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Jonathan wanted to just go, but he froze. His wife was hurting, and he could not abandon her. Within a millisecond, he moved and held her close as she sobbed. She cried out in pain, sorrow, and despair. She cried for a friendship long gone and on e that might never be repaired. She cried because herself hatred might cost her the man she was destined to belong to.

Vivian sighed. He felt amazing. He was so strong. She felt his muscles ripple beneath the dark suit he wore. He held her so close and for a second she wondered could she stop being so mean.

Jonathan felt her breath against his neck, and his body tightened. His wife was beautiful, but she had one flaw. She was simply mean. She hated Theo's mate and this had to be dealt with.

"Vivian, why do you hate her?" Jonathan asked.

"I don't hate Benita. I was young and foolish. My family is the most powerful vampires in this region, yet I was a joke. When we were kids, I didn't care. Benita was my best friend. Nothing would change that." She paused. She saw understanding dawn in his eyes.

"It's hard to be different. No one really wants to accept you. I understand." Jonathan said softly.

"You've felt the same?" Vivian queried. This fascinated her. However, Jonathan didn't truly trust her. He was not bearing his soul to her for her to use it to inflict more pain.

She saw when he out his mask back up. "You don't have to answer. I know you don't know me yet."

The two were silent for a while. Jonathan pretended not to look at her, and Vivian tried just as hard not to watch him. The silence was deafening. Jonathan gave first.

Jonathan sighed. "So, tell me Vivian, what kind of man are you attracted to?" He asked trying to find something to get her to talk to him.

"Honestly, Jonathan, I don't know. Someone that loves me just for me, I guess. Oh and he has to be fine. I'm a gorgeous woman; I have a healthy appetite in all things." She glanced at him, eyeing his body. "He needs to have enough stamina to keep up." She insisted.

His body hardened. It was then he realized that he was lost. His mate challenged him and his wolf would not back down. He would conquer her no matter what it took.

He growled. Vivian giggled, "You growled at me Jonathan Ivanov. I'm not afraid of you so you don't frighten me." She explained grinning enjoying the reaction she got out of him.

Jonathon moved to her, she back away. The fire in his eyes fascinated her. He caught her by her waist and pulled her close. "Vivian, have you ever heard the saying "Don't wake a sleeping tiger. Well, a wolf can be just as dangerous."

She gasped and Jonathan smiled. He knew she was aroused. Her body reacted to him and he could scent her. She wanted him. Her protests were phony, and he smiled. Vivian was so turned on by him she wanted to scream. He was not what she wanted. He was just the right height. He had the most fascinating dark eyes and gorgeous black hair. His muscles rippled beneath his clothes and she could imagine them making love with wild abandon.

Jonathan had one more thing to tell his wife. "You are right about one thing. I like to read. Baby, you can learn a lot from reading. I read someplace that I can make a woman come just by kissing a special spot." Vivian wanted to pull away, but his voice captured her. Jonathan tightened his hold and blew in her ear. Vivian shuddered.

He smiled, and licked her ears. Vivian trembled. It was a simple touch of his tongue, so hot, so wet. Then he nipped her ear and her panties were now flooded. After that he blew and whispered, "Cum."She was shattered and body convulsed as she jerked. Jonathan held her a bit longer until she regained her equilibrium.

"Baby, go freshen up. I don't want to have to rip someone's head of for approaching you now. You're my wife Vivian, whether you like it or not. We will be together. As for Theo and Benita, we will find a way to coexist.

Vivian looked at him and backed away. After some distance appeared between them, she dashed to her room. Francine and Dermic watched the interaction and smiled. It seemed their daughter had met her match after all.


Benita faced Theo. No male should be that handsome. She turned away from him. Ask him. Ask him to take us with him when he leaves. Her wolf demanded.

Benita, will you send time with me tomorrow?" Theo asked nervously. At home, he and Jonathan dated several women. He had no problem with the fairer sex.

"Look, Theo. I appreciate that you are concerned, but you are not responsible for me." Benita explained.

"Theo sat beside her. "Who hurt you? Who has caused you to trust so little?" He asked.

Benita smiled. She felt safe. She knew if she named someone, he'd do everything he could to eliminate the threat. The thing was, the one who hurt her was the one person he could not harm.

"It's silly. Vivian hates me and I should be used it. When we were kids, we were best friends, then we entered high school. She turned on me." Benita sighed.

