From Audio to Actual


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She spotted him sitting at a table for two, with his back towards her. He looked like he was looking on his phone. Gabi took a deep breath and headed over towards him.

Cam had his head down looking at his phone when he felt a hand on his right shoulder. He turned to look when a voice spoke into his left ear. "Hello Cam."

The voice. That voice. Her voice. It was ArchAngel. His heart raced as he turned to see her. Cam couldn't really believe it.

Cam stood up as he turned around and there standing before him was ArchAngel. The first thing he noticed was the beautiful smile on her face as she looked happy to see him. Her brunette hair was out and around her shoulders, the colour so much more vibrant that in her pictures. Her eyes were a beautiful baby blue and were sparkling behind her stylish black framed glasses. She was wearing a black jacket over a white shirt, with tight blue jeans and black boots. Cam thought she looked amazing.

"Hi ArchAngel. It's great to meet you at last." Cam said somewhat excitedly, and a little nervously. They both reached out and shook each other's hand before moving closer together to do the kiss on the cheek thing people do when meeting. ArchAngel's hand was so soft in Cam's, her perfume lingered in his senses.

Cam moved around the table and moved the chair out for ArchAngel. She thanked him and sat down at the table. They started to chat, making slightly awkward small talk. Cam was really nervous now. It was hard to explain why he was so nervous. Looking back later he realised it was a combination of actually meeting such a beautiful woman for the first time in person and the fact that he had 'enjoyed himself' on many occasions listening to ArchAngel. It was a little nerve wracking.

Their drinks arrived and this was a welcome distraction as both were nervous. Cam said what was on his mind.

"Are you nervous ArchAngel, because I am?"

ArchAngel sighed with relief after he said this.

"You too?" She replied with a laugh.

They both broke up with laughter, easing the nervous tension. This confession did wonders as they now seemed to be able to talk properly. The conversation then started to flow between the two of them as they discussed all sorts of things. They found they had more than a few things in common, apart from Literotica, with interests in music and books. While their tastes varied a little in what they liked, they could both appreciate the others interests.

Cam had forgotten about the flowers that he had for her that were under the table. Reaching under he pulled them out.

"I almost forgot that I had these for you ArchAngel. They are just a little thank you for all of your help and friendship while I have been over here. And for all you have done for me even before I came over here." Cam said.

"Oh Cam. Thank you so much. They are beautiful. You didn't need to get me anything. I have really enjoyed helping you explore England." ArchAngel replied.

As she said this, she stood up slightly out of her chair, leant across the table and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I also really liked doing you stories for you. You do write so well."

ArchAngel and Cam were now getting along famously. They were enjoying listening to each other's stories and sharing a little about their lives. Cam was mesmerised sitting opposite ArchAngel. Her blue eyes sparkled from behind her black framed glasses with real warmth to them. Her smile was gorgeous and her laugh, her real laugh was infectious.

They had been chatting for nearly an hour when ArchAngel's phone rang. She excused herself and picked up her phone. ArchAngel looked at the screen, seeing who was calling. Cam could see ArchAngel smile a little, looking like she was pondering something.

She then hit the button and said "That isn't important. It can wait."

She put the phone back in her bag. ArchAngel turned to Cam and smiled at him. The smile she gave him was a little different, a little more relaxed possibly.

Cam and ArchAngel continued talking for a while before she asked him if there was anything he hadn't done during his trip that he wanted to do.

"Well ArchAngel, I have seen pretty much everything I have wanted to. The only thing I haven't done ... I haven't found any really good book stores or music shops. You know the ones that sell old books and music. I have only seen the newer chain style stores. I really would have liked to have picked up a few books or music that I can't easily get access to back home."

ArchAngel immediately piped up "Have you been to Jackson's Music just off Windsor Lane here in town? They have a great range of the older, harder to get titles. There is also a great second hand book store not far from there."

"No I haven't. I hadn't really explored that much here in town."

ArchAngel then looked across at Cam, looking him right in the eye. Her eyes sparkled a little as she asked "Would you like me to show you where they are?"

"Yes please. That would be great." Cam replied, not only happy to have found such shops, but to spend more time with ArchAngel.

