From Audio to Actual


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Cam could see Gabrielle pondering this a little before she turned and kissed him again.

"Cam I want to do something else. The tourist things will always be there. I want to get to know you, the man I love. I want to know everything about you, where you grew up, went to school, all the little things that make you 'you'. That is what I'd like to do." She said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Well my darling that can be arranged." Cam said with the biggest smile on his face. Gabrielle was looking at him happily too.


Over the next few days Cam opened his life up to Gabrielle. He showed her his schools, the different houses he grew up in, where he worked currently and the various places he worked as he grew up.

He took her out to some of his favourite places. He even recreated for her the first 'date' from one of the stories he wrote. This story was one he had gotten her to create a custom audio for. They went to the restaurant he mentioned, the pub further along the beach and they even had the romantic walk along the boardwalk before kissing under the streetlight, just like in Cam's story

All the time they talked, sharing more stories from their lives. Gabrielle really listened as Cam told her about his life and she asked him about everything. It was like she was trying to cram as much about Cam into her psyche. Cam felt so great to be with someone who wanted to know so much about him. Not only did she ask about his life, she shared so much with him about her life. Getting to really know each other was wonderful.

On the weekend, Gabrielle and Cam went to a barbeque with some of his friends. It was at the home of Cam's best friend Brad and his wife Lara. Gabrielle was very keen to go as she wanted to see Cam around his friends and get to know them. They all knew Cam was bringing Gabrielle and everyone welcomed her warmly. Lara in particular made sure Gabrielle felt at home with their other friends, and Gabrielle fitted in with Cam's group of friend's easily. Gabrielle really enjoyed herself with his friends, laughing at their tall tales and playful banter.

Cam was asked how he and Gabrielle met. He told the story of being out in the park near where Gabrielle lived a couple of weeks before he was coming home. He was taking pictures without looking and Gabrielle was there taking a break, reading a book in the nice weather. Cam stepped back and knocked Gabrielle's bag over and tripped himself up in the process. As he picked himself up and helped Gabrielle put the things in her bag they were both apologising to each other. Their eyes met and there was just something there. Captivated by Gabrielle, Cam asked her if she wanted to go for a coffee and much to his surprise she agreed.

This was the story Gabi had told her family and Cam wanted to go along with it. None of Cam's friends knew that he wrote erotic stories, nor would they have known Gabrielle did erotic audios. They just knew she was an accountant.

As Cam told the story Gabrielle was looking at him. Her glasses could not hide that her blue eyes were glowing as he spoke. As she looked at Cam he could see the love she had for him. The other women listening 'awwed' at the story and Brad said it was typical of Cam to be clumsy like that.

Gabrielle then chimed in. "There was just something about Cam. The way he looked at me, trying to help put things back in my bag was so sweet. When he asked me for coffee I was surprised, but I had no hesitation in going with him... And here we are."

Brad took Cam aside during the day to say how great Gabrielle was. He also noted how Cam seemed really happy. Cam said that he thought Gabrielle was amazing and that he thought she was the one. Brad said quietly "I think you are right mate... Gabrielle is great. I haven't seen you so happy. Cam Don't let her go. Do whatever you have to do to be with her. You two are great together." Cam took Brad's advice on board.

During the following week Cam took Gabrielle to meet his Father, Sister and her husband. Cam's mother had unfortunately passed away 3 years before. Gabrielle was very nervous about meeting Cam's family and wanted to make a good impression. Cam told Gabrielle not to be nervous, as he knew his family would like her. He had already told them a lot about Gabrielle and they could all tell that he was very happy.

Their dinner went really well and Cam's family were so happy to meet Gabrielle. They thought she was lovely and could see that he was very happy with her. They shared their meeting story again and they all thought it was sweet. Gabrielle was a little nervous of course, but soon relaxed and enjoyed herself. His Father entertained Gabrielle with embarrassing stories from Cam's childhood and Gabrielle revelled in Cam's embarrassment. His sister Meredith really liked Gabrielle and could see why Cam liked her too. The ladies made plans to catch up properly soon.

As they were leaving Cam's Father gave him a hug and very quietly said to him "Gabrielle is wonderful Cam. I can see that you love her and she loves you. You two have something very, very special there."

The next day they played real tourist and did some Melbourne things. The weather was fine and they wandered around showing Gabrielle everything she wanted to see. She loved the city and they were had a great day.

