Freja and Jeanie Ch. 01


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Jeanie nodded and continued. "So we'll be closing our account as of tomorrow, and this right here was our final show. Maybe one day we'll be back, who knows, but for now, we're just gonna have to do something else. We're sad, but it's what's best for us, y'know?"

They watched the laptop screen as messages began pouring in, protesting the decision, but also showing support. The token donation counter was ringing like an old-timey alarm clock, and their wishlist was absolutely ablaze with purchases. They both smiled, and Jeanie wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"Guys, thanks, we really, really appreciate it," the brunette said, controlling her voice, which she was afraid would crack. "And like I said, who knows what the future holds? For now, just wish us luck, and we wish the same back to you. We love you all, guys!"

They both blew a final kiss to the camera, then both reached a forward and pressed the button together to end the live feed. Once the screen hard gone black, Jeanie groaned and pushed her face into the bed.

"Gnnn, that was so hard, Fre," she mumbled into the silken sheets. "All that money we were making."

"I know, yndling," Freja cooed, stroking her wife's hair. "But I will say this ... I have grown up without money; I have in fact been poor. And while it is convenient to have, I know rich people who are miserable, and I have known impoverished people who were happy. And those people were happy because they had someone who loved them and who they were in love with."

Jeanie looked up at her wife, and her deep brown eyes were sparkling. "Yeah?" she asked dreamily.

"Ja, and I could be utterly penniless and hungry, my love, but as long as you loved me, I would count myself richer than any king or queen in this world. Never doubt it, Jeanette LeTourneau. You are all the wealth I will ever need."

"God, I love it when you talk capitalism," Jeanie purred as she pulled Freja into a deep kiss.


They'd decorated for Christmas, which was quite a logistical feat, since the house was normally an homage to sensual depravity and erotic excess. Greys and lavenders had been replaced or muted by green, gold and red. Festive music danced on the air while the two girls laughed and danced gaily, wearing sexy little elf costumes that left little to the imagination.

"God, I can't wait for Christmas break to get here," Jeanie declared, drinking her eggnog and sauntering around their living room. "And it'll be so nice to see your parents again! I'm so glad they want us to visit."

"They were thrilled by my suggestion, because they like you very much," Freja replied, leaning on the mantle and watching her wife bump and grind past, enjoying herself. "Very, very much."

"As much as they liked Alexa?" Jeanie asked. It wasn't a test, just a question. She was genuinely curious.

"They love her greatly, of course, and she is part of my family," Freja said, shrugging. "But they all knew she was not the one for me, possibly even before I did. You, my love, you have their dedication and love every bit as much as she did, and there is plenty of time in our lives for 'as much' to become 'more.'"

"I'm glad, y'know?" Jeanie said cheerfully. "I love feeling like I belong to someone, to something. Finally. I'm done being an outsider, always the one just used or passed over. And if all I have to do is be in love with you and try to make you the happiest woman alive, well, challenge accepted!"

"I am thinking you will enjoy several of our Christmas traditions in Roskilde," the Dane mused, taking another sip of her nog. "They are so different from here, I am sure."

"Will they like the presents I have planned for the fam?" Jeanie queried. She was always worried about getting the right things for people, and she insisted that Freja not help her too much.

"They will love them, I assure you," Freja replied, nodding. "And we will have a great time, I am sure. But that does leave me wondering, my love."

"What about?" Jeanie asked, still twirling around the room to 'Jingle Bell Rock.'

"When we come home, not only will we be back to our courses, but we also have the additional problem, once again, of needing to make money. The money from our too-brief camgirl job was nice, but now we must think of the future beyond New Year's Day."

"No problem, Fre," Jeanie declared, striking a pose. "I have our solution!"

Freja tilted her head, curious. Jeanie's ideas tended to be even more deranged than her own. And that took some doing, admittedly.

She watched as Jeanie scurried into the bedroom, gone for nearly a minute. When she came back out, she was holding a small pink compact case, and some papers. She held them up for display, clearly excited. "Ta-daaaaaaaa!"

Freja took the papers and examined them, reading briefly. She then took the compact case and examined it.

"The kinetic makeup kit ..." she mused, smiling. "I remember when Professor Hulk showed it to us and allowed us to keep the design and patent it. It is ours now, yes. Do you really think it can be worth money? I considered it more of a curio, tee-bee-aytch."

"There's huge markets for it, Fre," Jeanie insisted excitedly. "We know how amazeballs Lexi would look under her stage lights when she's playing with the Replicants, right?"

Freja nodded. "You think the market here in Toronto is big enough to sustain us?"

"Possibly, but think bigger."

The Danish girl considered. "Southern Ontario generally? Toronto and Montreal?"

"Even bigger, Fre," Jeanie iterated. "Way bigger."

Freja was silent for a few seconds before her eyes widened and she looked at Jeanie in wonder. "You mean ... New York or Los Angeles?"

"Yes!" squeaked the brunette, bouncing up and down so her tits jiggled. "Think of all the bands we could sell to! The makeup companies! The movie industry could use it! If we do this right, we could make so much money that even the Blackwells would be jealous!"

Freja seemed a little dazed at the notion. "Such a large purchasing base ..."

