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She smiled, and he noticed her hand as it lightly stroked her lower stomach. His wolf preened. She was carrying his son or daughter. He sent once more, Sweetheart, are you there?

A small voice replied, Daddy, I'm scared.

Honey, you don't have to be scared. No one will hurt you as long as we live, Ok He reassured his child.

Momma's scared Daddy. She hides it. the small vice answered.

Theo was instantly alerted. "Benita, when the gala ends and we go home. I will do everything I can to make sure you are safe and happy." He promised and they simply held each other close.


Jonathan was alone with Vivian. She was funny, playful, and exciting. He could relate to her easily and once she got over the whole geek thing, she began to see him in a different light as well.

They drove to a local museum and as they were admiring art, Vivian grew thirsty. They went to a small cafe to get drinks. Vivian sat as Jonathon went to retrieve their drinks. As she sat, her old boyfriend Boric made himself known.

"Vivian, I cannot believe you are out with him. He's infected." Boric hissed. "Look, I'm willing to take you back if you leave with me right now." He insisted.

Jonathan saw Boric approach the table where Vivian sat. He knew she dated him in the past. He could hear the taunts he leveled at her. Her response to him would determine Jonathon's next action.

"Boric, I like Jonathan. I'm on a date with him. I don't want you and I want you to leave me alone, please." She replied sweetly.

Boric didn't like being rejected. He grabbed her hand and twisted her fingers. Jonathon watched her grimace in pain. Instantly he appeared at her side. He leaned into Boric and whatever he whispered made the other man turn chalk white.

"Vivian, are you OK?" He asked taking her hand noting that the bastard had broken two of her fingers. They would heal instantly, but he needed to deliver one final message to this cretin.

"Let this be your only warning, If you ever speak to or approach my wife again, Boric, you will meet your maker. She is mine and you are to stay the hell away from her." Jonathan hissed. His demeanor was clear, One word from Boric and he would breath no more.

"You hurt her and you owe her an apology." Jonathan hissed.

Boric was many things, but stupid was not one. "Vivian, I apologize. I never meant to upset you in any way." As quickly as he murmured his apology, he left. Jonathan held her hand until it healed completely, and then he went and retrieved their drinks.

Neither spoke for a minute. "Thank you." Vivian whispered. She smiled. It felt good having someone defend her for once. Her mate was deadly and no one would ever hurt her again.

Jonathon looked at her and smiled, then he whispered, "You're welcome." At that point Vivian Valdemore fell head over heels in love with her husband.

"So, you still think I'm geeky?" Jonathan asked, teasing her as he sipped his dark coffee.

"Yes, but you're my geek. " Vivian answered laughing.

Jonathan smiled. Her laugh was like music to his ears. They left the cafe when he felt a sense of foreboding through his bond with Theo.

Theo, what's wrong? Jonathan sent.

I'm fine. I feel as if Benita might be in danger. We just... Well, let's say this, in nine months you'll have a niece or nephew. I have to protect them, Jon Jon

Jonathan smiled and Vivian was curious. Didn't Blaine talk to you? Congratulations, brother. he sent.

They disconnected and Vivian suspected something was not quite right. "Jonathan, have I done something?" she asked. Just a few minutes earlier, they were teasing each other having fun, then he suddenly turned serious.

Jonathan smiled, "I like you like this. I will spend the rest of my life making you laugh." He whispered as he pulled her into his r]arms for the second time during their outing. Leaning forward, Jonathan kissed her, and she melted into his embrace.

She wanted him. It made no sense. It was just a few hours ago when she saw him and knew who he was. He was the one guy she never really thought she'd be with. But right now in this moment, if she did not have him, she'd burst into flames.

Vivian nipped the skin near his Adam's apple and Jonathon groaned. In all of his years he'd never wanted anyone this badly, this quickly. They needed to stop. He wanted to love her, but he would not make love the first time in her family's car.

"Vivian, babe, I'm sorry. We must stop. Don't want to do something you might regret." He whispered. The wolf in him growled chastising him for not taking their mate.

"Jonathan, I need you. My sister has an apartment near here. We can go there and be alone. She has always told me I am welcomed to use it." She kissed him again, nipping lip.

"Vivian," he groaned. "Let's go."