Gabrielle woke the following morning to a series of messages and emails on her phone. Apparently one of her accounting clients had a problem and she needed to do some work. She took her laptop and worked at Cam's kitchen table. He looked after Gabi while she worked and after about an hour she had sorted out her client's issue.

Sitting there with Cam, she decided to turn her attention to her alter ego's website. Gabi hadn't looked at it for over a week. She looked through the emails she had received. There were a few orders and general enquiries, but not too many thankfully. Before Gabrielle left home she had put up a message about being away on holidays and not being available for another couple of weeks. Gabrielle showed Cam a few of the emails and he did get quite protective of her, particularly with some of the more vulgar requests she received. Thankfully the majority of her clients were polite and just wanted to explore their sexual fantasies.

Seeing how Gabrielle had helped out so many people with their fantasies, Cam asked her a question.

"Gabi you have helped out all of these people with their sexual fantasies, even me. I'm just wondering what sexual fantasies do you have?"

Gabrielle looked up from the screen and over the top of her glasses. She smiled at Cam.

"Being ArchAngel has allowed me to explore some my fantasies. These were in the audios I did on Literotica and through my site." She paused, looking at Cam, still smiling warmly. She then averted her eyes from his and started to be a bit coy.

"Cam did you ever hear my audio 'Tied for Pleasure'?"

"Yes I think so Gabi. Was that the one where you were tied up and teased until you climaxed?"

"Yes Cam. That's the one. That one really urrrrgh ... I have wanted to do that... But I have never been with anyone I trusted enough to share that with or do that with... Until now." Gabi had been all shy as she spoke but her gaze returned to Cam.

Cam was smiling at Gabi and his heart swelled as she said this. He leant across and kissed her.

He was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" Cam said out loud.

"Well go and answer it." Gabrielle replied.

It was Cam's sister Meredith. After their hello's Cam asked her why she had come over.

"Well brother I have come over to rescue this damsel from your clutches and show her some of the better parts of Melbourne that I'm sure you haven't shown her." Meredith replied.

After the conversation they had just shared Cam and Gabi both exchanged knowing glances and smirks as Meredith said this, before agreeing to the suggestion. The ladies were going out for the day, but would be back in the afternoon.

As they said goodbye Cam whispered in Gabrielle's ear "Keep an eye on your emails today."

When the ladies left Cam sat down at his computer. He found the audio Gabrielle was talking about and listened to it, making a few notes for himself along the way. It sounded like Gabi really enjoyed herself making that audio.

He then typed up a fun little role play to allow Gabrielle to experience this scenario with him. It wasn't a serious role play. She would be 'Super ArchAngel' and he would be 'Despicable Cam' who had captured her and would proceed to 'tease' her until she told him the secret she was keeping.

He sent Gabrielle a brief email outlining his idea. Within 3 minutes of his sending the email, Gabi replied.

"Sounds fun 'Despicable Cam'. Can't wait to see you later. Love you xxx"

Gabrielle arrived home later that afternoon and Cam greeted her and his sister at the front door. The ladies had a great time together, really bonding. Meredith really liked Gabrielle and she told Cam as much.

Once she left Cam and Gabrielle went inside. Cam could tell Gabrielle was a bit excited, so he took her into the kitchen. Sitting at the kitchen table they read through the rough outline Cam had written.

"Does this sound like something you would like to try Gabrielle?"

"Mmmm yes Cam. When can we start?" she replied excitedly.

"Well whenever you are ready. You may want to get changed into a 'Super ArchAngel' costume. I have to get the spare room ready and get into my costume, so you can use our room to get ready."

Gabrielle was beaming with excitement. She kissed Cam and disappeared into his room.

Cam busied himself getting the room ready. He had 4 black silk scarves he had purchased during the day to tie Gabrielle to the bed. He put on his costume. He wore a black cape from an old vampire costume he had as well as his black bike shorts. Cam decorated the room with candles so it was a little romantic and played a little smooth jazz from Spotify to enhance the mood.

The room looked great and Cam was admiring his handiwork. Just then there was a knock on the bedroom door. His heart began to race.

'I hope Gabi likes this and I do it right.' He thought to himself as he went to open the door.