"Have you tried to talk to her?" Theo asked.

Benita looked at him. "When? It's been over several years now and until tonight, I have not said two words to her."

"Jonathan is my brother. He is a part of me. She is his wife. He won't live without her. You are mine, Benita and I won't live without you. I will not spend the rest of my life separated from my brother, but I won't allow his wife to cause you pain. We will figure something out, I promise." Theo whispered. He prayed that this was one promise he was able to keep.

Benita hugged him. He was the type of guy she never looked twice at. She dated guys that were friends with her brother. Fighters, warriors, but Theo was a thinker. He was also very strong. He felt like heaven in her embrace.

At first she thought the suit he wore was made to give him volume, but soon she realized it was custom-made for his large frame. "Benita, I need you to know something about me. My uncle is our pack Alpha, my father is his second. I have trained in defense, combat, and weaponry. My brother and I have a special bond, and it makes us stronger than most. Don't let this calm, nerdy, facade fool you. I am even more dangerous than you ever realized."

Benita gasped shocked and so turned on. She knew he could scent her arousal, but she was not ready to give in to him. Her brother and his friends were dangerous, but her mate was the most dangerous male she'd ever come across.

"You are my mate, and I will protect you. Tomorrow, we will get to know each other a little better. Until then, I want you to enjoy the gala. Oh, you're taken, don't forget." He kissed her gently. Benita melted against him. Theo smiled, and held her by the waist as they returned to the dance.

He saw Vivian rushing back inside and Jonathan watching her with a sly smirk. Ah, my brother, we have our work cut out for us, he sent.

Jonathan faced him nodded and replied, Theo, let the games begin.

The gala continued and Benita and Vivian took great pains to avoid each other. Soon the hour grew extremely late and everyone retired. Nicki also accompanied her uncles and friend. She attended the gala and was annoyed. Why did everyone assume every female wanted a mate? She did not want one. Growing up in a pack made her wary of mating. Over the years, she'd watched her cousins cry over males. She'd seen her parents get totally lost in each other. Her own parents were so engrossed with each other, that sometimes she felt as if they forgot they had young ones. If having a mate meant you lost your individual identity, and then she'd rather stay single.

"Well boys," she teased. "You two seemed distracted."

Theo laughed and Jonathan grinned. "Well, Miss Nosy, we have met our life mates." Theo explained.

"What? Are you serious?" She questioned.

Jonathan laughed. Picking his friend up and twirling her around, Jonathan teased, "Yes."

Just as quickly and carefully, he placed Nicki back on her feet. He was no longer alone. He could feel her eyes burning into the back of his head. Good,He thought. Maybe when she realizes she isn't my only choice, she'll decide to stop being so resistant.

Nicki knew Jonathan and Theo. He was up to something. "Wait, she's watching you. You're trying to use me to make her jealous."

Before Jonathan could deny anything, Nicki looked around and called out. "I know you are watching. Please reveal yourself. We need to talk."

Jonathan knew that Vivian Valdemore would not simply reveal herself because someone called her. He and Theo shared a look, and Nicki became annoyed.

She shoved Theo and pushed Jonathan. Jonathan and Theo laughed when she drew back her hand to strike her tormentor. Someone grabbed her hand, hurting her.

She turned and stared in the angry face of Vivian Valdemore, Jonathan's wife.

Nicki could tell by the look of anger on the girl's face that she did not like seeing her husband interact with another female.

Nick swallowed. She had to get a handle on this and make sure Vivian did not see her as competition.

"Um, Vivian, I'm Nicki Loess, Theo's niece; Jonathan's niece by default." She quickly introduced herself.

Vivian let go and scented her. Her eyes widened. "You carry a familial scent."

Nicki smiled, "Yes, Jonathan is really my uncle in so many words."

Vivian relaxed. She could not believe how upset she was when she watched him interact with the other female. Here she was, thirty years old. She managed to avoid getting involved in a serious relationship with anyone. For her entire life, she never felt a sense of possessiveness as she did for this man. Jonathan said nothing. He just watched her. She felt uncomfortable and decided to just go home. She never should have spied on him. Briefly she wondered if Benita watched Theo as closely.

She took a moment and looked at the other male. He was handsome for a wolf. She could see why the females fawned all over him all evening. He was tall, had amazing eyes, and she could tell his body was amazing as well.