"I haven't been to them for quite a while and it would be good to have a potter around, if you don't mind the company?" ArchAngel asked a little coyly.

"ArchAngel the company would be the best reason to go." Cam chuckled.

ArchAngel laughed at his reply, looking really happy.

They left the café and headed out into the town square. Walking beside ArchAngel Cam realised for the first time how relatively short she was. He was only 5'9" and ArchAngel was wearing boots that had a heel on them and she was still shorter than him. Cam also noticed how well ArchAngel filled out her tight blue jeans. Mmmmm.

As they started to walk Cam offered his arm to ArchAngel. She smiled at him.

"Thank you Cam." She said as she linked her arm into his.

They walked and chatted, really enjoying being together. ArchAngel was everything Cam imagined she would be, but so much more. She was sweet, but also a little cheeky, intelligent and well read, but playful too. While it was initially her voice that attracted him, now as he got to know ArchAngel as a person she became even more attractive. Very attractive.

The way ArchAngel looked at him, smiled at him, laughed at his jokes and playfully mocked him at times just made her all the more appealing. Her hair, a stunning mahogany brunette colour, beautiful face, mesmerising eyes, wonderful smile, amazing bum and what appeared to be very attractive curves under her jacket all made ArchAngel so attractive.

Gabrielle found Cam to be a great guy. He was funny and had the nicest Australian accent. He wasn't as tall, or as typically handsome as the guys she usually went for, but he was so genuine, so real. She was amazed he was single as he seemed just like a character out of his stories. 'Maybe he just writes himself' she thought to herself.

They reached the music shop and had a good look around. ArchAngel playfully joked about Cam's poor music tastes, and he mocked her 'goth' choices. A couple of times in the store Cam went to have a sneaky peak at ArchAngel and found that she was looking at him. She looked away when she saw that he was looking at her.

They both bought a few things at the music shop, before heading to the book store. This shop was a veritable treasure trove, with huge amounts of books on all manner of subjects. They looked together and then separately through the multitude of books.

Again Cam and ArchAngel both seemed preoccupied, looking at books, but also looking for each other. It even became a little game trying to hide from each other, or to look at the other without being caught. ArchAngel was good at this game, but her giggles did give her away.

After finishing their shopping, they headed back to the town square. The sun had managed to break through the clouds and the day was a lot brighter than it was earlier. Seeing the ice cream stand, Cam offered ArchAngel an ice cream and she readily accepted. They sat down together on a bench in the sun. ArchAngel moved across so that she was sitting right next to him, their legs were touching as they were sitting so close.

Cam and ArchAngel continued to talk and laugh, and they really enjoyed being together. This day was turning into so much more than either of them had hoped for. The conversation turned to all the places Cam had visited and what he had enjoyed and what he hadn't.

"There is one place I will miss when I go back home. The best Indian restaurant I have ever been to is here in town." Cam said.

"You don't mean Rajdhani's do you? I love their food." ArchAngel replied eagerly.

"Yes that's the place. Just up off the square up there. Their food is amazing."

"I love eating there."

"Would you like to have dinner with me there tonight?" Cam immediately asked ArchAngel.

He surprised himself by saying this. Cam just felt so comfortable with ArchAngel that it seemed the right thing to do.

ArchAngel bit her bottom lip, before breaking out into a beautiful smile.

"That would be great Cam. I'd really like that."

She looked so happy at this turn of events. Cam too was grinning madly, not really believing that this was happening. They talked for a bit longer before ArchAngel had to leave.

"This has been great Cam, but I will have to go now. I have a few things to do, especially as I have a date tonight." She had a giggle as she said this.

"I have had a great time too. I will let you know what time we are having dinner. I ... I can't wait to see you again." Cam said a little quietly.

"I can't wait to see you again either." ArchAngel said her blue eyes were looking directly in Cam's.

With that they lent in together. Their faces came close together and they kissed. It wasn't a huge kiss but it was a really nice first kiss. As they moved apart Cam was grinning from ear to ear and ArchAngel looked so happy.

They stood up and were beginning to say their goodbyes when Cam asked ArchAngel where she had parked her car. She said she was in the multi-level carpark on the other side of the square.

"ArchAngel, why don't you park in my hotel tonight when you come into town? Your car will be secure there."