As he opened the door he found Gabrielle standing there wearing his robe, her hair was back in a ponytail. She was looking a little anxious but when she saw what Cam was wearing a smile went across her face.

"Hello Super ArchAngel. Welcome to my lair. What a pleasure it is to have your company. Please come inside." Cam said trying to sound like every villain he had seen in movies.

"Hello Despicable Cam and no it isn't a pleasure to be here." Gabrielle replied sounding indignant, just like a do-good super hero.

Cam ran his hand gently down her face.

"We will change that tone of yours my dear."

"What do you want from me Despicable Cam?"

"You know what I want. The secrets you have been keeping. I want you to tell me what they are."

"I will never tell you." Gabi said and she started to giggle a little at this funny situation.

Cam tried to keep from laughing too. He paced slowly around her, running his hand gently over her robe.

"Oh my dear. I have ways of making you talk. By the time I have finished you will have told me everything. "

Gabrielle looked at Cam and he smiled at her. Not a despicable smile, but his real loving smile. She smiled back.

"Now Super ArchAngel let's see what is under that robe of yours."

She bit her lip as Despicable Cam undid the sash at the front of the robe. Gabi stood their passively as he took the robe off her.

"Ohhhh." Cam groaned involuntarily.

Gabrielle looked amazing. She was wearing a black and red corset, with matching tie side panties and stockings held up by suspenders attached to the corset. Cam had seen her wearing this on her website and had even commented on the picture saying how much he liked it. Now she was wearing this just for him. She was standing there right in front of him looking so incredibly gorgeous.

Gabrielle could see the look on Cam's face. She had remembered his comments about her wearing this, so she had brought it with her, hoping to wear it for a special occasion. This felt like the right time.

"Something wrong Despicable Cam?" she asked coquettishly.

"Um umnh. No. Nothing wrong at all Super ArchAngel. Your uniform just looks a little different up close like this." Cam replied trying to maintain his composure.

She put a hand on her hip and posed a little. Looking down at Cam's bike shorts Gabrielle could see the effect she was having on him and this delighted her.

Cam regained his composure. This was Gabi's fantasy and he had to bring it to life. He took her hand and gently pulled her towards the bed.

"Come my dear and lay down while I fasten you to the rack." Despicable Cam said as he helped her down. He then put a pillow under her head.

"I will never tell you my secrets. You are despicable." Super ArchAngel groaned as Cam began to fasten her wrists, one at a time to the bed head. He watched Gabrielle as he did this as he didn't want to hurt her, or tie the scarves too tight. Gabrielle nodded when they were tight enough. She pulled against them to make sure she couldn't get out.

As Despicable Cam went to fasten her ankles he started his exquisite teasing of Super ArchAngel. His hand travelled ever so lightly down her corseted torso, softly across the exposed skin of her left thigh above her stocking, all the way down the stocking to her foot. He gently touched her foot while fastening her ankle.

He then moved to the other side of the bed and checked her right wrist was fastened securely, before running his hand down her right side just like he had done before. He watched Gabrielle as he did this and he noticed her tongue moisten her lips. He smiled to himself as he fastened her right ankle as he could see she was getting into this. Cam could see the look of anticipation on Gabrielle's face.

"What are you going to do to me Despicable Cam?" Super ArchAngel asked.

"Oh Super ArchAngel. You will find out soon enough."

With that Cam moved back up the bed. He shrugged off his cape and laid down on her right side. Gabrielle was looking at him with excited anticipation. Cam gently turned her head towards the other side of the bed. Bending down he breathed gently into her ear, before running his tongue down it. He teased and played with her earlobe and Gabrielle started to breathe a little heavier.

As her neck was exposed, Cam moved down kissing and biting her neck in all of the places she loved. He took his time here knowing Gabrielle loved this. She began to moan slightly at Cam's kisses. His hand began to wander, caressing gently across Gabi's chest and down onto her pillowy breasts.

Finishing one side of Gabrielle's neck, Cam moved across the bed and did the same to her other side. As he did this he noticed Gabi was starting to move her hips a little. His hand was still caressing her chest and breasts much to Gabrielle's pleasure.

Slowly Cam moved his kisses down onto her chest and into her cleavage. Her skin was so soft and his kisses elicited goose bumps on her skin. Reaching her breasts, they were still encased in the cups of the corset. Cam took his time in easing them out of their confines, one at a time. Gabi chest was rising and falling exaggeratedly with her breathing.

