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Gabrielle was now beaming at his suggestion.

"Cam that sounds great. I'd love to come to London with you. It WILL be fun." She leaned across and they kissed.

Finishing their kiss Gabrielle purred "I think it would make sense for you to stay the night here too. Just so we can wake up together and make sure we are both organised for the trip."

"That sounds good to me. I totally agree it would be much better to do this... For efficiency." Cam said giggling at her cheeky suggestion.

They spent the evening cuddled up on Gabrielle's lounge watching a movie. It was a great night just being together. In her bed that night they kissed and cuddled until passions grew again. They joined together again, but it was a much more snuggly relaxed affair than earlier sessions. Cam finished deep inside Gabrielle and she climaxed all over his cock. They then cuddled together to sleep the night away.

Monday morning arrived. Cam had to set off early to his hotel as he had a lot of packing to do and relatively little time to do it. Gabrielle also got up early to get started on her work so she could come away with Cam.

As he was leaving, they exchanged phone numbers so they could keep in touch during the day. They had arranged to meet at the train station at 3pm to catch the train into London. They kissed and cuddled as Cam left, looking forward to seeing each other later.

Cam returned to his hotel room to pack and checked out of the hotel. He then called into work for one last time. He just wanted to check everything was going well and to say goodbye to his colleagues. Gabrielle messaged him many times asking how his day was going. She was having a very productive day as the thought of a little break away with Cam had her motivated.

By the time he returned the car and arrived at the train station it was just before 3pm. He picked up their tickets and waited for Gabrielle to arrive. Right on 3pm there she was, walking up to the station, pulling her small suitcase behind her. When she saw Cam she started to walk quicker, almost running when she got to him. Gabi jumped into his arms and they hugged and kissed like they hadn't seen each other for months, not just a few hours.

Cam took their suitcases and Gabrielle took his arm and they boarded the train. As they travelled they talked and laughed, while Gabrielle tried to finish her work on her phone. She was answering emails and tweeting to her followers that ArchAngel was out of action for the next few days.

The hotel in London was stunning. Cam and Gabrielle headed out and had dinner, before returning to, as Gabrielle called it 'Test the bed'. They tested the bed twice that night and then snuggled together falling asleep in each other's arms.

Tuesday saw them do a few touristy things. Gabrielle showed Cam a few of her favourite spots in London. She then surprised him by taking selfies of the two of them together at various places. Cam did the same and seeing the pictures of them really made him smile. He knew he felt happy being with Gabrielle, but he didn't realise just how happy he looked. Gabrielle looked really happy too. She even snapped a couple of pictures of them kissing too.

She also showed Cam a few of her favourite shops and she made a few purchases. These purchases included some new lingerie as she wanted to look good for Cam. Back in the hotel Gabrielle tried to give Cam a little fashion show with her new lingerie. Cam thought she looked delectable and she didn't get to wear her new lingerie for long.

Cam explored Gabrielle and was finding out more things she liked. He discovered that her nipples were incredibly sensitive and he took great pleasure in enjoying Gabrielle's magnificent breasts to bring her very delayed gratification. Gabrielle loved that she could trust Cam to have such fun times with.

After their afternoon of debauchery, they headed out for a quick dinner before seeing a show in the West End. They had another great night out together before heading home to the hotel for more cuddly shenanigans. The night turned to morning as they embraced together snug under the covers.

Wednesday found them again playing tourist. They saw many more sights around town as well as organising to have a fancy dinner for their final night out together. Gabrielle was worried that she didn't have anything to wear, so they went and bought her a new dress she liked.

As they walked around London that day, the clouds opened and they both got quite wet. Gabrielle's white t-shirt was now damp and her bra was easily visible. Cam retrieved from his back pack his Australian Wallabies rugby jersey and gave it to Gabrielle to wear. She put this on and revelled in wearing it. It felt to Gabi like Cam was giving her a hug as she wore it. Cam thought that she looked so gorgeous wearing his top.

That evening back in the hotel, as Gabrielle got ready for their night out, Cam finished a few little things off and reconfirmed his flight home. He didn't take long to get ready, but Gabrielle had barred him from entering the bedroom as she got ready. Once she emerged she looked breathtaking. She had done her hair in a different style and she looked really glamorous. Her dress was beautiful and she looked happy.