ArchAngel pondered for a second before answering "That's a good idea. We can walk to the restaurant together."

"That sounds good to me too. I will see you then."

"Yes see you then Cam." ArchAngel grinned.

They kissed again and it was even better than the first time. ArchAngel then reached down and squeezed his hand before leaving. "See you tonight Cam."

Cam watched as she walked away, carrying her purchases and the flowers he had given her earlier. ArchAngel seemed to have a real spring in her step and what appeared to be a more pronounced wiggle in her walk than she had before.

Gabrielle knew Cam was looking at her, so she turned around and gave Cam a big smile and a wave as she headed off. Cam waved back, feeling so happy, but not really believing what had taken place that day.

Arriving at her car Gabrielle put her purchases on the back seat and the flowers on the passenger sheet. Looking in the mirror she could see the happiness on her face.

"I've got a date tonight." She sang to herself, feeling so happy she had broken all her rules in deciding to meet Cam.

Once back at the hotel Cam booked a table in the restaurant for 7pm that evening. He went onto Twitter to send ArchAngel a private message with the time of their booking. ArchAngel had just posted a picture of her bunch of flowers on her feed saying "Having a wonderful Saturday."

This made him grin like a fool. He privately messaged her with the booking time and she replied back straight away. "See you then xxxx"

As the afternoon went on Cam got himself ready for their date. The restaurant they were going to was nice, so he wanted to dress up a bit, but not go over the top. He chose nice trousers, white button up long sleeve shirt and jacket.

Cam headed down to the foyer of the hotel as it was getting close to 7pm. He walked across the foyer as he heard the lift to the car park arrive. The doors opened and a couple of people got out. Then he could see ArchAngel.

ArchAngel was standing there smiling at him. Her hair was out and looked great. She was wearing a black coat over a green dress with black stilettos. She looked stunning.

"Wow ArchAngel, you look amazing." Was all that Cam could manage to say.

"Thanks Cam, you look great too." ArchAngel replied. She thought that Cam looked so very handsome.

Their hands joined and they kissed. The kiss was a little longer than any of the others they had. Breaking apart, ArchAngel giggled a little and Cam just smiled. It was a really good kiss.

They kept holding hands as they left the hotel for the walk over to the restaurant. Walking with ArchAngel was great. Cam felt the happiest man in the world to have such an attractive and beautiful woman going on a date with him.

Once in the restaurant they were shown to their table. ArchAngel took off her coat and Cam could see her dress fully for the first time. She was wearing a beautiful green dress, knee length, with a thin belt around her waist. It had a deep v cut neckline showing some of her beautiful cleavage. She looked gorgeous and Cam told her so.

ArchAngel got all playful and coy saying "Oh this old thing."

The dinner they had was amazing, but the company was even better. They talked about so many things from Cam's work, his travelling around England and ArchAngel's real work. ArchAngel even went on to explain that the phone call she received while they were having coffee together earlier was an escape call she had organised with a friend of hers. Just in case she felt like leaving.

"I was having such a good time with you Cam, I didn't want to leave." She said with a happy smile on her face.

"I'm glad you didn't leave as I am having an amazing time with you."

They began to delve into their private lives a little, talking about old relationships, as they were both surprised that the other was still single. Cam was still wary of asking ArchAngel too much about her personal life as he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable as she still kept her anonymity.

Throughout the evening they were both getting a bit flirtier. There were lingering glances, hand touching and holding, feet playing together under the table. ArchAngel played with her hair as Cam talked, and he kept making sure he looked good. The sexual tension was building between them.

After they finished dessert ArchAngel squeezed Cam's hand and asked him "Well Cam, do you have anything else you would like to do tonight?"

Cam's mind raced. He knew what he wanted to do. He stood up, picking up his chair and moving it to her side of the table.

"I do have an idea, but I think I should whisper it to you." He replied in his smoothest voice, now sitting very close to her.

ArchAngel giggled a little as he said this, turning her head so he had access to her ear.

Cam turned in his seat and put his left hand on her knee. With his right hand he moved her soft hair away from her left ear.

"Do you remember the audios you did for me?" He whispered into her ear.

"Mmmmm yes I do Cam." ArchAngel sighed quietly.

Cam took a deep breath.