Jonathan growled, "Careful wife, message received." He chuckled. "No more meaningless flirtation."

Vivian faced him and smiled. "Well, Jonathan, I'll leave you and your friends alone, Nicki, join me soon, I'd love to hear more about your adventures."

She walked away as Jonathan tried to pretend not to watch. Nicki laughed. "You are so obvious. You knew she was watching, didn't you?"she asked.

Jonathan grinned slyly, and Nicki pushed him. "Aunt Nickie and Uncle Gernick won't take kindly to me being ripped to shreds by a jealous vampiress." Nicki complained.

Theo laughed, "She's right, Jonathan. Blaine would kick both our asses if something happened to her." The three continued and escorted Nicki to the apartment she shared with three other females. As they approached the door, Theo smiled. Benita watched his interaction with the female wolf from his pack and wanted to rip her hands from his body. Nicki knew instantly she was being used again.

"Uncle Theo, I'm telling Mom and Dad that you two want to get me hurt." She said loudly enough for the she wolf to hear. Benita recognized her as Theo's niece and she relaxed.

Theo saw her and smiled. She was beautiful and despite everything; she was his. Unlike Jonathan, he had no point to prove. He went to her immediately and hugged her. The other females gasped, and Benita froze. She responded to Theo even though her brain was telling her to shove him away.

She hugged him back instinctively. He inhaled her scent and she did the same. The scent of morning dew and soft wet grass enveloped her. She closed her eyes for a second and simply enjoyed being held by her mate. Everyone was quiet, happy that she had finally met her other half. The girls from her pack were aware of the plans of their alpha. If Benita had her mate, she'd be safe from now on.

Watching his sister from afar was Aaden. He saw the males approach the apartment, and he saw how his sister watched the male wolf from America. Aaden loved his family and even though the alpha had banned him, he looked out for them. In all fairness, the alphas did not mistreat his parents, but he feared if they learned they helped him then they would pay. His parents snuck supplies to him as often as they could. He had heard that the alpha planned to order Nita to leave. He knew his mother was worried, but if she found her mate, then at least she would have some protection.

Aaden smiled. Nita was a warrior. He trained her. She needed no protection. He sighed. He suspected that she would have to go with her mate eventually, but before she left, he would test this male to make sure his sister was in good hands.

Aaden watched and then he saw her. His wolf howled. She stole his breath. The vampire, the one that walked her home was standing too close. His beast stood. He needs to die. She is mine. He growled.

Nicki was ordering her Uncle and cousin back to their quarters, but it was obvious that Theo was not listening. He was speaking softly to Benita who was so focused in her mate. Soon, Theo realized he was not alone with his mate and he kissed her temple. "We have a date tomorrow." He reminded her and he and Jonathan left. As they walked home, they talked about their unusual situation.

Nicki dressed for bed, but she was curious about Benita. She had met her the day before and noticed that she was not very friendly. To learn that she was the mate if her uncle made her interested to learn about this girl. After Jonathan and Theo left, the girls faces Benita. Benita stood to excuse herself when Destinee from her pack stopped her.

"Oh no, you've met your mate. You didn't say anything, He is so handsome. When did you know?" the questions flew. Benita started to not answer but smiled.

"Look, I just met him tonight. He can still refuse. If he ever learned the truth..." She stopped the other females gasped.

"You are not responsible for what they decide. You have your mate now and the Alpha has to let you go. You won't be alone and for that I am relieved." One of her pack members spoke.

Benita looked shocked, "Hold on Destinee, you almost sound like you care." She tried to joke.

Destinee looked at her. "I do. We all do. And we disagree with Alpha and now you will be safe."

The girls' comments intrigued Nicki, but right now they needed sleep. Tomorrow, she knew Theo and Benita had plans but she'd tag along for a while and try to find out what was going on. Unbeknownst to everyone else in the room, Theo and Benita would also have someone else joining them. Aaden saw how the wolf interacted and decided that the next morning; he would meet this make that was in interested in his baby sister.

The girls went to bed, and Aaden camped out. He was not alone because the vampires were aware of his presence. They were also aware of the situation within his pack. That was one reason Francine insisted that Benita come to the gala, Even if the girl had not found her mate, she was prepared to allow her to join their family. She was not returning to that pack. Sadly, her parents agreed, They wanted to leave, but as Omegas they had no where they could go. Besides, Aaden was here and because of his foolishness in his youth, he would not be welcomed anywhere else.


