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Jonathan dressed and met Theo at the dining hall. At breakfast with Theo, Jonathon did not eat. Theo was unusually quiet. It was obvious he was distracted. He thought of her, and smiled. Vivian Valdemore was his wife and he could not be happier. The only thing was she hated the mate of his brother. They had to fix this.

Her sister was visiting and she laughed, "He's your other half. Until you join completely, he's all you will think about."

Vivian groaned. "He is such a bookworm. How can I be attracted to him?"

Her sister laughed. Vivian smiled as she saw the source of her musing talking with her parents as they invited him inside. She noticed that in just simple jeans and a jacket, Jonathan Ivanov was pure male eye candy. Her sister nudged her. Bookworm, huh? she sent.

Shut up! Vivian replied, as she walked in the room joining her parents and their guest. Natasha followed thinking that her baby sister was blessed in deed.


Soon, Vivian joined her parents and their guest in the sitting room. Francine smiled when she entered. "Jonathon, Dermic, and Vincent, if you gentlemen don't mind, I want a word with my daughters. Vivian, Natasha, come with me." Francine ordered. Both girls stood as Vivian sneaked a peek at her husband. Jonathan was focusing on something her brother-in-law was saying but he was completely aware of the fact that she had gone from the room.

Francine walked into the den with both daughters. Natasha had a sneaky suspicion, but she would wait until Mother spoke.

"Vivian, I love you. You are my daughter, but I won't abide cruelty." She stated.

Vivian dropped her head. She knew her mother was aware of what happened the night before.

"Momma, listen..." She tried to interject.

Francine didn't want to hear it. She had spoken with security as well as some of the others that were in attendance, including Uryia. All of them said basically the same. Benita bumped into Uryia and Vivian verbally attacked her.

"Why did you attack her Vivian? I am aware if the skirmishes in your past, but I was hoping you would have grown past this by now." Francine chastised.

Vivian faced her mother and tried to look tough. But she knew her mother was right. There was no reason for her to attack Benita the night before.

Francine waited and Vivian opened her mouth to speak. She had no excuses. Well none that her mother would accept. Finally, she dropped her head. She owed Benita an apology not just for last night, but the past five years as well.

Natasha hugged her sister. "You have time. Right now there is a gorgeous man waiting to spend time with you." She teased.

Francine laughed. "Don't try to act so innocent. We watched you with him last night. Besides, if you're anything like me, he'll be hooked before the day ends." She winked. "That's how I got your father."

Then she faced Natasha. "Young lady, why do I not have a grandchild by now?"

Natasha spurted. "Momma, it's only been a few years. Have you asked the others?" she asked turning beet red. "Momma, we are not in a hurry. Wait, why don't you ask Vincent? He could be firing blanks?" Natasha added.

They laughed and rejoined the men. Jonathan noticed her immediately. She smiled, but something transpired with her mother. He would see if she would talk later.

Vincent and Natasha were going out to see friends. Francine and Dermic had responsibilitiues. Jonathon smiled at Vivian and spoke. "Well, Ms. Valdemore, I would love to be in your presence for the rest of the day."

Vivian smiled, grabbed her jacket and preceded him out of the door. Jonathan looked back at her father who was grinning from ear to ear and her mother who was just as pleased. The Valdemores let him and Theo use their family cars, so he escorted her to the vehicle they let him use. Opening the door for her, He inhaled as she sat inside. He climbed in and whispered, "Gardenias are now my favorite flower."

They were off.


Theo picked Benita up. She was simply amazing. Nicki all of a sudden wanted to join them. He started to tell her no when he saw that Benita wanted her to come. At first he was annoyed that his mate did not want to be alone with him, but for now he'd give her exactly what she needed.

He drove as the two women talked. Nicki wanted to shop and dragged Benita along with her. Theo parked at the shopping center where they exited the car. Benita looked but did nit attempt to purchase anything.

They walked around as Nicki purchased gifts for her parents. Theo saw Benita look at some things and decided to buy a gift for her. He saw a beautiful lavender and pink scarf. He quickly made his purchase. The time passed, and Nicki realized that she liked Benita.

They left the shopping center and found three males standing beside their vehicle.

Moving quickly, Theo moved in front of Benita and Nicki. Benita smiled and rushed to the males. "Aaden! What are you doing here?" she asked hugging her brother.

