From Audio to Actual


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Gabrielle couldn't believe the intensity of her orgasm. She had wanted it so much and it was even bigger than she expected. Cam kept pleasing his lover until she began to slow her movements. Eventually as Gabrielle stopped moving her hips, her grunting and groans stopping as she finally began to say words again.

"Stop Cam stop. Too sensitive. Stop." She groaned as it was all now too much.

Cam moved his face away and Gabrielle slumped down on the bed. Her body went limp for a moment as she let go from holding the restraints. Gabrielle was panting and her skin had a glow from the pleasure she had experienced. Looking at his beautiful girlfriend, Cam could see that she was spent from the excitement they had just shared.

He went and untied her ankles, as Gabi's legs were still shaking slightly from the intensity of her orgasm. Cam then moved up the head of the bed. Gabrielle was now gazing lovingly at Cam as she watched him untie her wrists, one at a time.

When he finished this she immediately sat up and embraced Cam, wrapping her arms around him tight. She held him close for over a minute as she came down from the exquisite sensation she had experienced. Embraced so tightly with Gabi, Cam could feel her heart pounding inside her chest. As they moved apart Gabrielle sighed and smiled contentedly.

"Ok Despicable Cam. You win. You have got it out from me. I will tell you all my secrets." Gabrielle said, returning to character. She was looking directly into Cam's eyes as she said this.

This surprised Cam a little as he thought their playtime was finished.

"Okay Super ArchAngel. Tell me your secrets." He replied.

Super ArchAngel looked him in the eye and smiled lovingly.

"My first secret is that I am not Super ArchAngel. I am Gabrielle Franklin, mild mannered accountant who is sometimes ArchAngel.

"My second secret is that you are not Despicable Cam. You are Cameron Harris, wonderfully handsome and caring man, businessman and sometimes erotic story writer.

Gabrielle brought her face close to Cam's and her right hand caressed his face.

"My final secret is not much of a secret. I don't care who knows. I love you so much Cam. You are so wonderful to me. Thank you for being so thoughtful and loving in helping me to experience this very fun fantasy. You are so amazing to me in every way Cam. I love you."

They embraced again, kissing passionately.

As they moved apart a little while later Gabrielle said "Now Cam I suggest you come back down here and fill me with your 'truth serum'. I want you so much and I'm sure you will hear me scream secret 3 many more times because it is the truth. I love you Cam."

Cam kissed her again.

"Sweetheart I love you too."

Cam and Gabi made love that evening and spent the rest of the night together basking in the glow of their love. Sharing such an intimate fantasy together had felt like it had brought them even closer together. That night they went to bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.


The following day marked one week until Gabrielle was leaving to go back home to England. They knew it was coming, but were both in denial, not wanting the fateful day to arrive. That morning Cam sent an email to his boss requesting a meeting. Cam had an idea and he wanted to talk to his boss to see if it was feasible.

By mid-morning Cam received a call from work, as his boss wanted to catch up with him regarding Cam's idea.

Gabrielle had received a few more panicked emails from her accounting clients and she wanted to catch up with these enquiries. She understood that Cam needed to go to work. He promised her that he would return and they would go out after lunch.

Cam's meeting at work was successful. He then made a couple of phone calls and one extra stop before finally headed home. When he arrived Gabrielle was still working away on her computer. She looked so studious wearing her glasses as she worked. Gabi turned around and her smile beamed at him.

Just seeing her so happy made Cam feel even more confident in the decision he had made.

Cam asked Gabrielle how her morning had gone and she explained a few of the troubles her clients were having. Gabrielle looked so satisfied helping her clients. Cam could tell she enjoyed her work. He sat down next to her and gave her a kiss.

"Gabrielle, we need to talk." Cam said, with a more serious look on his face.

Gabrielle immediately looked worried. Cam took her hand and their fingers intertwined.

"Is..Is everything alright? Did something happen at work today?"

"Gabi I had to go into work today as they want change my role. It looks like I am going to have to move for work."

Gabrielle did look a little relieved as Cam said this, because she thought Cam wasn't happy with her. She was still worried for Cam though.

"Oh Cam, that's not good. Where do they want you to move too?"

"That's the thing really. Where they want me to go I don't really know anybody and I don't even have a place to live. I'm really worried."

Gabrielle cuddled him close.

"Oh my poor Cam. You can always change jobs if this move isn't going to suit you. They can't just make you go, can they?"

The look of concern on Gabrielle's face showed him just how much she loved him. Cam smiled at her.

"My love, I don't ever want to be without you. So I asked work for a transfer and they have offered me a role... Managing the English division I helped start up."

Gabrielle was shocked and looked happy. "Really Cam, you're coming back to England. For work?"