Vivian awoke early and went outside. She felt antsy. She needed something, but she was not sure what. Her parents were just awakening as well. Dermic kissed his wife. He loved Francine with a love that was so pure, so unchanging. He was amazed that she not only was his wife but that she'd given him seven perfect children. Their youngest child would be joining her mate soon, and he was a bit saddened. However, she would be uniting with the Ivanov clan, and that alone was reason to celebrate.

"What are you contemplating on so hard, love?" Francine asked as she awake to fine her husband pondering.

"We should have a new little one. Vivian is leaving soon, and the house will be empty." He explained.

Francine laughed, "No, for the next decade at least. I want to be free to enjoy myself and travel for once." She reminded him, "However, if we have no little ones around, we can have more time for exploring each other." she reminded him with a wink.

Dermic laughed and reached for his wife. She kissed him and reminded him that they had young women and men underfoot, now was not a good time. Dermic groaned.

Vivian stood outside and smiled. He joined her. "Morning Vivian." Jonathan greeted her coolly. Vivian smiled. "Morning Jonathan," She whispered.

"I have to report in but I'm free the rest of the day. Would you spend the day with me?" he asked. He forced his body to relax. It would not be in his favor if she knew how much she affected him.

Vivian smiled, "I'm free later on. Can you come around a little after twelve?" She asked.

Jonathan smiled and knew she was stalling. "How about, I join your family when the wolves eat breakfast and we spend the day just talking?" He asked with a wink. Vivian was speechless.

Unaware she was staring with her mouth agape, she nodded, Jonathan stood beside her and they watched the sun rise.

They just stood quietly, not talking. Vivian sneaked peeks at her mate. He was gorgeous, but boring. She'd known Jonathan Ivanov her whole life. When they were kids, the vampire council tried to send all of the vampire children to a boarding school.

Her family met with the Ivanovs to finds a solution after the council decided not to press the issue. He was polite, but always reading. She was much younger than him, and he ignored her completely. When she turned eighteen, the families met once more, and she wore her sexiest outfit for him. He smiled politely and left to meet with his wolf friends. If he was not with his friends, he was reading.

She was not in some book he was reading so he barely noticed. The next year, she visited once more and he had a girlfriend. She hated the girl instantly. It was then that she met his blood brother, and it reminded her of her foolish mistake. She missed her friend.

Jonathon liked Vivian when she was quiet, like now. He watched her. Her black hair cascaded over her slender shoulders as she tried so very hard to ignore him. He moved a bit closer to her and she did not step away. Her scent drove him crazy, He knew she told herself he was a geek and that was alright. However, Jonathan Ivanov was not an ordinary geek and when he returned to the states the next week; he'd love to show her his world.

Soon the early morning burst into a bright orange hue, Jonathon smiled and had to go meet his brother. Vivian did not respond because she feared if she spoke, he'd know she did not want him to leave.

He left to join Theo at the dining hall and she went to her room. She missed him, and that was strange. How could she miss a man she did not even really know?

Vivian went to her room and showered and dressed. As she showered, she closed her eyes and imagined that she was not alone. A strong pair of muscular arms encircled her waist, pulling her frame into a tight masculine body. Vivian closed her eyes as her body flamed at the mere thought of this man. Slowly she washed herself, caressing her breast pretending her hands were his.

Moving her hands downward, she caressed her mound. She wondered if he preferred his female hairless, or with hair. She'd trim just in case. Vivian stroked her clit and felt tremors. Her body was enflamed, and the only one that could cool her down was Jonathan. Lifting her leg, she needed to come. Removing her shower head and setting the water pulsating water on pulse beat, Vivian, shot the warm stream directly on to her over aroused clit. The effect was instantaneous. She came whispering his name.

In his own apartment, Jonathan too was engaged in amorous activities with one lovely female dominating his thoughts. Theo and the other guys had gone out, and he was free to engage in self pleasure. Closing his eyes, he recalled seeing Vivian years ago wearing a sexy two piece. He was dating someone at the time, but the nubile eighteen year old held him riveted. Even now years later, her beauty astounded him. Grasping his cock, he stroked slowly. Imagining it was the hand of his lady love, his cock pulsed. Jonathan, I need you. Fantasy Vivian moaned. One more stroke and he came hard, gasping the name of the one woman he should not want.