They went out to the restaurant and had a great evening. It was wonderful together, but there was a slightly sad undertone. They both knew this was their last night together and this did seem to bring their mood down a little. Cam's leaving the next day was never mentioned, but they both knew it was coming and really didn't want to be reminded of it.

That night back in the hotel, Gabrielle and Cam just went to bed and cuddled. There were no shenanigans as they we just wanted to be close together for the night. They fell asleep spooning together, with Cam cuddled up behind Gabrielle.

Gabrielle woke with a start as she had been having a bad dream about Cam's leaving. Realising he was still spooned behind her she sighed with relief. Looking across to the clock she could see it was 3am, 4 hours before they had to get up. Gabi scrunched back into Cam's arms further. Cam was still asleep but she was now awake. Her mind was racing.

'Oh I wish he didn't have to go home today. These last few days have been amazing. I still cannot believe how good he makes me feel. He gets me and understands me. The way he looks at me just makes me melt. His green eyes seem to look straight into my soul.

'I haven't felt like this with anyone ever. I don't know if it is just infatuation or ... No it can't be infatuation. It is much stronger than that. We just connect in so many ways. The way Cam kisses me, cuddles me makes me feel so lov... I can't say that. I'm sure he has feelings for me but I don't know if they are as strong as I am feeling... Hmmm what? Is that? Oh he must be waking up a little. His cock is hard against my bum. If I just wriggle a little I might get him to wake up fully. I want him so much...'

Cam began to stir. He still had his arms around Gabrielle and she was still cuddled in against him. However her hips were moving ever so subtly against his groin. This movement was getting a positive reaction from Cam as he became aroused, poking up into Gabrielle's bum. Cam moved Gabrielle's hair aside and began to kiss her neck in the places she liked. Gabrielle moaned and groaned and began to move against him even more.

She turned over so she was facing him. With the pale moon light slightly illuminating their room Gabi could see Cam's face. She looked deep into his eyes and kissed him, passionately. Their passions rose in the deep of the night. Nothing was said as they both felt the same. They knew this would be their final time together. They physically shared their feelings for each other, taking their time enjoying the exquisite experience.

Gabrielle whispered her pleas for Cam to cum inside her, as she wanted him to be in her all through the day. The emotions they shared as they made love drew them even closer together. Gabrielle had her arms wrapped around Cam, clinging to him as his orgasm set her off. Cam held her close long after her orgasm subsided. Neither wanted to let go of the other. Gradually sleep took over and they dozed together.

Waking up with the alarm that they had set, Cam and Gabrielle cuddled together for a little while before they both got up to get ready for the day. Gabrielle urged Cam to use the bathroom first as he had more to pack than she did. While he was in the bathroom, Gabrielle slipped a pair of her panties into one of the inner pockets of his suitcase, just as a little surprise for him when he got home.

When Cam emerged, Gabrielle went and used the bathroom. He quickly got dressed and went to her suitcase. She had already packed, so Cam quietly opened it and put into her bag a little surprise from him.

They checked out of the hotel and made their way towards the nearby Underground station. The weather was overcast and depressing, really matching their mood. There was very little talk between Cam and Gabrielle during the walk to the train station. Gabrielle was holding Cam's hand tight, wheeling her case behind her. Cam did the same with a heavy heart.

Arriving at the station Cam and Gabrielle stood in the concourse area between all of the platforms. Cam had to go to one platform for his train to Heathrow and Gabrielle had to go to another for her train home. It was 8am and peak hour in London. Standing there facing Gabrielle, even though the station was bustling with people, it felt like they were the only people on Earth.

The look on Gabrielle's face was so sad. Cam didn't know what to say. He put his hand up and moved some hair away from her face, before leaning in and kissing her. The kiss started quietly before turning passionate very quickly.

They moved apart and Cam said "I'm going to miss you so much Gabrielle."

Gabrielle had tears welling in her eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too Cam." She said before wrapping her arms around him and holding him really tight.

They kissed again before slowly moving apart. Cam couldn't say goodbye, because it was so emotional. Gabrielle looked so sad, on the verge of bursting into tears at any moment. After one last kiss they began to move apart. They kept one hand together even as they moved in their different directions. Their fingers kept touching as their hands slowly separated until the tips of their fingers finally lost contact.