"Not just for work Gabrielle. I want to be with you all the time. So I am moving over there in a permanent role based where I was a month ago. I have sent my passport away today to get my visa sorted and I am moving over there in 3 weeks. It's just that I don't have a place to live and I am hoping ... Well if you would have me... Whether there would be enough room in your house for me?"

"Yes, yes, yes Cam. Of course I will have you. I never want to be without you either... You really went and asked for a transfer, across the world, just to be with me?" Gabrielle asked excitedly at this amazing news.

"Yes my love. I am never going to be apart from you again."

They cuddled and kissed again before Gabrielle popped her head up.

"But Cam, what about your Dad, and family and your friends."

Cam gently moved some hair from Gabrielle's face.

"Everyone has said to me how wonderful you are, how great we are together and they all know how happy I am. I went and told Dad today and he said that I was doing the right thing. He said that you are so good for me that I should do everything I could so that we could be together. So I did."

Gabrielle was a bit teary now. "Oh Cam I love you so much."

"I love you too Gabrielle."


Cam moved to England in the middle of November and he was greeted at Heathrow by Gabrielle. She had already been home for a couple of weeks and was looking forward to Cam finally arriving to live with her. The greetings together were wonderful and moving in together went seamlessly.

Over the first few days there Gabrielle gave Cam an introduction to her life. She showed him, just like he had shown her, everything from her schools, to where she grew up and her current life now. They went out with Gabrielle's circle of friends. Her friends were all lovely and treated Cam well. He had been the subject of conversation for a while apparently and they all wanted to get to know him. Again they repeated their meeting story and all Gabi's friends thought this was romantic.

One of her very closest friends actually knew the real story and all about Gabrielle's alter ego. She also knew of Cam's erotic stories as Gabrielle had told her about them. It was strange to be actually able to share this part of their life with someone else.

On his first Sunday there, Gabrielle took Cam to meet her family. She wanted to get this done quickly as they had been asking a lot about him and wanted to meet him. Cam was anxious initially as he wanted to make a good impression. Once he got over the awkwardness of meeting the family of the girl he was having a loving, wonderful relationship with, the rest of the visit was great. Her family could see that Cam loved Gabrielle, that she loved him and that they really wanted to be together. They were very impressed that Cam moved half way around the world just to be with Gabrielle.

Winter hit with full force in England and Cam had never known cold like he experienced then. Winter in Australia didn't compare at all. Gabrielle and Cam were going great. Cam's new role at work was good and he was making good progress in the job. Gabrielle had decided not long after Cam moved in with her that she would retire from creating erotic audios. Cam wanted her to continue to do this if she wanted to, but Gabrielle didn't want to do them anymore as a second job. She wanted to spend more time with him.

Occasionally she would do custom audios for a couple of her long time favoured clients and they really appreciated this. Cam didn't mind that she did this- it was after all how they had met- because he always knew at the end of the day he would be the one that Gabrielle was cuddled up with and the one who she loved with all of her heart.

After sharing Christmas and the New Year, and getting through the worst of the English winter, Cam had something in mind he wanted to do. He had been pestering Gabrielle to show him the location where they had told everyone they had met. So one March morning they headed in to that location in town. The day was overcast but not as cold as it had been.

They headed into the park and found the place Gabrielle had initially thought of when put on the spot by her family 6 months earlier. The park was the grounds of an old English manor house. The house itself was nearby and had been restored to be used as a conference/function centre. The place was exactly as she had described, with a great views and a bench seat to take it all in.

"What a stunning place Gabrielle. No wonder we 'met' here. It is beautiful." Cam said as he went up and wrapped his arms around her from behind, embracing her tight. Cam could feel Gabrielle relax in his arms.

"So from our story you were sitting on the bench, with your bag on the ground beside you, and I was taking a picture of the view. Well I think we should do this now so we are actually telling everyone the truth." Cam said.

Gabrielle was giggling as they went to re-enacted the story they had told everyone.

"Oh you're funny Cam wanting to do this. I'm just glad there is no one around. So I was sitting here, reading a book and you were just there in front of Me." she laughed as they did this. Cam could see Gabrielle's eyes sparkling as she spoke, even in the mottled sunlight.

"If I remember the story correctly I step back like this and get my feet tangled in your bag and stumble over." Cam said as he stepped back and pretended to get tangled up. He gently knelt down, tangled in Gabrielle's bag.

She was smiling happily at his antics, before returning to character.

"Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself tripping over my bag? I'm sorry I left it there."

"Oh no. I didn't hurt myself, thank you for asking. I'm sorry I knocked your bag over. I am a bit clumsy sometimes." Cam said trying not to laugh too much. He held out his hand. "Hi I'm Cam by the way."