"Well I would like to take you back to my room and see if we could perhaps bring that big scene at the end to life. This time though both of us will be together and not separated by the airwaves."

ArchAngel breathed out and moaned very quietly as he said this. She remembered the scene very well. The characters he had written were in love and had just gotten engaged. The scene he was talking about was where they celebrated their engagement in the most personal way possible.

Her heart was pounding and her mouth had suddenly gone dry. Cam wanted to be with her and she wanted him, more than she had wanted anyone for a long time. She turned towards Cam moving closer to him, her face right near his. The tip of her tongue wet her lips.

Putting on her sexiest audio voice ArchAngel began to speak breathily, looking directly into Cam's eyes.

"You have listened to my other audios haven't you Cam?"

"Yes I have. They are brilliant." Cam replied.

She reached across and played with the top button on Cam's shirt.

"So you've heard the things I like and what I get like when I'm ...Excited?"

Cam just nodded.

"Do you think you can handle me Cam?" she purred.

"Well ArchAngel I would like to find that out." Cam replied as he moved his face even closer to hers.

They both moved closer together until their lips touched. The kiss began nicely, but soon turned passionate. Mouth's opened and tongues duelled as the tension between them grew. Arms went around each other as the held each other close.

They kissed for a short while, before coming to their senses, realising they were still in the restaurant. Pulling apart Cam was smiling and ArchAngel giggled a little, with excitement and nervousness. Sitting there looking at each other, ArchAngel broke the silence by breathing out deeply.

"Ummm, I think we should go Cam." ArchAngel purred, before leaning across again and kissing Cam. She then stood up, excused herself and headed towards the bathroom.

Gabrielle went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, getting her breath back a little. She touched up her makeup as her mind raced.

'He is so wonderful. He wants me, actually wants me. Come on Gabi, get yourself together.'

ArchAngel returned to the table after a few minutes and Cam had her coat ready for her. She kissed him again as he helped her into her coat. They then left the restaurant holding hands.

Once outside the restaurant Cam pulled ArchAngel close and they kissed again deeply, passionately. He was holding ArchAngel tight in his arms as they leant against the next building making out. ArchAngel's arms were equally tight around Cam, before her hands slid down to squeeze his bum. This had the wonderful effect of increasing Cam's excitement.

Breaking apart, ArchAngel grinned mischievously.

"Cam you make me feel like a teenager again. Holding hands and making out. This is all so great."

"You are amazing ArchAngel, so gorgeous." Cam said before kissing her again.

Their tongues explored. Her hand slid down Cam's front and right down over his ever hardening cock.

"Uhhhh Cam I think we need to get to your room... You are so hard for me and I have gotten so wet from the way you kiss me and the things you say. Kiss me again Cam."

He kissed ArchAngel again, sliding his hand inside her coat, feeling the soft material of her dress before caressing and squeezing her beautiful bum. ArchAngel groaned a little as Cam did this.

"That sounds good to me." Cam moaned enthusiastically.

They quickly got back to the hotel, walking through the lobby and into the lift. They weren't alone in the lift, but were standing behind other people arm in arm. Cam snuck his hand inside her coat again and squeezed ArchAngel's arse. She giggled before leaning across, biting and nibbling Cam's ear. Cam now too had the giggles. Moving his arm up her back, he pulled her close so that ArchAngel was right against him. They could feel the eyes of the other people in the lift looking at them, but they didn't care. Kissing again, they only stopped to get out of the lift on Cam's floor.

The kissing continued as they tried to walk to Cam's room.

"You have to stop kissing me like that Cam." ArchAngel giggled.

"I thought you liked it?"

"I do. I just can't walk and kiss at the same time."

Arriving at Cam's door, ArchAngel leant right against Cam's back as he opened the door. Once inside Cam shed his jacket and he took ArchAngel's coat. Entwined in each other's arms they sat down on Cam's bed continuing to make out.

As Cam explored ArchAngel's neck he got lost in the intoxicating mix of her perfume and her natural scent. ArchAngel melted when Cam kissed her neck. He had found one of her spots and she moaned in pleasure. Running her hands down she could feel Cam's excitement standing rock hard between his legs. Something in her brain just clicked. She had to tell him.