Nicki was stunned. He was a rogue wolf if she had ever seen one. Aaden Wilmont was the exact type of guy her dad and uncle warned her to stay away from, but her wolf was not listening. She was on the prowl.

Their eyes locked and she knew. After years of protesting and avoiding, she had met her mate. She met the one guy her family would never approve of. Nicki blinked and looked away. Aaden smiled as he addressed his sister and her mate. "Nita, Theo, I just wanted to meet him. You know I'll never be formally introduced." He faced Theo. "My sister is my heart. Take care of her and I won't feel the need to hunt you down." Theo started to reply when Aaden was distracted.

It was then he noticed that his niece had walked away from them. He was alarmed but Benita touched is arm and he smiled. It seems that he and Jonathan weren't the only ones to find their other halves. Nicki had met hers also.

Aaden approached the blonde goddess that he saw the night before. "Nicki Loess, I am so happy to finally meet you." He greeted.

Nicki forced her heart rate to slow down and turned to face the huge man that loomed over her six foot frame. Aaden Wilmont was so freaking hot. She was actually speechless when she looked at him. Standing at a tall six feet eight, he towered over her. She loved tall men, Most men did not hold her interest because they were often average. There was nothing average about this guy. He wasn't handsome, not like her uncle or cousin, but rugged and wild. You could see the evidence of the hard life he had lived up until now. She resisted the urge to just reach up and trace the scar that ran across his cheek disappearing beneath his thick dark red beard.

She never dated men with facial hair, considered it an annoyance, but with this man, she wanted to move in an inhale is scent. She could smell him, all man, all muscle. She stepped back and he smiled. He had a magnificent smile. Her heart thumped and she was frozen.

"I'm Aaden Wilmont, the outcast. I just saw you and wanted to say hello." He kissed her hand and turned to walk away.

Nicki knew she should have let him go. It would not work. The alpha had warned them about Aaden and his group. They were told to stay away from them. But when he turned to leave, her animal screamed, No! Stop him. Nicki fought for control and in the need called out to him. "Aaden, wait. Join us, OK." She offered.

Aaden smiled, "I can't. I would cause problems for you if I did. I'm not worth it." He turned away and then left. To say she was disappointed would be an understatement. The three continued on their excursion when Nicki decided to return to the Valdemores estate.

Theo offered to drive her when she told him she would call a cab. He planned this day to be with Benita and she would not let them change their plans for her. She called a cab and Theo and Benita waited with her when Aaden drove up. He smiled and offered to drive her home. Nicki wanted to go, but she was a bit wary. At thirty she had never doubted her own wisdom as she did when faced with this intriguing man. Her body tingled as she thought of being alone with him. She smiled and thanked him. Then she faced her uncle and told the young couple to have fun. Benita and Theo watched as Aaden and Nicki drove away.


Aaden and Nicki arrived at his home. His house was small but so deeply secluded that they had complete privacy. Nicki was alarmed for a moment when Aaden spoke. "Nicki, you are not in danger. I just wanted to talk. If you want, I can call and have Theo and Nita come get you."

Nicki smiled and relaxed. "I can take care of myself. Besides, this is new for me. My wolf she's never acted like this before."

Aaden smiled, "She has never met her mate before now. It's ridiculous you know. We'll never be allowed to mate. My past and your family won't mesh." He looked at her and her heart raced.

Nicki sighed, "Aaden, I never believed in that true mate stuff anyway. But just in case it is true, let's talk and see."

Aaden smiled, She is fucking beautiful. How can I let her walk away from me? He pondered.

Nicki smiled, "You're a rogue warrior. How do you manage to have a home?" she asked.

Aaden laughed. "My parents actually bought this cabin from the Alpha pair. They could have moved here but they gave it to me. I would sell in a heartbeat if it could be used to get my family someplace where they won't be judged. I did some foolish things in my youth. I should be punished, not my parents and sister.

Nicki was enthralled. Aaden gave her the brief history of his family. Then she asked why he was banished. He visibly flinched. Nicki waited. He talked about when he was younger how he and friends would torture vampires. They couldn't fight back, so it was open season. Nicki growled. They were part of the problem and she swore if she ever met one, she'd let them have it.