When Cam arrived at the escalator to head down to his platform he looked back across the concourse. Gabrielle had just arrived at her escalator. She turned and looked across towards Cam. He blew her a kiss. She smiled through her tear stained eyes and blew him a kiss too, before disappearing down to her platform.

Travelling down the long escalator towards his platform Cam was feeling heartbroken. No break up he had experienced had ever felt this bad. They were leaving each other, even though they had feelings for each other. Cam was feeling sad and confused.

Thoughts of Gabrielle raced through his mind; meeting her for the first time, shopping together, dinner, their first night together. It all came flooding back. He could not get the images of her out of his head. The way she smiled at him, the way they kissed, all the times they had been intimate together and just the happiness Cam felt with her. All these thoughts finally broke through the wall Cam had put up in his mind. He finally admitted to himself. He loved Gabrielle.

Getting to the bottom of the escalator Cam quickly raced across the platform towards the escalator that headed back up to the concourse. He had to tell Gabrielle he loved her. Cam raced up the long escalator as quick as he could. Back up at the concourse he had to pause as he worked out which was her platform.

Upon finding the right platform Cam moved as quickly as he could through the crowds of people, getting to the escalator. There were only a few people on it and he made good time heading down, his suitcase bouncing along behind him.

As he headed towards the bottom of the escalator he could see onto the platform. The train was already there. Cam was still racing down the escalator when the train began to pull away.

"No, no, no, no, NO." Cam was babbling to himself.

He hurried down as quickly as he could but it was too late. Breathlessly he stood at the edge of the platform, feeling helpless as he watched the train heading away and disappearing into the darkness of the tunnel.

"Oh Gabrielle... I love you." Cam said quietly as tears started to roll down his cheeks.

His heart was now broken completely. His shoulders slumped and he sighed loudly. She was gone and there was nothing he could do.

Slowly he grasped the handle to his suitcase and turned around to head back towards the escalator. Turning around he could see down beside the escalator. Cam couldn't believe his eyes.

Slumped down on a bench seat with her head in her hands was Gabrielle. He could see she was crying.

"Gabrielle!" he cried as he saw her.

She looked up hearing Cam's voice. Her face was streaked with tears.

"Cam" she squealed as she recognised him.

He raced to her and she stood up. They cuddled and kissed. Cam looked deeply into her tear filled eyes.

"I couldn't leave like that. I love you Gabrielle."

"Oh Cam I love you too."

They kissed again before embracing in a full body hug. Their emotions were so raw. Cam had never felt like this about anyone before. Gabrielle meant everything to him and his heart ached for her.

Gabrielle loved Cam more than she had ever loved anyone.

"Cam I almost told you I loved you early this morning. But I didn't as I was scared and didn't want to put my heart on the line if you didn't love me too."

"I just couldn't leave you without telling you I loved you Gabi. I was denying my feelings and I was hurting so much. I... I just had to tell you."

"Oh Cam. I wish you didn't have to go." Gabrielle said sadly.

"I don't want to go either, but my visa finishes tomorrow. If I don't leave and overstay my visa I will never be able to come back. And I now have the best reason to come back. You're here and I so want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too."

They stayed in each other's arms for what felt like a few seconds, but it was minutes. Before they realised the time, the next train back to Gabrielle's town arrived and Cam had to head to the airport to get his plane back to Australia.

"I'm not going to say goodbye Gabi. I'm just going to say bye as I know I will see you again as soon as I can." Cam said.

Gabrielle kissed him and touched his face gently with her hand. Tears still rolled down her cheeks.

"Bye Cam. I love you. Promise me that you will ring me as soon as you get home. I can't wait to talk to you."

"I promise I will Gabrielle. I love you too."

They kissed one last time and Gabrielle boarded her train. Cam stood on the platform and waved to her through the window, watching as the train pulled away. He felt such a mix of emotions watching Gabrielle on the train as it disappeared from the platform. He was so happy that he told her he loved her and that she loved him, but his heart was still broken as he had to leave. At least they both knew how they felt.

Cam went and caught his train, thankfully making it to Heathrow in plenty of time to catch his flight.