Gabrielle smiled as she held his hand.

"Hi I'm Gabrielle. Nice to meet you Cam."

She looked so beautiful. Her cheeks were a little blushed from the cool weather and her blue eyes were sparkling behind her glasses.

Cam took a deep breath.

"Gabrielle, may I be so bold as to ask you something?" He asked, still following their story.

"Of course Cam what is it?" Gabrielle replied playing along.

Cam cleared his throat and checked he was down on one knee.

"Gabrielle ... Will you marry me?" Cam asked.

Gabrielle looked completely stunned and surprised. He hadn't followed the story, but wanted to create a new chapter.

"What Cam? Really?" she said still in surprise, but now fully taking in what Cam was doing.

"Yes Gabrielle. I love you so much. You make me so happy. These last 6 months together have been amazing and I never want this to end. You have become the most important thing in my life and I never ever want to let you go. So..." Cam looked up at Gabrielle. By now she was giggling nervously and had tears welling in her eyes.

"So Gabrielle will you marry me?" Cam asked, with his heart pounding in his chest.

The tears had now started to roll down Gabrielle's face as her smile filled her face.

"Yes, yes, yes Cam. I would love to marry you!!" she said.

She pulled his hand and Cam stood up. Her arms flew around him and she kissed him really hard. Moving their faces apart, Cam gently wiped the tears off her face.

"I love you so much Cam. And I definitely want to spend the rest of my life with you. You mean everything to me." She said before they kissed again.

Cam reached deep into his pocket and lifted out the ring box. Gabrielle giggled excitedly as he opened the box. The ring had a Sapphire in the centre, to match her beautiful eyes, and this was surrounded by diamonds.

"Ohhh Cam it is so beautiful." She said as he slipped it onto her finger. It fitted perfectly and Gabrielle gazed at it. "It's stunning Cam. I love it and I love you." She kissed him again.


Cameron looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He fixed his hair a little, still not really believing the day had finally arrived. His mind went back over the previous twelve months as he tried to comprehend all of the amazing changes in his life. Thoughts of his moving to England to live with the woman of his dreams, asking her to marry him and her saying yes, telling their families the exciting news pleasantly filled his mind.

A knock at the door broke Cam's thoughts of the past.

"Are you coming Sweetheart? Everyone is waiting for us." Gabrielle asked. Her voice still grabbed his heart.

He opened the door and there standing before him was Gabrielle, looking resplendent in her wedding dress. The ivory dress had an elegant skirt and modest train, the bodice was embellished with small crystals. Her hair was out around her bare shoulders. Gabrielle's whole face lit up when she saw Cam.

"Hello my husband. Are you ready to face everyone as a married couple?" Gabrielle beamed.

Cam asked cheekily "Will you be with me?"

"I will always be with you my love. I love you so much."

Cam leant across and kissed Gabrielle.

"I love you so much my beautiful wife. I will go anywhere as long as you are with me." He replied.

"Alright then Husband, let's face the masses."

They linked hands and strode out together. They walked out from the private area of the manor house towards the Grand Ballroom where their wedding reception was being held. Looking out through the large windows they could see the parklands all around them. Their wedding and reception was in Manor House, in the park where they had told everyone they had initially met, and where they had gotten engaged just over 12 months earlier.

As they approached the ballroom they could hear the noise of the party going on inside, as all of their friends and relatives were enjoying themselves.

They stopped at the entrance to the ballroom and Cam leant across giving Gabrielle a kiss. She smiled back and squeezed his hand. The MC caught sight of the extremely happy couple and proceeded to speak into the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let me present to you for the first time as a married couple, Mr and Mrs Cameron and Gabrielle Harris."

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irishbulldog46irishbulldog46about 2 years ago

very good, I’d like to see the novel that develops as they live life, grownold together to the loving end. Fiction immitates life— or does life immitate fiction. Well done👏

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Very nice story, and very well written. And one thing you don’t see in enough stories here, a full-on, well thought out, well executed proper ending. Thanks for that very much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Once again, you have written a beautiful romance and the intimacy - yes erotic - were not the sole purpose but to share the intensity of their attraction and love...the events were part of the flow of the story...Thank you again. Yes, men do giggle when the intimacy and trust is so deep and complete...we can let go and be childlike because we are fully embraced within the sheer joy of the companionship....

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good Story

Very entertaining, and for the most part, well written. If I may, though, just one observation. Men don’t giggle. Men laugh, they chuckle, they may smirk or snort, they might even guffaw or chortle. But men don’t giggle. It’s in the rule book. Look it up.

And thanks for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Really enjoyed this excellent love story. Thank you.

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