Nicki stared at him, wanting to rip him a new one, but he was hers to protect as well. He'd suffered for his foolishness. She could see that he held apathy towards vampires and this concerned her given her unique makeup. She stood and moved away from him. Aaden wanted to stop her but who was he fooling. If things were different maybe he would stand a chance. He exhaled and her wolf groaned.

"I want to strangle you for your foolish actions, Aaden. My uncle and father won't like it. I'm not sure how Uncle Gernick or Aunt Nickie will react either." She mused.

"You don't have to worry about it. This starts and ends here. I refuse to mate with you Nicki Loess. I release you. Choose another male." He whispered. Her heart shattered. Aaden tried to hide the pain he felt from his declaration from showing on his face but failed miserably.

"Aaden" Nicki whispered.

"Baby, I'm an outcast. I care about you too much to condemn you to this struggle. Your family won't accept me. So we need to end it here before it starts. I'll drive you home." He stood and walked out, leaving a stunned Nicki Amerie Loess standing in his wake. She was furious. She did not want a mate. For the last twelve, she made sure she never met him, and now here he was. He didn't want a mate either, it seemed. She did not want a mate because, if he refused you, it hurt too damn much.

Nicki sat in his car fighting back tears. She would not let him see her cry. Her wolf was devastated. She was curled up deep inside whining. Aaden drove into the Valdemore estate. "Nicki, if things were different. I would come for you and be prepared to come to your parents and prove to them that I would keep you safe. I would never let anything come between us, but I'm not that guy. The fates made a mistake this time." He then opened her door and held her hand as she exited his jeep.

Dermic watched the exchange, how he held her hand a bit longer, how they stared at only each other, and the fact that she was hesitant in walking away from him.

He decided to speak. "Aaden, welcome. Thank you for driving Nicki back to the estate. Come, sit we can talk," he offered.

"Mr. Valdemore, no thank you. I'll just go now." He added dropping his head in shame.

"Son, it wasn't a request. Join me, now." Dermic demanded.

Nicki was startled and moved near Aaden. Dermic smiled at her, and suggested she go and ask Francine to join him in the library. She backed away watching the two males the whole time. Dermic escorted Aaden to his library, and reminded him that legally he was trespassing. He was not supposed to be camped out on their lands at night.

The vampire did not frighten Aaden, but a pair of big brown eyes stopped him from retaliating.

Soon Francine walked in and smiled. She had wanted to talk with Aaden for years now, but they could never get close enough to him to approach him. Dermic explained that he gave Nicki a ride home, and it made sense now. She was his mate.

"Aaden, I am glad to have this chance to address you. We addressed you decades ago when Alpha Wilmont issued his decree. But that time has passed. You have paid a hefty price for a foolish decision in your youth. We want to approach your alpha and have you restored back to your pack." Francine stated.

He looked horrified. This did not surprise Dermic. "Aaden, you can relocate. You don't have to live here like a fugitive."

Aaden did not respond. His parents were part of Wilmont. His sister was leaving and someone had to watch out for them. He twitched.

"Do you really want her to choose another man?" Dermic asked.

Aaden stood and began to pace back and forth. "She is perfect. I'm a mess. I can't cause her shame. Being with me would disrupt her life."

"Sit son; she is you mate, isn't she?" Francine asked.

Aaden nodded. Francine continued. "She is part vampire." Aaden gasped.

"It does not matter, Look at her and look at me. She needs a guy that can give her everything I cannot." Aaden surmised. "Mr. and Mrs. Valdemore, thank you. I have to let her go. I'll get off of your land tonight." he left.

Dermic and Francine shared a look. Alpha Wilmont was not a bad alpha, just misguided. Aaden messed up and he punished the entire family. They often tried to talk with him over the years and he flat out refused to meet with them. The relationship with the wolves of their region was not all bad. Many worked with them and were considered good friends. However, the alphas were often standoffish.

Although this may cause a problem and end up with them coming before the council once again, she was talking with the Wilmont Alphas. She wanted Nora and Carl to be released from that pack.

Before she approached Wilmont, she needed to make sure they had a pack they could join. Dermic smiled. "Love, I'll call Kale." He rose and kissed his wife. Francine sighed, "Nora and Carl, I will help you find a place where your family can live in peace." She whispered thinking of her friends. She would miss them, but Benita and her family needed to find a new pack to belong too. Hopefully the one in Texas where they two young ones found their mates would take them in.


