch, and so unattainable for the rest of us."