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Jonathan grew suspicious as did Theo. They rushed back to the Valdemore estate. When they realized their women were gone, both young men rushed out.


The pack healer checked Aaden. He'd taken a slug clear through his body. He'd lost half of the blood in his body. His body was trying to heal but the damage was severe. He wanted to try a transfusion. Nicki volunteered. Carl immediately donated. His cousins from the pack did as well. So did Alpha Wallace. He knew he was at fault for this. He banned this man and because of that Aaden never tried to come back home. He was out of the pack without protection, vulnerable. Something bothered the alpha. William claimed he saw hunters. His scouts had not warned them of such. Something was afoot.

The vampiress, the daughter ran in screaming that her sister and Benita had been taken. It began to make sense. Wallace closed his eyes. He should have acted before now, but he didn't want to alert anyone to the threat he faced. He figured if Benita were to leave that would take care of part of the problem. It seemed he underestimated his foe.

The alphas stood into the foyer of the Valdemore home. Wallace watched as the beautiful blonde wolf sat with Aaden, refusing to leave his side. Machines helped him breath. William was missing and had Benita with him. His son entered and offered to help search. He was half in love with the girl, which is what precipitated his idea to ban her from the pack. However, she had her mate and would leave anyway, if she survived the night.

"Son, go and take several betas with you, Ask around and see if someone can give you an idea of where William hides out."

The group took off. Dermic did not like Wallace and his handling of this emergency made him like him even less. Aaden should have been home, safe within his pack not rogue.

Wallace looked into the angry eyes of the vampire before him. "I hate myself too, Dermic. I messed up. If Aaden survives this, I will gladly welcome him back home. But from the looks of things he and his sister will be leaving." He spoke as Nicki leaned into his body weeping.

Aaden's mother moved to her and rubbed her back, She wanted to comfort her as she too feared losing her son. "I never wanted a mate. I didn't ask for this. I can't lose him. I can't handle that." Nicki sobbed.

Nora hugged her and told her that Aaden was strong and a fighter. If anyone could survive this he would. Besides, he had her to come back too. She whispered. Nicki turned and hugged his mother.

His pressure dropped once more and the doctor rushed back in. The damage was extensive, and the doctors had done all they could do. Nicki collapsed. Nora screamed with her. Carl held both women, pleading with the Gods to spare his son. Dermic heard enough. He entered and told everybody to leave. Nicki and Nora refused. Dermic faced them. "If you want him to live, then leave." He hissed. The wolves left. Love, I stand with you Francine sent.

Dermic lifted the damaged wolf in his arms. The needle in his neck dislodged and the metallic scent of his blood permeated the room. Ripping a chunk from his forearm, Dermic forced his blood into Aaden's mouth, "Drink wolf. I cannot let you die." He hissed. At first nothing, then a slight tug that grew stronger and stronger. Soon Dermic had to snatch away for his own reserves were low. He did drink from the wound in Aaden's neck. Instantly, they bonded. They were now brothers.

Listen Wolf, my life might be forfeit from this point on. Don't waste this gift that I've given you. Dermic whispered.

He rose and the others entered. Aaden was alert and Dermic addressed the group. "No one can know what transpired here." He left the room; Francine followed. If the council learned of this, her mate could be punished. She would make sure no harm befell him.

Nicki rushed to Aaden and he held her close. Inhaling her scent, With his new DNA he heard everything much clearer. He could also see things much clearer. Benita did not enter the room,

He faced Nicki, "Where is Nita?"

She burst into tears. "Some guy took her. Theo and Jonathan along with several vampires and wolves are searching for them."

"Who took my sister?" He asked. But he feared he knew. Right before his chest exploded on pain, he sensed William. "William!" he sighed.

Moving to get up, Aaden had to find his sister.

"Wait, you're hurt." Nicki cried.

Aaden started dressing. "I'm fine, Nita is not. He's always been obsessed with her. Theo being here would have set him off. I need to save my sister." He dashed out.

His new vampire senses were fantastic. He'd never ran as fast before. Wondering if it would work, he called out to Theo. Aaden left calling for his sister mentally. Theo and Jonathan heard him and knew. He was now a hybrid as well. He was like them.