Theo and Benita were quiet as thousands of thoughts raced through his mind. "How old are you?" Benita asked.

"Thirty-one" Theo answered. "You're twenty-five." He informed her.

Benita glared at him. "How did you know that?"

Theo laughed. I'm security for the gala this week. I know everything about you."

Benita faced him. "Talk." She demanded. Theo laughed and using a trick he and Jonathan mastered when they were young, he slipped into his mates mind a read her.

"You are the youngest child in your family." He started.

Benita hissed, "Everyone knows that."

Theo smiled, "OK, so you are an expert at self defense. Your brother trained you and you have the capabilities of warriors decades older than you."

Benita gasped. Then she narrowed her eyes. Theo kept talking. "You love your family and are loyal to your friends. That's why Vivian hurt you so badly." He stopped.

Benita was speechless. Then she smiled, "You're good. Tell me how you know those things." She asked.

Theo smiled and asked Benita to tell her everything she thought she knew about him.

"Well, I know you are nephew to your alpha. You share a blood bond with a vampire. You are extremely cocky and egotistical. You are intelligent, but you hide it. You also love fiercely. That's why you are so concerned about my relationship with Vivian." Theo gasped. She was pretty accurate.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

Benita shook her head. "We already have. At some point, Vivian and I have to talk. We have no choice. I have to find a way to coexist with her, because I want a life with you."

Nothing besides a nuclear explosion or natural disaster would stop Theo from being with this wonderful girl. He pulled her close and kissed her. He wanted more, but now was not the time and this was not the place. They needed to run. He stood and looked around, They were alone. He started undressing. It was cold, and Benita started to question him when he said, "Run with me, Benita. Let's frolic and play, become one with nature."

She smiled as her breath caught at the sight of his tight body. Her mate was very well proportionate and as she eyed the center of his body she was pleases that he was well endowed as well.

Theo laughed, "Babe, come on, We can fool around later. Right now I want to run." Benita laughed and in a few quick motions, she stripped, joining her mate. Theo shifted and took off with Benita on his trail. Off in the distance watching were friends of her brother.

William was pissed. Aaden thought he ran things with the rogues. The only thing he did was give them a place to sleep. It was time for the rogues to rule. They needed to establish their own pack. Wilmont was old and set in his ways. His son was a whiny weasel. He heard about what he tried to do to Benita. No man would have her, especially some weak wolf from America. Benita would be his mate and it was time for her to take her place.

He watched her run with the American wolf. Soon he had seen enough. It was time to take action. Tonight, Benita Wilmont would become his mate whether she wanted to or not.

Theo felt anger. Someone wanted to harm his mate. Benita noticed his change in mood immediately and she withdrew. Theo moved and curved his big body around her. She was so warm, so soft. He needed her, but it was too soon. She nuzzled against him, ducking her head to lick his shaft, the engorged red shaft slipped from its hairy sheath. He knew she was aroused; her sweet scent of female in heat and lavender burned his nostrils. His wolf needed no encouragement and he soon turned and mounted his woman. His animal was wild and she drove deep inside of her hot sheath. At no time did Benita resist, as she whimpered encouraging him to claim her completely.

Pumping vigorously, Theo gave himself to her completely. Soon unable to hold back, he came. Shooting rope after rope of his seed deep inside of the beautiful dark wolf that was beneath him. He roared as his knot seated itself deep inside of his woman.

The feel of his knot scared Benita at first, but he assured her that it was ok. Then they lay together. He nuzzled her neck until his knot subsided and he was able to remove himself from her body. The two remained in wolf form and walked back to the area where they hid their clothes. They quickly redressed, and Theo just had to hold his mate. True he had not marked her yet, but soon he would complete the mating.

As they walked back through the woods together, Theo heard a soft giggle. He looked around and Benita became alarmed. His heart started to race. His Uncle had warned him and Jonathan. He was well aware of the consequences of being unprotected.

Benita redressed. They walked holding each other as he knew instantly that they needed to fully mate soon.Hello, little one he sent. Nothing, maybe he was imagining things. He seemed a bit disappointed and Benita started to ask what was wrong. He said he hated for the day to end.