She directed him to the apartment building and they entered the building together. The guard recognized Vivian immediately and openly flirted. Jonathan was openly annoyed, but he forced himself not to kill the human. Soon, Vivian took his hand and led him to the apartment. As soon as they entered, Jonathan lifted her against the door, taking full control of their kiss. She was his and after today, she'd have no doubt.

Vivian was not shy. She wanted this handsome cocky man and she would have him. Within a few minutes, they had manages to rip each other's clothes and were touching skin to skin. Her scent was heavy and heady. Jonathan lost control of his beast and spread her thighs entering her forcibly. Vivian cried out. It hurt but the pain was delicious. She'd never been taken so rough, as Jonathan held her in his arms as he drove deep inside her body that was trapped between his hard body and the door.

Vivian halted her cries not wanting to alert the others in the building, but Jonathan was wild, and huge. She felt as if he was splitting her in two. He licked the side of her neck, released his fangs, and bit. Vivian screamed. But quickly covered her mouth to halt the noise. Jonathon drank from her greedily. She was his wife. When they left this apartment, they would be one. No one would come between them.

"Cum for me, Vivian." He groaned.

Vivian wasn't ready. She loved the feel of him. He kissed her as he continued to roll his hips. Pulling back, she saw his inner beast. She released her beast that needed his essence. Groaning, Vivian bit and drank his blood. Jonathan wanted her to come first. He angled his cock and drove deeper inside of her. Pulling a groan. "Cum now, wife." He demanded and she could no longer hold back. Her body convulsed, she came so hard.

Jonathan knew they were now joined. There was no escape. Vivian Valdemore was now Vivian Ivanov. Vivian mused.

Jonathan chuckled, I told you, love. Never doubt your husband again.

Vivian gasped. Jonathan, how are you in my head?

She then realized that they made love, and claimed each other in their passion. She was married now. That wasn't all. She was head over heels in love with her husband.

"Yes, Vivian, we are one, now." Jonathan stated.

"She tested their connection. She noticed that he was shielding. At first she was not sure, but when she pushed, he blocked her.

"I will not abide secrets, Jonathan. What are you hiding?" she demanded.

"It's nothing. I need to talk with Theo." He explained.

Vivian thought. She was now married to him and his brother would mate with Benita. She needed to talk with Benita. When they returned home, she would try and talk to her old friend. Even if she had to have mother sit with them, they would talk.

Jonathan smiled, "I love you, Vivian. If can help you resolve your issues with Benita, I'm here." He whispered.

Vivian hugged him and laughed. "Baby, we tore our clothes to threads. Um, how are we going to return home?" she teased.

Jonathan laughed. "Vivian moved to her sister's closet and found a dress she could wear and some jeans and a t-shirt for Jonathan. The two took time to clean and returned to the Valdemore estate.


Meanwhile, Nicki followed Aaden as he left the Valdemores home. He climbed into his car and she joined him.

"Nicki, get out and go back inside. You have a party to get ready for." He commanded

Nicki crossed her arms and faced him. She always did what she was told. Her father commanded her and she would jump. Her brother, Benny, would give an order and she complied. The only thing they did not command her about was the guys she dated, but they intimidated them so easily that she never got a second date.

Now he thought he could boss her around too. She was through simply following orders.

"No, Aaden, no." She exhaled. "I never asked for this, but I'm not letting you walk away from me."

Aaden growled, "Little girl I'm not some pimply faced boy you can tease. I am a full grown man. I have seen things, done things that would make your skin crawl. Now, Nicolette, get out of my car." He ordered once more.

Nicki steeled her resolve. "Let's make a deal. Give me another hour. If you still want me gone. I'll go."

Aaden growled and decided that maybe he could show her his dark side and that would scare her off.

He drove her to his secret place. A hidden cave hidden in the forest. He got out and she followed him inside. It was drafty so he started a fire. Nicki say on the ground. Aaden was silent.

He wanted this girl, but he was not good for her. He had to scare her away get her to leave him. So he decided to just be rough.

"You are too trusting Nicki. Here we are alone, in the woods. No one can hear you if you scream. I can do anything and everything I want to your body and you cannot stop me.

Nicki knew exactly what he was trying to do. But what her mate did not realize was that she was even more dangerous than he could ever be.