It had been just over 3 hours since they had said goodbye and Cam still wasn't feeling any better. He wandered around the terminal feeling empty inside. He should have been feeling happy heading home, but Gabrielle filled his thoughts. Eventually Cam sat down near his gate as they were getting ready to start boarding the flight. He had previously switched his phone to silent as he checked in and went through Immigration, so he switched it back on.

Meanwhile Gabrielle had arrived back home a little while earlier. She was lying on her bed, trying not to feel so sad. She sent a message out to her friends on Twitter wanting to feel consoled.

'Feeling so very sad. Toughest day in a long time'

There were lots of messages of support from all of the usual people who conversed with her. Someone asked her what was wrong and she had replied 'A very very good friend left to live overseas. Will miss them so much'

There were lots of supportive messages after that.

In the airport Cam noticed a Twitter alert had come through from 'ArchAngelAudio'. He read her tweet and the supportive messages that followed. He wanted to message Gabrielle, so he decided to short cut the system and message her directly.

'This has been my best and worst day ever' He sent.

After a few moments Gabi replied back.

'My heart aches. I love you and I miss you so much'

'I love you and miss you too. I feel empty inside having to leave you. I haven't cried this much ever.'

Gabrielle felt so sad that her man was hurting so much and she was hurting too.

'Me either.' She replied. She knew Cam had to get on his plane soon and she wanted to cheer him up a little. She quickly sent another message.

'Wait I thought tough Aussie blokes don't cry. ;)'

Cam laughed a little at this one.

'We don't. Unless it hurts this much. And this hurts a lot.' He replied truthfully.

Cam had by now boarded the plane, sitting down in his seat, still trying to message Gabi before he had to turn his phone off.

'I so wish I could cuddle you close and make it better. For both of us.' Gabrielle messaged.

'Me too. And do other things ;)' Cam replied cheekily.

'Ooooh yes that too.' Then almost immediately another message from Gabrielle arrived.

'Cam I left you a present in your bag before you left. I think you will like it.'

Cam laughed as he had done the same thing. The stewardess came around to ask him to turn his phone off, so he had to send his last message.

'Gabrielle Thank you so much. Have to go now, plane is taxiing out. Will speak to you tomorrow I promise. Check your bag too. I love you. xxxxx Cam'

'I love you too xxxx'

Feeling a little happier, Cam switched his phone to airplane mode for the 22 hour journey home. He already couldn't wait for the flight to end as he wanted to talk to her again.

Gabrielle's spirits had been lifted a little by Cam's messages. Knowing that Cam was feeling bad too somehow meant a lot to Gabi. It showed her he loved her as much as she loved him.

After seeing that last message Gabrielle jumped off her bed and quickly opened her suitcase.

"What did he put in here?" she wondered out loud.

She had to move all of her clothes out and there at the bottom of the bag she saw it; Cam's Wallabies jersey. The one she had worn getting out of the rain, the one Cam thought she had looked so sexy in, the one Cam had worn in London with her only a couple of days ago.

Gabrielle picked the jersey up and cuddled it close. It still smelt like Cam. She opened it up and put the jersey on, just to feel closer to Cam again.

Sitting back on the bed the emotions of the day caught up with Gabrielle again and she burst into tears. She wasn't usually such an emotional person but Cam meant so much to her. She knew he didn't want to leave, but had to. It had only been a few hours since she was with him but she missed him terribly. Lying on her bed sobbing all Gabrielle could think about was trying to work out a way for them to be together.

After a while Gabi had run out of tissues in her bedroom, so she headed into her office. Picking up the box from in there, she happened to look at her wall planner. She could see that in a couple of weeks she had very little work to do. This got her thinking, so she started her computer...


Leaving Gabrielle was the hardest thing that Cam had ever had to do. The plane trip home seemed to take forever and his mind raced for the whole time.

He thought and most definitely over thought their entire situation. Cam hardly slept on the plane as he looked on his phone at the pictures they had taken while together in London and the messages they had exchanged. Gabrielle looked so happy with him, and he looked and definitely felt as happy as he ever had. Cam had never ever been with such a wonderful woman as Gabrielle and he definitely did not want to let her go. He was so in love with her.