Her nipples were already erect when Cam got to them. Holding her left breast, he teased, licked nibbled and sucked even more hardness to her pale pink nipples. Gabrielle's eyes were closed as she moaned in pleasure. She was trying to stay in character and not give in to the pleasure, but Cam was doing all the right things for her. He had turned his attentions to her right breast, again exaggerating her excitement.

Looking at Gabi Cam knew he was doing what she wanted. He was holding both her breasts when a thought crossed his mind. Moving them together Cam found that he could taste both of her nipples at the same time. He flicked his tongue between her rock hard nipples and Gabrielle shuddered in delight as he did this.

Cam's hand wandered again, this time down the silky smooth corset, across the soft exposed skin next to her panties. Gabrielle groaned loudly as his hand travelled back up the inside of her thigh and slowly over her ever moistening panties. As his hand did this, Gabrielle looked directly into Cam's eyes.

"Are you ready to talk?" Despicable Cam asked.

Gabrielle sighed slightly. Cam's hand was gently moving over her panty clad mound just the way she liked it.

"Urrrgh... No." She replied, becoming more flushed in the face by the second.

"Oh well my dear, onto stage 2. If this doesn't work I will just have to resort to using my wand and its truth serum to get the secrets from you." Cam replied as his other hand held his now prominent erection through his bike shorts. Gabrielle watched what he was doing and unconsciously bit her bottom lip. She knew what Cam meant.

Cam headed down the bed and climbed between her splayed legs. He moved his face down between her thighs and kissed the delicate skin of her inner thigh. He started at the top of her stockings and continued all the way up to her panties. Cam then placed his mouth right over her mound and licked Gabi's panties. Looking back up her body he could see Gabrielle was now gripping hold of her restraints and was groaning with pleasure.

Cam removed his mouth as his hands caressed her stocking covered legs. His hands moved to the tie sides of her panties, his fingers idly playing with the bows. Looking at Cam Gabrielle nodded her head slightly. Cam smiled at her and undid the bows.

He removed her panties and Gabrielle was exposed to him. Her womanhood was glistening with excitement as she was already so aroused. Cam lowered his face again, kissing and nibbling his way up one inner thigh, all around her mound but not touching her saturated lips. Cam loved the effect his teasing was having on Gabrielle. Her hips were now rolling, trying to manoeuvre so that Cam would give her the relief she craved.

Cam finally moved his face across and with a broad swipe of his tongue he opened Gabrielle's womanhood.

"Grrrunhg ...ohhhh fuck." Gabrielle grunted as Cam did this.

He proceeded to taste, tease and turn on the love of his life. Gabrielle groaned and moaned as Cam's tongue nimbly aroused her saturated loins. He knew the right places to give Gabi the pleasure she craved. He sped up and slowed down, teased her engorged clit and tasted her from deep within.

Looking up her body and between her breasts still exposed out of the corset and splayed to each side, Cam could see Gabrielle was rolling her head from side to side. She was grunting and moaning with pleasure. Gabrielle was close and he knew it. He rapidly licked her clit and Gabi started to pant and moan. Just then Cam stopped and moved his face away.

"Fuck!! Cam I'm so close. Please let me cum. I beg you, let me cum. Please. Please!" Gabrielle cried exasperatedly.

"If I let you cum are you going to tell me your secrets?" Despicable Cam asked.

Gripping her arm restraints hard and bucking her hips SuperArch Angel replied "Yes Yes I will tell you everything. Just make me cum. Fuuuuckkkk."

Cam immediately moved down again. As he teased her clit he slid two fingers inside her slippery confines, working them rhythmically in and out. Gabrielle was now writhing her hips as the pleasure rolled through her. She grunted and moaned with every move Cam made.

"Yes keep going. So close. Uneeergh, so close. Mmmm Cam. Oh God. Cumming, cumming ohhhh!!"

Just then Gabrielle gave a guttural roar. Cam had never heard such a noise from her before as her orgasm reached a crescendo. Her hips bucked off the bed as they moved involuntarily to the pleasure Cam had given her. Gabi's knuckles were white from holding on so tightly to her wrist restraints. Her excitement flowed from her, saturating Cam's hand and tongue as he continued to pleasure her right through her orgasm.