Wait, Aaden, you're alive. We're in the forest. Don't run. Close your eyes and you should vanish here where we are. Theo explained.

Aaden listened within seconds, he was with both Theo and Jonathan. They were tracking the girls. They followed Benita's scent and Jonathan followed Vivian through their newly formed mates bond. Aaden called his sister through their bond. She was too frightened to respond but he knew where she was. He faced the others. "If we touch can we vanish and appear where they are?" he asked.

Theo and Jonathan shared a look and the three locked hands. Within seconds they appeared outside a rustic cabin. Jonathan could feel Vivian fears. Theo checked on his mate and child; they were frightened but alive. Then they peered inside. William was holding Benita, and she resisted him. He had Vivian tied and some type of collar held her in place.

Jonathan swallowed. His Uncle Corliss told him about a device that was used by a vampire decades ago to subdue his aunt years ago. If she fought back in anyway, it would decapitate her.

Vivian, I'm here. Don't move. I will get you out of there. He sent. Stay calm, give nothing away. Has he hurt either of you? He asked.

He beat her. She won't give in. She is so scared and the baby is growing weaker. If he strikes her again, she could lose... Vivian sent, terrified for her friend.

He will die before he hurts her again. Don't fear. We're getting both of you out of there. Jonathan sent with a huge metal hug of love.

Benita, I know you can hear me. Don't react. They are here. Jonathan and Theo are here. Vivian sent. She did not know if Benita heard her.

Benita did and it shocked her that she could still communicate. She stayed the same, still in his arms. If she reacted, William might hurt her and cause her to miscarry. Theo and Aaden counted the number of men William had with him. Disposing of them would be child's play. The two men shared a smile and all three allowed their beast control . Slowly and meticulously they took all six men apart. William was clueless. Vanishing, they went inside. Jonathan wanted William as did Theo. Aaden took charge. Theo needed to go to Vivian and Jonathan needed to help Benita. William was his.

"Benita, this is your last time. Shift and let me have my way or I will kill the vampire bitch." William ordered. She could not shift. If what Vivian had told her earlier was true shifting would destroy her child. She was not putting her baby in danger.

"No" she whispered and William drew back to strike once more. Benita cringed when his arm froze midair. Jonathan appeared. William pushed a button and Benita screamed as a trapped clipped on the opposite side of the room. Theo appeared holding Vivian.

William bellowed, and was silenced by a sharp hard blow. Aaden appeared. Benita was overjoyed her brother lived. It did not register that he was just invisible, a trait only her mate and his vampire brother shared. Her brother did not die.

"You hurt my sister. You knew the consequences." Aaden devolved into a pure monster, not quiet wolf, not quiet vampire. Whatever he became it was deadly.

Theo and Jonathan moved to their mates. Theo kneeled and sent to his child, Little one are you?

Daddy, you came. I love you Daddy. Theo wept. "The baby is fine. She'll be OK." He whispered. Benita hugged him and knew she would never let him go.

Aaden stood over the body of his frenemy. He pretended to be a friend, but was truly an enemy. He calmed and retained his human form. "Let's clear the bodies, then we can go home." He suggested. Theo and Jonathan did as he asked.

Aaden sent to his parents that the girls were safe and they were on their way back. Everyone was relieved. Benita was were and could not vanish. So Theo had to drive back using the car William drove. Vivian wanted to ride with them so all five drove back.

An hour later, they were back at the Valdemore Estates. Nicki rushed out and leaped into Aaden's arms. Her mate was alive. Not only was je alive, he was like her now. Aaden held her close. He didn't know what would happen. He did not know how her family would react knowing his history. But he knew that she was his mate his life. He was not letting her go.

"Aaden, you're mine. I chose you. I will always choose you." Nicki whispered. They kissed and the only thing that mattered was that they were together.

The wolves were headed back to their compound when Francine and Dermic told them they did not have to leave. The young adults that were there for the gala welcomed them to stay also. Several pack members met their mates that evening and didn't want to leave anyway.

Francine ordered Vivian to take her husband to their room and make sure he rested. She then faced Benita. From when she was a child, Benita always had a room in the Valdemore home. "Benita, take your mate to your room. You know where it is."