"And all we need, Fre, is the acorns to reach for the brass ring! We can't think small potatoes here. If we start small, someone'll eventually just find a way to buy it out from under us, leaving us a fraction of what we could be making. No, I wanna make more money with this idea than my parents could ever dream of."

Still lost in thought, Freja was silent for several seconds before turning to look into her wife's eyes. "You are sure this is what you want, my love? This marketing, it will be much work, and there are so many things to consider."

Jeanie nodded. "I'm really sure, Fre. We put the patent in a drawer and let it just be, until we forgot about it. I think we both knew what a challenge it would be, how it would cramp our lifestyle, and very likely interfere with school. But people aren't just handed breaks like this, y'know? This fell right in our laps, and this is our big shot. I'm game, but not without you. If you're not in, I'll put it back in the drawer without another thought. Whaddya say?"

Freja closed her eyes and bit her lip, lost in thought. When she opened them, she was smiling, and took her wife's hands. "I say we go for it!"

"YES!" Jeanie squealed in delight, pulling Freja into a crushing hug and almost smothering her with her breasts. "This'll be awesome! Watch out, world, the LeTourneau-Kjaers are going to LA!"


Author's Notes: Welcome, one and all, to my newest venture into the Alexaverse, my series called 'Freja & Jeanie.' It runs alongside my 'Mike & Karen' story arc, which is the central theme of this entire saga, of you will. The stories are concurrent, and sometimes spill into one another, telling the same narrative from a different viewpoint when necessary.

A lot of people have expressed their favour for this pair, because they're wacky and lighthearted, sort of my comic relief for the universe. Jeanie, the ever-lovable airhead slut with a heart of gold, and Freja, the crazed genius who borders on total amorality when her impulses get the better of her. They make a very dynamic and enjoyable married couple to write about, and they provide me with opportunities to explore comical plots that aren't always possible in the main storyline, because of the drama surrounding Alex and Alexa's illicit relationship.

Yes, I pick on incels, and that will never change, same as I will always pick on and abuse Nazis and the alt-right. I will never feel bad about this. If me picking on incels bothers you, well, there's the door, Betamax. You know what to do.

The adventures in this arc will be downright zany, because I need that release for my characters. It also will be much less frequently published, because it's not central to my universe's plot, just loads of fun. I have two more chapters scripted out already, and they take place over the course of a calendar year in-universe, so just keep your eye open for them here in the Romance section.

Why Romance, if the story is chock-full of such wacky fun and comedy? Why not Humor/Satire? Because at its core, this is still a romance, a story about two girls who are very, very much in love, and will do anything for one another. The humour, while a major component of these stories, is still incidental, and therefore I believe it belongs here instead of in Humor/Satire.

So here we are, chapter one complete, and the girls are on their way to sells their wares (no, not those, you perv) in LA when they get back from Denmark. I hope you enjoyed it, and the girls do too.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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KerrionKerrion11 months ago

While I don't normally do this, I've just got to say, Ohh Mahh Gawwwd!!! (ok, maybe Jeanie's rubbing off on me here). I started off with Alex & Alexa, then the One-Shot, and now these two adorable little brats. I just Love the way you write. You care more about the storyline and characters than just the sex scenes, which seems to be the only thing that other writers appear to care about. Your stories may be longer and slower (as far as the sex scenes go compared to other writers), but it's a REAL story, and not just a bunch of repetitive sex scenes over and over again where the only thing that changes is the character names and order of positions used by said characters. You seem to actually tailor things to the characters themselves where the sex is a natural extension of them and their situations instead of being the main plot in and of itself.

One thing I would Love to see, however, is a comprehensive timeline between the stories of the Alexa-verse that would allow me to read everything in sequence. Otherwise... KEEP Writing Brother, and I'll KEEP Reading! :)

P.S. Who's Danny? ["Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" Danny shouted. (Pg.6)] LoL

Harleyman03Harleyman03about 3 years ago
Authors Notes

While not everyone agrees with you stories, just from your notes you love your characters and try to bring life to them and make them real. I may not like all of your comments, the characters are real and make me like and adore them. You are a gifted writer who captivates the reader. How you bring these two or three stories together is astonishing. I could only hope you continue to make these lives as believable as you have. Well done and by all means continue.

JoeybagofdonutsJoeybagofdonutsover 3 years ago
I like your work but.....

Sorry dude, I love most of your work. I just can’t get into this one. I only got through 2 pages and had to stop. Freja was hard to understand and too many Canadian references for us geography challenged Americans.

I’ll try to read some other stories and then come back to this.


DarkenningDarkenningover 4 years ago

Freja nodded. "You think the market here in Toronto is big enough to sustain us?"

"Possibly, but think bigger."

The Danish girl considered. "Southern Ontario generally? Toronto and Montreal?"

"Even bigger, Fre," Jeanie iterated. "Way bigger."

Freja was silent for a few seconds before her eyes widened and she looked at Jeanie in wonder. "You mean ... New York or Los Angeles?"

"BIGGER EVEN!" Jeanie cried.

"What is bigger than either of those?" Freja gasped.

"... I dunno, I just felt like saying 'bigger' again," Jeanie admitted.

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