"Are you trying to scare me Aaden?" Nicki asked. She stood and slowly started removing her top. Aaden froze. Her arousal permeated the small space. He planned to scare her force the little sheltered girl back home. He underestimated his opponent. He stared at her as each inch of her porcelain clear skin was exposed to his hungry view.

Soon she was half naked before him. He was rock hard and he knew he had lost this battle. Before the hour was up he'd have a naked Nicki writhing beneath him.

"Nicki" He whispered, voice trembling as he fought to maintain control.

"She unbuttoned her jeans and in one swift movement she was naked before him. Aaden swallowed. She was a natural blonde. She smelt heavenly, and if he did this he would not be able to let her go.

She walked to him, hips swaying seductively and caressed his beard. "I've never been with a man that has this much hair." She whispered. Aaden growled. He didn't care about her past, who her family was, or even if this was a mistake. He did not want to hear about any other men.

He kissed her. Reaching into the corner, he pulled the blanket he slept on when he camped out here. Laying her back on the blanket, Aaden tasted every inch of her glorious frame. Soon he lay between her spread thighs, fully clothed.

Nicki begged him to undress, join her. He needed to taste. He leaned down and licked her sensuously; her juices soaking his mustache and beard. He loved it. Her scent would be with him for the longest time.

Her mate was gifted with his tongue and Nicki gave in to her passions. He led her in a kaleidoscope of colors and she rode is gifted tongue over the abyss.

Unable to restrain himself, he had to have her. Unfastening his pants shoving them down, Aaden entered her swiftly and completely. Nicki gasped. She'd never been with a male as well endowed as her mate. Aaden loved her slowly, making sure she forgot any and all men from her past. She lost count of how many times she came, but she knew her mate was the only man she would ever experience this with.

Soon, Aaden could no longer hold back, as his knot formed. He did not want to pin her. He had to pull out. He shoved his cock deep inside of her and she moaned. Once more he thought, and he surged forward. Nicki called him, and he came. He responded groaning as his pinned her to him. His wolf demanded that they return her bite. He refused. She needed someone better. He had to.

"Aaden, you are mine." She whispered. He held her close as she dozed. He could deny it all he wanted. Nicolette Loess was his mate. However, he could never claim her because of the things he had done.

Soon, Jonathan and Vivian returned home. Francine and Dermic knew they had joined the moment they entered. They were concerned that it was too soon, but what was done was done. Theo and Benita had yet to return, but they suspected they had been intimate as well.

As they entered, Vivian's parents asked them to join them. They needed to talk. As they were headed to the family room, a guard called and announced that Benita and Theo had returned. Francine smiled and instructed him to send them to the main house as well. Theo and Benita joined the Valdemores, and were surprised to see that Jonathan and Vivian were with them. Theo took one look at his brother and smiled.

"Congratulations on your joining you two." He hugged Vivian and whispered. "Take care of my brother." She returned his hug and assured him that she would. Benita watched her and remained silent.

Subconsciously, she caressed her unborn child. She felt worried but was not sure shy.

Francine looked at her and gasped. Dermic realized he heard a rapid heartbeat as well. "Benita, have you eaten?" She asked. She had not and they actually missed dinner.

"Sit," She called and had someone prepare sandwiches immediately. Vivian was confused when Jonathan told her to listen for a small sound. She did, and her eyes widened. Benita was pregnant. That meant that she and Theo had mated. She started to speak when Jonathon interrupted. They have not mated yet, but they will soon.

Now she was really confused. Wait only mated wolves can have children. she sent.

Not Theo, he's like me. We're hybrids. He has not told her, and it's his place to say something. Benita has no idea. Jonathan explained.

Theo and Benita ate as Francine fought to remain composed. She wanted to call Nora and Carl. She wondered if Benita had any idea. She looked at Theo. He knew. She smiled and then faced the two couples. "Where is Nicki? She came back earlier and now she's missing. Is she back at the apartment?"

"No," He looked at Benita, and explained, "She met her mate today and he drove her back here. Give me a minute."

Nicki, where are you? Are you OK? He queried.

Theo, I'm fine and I'm busy. Get out of my head, Nicki replied.

Stop whatever you're doing and comeback to the estate. Theo demanded. Nicki could vanish back in,. She did not need to be picked up. Nicki laughed and sent him a private message. His body was aroused, and he coughed. Who? He asked.