She faced Nicki and Aaden and directed them to one of the many available rooms as well. Alpha Wallace shared a room with his son and a beta. He sent to Madam Alpha that he was staying overnight and that their pack mates were going to be alright.

Benita's parents were also given private quarters for the night.

In the privacy of their room, Theo held Benita close and she had questions. They were not mated. How she was expecting?" It was then that he explained his unique make up. Benita was amazed. Her mate was special and her child would be special as well. She had to protect them. Theo smiled and said, "Love, we will protect each other."

In the room down the hall, Nicki was inspecting her mate for additional bruises. He was fine, but she insisted on making sure he was all right. "Nicki, listen, I'm not going anywhere." he said whispered.

She kneeled before him as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "I've never been in love before, Aaden. I never though this type of love was possible. But when I sat there with you dying, I wanted to die too. Don't dismiss my need to care for you, I know it's been just a day, but you are my life." She whispered.

He kissed her. "Mate with me. Join with me tonight Nicolette Loess. Let's begin our lives together."

She nodded and Aaden lifted his mate placing her in the center of their bed. He loved her slowly and completely. Before dawn the next morning, Nicolette Loess had become Nicolette Wilmont.

Jonathan and Vivian did not talk. He knew. She and Benita had a sister bond, but kept it secret. He was relieved, because had if they did not share this bond, then things may have ended differently. "You saved her. Your actions saved Benita's life." Jonathan whispered. Vivian still felt as if she did not do much. But despite the fact that she and Benita fought, she would not let some mad man hurt her friend.

The next night was the last night for the gala. Many of the young had met mates or persons of interest, so the last night was a formality to thank the host family. Francine and Dermic stood with pride as several newly form couples approached then and thanked them. Each couple left after the host pair gave them their blessings.

Soon, Nicki and Aaden walked up. Nicki glowed and Aaden was so content. Francine laughed and hugged him, congratulating both of them. They were staying at Aaden's small cabin until they flew to Texas to live at Loess. Benita and Theo came forward next. Francine was overjoyed once more. They were staying at the Wilmont compound per the alphas request. He owed Benita an apology and wanted her to know Wilmont was and would always be her home.

Next, Vivian and Jonathan came forward. Dermic hugged his daughter and once again welcomed Jonathan into the family. They were traveling home to stay with Jonathan's family, but agreed to visit often.

Natasha and Vincent watched. They were not a part of the gala but they had news. They approached their parents and Natasha gave her mother a book, Francine looked confused. Why would her daughter give her a copy of "Mommy, I love You." She gasped.

"Natasha, really? When?" she demanded.

Natasha laughed in five months. "I almost told you the other day when you lectured me. I was surprised you didn't hear his heart beat."

Francine heard nothing else. She would have a new grandson. She would spoil him rotten.

Everyone except family had gone. Theo and Benita arrived at Wilmont to stay a few nights with her parents. Alpha Wallace apologized and told both Benita and Aaden that Wilmont would always be there home.

The alpha son glared at Theo, and Theo stared him down. The alpha son dropped his eyes first, acknowledging that Benita was not a free female. She was taken. He walked out. Madam Alpha soon followed. She knew her son had a huge crush on the beautiful girl.

A female from a visiting pack soon caught the alpha son's attention. Madam Alpha smiled, He would be fine. she surmised.


Nora was cleaning and Carl was helping secure the compound. Benita offered to help, but her Mom told her to sit and spend time with her mate. Theo smiled and placed his head in his mate's lap. He was listening to his daughter's heart beat. It was strong and sure.

Jonathan was trying to convince Vivian that they needed to have their own child soon. So in order for that to happen they needed to make love frequently.

Aaden and Nicki were wrapped around each other. It had been hours since they had eaten. He was about to prepare some stew when she stirred. She smiled at him and he knew. She was the one he had waited for his whole life. He never tired of his mate. Soon her phone rang. It was Uncle Javon. He wanted to speak with his newest pack member. Nicki smiled and handed her unsuspecting mate the phone.

Aaden spoke to his new alpha. The Alpha wanted to reassure him. He was aware of his history, but would not hold the foolishness of his youth against. Javon told him he looked forward to meeting him in a few days. Aaden sighed, relieved. Then he felt reassured as Javon sent him a mental hug. Nicki laughed. "Baby, Uncle Javon is cool, but Uncle BJ and Daddy are the ones you might need to worry about." She teased.