My mate, bye uncle, Nicki closed him out.

Theo looked embarrassed as he realized everyone was staring. "Nicki is with her mate. They are, um, She'll be back later."

Francine laughed. "Good for her."

Dermic frowned and the females laughed.

Jonathan kissed his wife, as Theo held Benita close. Francine then realized the time and ordered the girls to dress for the evening program. They would be presented and their mates introduced. Benita and Vivian did not want to leave their mates when Francine told them to hop to it.

Vivian faced Benita and started to speak. Before she could say anything, Natasha pulled her and wanted to help style her hair.


William saw Aaden leave earlier with the blonde female from America. He walked inside of his friend's small home and her scent permeated the room. He smiled. So Aaden finally met someone. It would not last long. That's good. It's nice he finally had a woman before he would die.

William sat and waited. He would kill Aaden and then take Benita. She would come with him and as soon as he got her far enough away from the vampires, he was taking her and marking her.

William smiled. She was with him once, years ago. He never forgot. Aaden found out and wanted to beat his ass, but he should have welcomed him into the family. Now, he would take her. She was his. No other man would have her. Once he mated with Benita, then he'd attack Wilmont. He only had to kill the alpha. Once that was done, he would be Alpha and Benita would be his Alpha bitch.

William waited. He knew Aaden was camping near the Valdemore estate to watch Benita, so he had to be quick. He went into his room and took out his rifle. William was a sportsman. He was involved with a local group that hunted for sport. One of the men was accused of raping a woman and William was his alibi. He owed him, so as a gift; he gave William the rifle he was holding. He loaded the weapon, and strapped it to his neck. He was already naked so he threw jeans and a shirt in a bag. He then shifted and headed to eliminate the first threat to his goal.

Aaden returned to his camp site, but William saw that he was packing up. He had to move now. Shifting back and hiding in a canopy of trees, William took aim. He targeted Aaden and squeezed the trigger. Aaden looked alert seconds before three headed for the trees. William shifted dressed and came running saying he saw a stranger wearing hunting gear.

The vampires gave chase as the Valdemores were altered.

Nicki was dressing and she felt cold. Something was wrong. She rushed out as the vampires came for Benita. Nicki and Benita rushed to the alpha home. Benita felt cold, scared, and worried. The vampires wee in an uproar and Theo was not there. Francine had both girls to sit. Vivian came in, and her heart stopped. Francine took a deep breath and informed the girls that Aaden had been shot.

Not wasting a moment, Aaden was brought in and the alpha informed. It looked bleak. Benita was devastated and Jonathan and Theo were ready to help search. William and some of his friends showed up. William told them that someone shot Aaden and he wanted to check on Benita.

Benita was very upset. Her brother was alone, unprotected. Her Mom and Dad came to the estate. Francine refused to allow Aaden to be moved. He had lost so much blood and was slowly dying. She faced her husband. Dermic spoke. "The council said we can't love. They will come down on us." He explained.

Nicki never left his side. Benita needed a break. She walked out and Vivian started to join her when William approached.

"I'm sorry, Benita. If I had known I would have stopped this." He whispered.

Benita looked at him and backed away. His tone and his voice were insincere. Something was wrong. She didn't trust him. Vivian saw her eyes and she could see the fear that started to form.

"Come with me, Benita. I will take you away from this. We can go home; be a real family. I will always protect you." William whispered.

Benita stared at him. "I'm staying here with my brother." She whispered.

William grabbed her arm and snatched her to him. He sniffed. "You fucked him. You let him fuck you."

Benita was scared. "I'm done playing with you. Let's go."

Vivian stepped out. "She is not going anywhere with you. You need to leave."

William hated vampires. He faced Vivian, "Bitch, I'm not talking to you." He punched her, knocking her down and grabbing Benita's arm. Benita screamed. Several vampires rushed out and William had taken her and was gone. They did not travel far, but the forest was thick. William had set up a fortress and already convinced some wolves to follow him. Going into his secluded area, he intended to take his bride to their new home.

Vivian closed her eyes. She could always find Benita. When they were seven, they became blood sisters. No one knew, but they had a connection that would never break, a sister bond. She followed.