Aaden laughed and kissed her once more. Both Theo and Jonathan warned him about their uncles. "Hush woman. Let me feed you. You'll need your energy later." He whispered as he kissed her passionately.

At the end of the gala, the Loess wolves and their mates returned home. Carl and Nora decided to stay with their original pack. Things were not perfect, but it was home.


The gala ended and everyone returned home. Nicki was nervous. Her Dad was so overprotective. As a young woman, no guys asked her out. And if she did go out, it was often supervised and cut short. It was a miracle that she managed to lose her virginity at eighteen. Aaden held her hand as Theo drove them to the compound. Jonathan was not with them, choosing to take his wife home to meet his parents.

Blaine and BJ were waiting. Theo and Benita gout out and were welcomed warmly. As Nicki and Aaden approached, Blaine was ready to strike. Blaine, they are mated. She is well above age. Stand down Javon commanded his beta.

BJ touched his friend and they walked over to Nicki's mate. She held onto him tightly, and then Julianne and her mother showed up. The women quickly out their overprotective mates in check and eagerly welcomed their new nephew and son. Blaine was silent but it did not get past him that this young mad b was strong, was a fighter. His daughter was safe. He looked at Aaden and nodded, Aaden returned the gesture and knew he and his new dad would be alright.

Meanwhile, Nina was checking on Benita. She was expecting and did not need to be stressed at all. Jasmine was with her Mom as the two women kidnapped Theo's mate to get her home and settled. Theo looked for his mate to realize she was gone with his mother and sister. He shared a look with his dad.

Thaddeus hugged him and said, until the newness wore off, be ready to share. He laughed. Theo was concerned about Benita and their daughter. She worked too much and he wanted her pampered. Benita was annoyed. She was not fragile and wanted to work. Surprisingly Nina, Celia, and all of the women agreed. Thaddeus and the other males warned him to shut up and go along with the women. Having lived here his whole life, Theo knew when to back off. Javon laughed and said, "Boy, I knew you were smart."


Jonathan called his mother. Gernick, Nickie, and Amie waited. Jonathan brought his wife, the beautiful Vivian Valdemore, home. Gernick greeted her with a kiss and Nickie welcomed her home. Amie was a bit standoffish. Vivian's reputation preceded her.

After she had arrived, and she and Jonathan were settled, Amie cornered her new sister. "My brother loves you. He's rarely wrong. I hope you don't make him unhappy."

Vivian spoke, "Amerie, I love your brother. He is all I've ever dreamed of. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make him happy." Amie read her and knew she spoke the truth.

She would accept her, but Vivian Valdemore had a reputation as not a very nice person. Amie thought for a moment. She knew her big brother. He needed her to accept his mate. They had been home for a few weeks now, and she rarely spoke to Vivian. Last night, she heard them talking and Jon Jon was saying they needed to move. He never wanted to cause problems in his family and he would not give her up. Vivian spoke and she defended her. She told him that Amie was right. She was just trying to protect him.

Amie hated hurting him, so she had to get to know her new sister. "He loves you. Because he loves you, I can accept you."

Vivian smiled and hugged Amie instantly. Amie returned the hug. Jonathan was at the office with his dad. He felt a shaft of love from his mate and a mental hug from his sister. Love, are you OK? he sent.

Amie and I are fine. She really loves you. Vivian responded.

She thanked Amie and though of Benita. "You know we can go see her. Alpha Javon won't mind. They are our family.

Soon both girls vanished to the compound. Benita was surprised to see the vampires walking around so freely. Vivian rushed to her and hugged her. She was ok, and the baby was fine.

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. I apologize for everything I've ever done to you. These last few years have been so hard. I know I was wrong and I hope you can forgive me." Vivian confessed.

Benita stopped her. "You saved my life and you saved my daughter. Had you not followed William I would be dead. The only reason I'm not is because a part of him feared you and your family. As far as I'm concerned, you are my sister. Nothing will ever change that."

Vivian hugged her tightly. Then Benita laughed. "You know that means you get to babysit right and I will be calling."

"I don't mind at all." Vivian sighed. The two girls embraced and for just a moment they were once again carefree like they were when they were younger.